The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1825 Rough Stone Auction

/ Reading on mobile phone . / Reading on mobile phone . Jingming thought in his mind that if he wanted Li Yun to help, he first needed to let Li Yun know about it. After all, Li Yun didn’t know anything about the Baize clan, and this kind of intrigue among high-level officials Even ordinary people of this tribe don't understand it.

However, if Li Yun is told about this, it will involve the crime of revealing the secrets of the clan. This is no joke. If someone finds out, he, the leader of the hall and the city leader, will not be able to take it seriously.

In addition, he suddenly thought of something. Wuchen used to be in Linyu, and Li Yun had been to Linyu not long ago. Therefore, the rescue of Wuchen should also have happened in Linyu, and then Wuchen joined Li Yun's sect. , followed him all the way to Rongbaocheng.

In this way, Wuchen has not returned to the clan at all. Looking at his current appearance, it seems that he does not want to return to the clan at all. Doesn't this mean that his original idea is not quite right?

Just as he was thinking about it, the City Lord's Mansion was already in front of him. Jing Ming calmed down and led Li Yun and Wuchen into the mansion. The welcome ceremony was extremely grand...

Li Yun walked and observed all the way, and found that this place was indeed a style of the level of mythical beasts. In addition to the totems of mythical beasts with different expressions, the most distinctive feature was various kinds of jade, some were pure white and flawless, and some were pure red and pure yellow. , pure blue, pure green, pure green... some are colorful, from the roof to the floor, to the jade pillars, jade platforms, jade seats, and even the utensils on the platform, almost all are made of jade!

The value of these jade is of course immeasurable, but the style of so many jade also confirms the information collected by Xiaoxing, that is, the Baize tribe is the race of mythical beasts that likes jade the most.

For a piece of rare and good jade, it may trigger an extremely shocking battle!

After careful inspection with his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that these jade were not only different in color and quality, but also in temperature. Some were cold jade, some were warm jade, some were extremely cold, and some were quite hot jade...

This is a small world of jade, showing off the wealth and luxury of Rong Baotang!

Li Yun couldn't help but admired, "Senior, this place is really beautiful and fragrant!"

"Haha! Master Yun deserves the award!" Jing Ming said proudly.

He proudly introduced it to Li Yun. It turned out that most of the jade here came from the area where the Baize people lived, but a considerable part of it was collected by him outside. Many of the jade was discovered by traveling merchants from various places and brought back. I came here to auction, and he took pictures of everything.

Later, those traveling businessmen all knew that the people in Rong Baotang liked jade the most.

So if you get gems, you will bring them over and sell them to them, and you can usually get generous returns.

"You don't know something, sir. We Baize people love jade the most!" Wuchen said aside.

"I see. No wonder Xiaozhen brought several carts of jade here to auction last time." Li Yun said with a smile.

Jing Ming's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly asked, "I wonder who the little Yun Zun is talking about?"

"That's one of my little slaves, named Qi Xidu."

"What?! Zhaoxidu is your little slave?" Jing Ming said in surprise.

Tongtian and others next to him also looked at each other with astonishment on their faces.

Speaking of which, Qi Xidu is very well-known in Rongbao City because he comes here to auction treasures the most often, and every time he comes there is a huge showdown, which can be called a trip to show off his wealth!

This of course left a deep impression on people like Jing Ming and Tong Tian.

Rong Baotang extremely welcomes such wandering businessmen and will focus on protecting them. As long as they come here, there will be dedicated personnel to protect them. When the auction is over, they will be escorted far away...

But in the past, Jing Ming and others knew that Qi Xidu was a loner and had never heard of him joining anyone else's sect. Unexpectedly, they would learn this information from Li Yun now.

With a thought in his mind, Li Yun called Qi Xidu out of the Universiade Palace.

Qi Xidu was explaining how to identify treasures to Huo Yan. He was a little dizzy when he came out. It took him a while to wake up. When he looked up, he found that besides the adults, he was surrounded by old acquaintances. He suddenly understood!

"I've met your lord! I've met the city lord!" Qi Xidu saluted loudly.

"Wow! It's really you!!!" Tongtian exclaimed.

"Haha, that's right! Are you okay, sir?"

"This...just call me Xiaotian! We are all accompanying you now!" Tongtian said quickly.

"Haha, you are wise! Now you know how powerful my master is, right?" Zhe Xidu said proudly.

"Of course...of course...the city lord and my uncle are both here..."

Jing Ming interjected, "Xiao Zhen, what jade did you bring this time?"

"Jade?" Qi Xidu was slightly startled.

He did bring a lot of jade with him last time, but after he put it under Li Yun's door, he didn't plan to auction it. He wanted to offer it to Li Yun but he refused, so he piled it all in his small space.

However, now that the adults have really brought it to Rong Baotang, do you want to auction it?

Li Yun's reminder came to his ears: "Just pick some auctions, it's lively..."

"Yes! Sir!" Qi Xidu responded in his mind.

"Lord Yun Zun just mentioned that you brought several carts of jade. According to past practice, you would let us take a look first. How about taking it out and taking a look?" Jing Ming said with a smile.

"No problem! It was originally going to be auctioned here."

Qi Xidu took out a small space stone from his body, and with a thought, he took out a stone.

Although everyone was sitting on their seats, as soon as the stone appeared in the hall, everyone's eyes and consciousness could not wait to move to the stone. This shows how much the Baize people like jade!

"Original stone?!" Everyone shouted almost in unison.

The so-called rough stone is a stone with jade skin. Covered by this thick or thin layer of skin, it is difficult to see whether there is jade inside, and even if there is, its size is also difficult to judge.

Of course, there are also many experts who use their own observations and past experience to judge the quality of the jade, so as to decide whether to buy it and the purchase price.

This gave rise to a "stone gambling" business. Neither the seller nor the buyer is actually very sure about the value of the original stone. Therefore, it is possible that someone can buy one at a very low price. A large piece of jade resulted in a windfall, but there are also people who paid a high price to buy the original stone, only to find that the jade contained in it was very little or even nonexistent after opening it. Of course, the result was ruined!

On the road of gambling on stones, there are too many stories that happened in Rongbao City alone!

Some people are happy, some are angry, some are sad, some are happy, some are crazy... Rongbaocheng is indeed a city that people like and hate at the same time!

Li Yun didn't expect that Qi Xidu would turn out to be a rough stone as soon as he took action. This was obviously the rhythm of causing trouble!

Originally, his intention was to ask Zhen Xidu to bring out some jade and let them estimate the price and buy it. It was also a loan of flowers to offer to the Buddha. I believe Zhen Xidu would only make a profit without losing any money, but now things have changed...

When Li Yun and Xiao Xing visited the city before, they mainly looked at the exhibition building belonging to Rong Baotang and did not go deep into the various stone gambling sites, so their feelings in this regard were not profound.

But of course he knew about the stone gambling. In fact, when he and Qi Xidu were on the carriage, he had already seen all these rough stones, which made Qi Xidu so admired!

Now Qi Xidu can be said to be confident, so he took this opportunity to come out to test the power of this group of Rong Baotang and see how good their eyesight is.

In Rongbao City, there is a formal "Stone Gambling Festival" every year. During this festival, Rongbao Hall hosts a large-scale rough stone auction, which attracts countless people to participate every time.

In normal times, large and small stone gambling activities are also held at various large and medium-sized auction houses, and there are never a few participants.

Now, in the city lord's palace, all the masters of the Baize clan in the city have gathered together. This specification can be regarded as the highest-level rough stone auction. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little dignified...

Of course, calling these people masters mainly refers to their cultivation and ability, but when it comes to stone gambling, it really doesn’t have much to do with cultivation and ability!

In terms of identifying rough stones, some people are gifted, which is actually the ability of discerning eyes. Although Xiang Xidu is much lower than them in cultivation, his ability to identify rough stones is higher than them. Out too much!

But Qixidu's ability is much lower than that of Li Yunlai, because Li Yun not only has super insight, but also has extremely strong spiritual consciousness and rich knowledge of cultivation. With the help of Xiaoxing, It's so easy to identify, no wonder it can make people like Qixidu fall in love with it.

The Baize tribe has always been fond of jade, and some tribesmen who have this talent have been gradually discovered. Therefore, the Baize tribe also has many people with "divine eyes" who have extremely strong abilities in identifying rough stones. , and became a treasure appraiser that the clan relied heavily on.

There are many treasure appraisers in Rongbao City, but they are scattered in various exhibition buildings.

When Jing Ming saw Qi Xidu looking like he was going to cause trouble, he naturally couldn't let him compete with him, so he immediately ordered someone to summon all the famous treasure appraisers in the city to come to the mansion to participate in this extremely high-level "raw stone auction" "!

The feast was in progress, but everyone's minds were attracted to this rough stone and became too much to chew.

Jing Ming took this opportunity to talk to Li Yun about the Baize tribe's hobby. In addition, Wuchen was also very interested in it, so he had a good conversation with him, and the two soon chatted together.

This makes Jingming secretly happy. It seems that jade is Wuchen's weakness. As long as he has a weakness, he will be given the opportunity to get close to him. And as long as he makes Wuchen happy, he can become one of his. piece…

How can Wuchen be as scheming as Jingming? When he saw Jingming taking out many exquisite and noble jade articles for him to admire and play with, he just couldn't put it down. He smiled so happily that he unknowingly walked on the road paved by Jingming...

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