The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1887 Black Hole Hair

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Jing Ming should have had a transformation, so if Mengze's activation conditions are the same as the Colorful Divine Stone, it won't be a big problem."

"Yes, but Jing Ming's transformation is definitely not perfect. This can be seen at a glance." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course, the transformation of an auspicious beast is not an easy task. In addition, his own power is extremely high and he is born with lightning eyes. I am afraid that his transformation should have happened in the early stage."

"Well, our guess about Mengze should be correct. Now if we look at the Mengze space, we can find that its shape is different from the normal small world of time and space. It is not solid, but has a somewhat liquid feel. This is precisely because the length of time is different from that of normal space. But in the Tianyun world, it will not become liquid, because its length of time does not become longer alone, but is the result of adapting to the changes in space and changing accordingly!" Li Yun suddenly said.

"What you say makes sense! If the dimensions of time and space are not compatible, the small world of time and space will definitely undergo strange changes, just like the Mengze space becomes liquid. People in it may not feel much, But outsiders will definitely find it extremely strange. Just like a black hole, due to the extremely huge gravity, almost everything collapses in, there is no space at all, and time is extremely compressed into nothingness. Therefore, it looks even more impressive from the outside. Like a deep, dark spot..."

"This... when it comes to black holes, why do you use the word almost? Is there anything else that a black hole can't swallow?" Li Yun keenly discovered that there was something in Xiaoxing's words.

"Of course! Although the gravity of a black hole is infinite, there are still things that cannot be swallowed. Just like a person cannot lift his body by his own hair, black holes also have this phenomenon." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh? This is a major discovery!" Li Yun said in shock.

You know, in the previous universe, almost everyone thought that black holes would swallow everything in, but from the perspective of a small star, this is obviously not true.

"In fact, this discovery has been made in the late pre-universe, but because no one can actually reach the black hole to verify such a conjecture, it is not known to most people."

"Guess? So what you just said is still just a guess?" Li Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not a conjecture. This is already an established fact discovered. The black hole is not just a bare singularity. There are countless tiny particles and molecules around it. They form a layer of shimmering light, just like the hair of the black hole. It’s still fluttering…”

"The hair of a black hole?" Li Yun was startled, feeling like his mind was wide open.


It is indeed like the hair of a black hole, so the black hole is not a bald man, but a singularity with hair. Xiaoxing smiled.

"How can these hairs exist? How can they not be sucked into the black hole?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"Sir, didn't Xiaonu just say that, just like a person cannot lift his body by his own hair, it is also true when placed in a black hole. These hairs are actually part of the black hole, and their movement rules In fact, they are affected by the rules of black holes, not by the rules of other parts of the previous universe. Therefore, their existence is actually extremely normal. If there is one reason, then it can be said that these hairs are actually light molecules without any mass. Or other unknown particles, since they have no mass at all, of course they will not have any gravitational influence. No matter how strong the black hole's gravity is, it will not affect them." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! Although a black hole will attract even light, within its world rules, there will still be black hole rays. The light molecules or particles in these rays will move under the influence of the black hole, resulting in the formation of light waves around it. A layer of black hole hair...but how big will they be?" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, the range of these black hole hairs may be extremely wide, but they follow the laws of black holes, so they cannot be actually measured. However, according to Xiaonu's estimation, the range of the hairs' influence is extremely large, and may cover the entire area centered on the black hole. Galaxy!" Little Star said in shock.

"What?! Isn't this too powerful?" Li Yun said in shock.

"Yes! In the previous universe, the formation of galaxies itself was centered on super black holes. The black hole's sphere of influence can be said to cover the entire galaxy. Therefore, of course, the black hole's hair will also spread throughout the galaxy. If this phenomenon is taken If we come to the Xuanling world, we can regard a black hole as a black hole being, and those hairs are actually its spiritual consciousness. Of course, black hole beings are extremely powerful, much more powerful than the sun, so their spiritual consciousness ability is probably also More powerful than the Sun Clan!" Xiaoxing came up with another shocking conclusion.

"Oh my god..." Li Yun screamed.

He suddenly realized that the largest race in the Xuanling World was the Sun Clan, but now it seems that the Sun Clan cannot be the largest race, and the Black Hole Race is the most powerful race, because one or two A super black hole may form a huge galaxy, and a galaxy will contain countless suns.

If the Sun Clan met the Black Hole Clan, they would probably only die...

"Xiao Xing, it seems that we still don't understand many of the laws of heaven in the Xuanling world, so we can't be too self-righteous..." Li Yun sighed.

"Yes! Now we have not even encountered the Sun Clan, let alone the Black Hole Clan. In the Tianyun world, although there are stars in the sky, no huge galaxies have been formed so far, which means that there are no black holes. Therefore, Tianyun World is still in its initial stage and is far from forming a big world. We still have a long way to go!" Xiaoxing said.

"That's right, we were just a little rich before, but it will definitely not be the case next time. We must feed Tianyun well. If that doesn't work, we should go to interstellar space to devour continental blocks and interstellar meteorites as soon as possible!" Li Yun said fiercely.

"That's great! Only in this way will more suns and black holes appear in Tianyun World, and we will have the opportunity to study..." Xiaoxing said excitedly.

Li Yunshen thought so. With his current strength, it was naturally impossible for him to fly to a black hole in interstellar space to conduct research. That would be the same as losing his life. He could only let the Tianyun world grow, a giant sun appear, and then collapse to form a black hole. Using the power of black holes to form galaxies will give you the opportunity to study black holes, because as long as you are in the Tianyun world, nothing will pose a threat to you.

Thinking of this prospect, Li Yun felt quite excited. Perhaps only then could he say that he had mastered the true secret of the Xuanling world...

However, now he and Xiaoxing have gone further and further on this road, surpassing almost all living beings living here. To reach the step they imagined is not a mirror image, it is out of reach...

Of course, now is not the time to study black holes, so Li Yun's thoughts quickly returned to the Mengze space in front of him. This space seemed a little abnormal because the time and space dimensions did not meet the standards of normal space. It's like a liquid space.

Li Yun really wanted to go inside and experience the feeling in person, but if he really did this, it might affect the operation of this space.

This is because Mengze Space is an overdraft of future time for those who enter it. Now that the agreement has been signed and it is operating normally, if an outsider like me suddenly enters it, it will definitely cause chaos in the rules of the space. What will happen then is simply incredible. Impossible to estimate.

Just look at Jing Ming standing guard outside and you will know that Mengze Space has now become a forbidden area of ​​the City Lord's Mansion, and no one is allowed to approach it within a certain distance.

Li Yun carefully observed everyone in the space and made another discovery. He said: "Everyone here consumes different energy to overdraw their time. To put it simply, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the Tao power." People, the more energy they need to overdraw their time, and therefore the stronger the blue light that surrounds them."

"This phenomenon is easy to understand. Everyone's quality of life is different. The higher the cultivation level and the higher the Tao power, the higher the quality of life in the future, and the greater the energy required to overdraw their time. "Xiao Xing agreed.

"If this is the case, we can actually judge the comprehensive ability of a single life by measuring the intensity of blue light. However, this comprehensive ability cannot be equated to the level of chess, because chess is only a part of it."

"Yes. Just as Che Yin and the others were able to infer the chess ability of the human chess players by observing their Taoist level on the board, we can also judge their basic quality of life by measuring the blue light intensity. The two principles are similar. ." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Well, the blue light represents their quality of life, and now they also form Taoist rhymes on the chessboard when they play chess. This is very helpful for us to judge their chess skill level." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Hey, with this information, Xiaonu will be more confident in judging their victory or defeat. This will be very good for Shanhai Qixuan's gambling business..." Xiaoxing said happily.

"It seems that Shanhai Qixuan is having trouble even thinking about it..."

Li Yun turned his eyes to the Shanhai Chess Pavilion and found that there was already a sea of ​​people there, with three floors inside and three floors outside. These people were participating in gambling while waiting for the start of the peak chess showdown between the human race and the auspicious beasts and auspicious birds. Their faces were filled with excitement from the bottom of their hearts, and they were eagerly looking forward to...

Extending outward from Shanhai Qixuan, it is still the world of light and people, one area after another, continuously expanding outward in a ring, until each city gate, and except for the west city gate, the scenes outside other city gates Same thing…


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