The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1913 Information Obsessive-compulsive Disorder

"A detour? That makes sense!" Xiaoxing praised.

As Li Yun said, if a war breaks out in the Immortal Realm, one party can completely use these passages, pass through the secondary interface, and then circle back to the Immortal Realm to attack the opponent's back camp. Although the distance will be longer, it will be elusive and invisible. To the effect of surprise!

Of course, this approach should be said to be more beneficial for the transfer of large numbers of people, but it is meaningless for small battles and individual battles.

Because there are so many ways to achieve sneak attacks in small battles and individual battles, there is absolutely no need to implement such a large-scale war.

"Therefore, the power of Shengxiantai must be firmly controlled by Immortal Court, but it will also attract the covetousness of some powerful people. They will definitely find ways to infiltrate their power in order to serve their own interests. This is The existence of smuggling channels has proved this." Li Yun analyzed.

"So, the forces in Shengxian Terrace should be extremely complicated. There are not only the orthodox forces of Xianting itself, but also other forces that have penetrated in. There must be many places where these forces compete, and they maintain some subtle relationship with each other. .Just like Tai Qi’s cautious look just now, it is obviously a low-key way to protect himself." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, since it is a smuggling channel, it is not an aboveboard matter in itself, but a channel opened up by one or a few forces to gain benefits for themselves. Of course there will be consequences if someone discovers or exposes it. Trouble, but I guess Immortal Court should be well aware of this, just because this kind of thing has become an unspoken rule. As long as it doesn't cause trouble, Immortal Court doesn't want to control too much, but leaves them some space. Go and operate, after all, if the water is clear, there will be no fish... If they are all locked up, I am afraid that even the people of Immortal Court will have no meat to eat..." Li Yun continued his analysis.

"Then will there be people from the Immortal Court colluding with this force or these forces?" Xiaoxing asked suspiciously.

"This is extremely possible! If there are no people from Immortal Court participating, I really don't believe it, because as you said, the initial investment in opening up such a channel is extremely huge, and it is difficult to achieve it by just relying on some ordinary forces. Even if they have the strength to realize it, they would not dare to invest without the support of people from the Immortal Court, because if something goes wrong, they may lose everything!" Li Yun said with certainty.

"What you say makes sense! In fact, if you want to understand the forces behind this smuggling passage, you only need to search the souls of these three people..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"This cannot be done at the moment!"

"What worries do you have, sir? With the cultivation level of these three people, you can easily use the small world of time to imprison them and then search for their souls."

"Even so, they should be aware of it when they wake up. This is just to alert the snake. In addition,

Based on the status of these three people, they should all be people who work. People like this are usually the ones who work the hardest, have the lowest status, make the least money, and know the least. Even if they are imprisoned and soul-searched, it is unlikely that they will be able to do anything. It's possible to get too much valuable information. Finally, we don’t need to be so anxious to understand now. With the laying of our ground network, we will have plenty of opportunities to understand these situations in the fairy world..." Li Yun said.

"This... yes, Xiaonu is indeed a little anxious. Whenever he thinks of these opportunities to get new information, he can't wait. This seems to be like suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. He must reflect on it!" Xiaoxing said with a slightly red face.

"Obsessive-compulsive disorder? This is possible. After all, you are collecting and processing all kinds of information every day. This information is like spiritual food for you. If you don't eat it, you won't be able to stand it..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, it's true! Xiaonu must adjust his mentality to prevent himself from being swayed and controlled by this information..." Xiaoxing reflected.

In fact, this situation has a certain impact on both Xiaoxing and other people. If a person is dragged down by some things all day long and cannot get rid of them, he may become the victim of these things. Slave, because your body and mind are controlled by these things!

On the road of cultivation, why are there so many inner demons and mental obstacles? Many times it is because the mind of a cultivator is enslaved by something or a few mental knots, and cannot get rid of it. Eventually, it develops into inner demons and cannot have any more. inch forward.

Even in the mortal world, there are too many similar things like this. Some people regret their lives because of certain things, and eventually die depressed. Some people are busy all day long with trivial things, and as a result, their horizons and thoughts are restricted. In the inner world, it is difficult for them to jump out of these things or look up at the road in the distance. If they can do this, they can make themselves more open-minded and have a longer-term vision, and will not care about the flies in front of them. Stay calm so that you can work hard towards a more ambitious goal.

No matter how big or small the goal is, as long as you start, it will never be too late, because you will always make progress, and as long as the time is long enough, you will always reach it one day!

But to do this, we must first let ourselves jump out of these daily chores. Maybe it is a good way to look at these things in a different way, so that we can give up some unnecessary things and put other things into consideration. Join your plan and you will slowly get on the right track with your goals...

It is very important for Xiaoxing to realize at this time that he has such information obsessive-compulsive disorder. In fact, he is now very powerful, even much more powerful than Li Yun, but of course compared to the terrifying races such as the Sun Clan and the Black Hole Clan, Far inferior, so progress must be made more quickly.

To maintain this pace of progress, it is very necessary to have an open mind and a good attitude. The so-called tolerance is broad. Only by making your mind broader can you be inclusive and go further.

Otherwise, if you are enslaved by this information, and you only need information all day long, it will be difficult to get rid of it and touch a higher realm!

Li Yun was actually much better at cultivating his mental state than Xiao Xing. At this moment, he immediately identified the problems Xiao Xing encountered, so he woke him up with a few words, allowing him to find a better way to practice in the future. direction…

For the two of them, whether it is the spirit world, the demon world, the demon world, the soul world, the dragon-horse world... or the fairy world, they are far from their goals. Their goals have been set on the Sun Clan, the Black Hole Clan, this universe, and even the outer universe. This achievement can be said to be insignificant in the face of these goals and cannot be praised at all. If you are enslaved by this achievement at this time, it will be difficult to achieve the goals in your heart!

The road is long and far away, I will search up and down...

Li Yun regained his composure and continued to practice at Lingxian Peak. Only here could he feel at peace because he had plenty of time and didn't have to worry at all. He could practice in an orderly manner as planned.

At the moment, in addition to continuing to hone the Nine Energy Body, he also needs to better control the breath of life.

Since the upgrade of the Immortal Robe has reached a certain limit, more new materials are needed to make a breakthrough. Therefore, if you want to control the breath of life, the most important thing is to rely on your own ability.

While Li Yun was practicing in an extreme ice environment, he was thinking about how to control the growing vitality in his body.

In his opinion, these vital forces originally came from his research on those life forms. After studying them thoroughly, he obtained the material energy and life energy hidden in them, and then these energies would Forming rhyme threads on oneself is Tao power, which includes material Tao power and vitality Tao power.

For other people, most of what they obtain is material power, while vitality power is very, very little.

This is because they cannot study the living body to such a crystal clear state like Li Yun, and they cannot obtain the life energy hidden deep in the living body. To obtain this life energy, they must have the key to open this treasure house. , only when the ability of spiritual consciousness reaches the ultimate level, can we uncover this treasure house of life layer by layer like peeling off a cocoon and obtain the treasures within!

Li Yun's natural soul power and spiritual consciousness ability are more than double that of others, which gives him this talent. Coupled with his continuous training, his spiritual consciousness ability has now reached an incredible level. Calculate The ability is rapidly approaching that of Xiaoxing, and the number of calculations per second has exceeded one billion!

Such terrifying spiritual consciousness and calculation ability allow him to easily reach a level that is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. He can completely study a living body in an extremely fast time!

On this basis, he can study the collected new species and new lives one by one at an extremely fast speed every day, and the material energy and life energy obtained are also increasing rapidly. Now, even he himself is very It is difficult to calculate how many strands of material energy and life energy there are in the body.

The vitality formed by the life energy in it constitutes the spiritual and fairy-like clothing on his body, which makes his whole person look sparkling and charming!

And this has become one of his biggest worries. If Xiaoxing hadn't been constantly upgrading his immortal robes, he wouldn't have dared to walk outside, because as soon as he walked out, he might cause traffic jams, be surrounded by people, or even be attacked by others. Divide and eat…

If this situation can't be changed, Li Yun really doesn't want to go out for a walk!

The last time he saw a doctor and gave medicine to a patient in Jingming's city lord's mansion, he almost ran into trouble. Many patients looked at him infatuatedly, as if they were looking at a rare treasure. Some patients couldn't help but pester him and scare him. Big jump!

What was even more terrifying was that Jing Ming never left his side. Several times he seemed to be trying to pounce on him to take advantage. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly and ran away...

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