The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1874 Learn to be alone

Jing Ming and Wu Chen commented indifferently, which made "Hu Bo" and others who were listening feel a little bad, and their faces turned slightly red...

However, "Hu Bo" and others certainly did not dare to intervene in the argument, they could only act as good listeners.

For them, this level is very important. If they are not careful, Jing Ming will definitely find out the clues, and all their efforts will be wasted.

"Yan Zheng is not just a little red-faced guy. Didn't you see that he is always the first one to appear? How brave he is to emerge from the volcanic bubble. As a human, that is very rare..." Wuchen retorted.

"Okay, I know you like Yan Zheng. His temperament does look a bit like yours!" Jing Ming teased.

"Of course! What I like is handsome and elegant beauties. A rough and burly man like Xiang Yi is simply too rude. I really don't think anyone will like it..."

"That's because you haven't tasted their benefits. Why don't you let me try it for you?" Jing Ming said immediately.

"Forget it! If I want to try, I'll try it with Feifei or Yingying..." Wuchen counterattacked.

"I see, it's not difficult to find them. I'll take you there!"

"Really? Don't admit the wrong person again..."

"How is that possible? My thunder eye is not a decoration. I will definitely not admit it this time! Let's go!"

Jing Ming and Wu Chen commented on Yan Zheng and Xiang Yi, and then turned around and left, leaving only a bunch of Universiade Palace model team members dumbfounded...

After a while, the notice finally came that they could move around freely, and everyone finally relaxed and became active.

"Hu Bo" was of course Yan Zheng. He immediately became the target of everyone's ridicule and attack. The hat of "little red face" was placed on his head, and it was almost impossible to take it away again.

Now Yan Zheng has indeed become a little red face, his temperament has soared, and his appearance is not inferior to that of Feifei, Yingying and other goddesses, or even slightly better. No wonder he can become the first brother in the model team and is always the first one to appear during performances. .

Even many powerful people in the Universiade Palace have become his fans and praise him as the most beautiful slave in the Universiade Palace!

However, this is of course based on the performance at Tiande Volcano. In that performance, everyone's potential was stimulated by Li Yun's drum sound. Coupled with the environment and atmosphere of the scene, it made Each one of them looks so beautiful and full of Taoism. They are definitely the beauties among beauties!

In the state they were in at that time,

Compared with Ling Yunxuan, Lei Xiang and others, they are even more outstanding and make everyone in the Universiade Palace marvel. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to praise them as the idols of the Universiade Palace, and Yan Zheng is praised as the number one beauty slave. It is also beyond reproach!

However, the state during the performance is extremely different from the usual state. Their own cultivation and Taoist power levels are still difficult to compare with Xiaoxuan and Xiaoxiang. They are only stimulated by the music of Ling Daozi and Li Yun. That's all, so it looks much inferior in normal times.

This is also the reason why Jing Ming admitted that he had mistakenly identified the person. Since he did not know the difference, the image of Yan Zheng and others after seeing them disguised was quite different from the image seen in the video, and the Taoism emanating from his body was quite different. After the level of interest is also very different, of course they will think that they are not Yan Zheng himself.

Moreover, this time Yan Zheng and others took the high-grade disguise pill given by Xiao Xing. The effect of this pill is extremely good. It is difficult to see traces of disguise. Even the subtle expressions will not appear stiff at all. It is extremely Naturally, even Jingming's lightning eyes couldn't see any abnormalities. Based on this alone, the value of this disguise pill is already extraordinary!

Wang Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If Yan Zheng and the others were discovered by Jing Ming, this Ling Tea House might not be able to continue to operate. After all, they had managed to make something famous, so they couldn't just withdraw their troops with money, right?

He is now the leader of this group of people. In terms of cultivation and Taoist power, he is actually stronger than them. This is of course due to the fact that he and Xiong Bing were the first to join Li Yun's sect, and his status was suddenly ranked among the ranks of favored slaves. , the benefits obtained are naturally too numerous to be calculated, so the strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Now he has reached the late stage of Yin and Yang realm, and his temperament and charm are also excellent.

This time I opened this Ling Tea House with Yan Zheng and other tea lovers, of course, to relax and get in touch with the outside world.

During this period of time, business was doing well, and they also took a good tour of Rongbao City. In contrast, they suddenly felt that the Universiade Palace was better. This feeling was quite strong, and they began to miss the life in the palace.

Although Rongbao City is prosperous, it is messy. The ambient air quality is far inferior to that of the Universiade Palace, and the overall quality of those people is even more difficult to compare with those in the palace. Wang Yi and others feel that if they are in Rongbao City, If you stay in Baocheng for a long time, your own quality will be affected and your quality will be greatly reduced!

Their feeling is extremely correct. People will be greatly affected by the surrounding environment. Unless you are a hermit, you have strong self-control ability and can manage yourself well so that you will not be too affected by the environment and others. Otherwise, no matter what kind of person you hang out with for a long time, you may become someone similar to them. This is statistically a high probability.

Therefore, if a person wants to maintain his independence and have his own opinion, he must first learn to break away from the chaotic world of mortals, observe the world with his own independent eyes, discern the ins and outs of many things in it, and make his own independent decisions. Make your own judgment, rather than following what others say and following the crowd.

It is actually extremely difficult to do this, because when you are in a noisy environment, the influence of all kinds of people and things from the outside is pervasive, and it is difficult for you to maintain your concentration, and it is impossible to focus on your thoughts. If you study your area of ​​interest with concentration and concentration, the cultivation of Taoism will naturally be much slower.

Therefore, learning to be lonely is the first step. Only when people are lonely can they listen more to their own voices, truly understand what they need and pursue, and will not be distracted by the minutiae of the outside world. Stuff distracts your attention, so you can concentrate on doing your favorite things and improve your efficiency...

Just like Wang Yi now, he feels that he can hardly calm down to study the tea ceremony every day. In addition, after staying in the environment of the Universiade Palace for a long time, after coming to Rongbao City, many people and things cannot be seen. I'm used to it, can't stand it, and find it difficult to adapt.

However, when it comes to things, there is no harm without comparison. If Li Yun hadn't asked them to come out to engage in small business and relax, they would not have felt so good staying in the Universiade Palace, but would have taken it for granted. This time After they came out, they truly realized that they were so lucky to have a living environment like the Universiade Palace. Even if someone paid a lot of money to ask them out in the future, they would not agree...

Jingming and Wuchen walked around Rongbao City and returned to the city lord's mansion.

Wuchen saw that Jing Ming's expression was not very good and said with a smile: "Brother, you may not realize how popular the members of the Universiade Palace model team are now! Not only are people from the outside world flocking to them, but also people in the Universiade Palace are flocking to them. They are also among the stars, and everyone loves them so much! So, although the people who come to Rongbaocheng to open a store and do business this time are not the model members themselves, they are almost all their fans, and they like them on weekdays. If you dress yourself up like their idol, you will be forgiven for mistaking the wrong person..."

"Although what you said is reasonable, I always think there may be some problems in it. After all, with my lightning eyes, it was impossible to identify the wrong person and the right person before. How come there is such a big discrepancy?" Jing Ming asked suspiciously.

"Hey, you always talk about your thunder and lightning eyes. The thunder and lightning eyes are used to shoot lightning, okay? They are not used to identify people. Don't say that your thunder and lightning eyes are so weak!" Wuchen teased road.

When Jing Ming heard this, he felt relieved, stroking his beard and laughing, "Brother Wuchen still knows the details about me. My lightning eyes are very powerful now. Of course they are not used to identify people!"

"Oh? I wonder how much training you have now? How about you open my eyes?" Wuchen asked.

"Well, there will be more opportunities in the future! Let's eat the food first!"

"That's fine! In order to celebrate the success of our cooperation and the great progress in my brother's thunder eye, I will take out the Star Luck Wine given to me by the adults to soothe the alcohol worm in your belly!" Wuchen said with a smile.

"Wow... you didn't take out the Star Luck Wine until now. You really deserve a beating!"

"Haha, good wine should be spent at the right time. If the cooperation does not succeed, I will not bother to invite you!"

"Begging for a beating..."

"So scared..."

The two of them laughed and joked for a while, drank and ate food, and their relationship actually deepened...

Li Yun looked at this scene and wondered: "Thunder Eyes? Could it be similar to the young Immortal Emperor's lightning eyes?"

"It does look similar from the data. Jingming's lightning eyes are also naturally gifted. There are only a few people in the Zelei tribe with this kind of thing. Of course, the most advanced ones are his eyes. It is said that as long as he blinks, he can release them. Powerful thunder and lightning are both faster and more powerful than the Zelei tribe's natural thunder spells. The main threat is speed, because the opponent has no time to react!" Xiaoxing said.

"God really has a special blessing, and has given some people such powerful natal powers!" Li Yun exclaimed.

"That's true. The level of his natal superpower should be incomparable to that of the Young Immortal Emperor's electric eyes, so they are essentially the same. Of course, compared to the laser weapons that adults have now, their superpowers are The little witch has seen the big witch!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"We developed this one day after tomorrow, but because we understand more photoelectric principles than they do, the power after development is no longer comparable to those with innate abilities!" Li Yun nodded.

"This is the advantage of being a latecomer! When a tsunami comes, the first wave is often not the strongest and will soon die on the beach, giving people the illusion that the second wave is the most deadly. Many people Because of neglecting it, they all ended up buried under the sea..."

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