The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1990 Imprisoned!


When Fusi said this, her whole body went limp and she slumped down on the jade chair, shivering...

Her mind was completely blank. It seemed that her entire consciousness was filled with many terrible things in an instant, and then suddenly became empty again. How could she bear this?

In fact, Mo Er was not much better. After hearing Li Yun's words just now, his head had already buzzed and was about to explode!

Fortunately, his mental endurance still needs to be stronger, otherwise he would have completely collapsed like Fusi at this time...

"Sister Si, are you okay?!" Mo'er screamed when he saw Fu Si's condition.

"I...I...we..." Fusi said weakly.

"What's wrong with us?"

"Are we... going to be... finished... finished..."

"No! It's not over yet! Besides..."


"Humph, what Li Yun said is not necessarily accurate! If this ball of light explodes now, it will be a draw, right?!" Mo Er shouted loudly.

"Explode?!" Fusi's strength came from unknown sources, and she suddenly became energetic, and her eyes finally regained some sparkle.

What Moore said makes sense. If the light ball explodes at this time, then of course the game will be calculated as a draw. There is no doubt about this!

Fusi stared closely at the picture on the light screen. She felt that the light ball was really shaking and might explode at any time. She couldn't help but feel hopeful and shouted: "It's going to explode soon." ! Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

"Oh, can you please stop for a moment? There's no point in shouting here!" Mo'er roared and finally woke up Fusi.

"It would be great if we were in the spirit world. We must destroy this light ball at this time!" Fusi said loudly.

"Please, we are in the fairy world now, but..."

"But what?!" Fusi asked urgently.

"There should be people like us in the spirit world, right? Do you think those people will take action?" Mo Er asked suspiciously.

"Of course it's possible! If they overdraft as much as we do,

If you are burdened with such a huge debt, it would be strange not to take action! "Fushi yelled fiercely, with a distorted expression on her face...

"It makes sense! But why hasn't anyone taken action yet? If we don't take action now, I'm afraid this game is really going to be over..." Mo'er said in surprise.

"Could they want to wait a little longer? Wait until it's certain that a draw won't happen before taking action?" Fusi guessed.

"But now it's true that someone will admit defeat at any time..."

The two discussed nervously, wishing that someone from the spirit world would immediately destroy the formation. Their hopes were now pinned on the idea that people from the spirit world might destroy the ball of light. This could be said to be at the end of their rope, because no one could Willing to pin one's destiny entirely on fantasy thoughts...

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the corner of the light screen, it was Yuan Yi. He smiled and said: "You two, no one in the spirit world will destroy that formation!"

Mo Er was startled and asked quickly: "But why?"

"Because Shanhai Qixuan is not like gambling houses in the fairy world where you can overdraw. If you gamble in the spiritual world, you will lose the money you bring at most, but it is impossible to overdraft and borrow the 190,000 pieces of high-grade immortal stones. in addition…"

"Besides...what?!" Fusi asked tremblingly.

"Even if someone really tries to destroy it, it's impossible to destroy it! Don't underestimate that isolation formation. Even I am not sure that I can destroy it!" Yuan Yi said in shock.

"How is this possible?!" the two of them exclaimed.

"Why is it impossible? Of course, with your eyes, you still can't see the mystery of this formation, because it is..."


"It's a chaos formation!" Yuan Yi said shockingly again.

"Chaos Formation?!" When the two of them heard this, they were both a little confused.

"Yes! It's the Chaos Formation! Generally speaking, its strength is still higher than that of the Immortal Formation of the same level. It was arranged by Li Yun. Such an formation cannot be broken even by higher-level Immortals locked inside. And come out, let alone people from the spirit world?" Yuan Yi teased.

"Oh my God!!!" the two exclaimed.

Suddenly, like two deflated rubber balls, they fell softly on the seat, unable to speak anymore...

"Haha, you don't have to be discouraged. The chess game is not over yet. Besides, even if you lose in the end, the most I can do is to keep your immortal books. I will return them to you when you have the money to pay them back. ..." Yuan Yi finally showed his trump card and beat Mo Er and Fu Si until their whole bodies were in severe pain.

"Immortal book?!" The two of them screamed, their faces suddenly turned pale, and their whole bodies began to tremble unconsciously.

Countless figures passed before their eyes. These figures were all the shadows of the decadent immortals they had seen before. Each of them was in ragged clothes, with a withered appearance, dull and ruthless, like a walking corpse, wandering around in some remote corners like a wandering spirit...

In a daze, the two of them seemed to see that two of the decadent immortals looked very much like themselves, but they were only slightly similar in appearance. The former cynicism, naive romance, youthful beauty, and happy mood were all gone, replaced by zombie-like appearance. body, and a pair of gray and desperate eyes, looking at me coldly...

"Oh my God!!!" The two of them exclaimed, finally frightened by Yuan Yi's words!

Mo'er was like a fat male dog lying limply on the ground, panting heavily, while Fusi fainted...

I don't know how much time passed, but Mo Er woke up and found that she was still in the room of the restaurant, Fu Si was still unconscious, and the information on the light screen had disappeared at some point...

"Eh?! Where's the chess game?!" Mo'er exclaimed.

He jumped up, looked around, and finally found that the chess game information had been interrupted, and he couldn't even get information from the outside world.

"What's going on? How long have you been unconscious for? Is the chess match over?" Mo Er murmured, feeling a little bad.

Turning around, she saw that Fu Si was still unconscious, with an expression on her face that seemed to be having a nightmare, so she simply stimulated her consciousness and saw Fu Si groaning in pain and slowly opening her eyes...

"Sister Si, are you okay?"

"I...where is this?"

"In a restaurant!"

"In the restaurant? Chess game?! Bet?! How was the bet?! Did we win?!" Fu Si suddenly woke up and asked in an excited voice.

When Mo Er didn't answer, her expression changed drastically and she asked, "What's the situation?!"

"I just woke up, but all the information here is interrupted. I'm afraid I have to go outside to understand the situation..."

"What?! This is happening?!" Fusi screamed, her heart beating wildly, feeling something bad!


Mo Er yelled and pulled her out, only to find that the door of this small space had been locked tightly, making it impossible to get out!

"What's going on?!" Fusi screamed as she violently attacked the door.

"Sister Si, calm down! It seems we have been locked up here..." Mo Er lamented.

In fact, he had expected this outcome before, but he had been holding on to luck, hoping that after the chess match between Heng Kuang and Duan Chong ended in a draw, he would make a lot of money, not only pay off the huge debt, but also continue to live a happy life. .

However, judging from the current situation, hope is extremely slim, and this small space has become his own cage!

"Impossible! How can a gambling house do this? It is against the fairy rules to lock people up casually like this!" Fusi screamed.

"Bang! Bang bang!! Bang bang bang!!!"

She hit the door desperately, stirring up an astonishing fairy wave that reverberated in the space, smashing many small items into powder and making a mess...

Mo Er failed to dissuade her, and was later influenced by her. She smashed and smashed in the space, almost destroying everything. However, what disappointed them was that this space was extremely strong and impossible to break. It was almost delusional to want to get out from here. !

"That's right! Random teleportation talisman!!!" Mo'er finally remembered the treasure he was carrying.

Immediately take out the teleportation talisman and inject immortal power...

Fu Si also reacted and quickly joined in, frantically injecting immortal power...

The teleportation talisman was activated very quickly, and with a "pop" sound, a large ball of fairy light exploded, completely engulfing the two of them!

After a while, the two opened their eyes and couldn't help but scream!

"Why are you still here?!!!"

It turned out that the two of them were still in the small space of this big restaurant and had not moved at all!

The two looked at each other with miserable expressions...

I understand in my heart that the power of space here has been imprisoned and the transmission channel has been cut off. It is impossible to escape using this method.

The power of space contained in the random teleportation talisman itself is very small, and the function of this power is mainly to mobilize the power of surrounding space, causing people to teleport.

But obviously, the space power around here should have been imprisoned and cannot be used.

The idea of ​​​​escaping from here by means of random teleportation talismans was ruined, but Mo'er and Fusi were not ordinary people. After they woke up, they knew very well that this gamble must have been a complete failure. The debt of 190,000 high-grade immortal stones was I have made up my mind, if I don’t want to become a decadent immortal, I have to try my best to escape. Otherwise, if Yuan Yi detains the immortal book, the result that awaits me is self-evident!

They have grown up during these years of training, and they carry many treasures with them. The random teleportation talisman is just one of them. When it comes to escaping, there are many good treasures that can be used.

The two of them immediately tried it...

"What's going on? This anti-space confinement device is useless?!" Mo Er cursed fiercely.

When I spent a lot of money to buy this black fairy weapon on the black market, the seller boasted that it was unique in the world and was not afraid of being caught by any space fairy weapon. However, I didn't expect that there was no response at all here. The money was simply thrown into the sea. …

The so-called black fairy weapons are not conventional fairy weapons, but some heretical fairy weapons, worked out by some weapon refiners, and their effects can be said to be varied...

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