The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1865 Is it human kidnapping or trafficking?

After Wuwu Zang, Ye Bei and others came to the city lord's mansion, they didn't expect that it was for Shanhai Qixuan. This was very strange to Rong Baotang, because it was basically impossible for Rong Baotang to do it for a small shop. Specifically for high-level discussions.

However, after seeing the information and hearing Jing Ming's analysis, they finally realized that Shanhai Qixuan was indeed not simple. It had only appeared less than half a year ago, and it had already done what countless shops had not been able to do for many years. It is impossible to say that there is nothing fishy!

Wuwu Zang thought deeply: "Just because a piece of Shanhai Qixuan's signature calligraphy destroyed Ju Yan, we can be sure that there must be a powerful force behind it, which we cannot underestimate! In addition, its chess skills are The innovative rules, changes in gambling, level of chess games, exquisite and high-end chess equipment, high-end puppets, turning into real human puppets, and taking the lead in organizing donations, etc. It can be seen that this force is unique in chess research, planning and organization. It is completely different from some of the forces we are familiar with in the past, it should be a brand new force!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Almost all of them had played at Shanhai Qixuan and experienced the various facilities and services there. They had a deep understanding of the ideas mentioned by Wuwu Zang. These facilities and services were very important to them. It was an extremely new experience for them, something they had never even thought of before, let alone come into contact with.

"If it hadn't taken the lead in making donations and made great efforts for our Rongbao City, I would almost have suspected that this force had any special purpose in entering our Rongbao City..." Wuwunzang pondered.

"Brother Wuwu, it is impossible for a store to cause any harm to our Rongbao City. It should do this just to expand its reputation, increase customer flow, and increase revenue..." Ye Bei said.

Jing Ming said aside: "If it is like what you said, then it can be said that its purpose has been achieved! Judging from our recent observations of it, tens of thousands of people enter and leave the Shanhai Qixuan every day. It is simply bigger than the city. It’s even more lively!”

"Tens of thousands of people?! Isn't this too big?" Everyone exclaimed.

The fact that a shop in a city can achieve such a traffic volume has refreshed the previous understanding of everyone present.

Jing Ming said solemnly: "You can't be wrong! I have already asked them to count me. In the past half month, many people have entered and few have come out. Many people stay in and never come out, playing all the time. I had to leave because I had so much money. Besides..."

"What else?!" Wuwunzang asked urgently.

"We also discovered a strange phenomenon..."

"What phenomenon?"

"Every day, many people coming from outside the city go directly to Shanhai Qixuan and never come out after entering..." Jing Ming said.

"Not coming out? It must be someone from the periphery who heard that Shanhai Qixuan is more fun and came here to play, right?" Wuwu Zang asked.

"No! After these people entered the Qixuan, they did not go to gamble or purchase, or challenge the chess game, but entered another space. After entering that space, they did not come out!" Jing Ming said solemnly.

"This...another space? Is there anything more interesting in there?" Ye Bei was a little uneasy. He didn't expect that after playing in Shanhai Qixuan so many times, there was still a place he hadn't played yet.

Everyone's curiosity also aroused, and they asked questions one after another...

Jing Ming shook his head and said: "That shouldn't be a place for people to have fun, because we have investigated and found that those who entered are all middle- and lower-class monks. They don't have many spiritual stones on their bodies, so how can they afford it?"

"Have you investigated? Are you sure?" Wuwunzang asked.

"It's certain! Each of them must register some basic information at the city gate when they enter the city. I have sent people to conduct necessary investigations on some of them based on these information. The results are all here!"

Jingming took out a jade slip and asked everyone to pass it around...

This jade slip was just delivered today, and the information recorded in it made Jing Ming suspicious. What on earth were these people doing at Shanhai Qixuan? Why hasn't anyone come out yet? Could it be...

After everyone read it, they couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

Ye Bei thought for a while and said aloud: "City Lord, I'm afraid there is something wrong."

"Oh? Tell me..."

"I know several of the people here. They come from multiple races and live in different places, but they all choose to come to Shanhai Qixuan. And they neither know how to play chess nor are they good at gambling. , and I have no money, doesn’t that explain the problem?” Ye Bei said.

When everyone heard this, they felt a little bad!

Because if it is true as Ye Bei said, these people must have come all the way to Shanhai Qixuan for some special reason, and once they entered, they never came out. Doesn't that mean they are missing? !

This is a major missing persons case! Everyone's expressions became a little grim...

If Shanhai Qixuan is doing something extremely glamorous on the surface, but secretly is doing human kidnapping or trafficking, then this case is definitely the biggest case in Rong Baocheng in so many years!

Jing Ming asked in a deep voice: "Who are those people you know?"

Ye Bei was slightly startled and recalled: "Du Heng, from the human race, Yin Yang Realm, once opened a talisman shop in Fang City, this city. Later, it closed down and returned to his hometown. Ti Xiang, from the Yao Race, once worked in a large store in this city. He worked as a helper, but later accidentally broke a treasure and couldn't afford the compensation. The shopkeeper deducted all wages and all personal belongings, threw them outside the city, and returned to his hometown. Bart, a member of the Wind Clan, once gambled with a family in Rongbao City. I worked as a stone appraiser in the stone field, but because the accuracy of identification was a bit low, I was fired. Later, I moved to several places, but I couldn't make it, and finally left Rongbao City..."

When everyone heard this, they quickly realized an important similarity, that is, these people are undoubtedly people from the bottom, who have been living in various commercial venues in Rongbao City for a long time, but in the end because they could no longer survive, they became The cost of living in Rongbaocheng was a bit high, so I had to leave the city and return to my hometown.

To be honest, such people, to the powerful people present, would not pay attention to them at all, nor would they care about their life and death. Even if they were really kidnapped or trafficked by Shanhai Qixuan, they would really Don't take it seriously!

Unless someone comes to make trouble, Rong Baotang, as the manager of this city, may come forward to help them check, otherwise, it can be ignored completely!

This is the usual fate of people at the lower level. When you are not strong or important, you are as light as a feather or dust in the eyes of others. No one will take care of your life and death, let alone your happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. , ups and downs, etc., these are just your own feelings. No one will ask or care. If you really die, you will be thrown into the garbage dump like a walking corpse...

People at the lower level are sad. If a person is unfortunate enough to be at the lower level, then he must try his best to live happily, because if you yourself hate this kind of life and hate this environment that makes you experience pain and torture, then you You will not even have the fun and courage to live. This is very unfair to you, because every life is independent at least on the spiritual level, and the structure of every life is unique. You can totally Have your own unique life, have your own happiness, and enjoy the beauty of being a life...

Therefore, the valuable thing about life is that after you realize your own situation, the dangers of the surrounding environment, and the essence of life, you can continue to work hard and improve yourself, even if you only improve a little every day. Bit by bit, you can have the opportunity to seize the one in ten thousand chance to make yourself better, so that one day you can completely escape from the lower level and enter a higher level. This is not the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror...

Ye Bei continued: "The reason why I know these people is of course because I often patrol the city and talk to them after encountering some things. And these people left a deep impression on me. Then It’s just that their qualities are good, they won’t do bad things, and they are quite talented. It’s just that bad luck made them worse and worse. In the end, they couldn’t stay any longer and had to leave the city..."

Everyone was silent for a while. They were helpless in this situation, because there were too many such things. If they wanted to take care of it, they would definitely not be able to take care of it. They didn't have to do anything.

Now they feel that if these people are really taken away by Shanhai Qixuan, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. They are simply helping the world clean up some low-level garbage...

After thinking about this, everyone's mood became lighter. It seems that things are not as bad as originally thought. If Shanhai Qixuan is really doing bad things, then once these people disappear, their relatives and friends will definitely report this matter. It was exposed and the trouble was brought to Rong Baotang, but until now, there has been no such thing. In fact, the city lord asked someone to investigate and found out about it.

After Jing Ming heard what Ye Bei said, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that he was still allergic. He only asked those people to investigate and only made a general survey. He didn't know what kind of people they were. If they were all It's these people who can't hang out at the lower levels. As long as no one comes to make trouble, there's no need to worry about it.

After all, it seems now that the power behind Shanhai Qixuan is secretly frightening. Even Tong Juyan fainted under that signature piece of calligraphy. If you want to find out about it and find trouble with it, you must find out about it. Who is the force behind it? Only when you are sure can you take action!

Besides, Rong Baotang has a lot of things to do now. The most important thing is to treat the plague patients sent by Zexin Department first, because there will be a large number of patients coming in the future. If they are not treated batch by batch, it will be very troublesome in the future, so ,The less trouble, the better…

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