The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1774 Installing the Teleportation Array

"I would like to hear the details." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Ten million-mile teleportation arrays are almost non-existent in the spirit world. Although they exist in the fairy world, they are rarely very precious and belong to the category of high-level immortal arrays. And I have never heard of a fifty-million-mile teleportation array..." "Jiuxian said excitedly, his face turned extremely red.

"Senior has overlooked a problem. The space in the fairy world is much stronger than the spiritual world. Therefore, if the teleportation array is ten million miles away in the spiritual world, it will shrink to less than one million miles away in the fairy world. This should be the case in the fairy world. It's just an intermediate immortal formation," Li Yun reminded.

Correction was stunned when he heard the words. Unexpectedly, he was so excited that he even forgot about this!

"So, when my 50-million-mile teleportation array reaches the immortal world, it may just be better than the intermediate immortal array." Li Yun said with a smile.

"No, no, no, even if the teleportation array shrinks to five million miles, it can still enter the advanced immortal array category in the immortal world. It can't be wrong!" Jiang Wan said excitedly.


"That's true. We have a powerful person in Xianlin, the one who left the Holy Fire. His name is Wumen Huoyin. Among his forces is a teleportation array that can teleport as far as four million miles. He is very proud of it. , saying that there are few such advanced formations in the fairy world..."

"Wow..." Li Yun was slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, a teleportation array four million miles away in the fairy world can enter the ranks of high-level immortal arrays. Then isn't the super teleportation array built by Xiaoxing extremely advanced?

This made him and Xiaoxing more confident!

Because the maximum distance of the teleportation array that Xiaoxing can create now is actually 100 million miles. If converted in the fairy world, it should be 10 million miles. It is at least twice as long as the advanced teleportation array in the fairy world. This kind of ability is expected to It's a bit scary just thinking about it.

However, as Li Yun said, the formation can reach this level, but it also depends on whether people can ride it, because if the people riding this formation cannot withstand the pressure, they may die soon after it is activated. It became a fatal journey.

It is conceivable that if the transmission distance reaches 100 million miles, how high will the initial startup pressure be?

According to Xiaoxing's calculations, only people who have reached the Hinayana level or above can ride such a super teleportation array, and Dechang can ride it because he is from the Lin tribe and is naturally gifted. Although he is only a Lin King, in terms of the strength of his body , in terms of combat power, it far exceeds the ordinary immortals of the human race, so there is no problem riding in this formation.

"I wonder when Yun Zun will build this formation?" Jiefang asked urgently.


This array has actually been built and only needs to be installed. There will be no problem even if it is installed now. "Li Yun said.



"Then why don't you go and install it now? Let me also open my eyes?" Jiang Qi said loudly.

"Okay!" Li Yun agreed.

When Dechun and others heard about this, they all lost their composure. Unexpectedly, Li Yun actually said that he would install a medium-level teleportation immortal array for the Lin clan. The value of this array is immeasurable. Once completed, Then there is a shortcut from Linyu to the outside world, and the benefits are unimaginable!

Since all the tribes in the spiritual world came to Linyu, what happened made Dechun and others start to reflect on themselves, and finally realized that the Lin tribe was still too proud! Too closed!

Because they have been isolated from all races in the spiritual world for a long time, they lack the necessary understanding of the development of each race, especially the rapid development of the human race. It was not until this time that many human race powerful men arrived that they discovered that the human race The achievements achieved have reached an incredible level, and this also means that the Lin clan is already falling behind.

Because others are making rapid progress, but you are not advancing but retreating. Even if you have accumulated a great advantage before, this advantage is undoubtedly shrinking significantly. Therefore, the Lin Clan has no reason to remain closed.

But if you want to have contact with the outside world, you must go out more often. This problem of too far distance is very realistic for the Lin people. It is really not easy to go out and broaden your horizons. It takes several years to go back and forth. I'm afraid By the time you come back after broadening your horizons, people will have already developed, and the information you get will always be backward.

In fact, this problem is not only faced by the Lin tribe, but also by other tribes. The spiritual world is too vast, and it may take several or more than ten years for a casual trip.

Therefore, people will rely heavily on information institutions like Tianji Temple. Only by visiting Tianji Temples in various places can they get the latest information. It is against this background that Tianji Temple has flourished.

However, this problem has been initially solved for Li Yun. Now the ground network has covered a large area of ​​​​the spiritual world. A lot of information is being continuously transmitted to Xiaoxing for processing. Li Yun can get the latest information at any time. Compared to Tianji Palace, the value of this information is much greater!

Just like now, the latest information from Longma Divine Realm is being transmitted quickly, allowing Li Yun to know more and more immediate information than others, which is far beyond the reach of Tianji Palace.

It can be said that what Tianji Palace gets is often information from the past, and its value has been greatly reduced, but what Li Yun gets is the freshest information at the first time, sometimes even advanced information, which has real value. .

It is impossible for the Lin Clan and other clans in the spirit world to reach the level of Li Yun. Being able to have an intermediate teleportation immortal formation is already a huge reward for the Lin Clan. Therefore, Dechun and others are like grandsons. Following Li Yun, he arrived outside the Huolin Formation.

They stood here, staring blankly at the empty space in front of them, feeling a sense of awe involuntarily!

Yes, this is the power of the immortal formation. Even the loose immortals and immortals like them cannot see through it. If you accidentally walk into it, you may be caught by it!

There is such a thing in this world, it’s so hard to guard against!

Li Yun noticed their expressions and smiled secretly in his heart. Without a keen sense of immortality, it would be impossible to detect the Fire Lin Formation. No one here, except him and Jiancheng, could tell that there was a large formation here. Fa, Huo Yan can barely detect anything abnormal here, because his power of fire is relatively high and he has a special induction to the fire fairy formation, but if he encounters the Yaolin Formation or the Binglin Formation, He couldn't detect it again.

He led everyone directly into this void space, stopped at a location, and said, "Let's set up the teleportation array here."

"What? Here?!" Everyone was stunned.

This place is already in mid-air, no wonder everyone is surprised.

After correcting his mistake, he stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Yes, setting it up here can just use the star power and save a lot of spiritual crystals!"

"Senior is right! This is the intersection of star power. You can use multiple star powers to help launch the teleportation array. This can not only save spiritual crystals, but also enhance the activation force field!" Li Yun praised.

"Activate the force field? What Yun Zun said is very vivid. This is indeed a place where all forces converge. If used well, it can play a great role. Otherwise, it will be extremely dangerous..." Jiu Wan sighed.

"Yes, so it needs to be debugged after installation. Fortunately, there is a formation spirit, so everything will be fine." Li Yun nodded.

"How are Yun Zun going to install it? If you need my help, just ask!" Jiu Wan said excitedly.

"No! The installation will take three days, you can just watch from the sidelines."

After Li Yun finished speaking, he started to take action. He took out a space stone, his consciousness moved slightly, and the parts flew out of it one by one, swimming in the air...

He took out more space stones, and more parts began to fly in the air...

Soon, the parts in the air were like a goddess scattering flowers, flying in all directions, some as big as a mountain peak, some as small as the eye of a needle, some converging to form a river, some flying down to form a waterfall, some spiraling into a ring, Some exploded like rain...

"Oh my God!"

"What's happening here?!"

"I can't see it anymore!"

Everyone retreated in a hurry and kept screaming. Even the correction was dumbfounded. Looking at the scene, their consciousness scanned wildly, fearing to miss every detail.

However, as the number of components increased, error correction could not keep up. He helplessly stared at the layout of the main formations, and it was impossible to keep the others in mind.

However, even so, the installation process of the array is definitely not something he can see clearly, because the installation is not a straight line and regular installation, but is divided and assembled, and sometimes a large component is just installed. After it was installed, after an internal adjustment, it was suddenly scattered again, rejoined with other parts and then installed again!

Once there are too many steps like this, it will be impossible to remember the error correction!

This is of course because his formation method has not yet reached this level. If it could, he would be able to predict how this component will change and what other components it will be assembled with after separation.

But now, he was completely confused. In other words, he only understood about 20% of the first installation steps, but the latter ones felt exactly the same as Dechun and the others, which was extremely confusing!

Of course, Li Yun will not take their feelings into consideration, because once the installation of the array starts, it is impossible to stop. If the installation cannot be maintained at a certain speed, not only will it not be completed on time, but it will not be installed perfectly, and there will be problems by then. .

His consciousness is divided into countless strands, controlling the installation and positioning of each component, meticulous, concentrated, and careful...

The array components in front of me, like a vast ocean, appear to be chaotic in the air, but in fact they are all flying in an orderly manner under the control of every ray of divine consciousness, looking for their position and assembling them with incomparable precision!

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!"

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

"Snap, snap, snap! Snap, snap, snap!"

"Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!"

The sound of interjection, assembly, collision... the sounds are all in my ears!

The scene in front of me is changing rapidly...

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