The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1776 The Weaknesses of the Sun Clan

Of course, there is no shortage of insightful people in the Xuanling world. They have long realized that blindly killing and conquering cannot solve all problems, but it is difficult for them to find a good way to resolve it, because violence is like Drugs are addictive.

The stronger the power, the more psychedelic it makes people feel, making people feel that they are omnipotent, making them arrogant and tending to use violence to solve problems if they are not satisfied.

Zen practice has found a good solution in this regard, which is to use Zen to restrain one's behavior, cultivate virtue, accumulate good deeds, and resolve hostility...

However, meditation can only solve the problems of a small number of people at most, because there are also many things like Zhiqing, Zhihui, Dharma Gang, Dharma Yan, Dharma Fruit, Dharma Collapse, Dharma Picture, Dharma Will, and Yuan that appear during meditation. Ben, Hongye, Qinghua... and other scum, their existence is enough to make all meditation efforts in vain...

If Zen practice is like this, it becomes even more difficult for other cultivators to control the violent energy in their bodies. The greater the power and the more people they kill, the more difficult it is to control this violent energy, and the entire Xuanling world becomes more and more violent. , losing more and more peace, with a bit of blood...

Li Yun does not think that he is the savior, but at least he must be able to solve his own problems. In addition to the various methods that Xiaoxing has developed to control murderous and violent energy, his own continuous resolution is also prescient. In addition to through Taoism In addition to cultivating strength to disperse and dilute the murderous and violent energy, he also accumulated merits and gained the light of faith, which also enabled him to receive the blessing of the auspicious ring of heaven and earth. As long as his mind moved slightly, he could eliminate the remaining murderous and violent energy in his body. The anger is gently wiped away!

Therefore, there is a reason why he can always maintain a peaceful and humble heart.

After suppressing Xiaoxing's inflated confidence, Li Yun said with a smile: "Actually, no matter what achievements we have made, we have no advantage at all compared to the Sun Clan. Maybe there are people from the Sun Clan laughing at us now. So, let’s keep working hard!”

"This...that's what the adults are saying! When we think about it, the sun laughs. If we want to surpass the Sun Clan, we really need to keep working hard!" Xiaoxing sighed.

This is indeed too realistic!

Because the sun in the sky alone can illuminate the entire spiritual world, as well as the infinite space outside. Such endless energy is unimaginable. If Tianyun World wants to reach such a level, I don’t know how many years and months it will take to develop...

And how strong will the Sun Clan, which has developed with the support of such huge energy, become?

In the view of Li Yun and Xiaoxing, this universe is actually under the control of the Sun Clan, and the Xuanling World is just a small world under the jurisdiction of one of the Suns.

Just look up at the sky and you can see the stars.

Each of these stars is a sun, some are big and some are small. The big ones may be thousands of times the size of this sun, and the small ones may be only one thousandth of this sun. But each of them is relative to the Xuanling world. They are definitely giants with unlimited energy, and among them there are also extremely powerful people from the Sun Tribe...

When Xiaoxing thought of this, the confidence he had just inflated had disappeared. However, as a person who possesses the essence of the universe, how could he give up easily?

"Sir, no matter how powerful the Sun Clan is, they still have weaknesses!" Xiaoxing said.

"Weaknesses? What did you analyze?" Li Yun asked with interest.

"As we have analyzed before, as the entropy value of this universe continues to increase, cause and effect will continue to accumulate. If the rules of the universe cannot dismantle these causes and effects, it will inevitably lead to its final heat death. To dismantle cause and effect, just There must be abundant vitality so that the way of heaven can continue to cycle through reincarnation and other means. But now the killings and conquests in various small worlds have hurt Tianhe, the violence is increasing, and the vitality is constantly decreasing. If this continues, The ability of the Heavenly Dao will also become weaker and weaker, and in this case, the Sun Clan will also be affected. Moreover, since they control this side of the universe, if there is a problem with the Heavenly Dao of the universe, they will be the most affected!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense. How can there be complete eggs when the nest is overturned? The Sun Clan is a hot egg with huge energy placed in this universe. If there is a problem in the universe, the energy of these hot eggs will be extracted by the universe. , to maintain the movement of heaven, and the Sun Clan relies on huge and endless energy to support and develop. If the energy level drops, their problems will be big!" Li Yun agreed.

"Yes, this is a problem that affects the whole body. Energy is not only the strength of the Sun Clan, but also the weakness of the Sun Clan!"

"Well, your analysis really hits the core! It's like a person's weaknesses are often hidden among his strengths. When his strengths are outstanding, they may not be discovered, but when his strengths are not there, the weaknesses are revealed. Come out." Li Yun said.

"Hehe, advantages often seem so dazzling that they can cover up all weaknesses, but the so-called dazzling brilliance does not necessarily mean the strongest. Sometimes it is just to scare people. This is the principle of paper tigers, pretending to be ghosts, and bluffing. People I am often intimidated by these superficial things, but dare not delve into the truth and falsehood." Xiaoxing laughed.

"So, do you think that the Sun Clan's strongest energy is actually their biggest weakness?"

"Yes! If this side of the universe cannot dismantle the accumulating cause and effect, it will inevitably continue to extract the energy of the sun. Facing the power of heaven, the Sun Clan has no way to resist and can only let it extract. When the energy level drops to At a certain point, adults, think about what will happen?”

" a big problem! Such a huge sun is actually a star with a huge force field. This force field is dynamically balanced to maintain a stable state, and this force field relies on endless It is maintained by energy. If the energy level continues to decrease, it is possible that the force field will be out of balance. At that time, two situations may occur, one is collapse, the other is explosion!" Li Yun analyzed.

"Yes. These two situations are related to the different compositions of each sun. Some suns may have gravitational force greater than the internal explosive force, and they will collapse. Some suns will be the opposite. The internal explosive force is greater than the gravitational force, and they will explode. At that time, the sun will collapse. The movie universe is great, maybe you can see fireworks shows in the starry sky every night..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Of course the Sun Clan will try their best to prevent this from happening. What will they do?"

"On the one hand, it is to prevent the loss of energy, and on the other hand, it is to find a way to balance the internal explosion force and gravity of the sun to maintain a low-level safety state." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Well, it may be very difficult to stop the loss of energy, because the universe is like the mother that gave birth to them, and its power is certainly beyond the ability of the Sun Clan to compete with. Therefore, they will definitely be inclined to adjust the balance of internal and external forces."

"Yes. The Sun Clan definitely loves and hates energy, because their survival and development depend on energy, but sometimes too much or too little energy can cause internal and external imbalances and lead to terrible consequences. Therefore, we must overcome For the Sun Clan, we need to start with what seems to be their strongest point, which is energy. As long as their energy level fluctuates, the Sun Clan will be busy!" Xiaoxing laughed.

Li Yun was perked up after hearing this. Xiaoxing's analysis really hit the point. Energy is both the strongest and weakest point of the Sun Clan. This is just like how many people fail when they think they are the strongest. He fails because everyone often has blind confidence in his strongest advantage and lacks the necessary awe. When he thinks he can fully control, his actions are often to attack with all his strength, leaving no room for anything, or even It's overdraft plus leverage...

This will lay a terrible hidden danger for future failure!

Once he encounters a heavy blow, he may not even have room to maneuver to save himself, but will collapse thousands of miles, be unable to recover, and be completely defeated!

When the tide recedes, people will know which predators are actually swimming naked like other ordinary people...

If I have to deal with some Sun Tribe people in the future, as long as I have the ability to stir up the energy of that sun and affect changes in its energy level, I can plunge the seemingly powerful Sun Tribe people into chaos and defeat them without a fight. Win!

"That makes sense! It seems that we can continue to find the weaknesses of the Sun Clan along this line of thinking. Of course, the focus should be on how to solve the problem of energy control." Li Yun praised.

"On the one hand, energy control is how to absorb and release, and on the other hand, it is the issue of energy conversion. The Sun Clan must have long-term thinking in this regard and has rich experience and strategies. Therefore, if we want to If it affects them, they will definitely have corresponding countermeasures to deal with us, which will test our thinking ability and adaptability." Xiaoxing sighed.

"Yes, in the final analysis, although we seem to have found the Sun Clan's weakness, their weaknesses are still stronger than ours. Unless we make significant progress in energy control, we will still be crushed by them. We can only wait for the last chance of the universe to defeat them..."

"The last chance? Sir, are you talking about the last chance of heat death of the universe?"

"Yes, by then, without us taking action, the Sun Clan should be almost done. Many of the sun's energy has been lost long ago, and without the support of endless energy, the Sun Clan will also be finished one after another. Without us, Tianyun World provides extra energy to save the universe, and the Sun Clan’s final fate must be to perish together with the heat death of the universe!”

"This...I wonder how the Sun Clan will think about this issue..."

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