The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1791 How to save the bad guys?

"Not bad! Our three insect bloodline levels have been greatly improved. They have already evolved the ability to blur, and they all have thunder attributes. This is caused by the environment and food. It is impossible for Bian Ying to have such conditions." Li Yun Agreed.

"Yes, so although he is the insect master, he doesn't seem to have many ideas on how to improve the insect's bloodline ability. He just maintains their bloodline ability according to the original breeding method." Xiaoxing said.

Judging from what the two people observed, the scale of cultivating these insects by the Orioles is not large. Although there are many varieties, the overall number is pitifully small. This should be closely related to the resource conditions possessed by the Orioles. In addition, it is also related to their Feeding knowledge is related to insufficient ability.

If these insects were placed in Li Yun's hands, I'm afraid that a large number of each type could be cultivated and evolved to an astonishing level.

"Sir, should we get some of his bugs? The world of Tianyun will be more lively in the future!" Xiaoxing said with great interest.

"For Tian Yun's sake, we should take it, because many of these insects are new varieties, and as long as they are new varieties, it is good for us. However, it is pointless to take those adult insects. If you want to take them, just take their eggs. , why not ask him if he can sell it?" Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Sir, it is impossible for this kid to sell insect eggs. Judging from his performance, he regards insects as his life. Moreover, the number of his insects is too small. If he sells the eggs, it may affect their bloodline. Perpetuation of the problem.”

"This problem is very realistic. It is similar to the continuation of a race. If the number of individuals in a bug species is too small, the bloodline cannot be continued well." Li Yun nodded.

"Exactly, generally speaking, if the bloodline of a race or bug breed wants to continue well, the number of individuals must reach at least five hundred, and the number of males and females must be relatively balanced. From this perspective, the race of advanced bloodline Or the Chongchong variety is better, because their individuals are all hermaphrodites, which is extremely helpful for the continuation of the bloodline," Xiaoxing said.

"In that case, let's not touch the insects of the flat warbler first. In fact, the insects he collected are distributed in the spiritual world, and they are not almost extinct like Tuntiandou, so , even if we don’t get it from him, we should be able to get it somewhere else.”

"Yes, our ground net has captured many of these species, and we will definitely be able to find more in the future." Xiaoxing said confidently.

While the two were chatting, they saw that the warbler seemed quite satisfied after feeding the black widow spider, and finally left the thatched hut and returned to his own house...

However, what Bian Ying didn't know was that shortly after he left, several people appeared outside the thatched cottage where Chong Chong was placed. It was Shi Yue's slave Guidong and several others.

These people seemed to be very interested in the insects collected in the thatched cottage.

After discovering that there were more than 100 varieties of bugs, I was so salivating that I even discussed taking away all the bugs.

Of course, their action plan must be after Shi Yue's treatment is completed, so now they are just secretly observing the route and discussing the details of the action, making sure to be fast, steady, accurate and ruthless...

Of course, this scene fell in the eyes of Li Yun and Xiao Xing, and it also greatly broadened their understanding of human nature. Unexpectedly, Bian Ying worked so hard to treat Shi Yue, but people like Guidong didn't appreciate it at all and saw that he had rare insects. Chong actually wants to take it for himself!

These people seemed to be extremely excited about their plan, and immediately began to investigate in the small valley...

"Why is the place where Bian Ying lives so quiet? Not even a disciple or disciple is seen?" Li Yunqi asked.

"Sir, Bian Ying has no disciples, only more than 300 disciples. In addition to studying medicine, these people are responsible for receiving and treating patients, collecting herbal medicines, refining pills, etc. Many of them can stand alone. , Bianying does not need to be treated outside, unless it is an extremely difficult symptom that the disciples cannot solve, they will come to him, which is the case with Xiang Shiyue." Xiaoxing introduced.

"So he hasn't established any personal power?"

"That's true. Some of these disciples left the master after completing their studies and went to practice medicine on their own. Those who stayed were some extremely loyal disciples, and there were also some newcomers who did not set up any protective formations in their residences, so Gui These people can easily move in and out of the valley."

"Bian Ying's cultivation level is not high, only the Hinayana level. With such cultivation level, I am afraid that even Guidong will not be able to defeat him. Therefore, Guidong and the others don't actually need to check the escape route at all. They can just take it and leave. ..." Li Yun sighed.

"After all, being a thief has a guilty conscience, and they are also worried that Bian Ying will find out and ruin their reputation. If it is their own reputation, that's it. But Shi Yue was saved by Bian Ying. People will definitely accuse Shi Yue'en of taking revenge." Xiao Xing analyzed.

"Yes, bad people also attach great importance to their reputation, because once they are discovered, it will be more difficult to do bad things again." Li Yun teased.

"Hey, judging from historical data, bad people are bad people, and it is difficult for bad people to become good people, especially those who have done bad things. It is even more difficult for bad people to become good people. This is why Zen Tao When people go to save sentient beings, they find that those who are very evil can get greater benefits once they wake up. The reason is that this kind of transformation is extremely difficult, and you need to overcome the desire to do evil in your heart, and The power of that desire is so powerful that it is difficult for ordinary people to resist, and they often become slaves of that desire."

"It is very difficult for people to achieve the state of having no desires and desires. All we can say is to try our best. Of course, having desires is not a bad thing. It mainly depends on whether it is a good desire or a bad desire, but the things in the world , good and bad are often on a thin line, and a single thought can lead to Zen or demon. There are also many people who are very brave, using desire as a breakthrough to enter the Tao, throwing themselves into the sea of ​​desire to float and struggle. Such people succeed If you do, you will have extremely strong Taoist power, but if you fail, you may sink into the sea forever and be unable to recover..."

"Sir, the Madam Yunyu who appeared in the Jade Rabbit Realm last time is in the sea of ​​lust forever. No one can save her."

"That woman... is really too exaggerated, she is completely captured by her lust!" When Li Yun thought of seeing Madam Yun Yu, he felt sick in his heart...

"Sir, are we going to watch Guidong and others do evil now and then take advantage of them and get rid of those bugs, or are we going to be kind and let them turn back their prodigal sons and become good people for once?"

"It is not possible to cross all sentient beings through Zen. Some people just don't want to get on the boat from the sea of ​​desire, so they can't force it, just like Mrs. Yunyu. As for Guidong and the others, they already have evil thoughts in their hearts, but they haven't paid the price yet. It’s just implementation, if we know about this and still watch them do evil like this, and even think about taking advantage of others, this will be completely different from our original intention of studying Zen Tao."

"What you said makes sense!" Xiaoxing said with a slightly red face.

"However, it is not easy to resolve the evil thoughts in their hearts. After all, these people have been following Shi Yue for a long time and have planted evil roots. They have been influenced by their ears and eyes for so many years and have helped others do evil. I don't know how much karma they have been implicated in. Therefore, I want them to It's very difficult to give up the robbery, let alone to ferry them..." Li Yun pondered.

"so what should I do now?"

"Actually, we don't have to directly persuade them to give up the robbery. We only need to use one method to achieve this goal." Li Yun said with a smile.

"My lord is saying..."

"Didn't they just plan to wait for Shi Yue to be cured before taking action? We only need to inform Bian Ying of this situation and suggest him to slow down the treatment process. As long as the condition recurs a few times and is not cured, then Guidong and the others will continue to If you don’t know how to take action, then…”

"What happens next?" Xiaoxing asked anxiously.

"We can ask Chuanyun Temple to send several eminent monks to support Bian Ying. On the one hand, they will help, and on the other hand, they will go there to transfer people. They will recite Zen and tell stories in Guidong's ears every day to see if they can resolve the evil thoughts in their hearts. Fortunately, even Shiyue has been transformed, so that we can achieve the goal we want!"

"Wow! This is a great plan, sir! Xiaonu immediately informs Master Duxin or Duzhen that they will send someone there!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Okay! We must remind them to be careful of Shi Yue's way of time. The protective formation of the robe must be activated. When they pass through the Tianshang Divine Realm, they can find Ling Daozi to bring a robe to Bian Ying." Li Yun reminded .

"Yes! Don't worry, sir!"

Xiaoxing quickly sent a message to Bianying and a letter to Master Duzhen.

Bian Ying is reading medical books at a wooden table. This is a good habit he has developed over the years, because only by holding books in his hands will he feel more real and can think while reading.

He is in a good mood today. Shi Yue's injury has been brought under control, which proves that his previous explorations in the medical field are extremely successful. Although he has always been calm and calm, he has made such a breakthrough in this major case. As a A doctor is still really excited!

Bian Ying even dug out a bottle of wine. This bottle of wine was given to her by her favorite disciple Yu Huai not long ago. It is called Xingyun Wine. It is said that one bottle costs a piece of high-grade spiritual crystal. It is simply too luxurious!

He gave Yu Huai a severe scolding, but in the end he accepted it. Of course he was reluctant to drink it and kept it in a wooden cabinet. However, he was in a really happy mood today and the wine bug in his belly started to become active, so he put this bottle of Star Yun Liquor took it out from the cabinet.

After studying for a while, he discovered that the wine lid could be used as a wine glass, and as soon as he smelled the aroma of the wine, Bian Ying couldn't stand it. A look of intoxication flashed across his face, and he was secretly shocked in his heart, because he was very interested in the breath of life. Extremely sensitive, the vitality contained in this wine is so strong, no wonder it sells for such a high price...

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