The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1827 Opening Stone

After a while, the host's ears finally heard the voice of the owner of the quarry: "These four people are passers-by. Those three women went to Tianbao Tower to cause trouble today, and are now being monitored by people from Rongbaotang." , as for that man, he is also very unfamiliar, so I will kill him if I can!"

"Yes! Boss!" the host responded quickly.

Now it seems that these four young men must be young men who came in from outside. They dare to come to Rongbaocheng and run wild with some money. It is really unreasonable not to teach them a lesson.

The host thought for a while and realized that they seemed to be more interested in those scraps. They simply came to auction the scraps to see if they could clear out the backlog of scrapped rough stones in the warehouse at once.

Moreover, the risk of auctioning scrap is not too great. For the quarry, it only clears inventory and can also mobilize funds.

In addition, of course there are many fake rough stones among the scraps. As long as they can be auctioned, they will make a lot of money!

He immediately ordered someone to take out another batch of scrapped rough stones from the warehouse, put one on the stage first, and said loudly: "The starting price for this rough stone is a low-grade spiritual crystal!"

"Oh!!!" The crowd of onlookers burst into screams again.

A piece of low-grade spiritual crystal is nothing to some powerful people, but to ordinary cultivators, it is a huge wealth. And there is a large population in Rongbao City, and most of them are ordinary cultivators. Many people want Relying on completing tasks to supplement their training, some people may not be able to survive and can only consider selling themselves into slaves... Therefore, the price of a piece of low-grade spiritual crystal is enough to arouse their most fragile nerves. It is extremely cruel to make such a cry. normal.

There are also many old customers of the quarry gathered here. Of course, these people know that the rough stones brought out by the host are actually scraps that have not been auctioned before and have been sentenced to death long ago. Therefore, they all hold back and do not bid.

Of course, some of them began to have psychological fluctuations at this time, because the four young people in front of them took pictures of the scraps without even blinking. Could it be that they had made a mistake?

It can be said that the process of gambling on stones is also a psychological battle. Whether it is a casino, a gambler, or between gamblers, they are all engaged in a huge gamble!

But I heard Guo Jia shouting from the side: "You weaklings, even these four young people dare to take pictures. You claim that you are not short of money, how come no one dares to bid?"

"You brat, do you think you can be willful if you have money?! If you spend money like they do, no matter how big your fortune is, it will be destroyed!" an old customer yelled.

"That's right, these rough stones were all scrapped before. I won't be fooled by this!" Someone agreed.

“The stone field is simply sucking blood;

Even such stones were taken out! "

"You dare to call a low-grade spiritual crystal, you are simply shameless!"

"Not bad…"

The host listened to the shouts and comments of these people, but he was indifferent. He was in a good mood and had a charming smile on his face, because for him, such a scene was too normal. When gambling on stones, , Gamblers will yell and curse, they will curse when they make money, they will curse when they lose, and they will curse a few words if nothing happens. But even though they curse, sometimes they still can't help but bid. This is the weakness of human nature, there is no way...

Especially since the four young people in front of them had bought ten pieces of scrap rough stones in a row without opening the stones on site, this made everyone a little uneasy.

Generally speaking, people who have photographed rough stones will choose to have the stones drilled on site, because the casinos have experienced stone drillers. If the stones are photographed here, they can help you drill the stones for free. This is a great discount. If you hire someone else to cut the stone, not only the quality cannot be guaranteed, but you will also need to pay a rather expensive fee.

But these four young people couldn't just shoot away. Therefore, no one knew whether they had made a profit or a loss. They had no chance to envy, jealousy, ridicule or belittle them, which made everyone feel itchy...

Therefore, although these old customers kept cursing on their lips, they were experiencing great fluctuations in their hearts. If these scrapped rough stones were misjudged and abandoned by others, wouldn't they be able to make a fortune if they picked them up? !

Besides, there are countless such things in the history of stone betting!

From a high probability point of view, there are far more mistakes in making mistakes than in not making mistakes. Whether it is seeing something or not, seeing more or less, the final results obtained by many gamblers are often inconsistent with their predictions.

This leads to the fact that people who are involved in the stone gambling industry have a strong gambling habit. It is impossible to stop them from gambling.

"I'll buy!"

While these old customers kept yelling and scolding, Xiaoxing had already raised his sign without hesitation, indicating that he had bid for a piece of low-grade spiritual crystal.

"I want it!"

At this time, an old customer finally couldn't bear it anymore, and after adding a high-grade spiritual stone, he also raised his card!

As soon as someone joined, others also enthusiastically joined the auction. After a while, the rough stone actually increased to two low-grade spiritual crystals, which made the surrounding audience extremely enjoyable!

However, Xiaoxing raised the card once and then did not raise it again. In the end, the rough stone was snatched away by the first old customer to bid.

"Congratulations, Old Ding!" The host took the spirit crystal and said with a smile.

"Same joy! Open it for me quickly and see what's inside!" Lao Ding said excitedly.

"No problem!" the host responded immediately.

"Let me come! It's free!" Guo Jia shouted from the side.

"Okay! You guys can give me some snacks!" Lao Ding warned.

Although Guo Jia was not a gemstone owner, he was well-known. Of course, Lao Ding was very relieved and asked him to open stones in public.

After everyone heard this, they withdrew from a wide field with a "hoo!", leaving only the huge stone in the field!

Guo Jia walked around the boulder a few times, shouted "唔", pulled off his upper body robe and tied it around his waist, revealing a body of knotted muscles covered with a layer of flamboyant fur, and his momentum instantly increased several times. level!

A flash of inspiration appeared in his right hand, and a treasure appeared, which looked a bit like a saw. There were obvious teeth on the blade, and it shone with a cold light.

He fixed his eyes on the boulder, aimed at the direction he had just chosen, and quickly sawed there a few times. A small gap appeared in the raw stone skin at the sawing point, as well as some skin fragments.

Guo Jia took some fragments and looked at them carefully...

"How is it?!" Lao Ding asked anxiously.

"Sipi! There's something going on!" Guo Jia said.

"Okay! Great!!" Lao Ding's face flushed with excitement.

When the people around heard this, they all started to make a commotion. They didn't expect that this rough stone that had been abandoned long ago was actually dead skin!

For raw stones, if there is dead skin, the chance of jade inside will be much greater.

This is because, logically speaking, it is possible for a piece of jade embryo to grow into jade, but it takes a long time to grow into jade. By growing in the jade veins for a long time, it absorbs the essence of the jade veins, and finally promotes the formation of jade. The jade inside the stone is formed, and after it is formed, the outer germ skin will gradually age until it becomes dead skin, wrapping the jade or chalcedony inside.

Of course, there are also many rough stones whose embryonic skins are not vigorous enough and have aged and died before absorbing enough nutrients from the jade veins. There is no jade quality inside at all.

Corresponding to the dead skin is rawhide. Rawhide generally appears in the early or middle stages of jade growth. If the raw stone is mined at this time and there is very little or less jade in it, it will be a waste.

In the later stages of jade growth, there will still be ripe skin. If ripe skin appears, then the jade in this rough stone is most likely to be of good quality, not only in sufficient quantity, but also of high quality. Even after it is mined, it will still be It is full of vitality and can absorb the essence of the sun and moon, the spiritual energy and fairy energy around it, etc.

Therefore, experienced appraisers prefer rough stones with cooked or dead skin, because these two situations have a greater chance of appearing jade.

However, nature is ever-changing, and many things often do not follow common sense. Therefore, in addition to identifying the properties of the embryonic skin, other means are needed to identify it, and the most convincing one is a pair of discerning or divine eyes. , coupled with super powerful spiritual consciousness ability.

At this time, Guo Jia also seemed a little excited. He immediately sawed off from another selected position, and some embryonic skin fell out. He picked it up and looked at it, and was slightly startled: "rawhide?!"

"What?!" Old Ding was stunned.

"This is rawhide!" Guo Jia shouted.

"How is it possible?! How can there be two kinds of embryonic skin on one stone?" Old Ding said angrily.

"You are really confused. What do the two types of embryonic skins mean? Some rough stones have all kinds of embryonic skins!" Guo Jia snorted.

"This..." Lao Ding was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

It doesn’t matter to oneself, it’s a matter of high concern, but when it does matter to oneself, one feels a little confused. What Guo Jia said is not nonsense, but something that often happens. The growth environment of each rough stone may be different, maybe on one side. It has grown, but there is no movement on the other side. It is also possible that one side has finished growing, while the other side has just begun. For a master of stone betting like Lao Ding, how could he forget this?

It can be seen that he is now focused on this rough stone. If Guo Jia fails to find jade or chalcedony after cutting it, it will be a major blow to him!

Guo Jia didn't care about Lao Ding's current mood, but opened the stone at his own pace. This was an essential quality for a good stone opener.

I saw that he was not in a hurry, but was slowly exploring the growth lines of the original stone, cutting off some useless epidermis along the lines, and then looking for a suitable incision to start...

As more and more pieces of the embryonic skin were cut off, the boulder was slowly getting smaller, and the hearts of Lao Ding and the surrounding spectators began to tighten, and some of them no longer dared to look at it anymore. !

Because no jade has appeared until now, there is a high probability that this rough stone will not be found. Even if there is, there will not be a lot of jade. It is difficult to compare with the two low-grade spiritual crystals that Lao Ding paid. Comparable value.

The surrounding atmosphere was extremely solemn. Everyone held their breath and watched Guo Jia slowly cutting...

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