The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2016 Immortal Emperor’s Deployment


King Shang was mainly paying attention to Wen Qing just now, because this was the most important goal of his trip. After discovering that Wen Qing was indeed following Wen Hui, he had already made up his mind to send someone to the spiritual world to check. It would be best if Take Wen Hui back to the fairy world immediately.

After Jing Yuanyi reminded him, King Shang took a closer look at Fairy Wenhui's face. If he didn't think it was important, he was completely stunned!

Maybe the spirit world and some ordinary immortals can't see it, but with the experience and vision of King Shang and Yuan Yi, how can they not see the huge changes in Fairy Wenhui?

Since the last time she ate Miao Lin rice dumplings, a perfect transformation occurred, and her appearance also began to change quietly. This change is extremely subtle, but anyone with experience and a sharp eye can detect it. This change is definitely not the result of taking Beauty Pill.

"What's going on? Hui'er actually transformed?! Who is it? Or what other factors caused her to transform?! I'm really angry to death!" King Shang roared in his heart.

For ordinary people, transformation may be a thankful thing, because it means that the internal world of oneself tends to be balanced, which can play a stabilizing role for both the spiritual body and the fairy body, avoiding that kind of A horrific accident that completely collapsed overnight.

However, it is definitely not a good thing for a person like Fairy Wenhui to transform before she gets married, or before she joins the disciples of a powerful person!

In a sense, this is almost the same as losing your virginity!

No wonder King Shang suddenly lost his composure! Unexpectedly, he had been protected since he was a child, but he lost his virginity as soon as he let go and went to the spirit world. This was simply unacceptable to King Shang. If other people knew about it, it would be passed down as a joke, and King Shang's Face is greatly damaged...

He thought to himself, relatively few people know about this matter now. Fairy Wenhui must be brought back to the fairy world as soon as possible and hidden, and cannot be seen in public again. Otherwise, the more widely such video information spreads, the more people will pay attention to it. The more likely it is to arrive.

"Immortal Lord, can I buy out the video information about my little girl?" King Shang asked.

"What did you say, Your Majesty? Wen Hui is also someone I love, and she should be cared for. If I had noticed it before, I would never have let this video information spread! Your Majesty, don't worry, you don't need to buy it out. In the future, about Wen Hui in the spirit Information that appears in the world will not be put up for sale in Xianji Department." Yuan Yi said with enthusiasm.

"Thank you, Immortal Lord! I came here in a hurry this time and didn't bring any treasures with me. I give this top-grade life-extending pill to the Immortal Lord to express my gratitude!" King Shang took out a jade box and gave it to Yuan Yi.

"No! Who does the prince think of me? Is this a mercenary person? Never do this again in the future!" Yuan Yijian said.

This time he really wasn't pretending, but refused firmly. King Shang was a little surprised, so he had to say: "The Immortal has taught me a lesson, Xiao Wang is a little abrupt!"

"Haha, that's right! Never talk about money with me from now on. Talking about money hurts feelings!" Yuan Yi said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Exactly! How will the Immortal Lord be of use to the little king in the future? Just ask, the little king will do his best to share the worries of the Immortal Lord!" King Shang patted his chest and said.

"It's easy to talk, it's easy to talk, it's easy to talk!" Yuan Yi smiled until his eyes narrowed into a straight line, and the expression on his face looked like an old fox.

After this little turmoil, the relationship between the two parties really skyrocketed, and the host and guest were extremely harmonious. King Shang took the opportunity to ask Yuan Yi if he should immediately send someone to recall Fairy Wenhui to the fairy world to prevent the matter from being discovered.

Yuan Yi said: "From the perspective of Wen Qing, Nian Lun and others, they should not be able to see the changes in Wen Hui, so there is no need to worry too much. Just send a letter to remind Wen Hui himself. Of course, you must be careful in your actions in the future. Don’t show your face in front of powerful people easily, and return to the fairyland as soon as possible..."

"That's right! Hmm, this matter must be thoroughly investigated, and I must not let her off lightly!" King Shang said harshly.

His hand immediately resembled an immortal talisman, and the immortal power was stimulated...

On the bright peak of Rongbao City in the spiritual world, the conversation between the young Immortal Emperor and Xin Yang and Wan Zhu ended in vain. Despite the Immortal Emperor's temptation, both Xin Yang and Wan Zhu refused directly because of their clan status. He has a heavy responsibility and cannot escape to follow the Immortal Emperor.

Later, the Immortal Emperor also reflected on himself and felt that doing so was indeed too reckless!

Because I had just met them, I thought they were capable and wanted to recruit them to work for me. This not only had a low chance of success, but also seemed disrespectful to the other party. After all, the other party was an extremely powerful person. How could he agree to it so casually? Things that serve others?

Moreover, I cannot clearly identify myself at this time, which greatly weakens my persuasiveness. Under such circumstances, it is normal for the other party not to agree.

Speaking of which, it was still because I was too eager. If I continued to behave in this way in the future, not only would it appear that I was not calm and calm enough, but I would also be very likely to expose my whereabouts, which would bring unpredictable risks to my own forces.

So, he voluntarily gave up the solicitation and started talking to them about other things. The atmosphere of the banquet finally became more relaxed and pleasant...

Seeing this, Li Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. After all, this young Immortal Emperor has not fully recovered to the level of the original Immortal Emperor. No matter in terms of cultivation, realm, Tao power, magnanimity, strategy, etc., he cannot match the original level. In comparison, you can tell just by looking at the way he behaves today.

Fortunately, he seemed to be aware of it and gave up the solicitation on his own initiative, which was a good thing for everyone.

You know, only Li Yun here knows who Xinyang and Wan Zhu are, and the Immortal Emperor actually knows very little about them. What if they are from anti-Immortal Emperor forces?

If so, once he joins the Immortal Emperor's camp, the Immortal Emperor's side will be in danger. This is certainly not what Li Yun wants to see.

It can be said that every move of the Immortal Emperor has an impact on the entire Xuanling World. A difference of thought may bring happiness or disaster to the people in the Xuanling World.

In this sense, Li Yun suddenly felt that the young Immortal Emperor must have a wise man by his side to advise him and give him advice. However, based on An Yi's performance, he seemed unable to take on such a role.

Of course, I will definitely not be involved in it, but who can play this role for the Immortal Emperor?

Little He has been trained to this level, and this stage must be very secretive. The fewer people know about it, the better. And as the young Immortal Emperor grows, there must be other people who will make suggestions and carry out actions for the Immortal Emperor."

Li Yun suddenly said: "It makes sense! With the original foresight of the Immortal Emperor, he must have considered it extremely carefully, and every step should be planned. An Yi is only one of the top ten Immortal Commanders, and he is only ranked eighth. He must be still There are others who are acting secretly, so we don’t have to worry about the Immortal Emperor.”

"That's right!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"What do you think the Immortal Emperor will do next?" Li Yun asked secretly.

"For the current Immortal Emperor, the most important thing is to accumulate his own strength. In addition to recruiting masters, he must also speed up his growth! This is a bit like the great demon king Chi You we met in the lower realm. He is A growth base has been arranged before reincarnation. As long as he goes there, he may grow extremely quickly and quickly return to his original state of cultivation. For the Immortal Emperor, he must also be like this A base, or even far more than one. Judging from his current situation, having just been brought to such a big place by An Yi, the next step should be to go to the secret base to practice and recover..." Xiaoxing guessed.

"It's very possible! I hope that the next time we have the chance to meet him, we will see a brand new Immortal Emperor..." Li Yun said sincerely.

Of course, Li Yun sympathized with the Immortal Emperor's experience, but what was the truth of the matter? Who was right or wrong? Or there was no question of right or wrong at all. It was just an accident, or it was caused by external threats. Caused by... In short, he certainly wouldn't get involved until he figured it out.

Therefore, Li Yun could only silently wish the young Immortal Emperor in his heart...

When Li Yun was thinking secretly, he suddenly heard the voice of divine consciousness coming from Abiaxe. This was transmitted through the energy of chaos, and of course no one else could detect it.

"Sir, this little slave has decided to join the Universiade Palace. I wonder if that's okay?" Abiaxe said.

"What?!" Li Yun was startled, but he was not mentally prepared for this incident.

However, he soon received a reminder from Xiaoxing and learned the whole story in a flash, and he couldn't help but feel overjoyed!

Such a person chooses to join the Universiade Palace. He has no reason to refuse, so he immediately said: "Okay! Welcome to join our Universiade Palace!"

"Haha, thank you sir!" Abiaxe laughed.

"It turns out there is no master-slave agreement between you and the Immortal Emperor. I was a little surprised just now!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course not! Xiaonu just agreed to help him." Abiaxe quickly explained.

"I see. So now that you have invested in our Universiade Palace, what are your plans next?"

"Well... I have decided to complete the agreement with the Immortal Emperor first, and then come to the Universiade Palace later. What do you think, sir?" Abiaxe thought.

"No problem! This is the right thing to do! It seems that we will meet again in the fairy world in the future..." Li Yun sighed slightly.

"That's true. The next step for the Immortal Emperor is to return to the Immortal Realm. While cultivating, he will contact his old subordinates and accumulate strength..." Abiaxe revealed.

"It seems that he has indeed made plans for a long time. With his current strength, it will not be easy to restore him. It will only be possible when he grows up..."

"Your Excellency has a sharp eye and hits the nail on the head..."

( = )

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