The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 2011 Yuan Yi’s view of love


As soon as the white cabbage fell into their stomachs, these people started crying!

He cried endlessly once he started crying, much harder than Tai Qi, Kaishan, Guohai, Jin Xin and Fairy Mengxia!

This is because the Taoist power of the people at the scene was much higher than that of the people at the entrance, and of course the impact was greater. Under the stimulation of the Taoism contained in Bai Lingcai, they almost cried. Like a spring gushing, the sky is dark and the earth is dark...

Yuan Yi and others who had been watching the Peak of Light in the Immortal Machine Cave were a little confused when they saw this scene. They didn't know what the mystery was in that Taoist dish, which could make these powerful men burst into tears...

"What Taoist meaning did Li Yun add to that Bai Ling dish? How could it achieve such an effect?" Fan Zijue said in surprise.

"To make people sad and cry like this, it must have stimulated the softest part of their hearts, maybe love..." Yuan Yi analyzed.

"Impossible!" Wei Jiang said flatly.

"But why?"

"For cultivators, love is definitely not the softest part of their hearts... Moreover, despite their incomparable power, they may not have experienced any love yet!"

"This...well, you are right about this! Just like you! What could that be?" Yuan Yi teased.

"You?! Huh! I'm too lazy to tell you!" Wei Jiang's face turned red and he turned away without speaking.

"Haha, Brother Wei's temper looks like he has never experienced love. I quite agree with Brother Yuan on this point." Fan Zijue said with a smile.

"Of course!" Yuan Yi said proudly.

"Have you ever experienced love? If you have any, please tell me!" Wei Jiang counterattacked.

"This..." Fan Zijue and Yuan Yiyi looked at each other, speechless.

"Haha, are you all young? This is a bit unexpected for me..." Wei Jiang laughed and almost burst into tears.

Yuan Yi said slightly embarrassed: "You are wrong! It's not because of Hina, but because this so-called love happened too long ago, so long that it can no longer be remembered, and it was annihilated in the long river of personal time! and…"

"And what?"

"When your life is long enough,

If you look back at the so-called love at the beginning, you will find that it was just a joke! "Yuan Yi said.

"A joke?! What's the explanation for this?" Wei Jiang asked in surprise.

"The mortal world is vast and the sea of ​​people is vast. Even ordinary mortals have tens to hundreds of lifespans. This period of time is neither long nor short. Everyone will experience a process of continuous growth. You’ll meet all kinds of different other people along the way…”

Wei Jiang and Fan Zijue both nodded slightly.

Yuan Yi continued: "When a person is young and ignorant, driven by instinct, he will have a vague love for another person, so he will pursue it and say sweet words. If he doesn't get it in the end, he will have I miss the deepest lovesickness, thinking that is the most beautiful love, because not getting the best is always the best..."

"What if you get it?" Wei Jiang asked.

"Getting it does not mean that it is love, or that this so-called love is extremely short-lived, because as time goes by, the growth of two people will appear different, and each will meet more different people. , in this process, their thoughts are constantly changing. Perhaps the advantages of one party that attracted the other party have disappeared, but the shortcomings are constantly emerging. At this time, the original love is no longer there. If there is nothing else to maintain it, The factors in this relationship are bound to reach the critical point of separation." Yuan Yi analyzed.

Hearing this, Fan Zijue pondered: "It sounds reasonable! For example, a woman attracts a man with her beauty, but beauty only lasts for a short time, especially for mortals, when she is old and yellow, And the man is strong and strong, so the two are not a good match..."

"Why do you think so much about these vulgar things?" Yuan Yi scolded with a smile.

"What? Isn't that what you're talking about?" Fan Zijue asked curiously.

"Haha, although this kind of thing is common, it is by no means the focus of what I want to say."

"Then what's your focus?"

Yuan Yi smiled and said: "Love driven by instinct will basically fall into the trap you just mentioned, but what I want to say is the growth of a person. When you are young and ignorant, you will think that it is love, and you will overcome all difficulties to pursue it. Another person can even grovel, flatter, and spend a huge amount of money... Finally, he finally gets the other person's consent, and is ecstatic to have the beauty back in his arms..."

"Isn't it all like this?" Fan Zijue asked suspiciously.

"Brother Fan, don't you think there's nothing wrong with a person unconditionally and humbly devoting himself to another person?" Yuan Yi asked in return.

"What's the problem? Isn't that what you need to love someone?"

"Of course not! Whether it is love or marriage, it should be based on a basis where both parties are basically equal. Only then can the relationship be considered normal. If one party has to give everything to gain the recognition of the other party, This is not a normal love or marriage, not even a master-slave relationship, because although the slave devotes himself wholeheartedly, the master also has to devote a greater amount of effort to the slave..."

"This..." Fan Zijue was slightly startled and said nothing.

Yuan Yi continued: "It is absolutely abnormal for one party to pay extremely humblely to obtain the so-called love. The greater the contribution, the greater his rebound will be as he continues to grow. If the other party cannot grow accordingly, then If you continue to attract the other party, you will face retaliatory counterattacks. This kind of thing happens everywhere in the mortal world and is countless."

"Why is there a counterattack? Even if it's not a good match, you can still make do with it?" Fan Zijue continued to argue without giving up.

"Haha, Brother Fan, please stop being so stubborn! Think about it, as a person continues to grow, he will meet more and more excellent people, which will lead to a comparison mentality! This is the temptation of growth! The world of mortals In this world, there are so many temptations that it is difficult to estimate. You may inadvertently meet someone who is more beautiful, smarter, more considerate, sexier and healthier, younger and more lively... Then think about the unsuitable one at home. , can you still make do with it? If you think about the so-called love back then, isn't it a joke?" Yuan Yi laughed.

"This..." Fan Zijue was choked and speechless, his face turned red from holding back.

"Especially when this person thinks about how he humbly sought love, he will have a morbid sense of humiliation, and feel that he must have gone crazy to do such a thing! So, he will Try every means to counter the opponent and punish the opponent ten times or a hundred times the original pride of the opponent!" Yuan Yi analyzed.

Fan Zijue and Wei Jiang were dumbfounded. Although they felt that Yuan Yi's words were a bit excessive, after thinking about it carefully, they felt that there was some truth in it...

"So, love based on inequality is inherently unstable. The stronger the inequality, the less stable the relationship will be, and the greater the uncertainty in the future. I am basically not optimistic about this so-called love. ." Yuan Yi sighed.

Fan Zijue pondered for a moment and asked, "Then how can we have better love?"

"Why must there be love? In my opinion, love is not fresh, short-lived, and ridiculous...far inferior to the master-slave relationship!" Yuan Yi snorted.

"That's because you are a great immortal with a long lifespan. You can also develop a large power and accept countless slaves. However, for many ordinary mortals, their lifespan is not enough and it is impossible to have slaves. They can only use this kind of helplessness. Preserved, short-lived, ridiculous love is used to maintain a family and reproduce future generations..." Fan Zijue teased.

Yuan Yi was stunned, then nodded and said: "Brother Fan, what you said makes sense! Although love is indeed a joke to us cultivators, it is still a necessity for the mortal world. But..."

"But what?"

"For ordinary people, there are actually better ways to obtain a love that is relatively fresher, longer-lasting, and more enviable..." Yuan Yi said.

"Oh? It's rare for you to have such a kind heart. You might as well talk about it and give some advice to those poor mortals..."

"You?! Brother Fan, please don't be sarcastic. I have done in-depth research on this concept of love!" Yuan Yi said loudly.

"Okay, I'm all ears, little brother!" Fan Zijue said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"Huh, for mortals, if they want to achieve better love, of course it must be based on basic equality between both parties. Although the so-called "matching" may sound a bit vulgar, it is the most correct way!"

"A good match? Wouldn't that block the way for some people to enter the upper class? Could it be that ordinary people can't produce talents?" Fan Zijue asked curiously.

"Of course ordinary people can produce talents, but the chance of this is extremely low. They will be restricted by various factors such as talent, resources, environment, etc., and..."

"And what?"

"A talent who grew up in a poor environment is bound to be affected by poverty thinking. This influence is deep-rooted and difficult to change. But when he is combined with a person who grew up in a wealthy environment, he will find that There are thousands of things that make them incompatible with each other ideologically. I want to ask, under the conflicts and conflicts of these things, can their so-called love that attracted each other be able to withstand it?" Yuan Yi asked.

"This..." Fan Zijue was startled and his expression changed.

"Especially when the factors that attract each other change, such as when one party becomes older, ugly or stupid, while the other party grows stronger and stronger, can this love still withstand the impact of various problems? ?”

"Absolutely not!" Fan Zijue finally nodded heavily.

"So, the wisest thing at this time is for both parties to let go, stop entangled, and find someone more suitable for each other, rather than just living together, which will definitely lead to catastrophe..."

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