The whole Tiande City is about to boil!

People from the Lin tribe gathered from all directions and almost filled the city. A large number of people came from almost every Lin realm to pay homage to the two ancestors of the Lin tribe and the one who led many powerful Lin tribes. The human race immortal Li Yun brought eight middle-grade immortal arrays to the clan!

Li Yun's reputation skyrocketed from zero to infinity. He became a household name almost overnight and everyone knew it!

This was not the result Li Yun wanted, but it happened naturally after he had done what he wanted to do. It was impossible not to think about it.

In this case, there was no need to refuse, so Li Yun, Jiu Cuo and Huo Yan sat in the upper seats of the Tiande Hall, accepting everyone's admiration and worship. The grand scene and the warm atmosphere made everyone dumbfounded. I was so excited and shared this fervent admiration together.

If you look from the outside, you can see a pure light shining straight into the sky, overshadowing all other light pillars, shining brightly!

This is the auspicious light formed by Li Yun's faith and merit. Now it has reached an incredible point. No wonder all the people of the Lin clan are crazy about it!

There is an endless stream of people worshiping, and many of them come "kneeling" all the way, which shows their piety and determination.

Li Yun gave certain rewards to these people who came to kneel down, and the reward was a ray of light, which meant sharing his merits and beliefs with them. This approach made those who worshiped even more crazy, even those who People who originally didn't want to kneel for a long time also joined the ranks, because they all could see that the auspicious light given by Li Yun was extremely pure and auspicious, and it was obvious that it was good for them.

Especially those who have received Rui Guang, they feel as if they have had their hair cut off and their marrow cleansed. Their overall condition has improved not just a little bit, but a huge amount!

crazy! crazy! ! crazy! ! !

In the end, even the clan chiefs such as Dechun, Bizhi, Fanhui, Shali, Dianshi, Jimu, and Jingting joined the group of kneeling worshipers, leaving all the clansmen in the spiritual world confused!

Since people of all ethnic groups could not see the auspicious light blooming from Li Yun's body, nor could they feel the benefits of worshiping, they did not understand why the people of Lin tribe came so madly to worship these three immortals, especially Li Yun.

In their opinion, the Lin clan should have come to thank Li Yun for bringing them eight middle-grade Immortal Formations. This was indeed a great achievement and worthy of their gratitude.

But even if you want to express gratitude, there is no need to perform such a grand ceremony as "kneeling down", right? !

When they saw Dechun and others doing the same,

Finally I couldn’t sit still anymore!

People of all clans stood up in shock, not daring to sit down. They stared blankly at the Lin clan chiefs who seemed to be full of joy after paying their respects, returning to their seats and standing...

"What's going on?! What's going on?!" Xingzun screamed in his heart.

Such a scene has not been recorded in any classics. Is it because Li Yun's achievements this time are so great that the Lin people need to do this to express their gratitude?

Others had similar thoughts in their minds and couldn't let go of them for a long time...

Although Xingzun could not detect the auspicious light, he could still detect an improvement in the status of many Lin Clan powerful men. In his opinion, after the Lin Clan worshiped the three immortals, they must have bathed in their fairy light, thus obtaining The real benefits made him envious.

Because at the level of top loose immortal, it is extremely difficult to make progress. If many people do not have special opportunities, it is almost impossible to make progress and remain stagnant at this level for a long time.

This is also the reason why there are many loose immortals in the spirit world, demon world and demon world, but there are very few loose immortals who can impact the fairy world.

Being able to dare to attack the Immortal Tribulation like Jiu Cuo, Huo Yan, Guan Chao, and Yu Jiang is an extremely brave act in itself. Of course, Jiu Cuo and Huo Yan are still different, because they are not directly attacking the Immortal Tribulation, but After taking the direct passage, it was easy to reach the fairyland.

Although Xingzun thought that worshiping the three immortals would bring a lot of benefits, people from all races in the spiritual world were themselves guests and one of the people the Lin clan wanted to thank, so it was hard to lose face and participate in this matter at this time, so he had to Watching blankly from the side.

Wang Huaixu, Yan Shi, Luo Li, Fairy Youmeng, Fairy Yimei... Like Xing Zun, they felt that this was really an eye-opener and they had a new understanding of the etiquette level of the Lin tribe.

They sighed in their hearts that auspicious beasts are auspicious beasts. They are so particular about etiquette and are not casual at all. This is worthy of learning and research by all races in the spiritual world. A race that values ​​etiquette should be respected by other races, because they must It is a company with strict laws, rules and regulations, a moral bottom line, emphasis on the spirit of the contract, words that are spoken, and actions that are done properly.

No matter which race you are, you are willing to associate, do business, and sign offensive and defensive alliances with such a respectable race, because when you cooperate with such people, you don’t have to worry about someone playing tricks behind your back, escaping from battle, or adding insult to injury. Such tragic events will happen to you. .

It can be said that at this moment, the Lin tribe finally showed their profound heritage to the people of all races in the spiritual world. This heritage has been formed over a long time and has been integrated into their blood and injected into their spirit. , reflected in their actions…

There were so many people in the Lin tribe that the worship was almost endless. Fortunately, cultivators have a lot of patience. After three days and three nights, the worship ceremony finally ended. People from far away all left the hall, and a feast was held in the Tiande Hall. , entertaining people of all races.

Everyone is drunk even if they are not drunk, and the beauty is as beautiful as jade, dancing gracefully, but it is Dehui, the daughter of the clan leader, who leads the beauties in the clan to perform a welcoming dance, which is warm, enthusiastic and lively...

In a corner, there was a fat and fair figure, drinking glass after glass of wine, but his eyes would glance at Li Yun who was sitting in the main seat from time to time, and his robe was wet with saliva.

"Miracle doctor, stop drinking!" Kun Zhi advised from the side.

"Drink! Why don't you drink?!"

"If you keep drinking like this, I won't be able to carry you!"

"Haha, I don't need you to carry it, I can...walk back by myself!" Zhu Heng laughed and drank another glass of wine.

In this hall, I am afraid that he is the only one who is in a different mood than others. Now that Xiao Zhu Dan has been declared aborted, his time in Linyu is also limited. If it were not for seeing what Li Yun's elixir is like, , he may have left on his own long ago.

Of course, even if he wanted to leave, Dechun would not let him leave in such a dejected manner. After all, he was a person who had contributed to the Lin clan. Therefore, Kunzhi's role was to take care of Zhu Heng on the one hand, and watch on the other. Hold him tight.

But what Kunzhi didn't know was that Zhu Heng was fascinated by Li Yun after meeting him. Of course, he was reluctant to leave the Fire Lin Realm like this, and he was depressed, mostly because Li Yun repaired the formation. After that, he might leave here soon. By then, it would be impossible for Zhu Heng to see Li Yun.

Zhu Heng had thought about joining Li Yun's sect, but with his current appearance and his medical skills that were criticized by Xiaoxing, he had already lost all his confidence. He was so inferior to Li Yun that he had no courage to go to Li Yun. Make this request.

Especially in the past few days, seeing people from the Lin tribe "kneeling down" to worship Li Yun made Zhu Heng feel that he was worse than an ant in front of Li Yun...

"It's over, it's over. If this continues, not to mention that I, Zhu Heng, have made progress in medicine, it will be a question of whether I can have the confidence to practice again..." Zhu Heng was still quite sober in his heart, and he couldn't stop lamenting.

Kun Zhi, who was on the sidelines, had no idea what Zhu Heng was thinking, but he just tried to persuade him to stop drinking...

Dechun watched the dance performed by Dehui, with a slight smile on his face. This dance was so good, exuding the passionate vitality of a young woman, which could bring everyone in the audience to attention. Hold on!

Compared with the Taoism shown in Fairy Youmeng's dream last time, there is of course a considerable gap, but the dance of Dehui is more alive than ever. They are all young women from the clan, lively and fragrant, and they dance like a charm. It can charm people to death, so it attracts the attention of most people...

Although Li Yun was watching this dance attentively, he saw another scene in his consciousness, that is, there were many people gathered on the Fire God Stage of the Huolin Tribe. These people were lying or sitting with languid expressions. He could tell at a glance that they were plague victims.

At this time, the Holy Fire had already hid in the Vulcan Hall and would not come out unless someone invited it. Therefore, these plague patients did not get the warmth of the Holy Fire and felt that they were so lonely and helpless at this moment... because just Not far away, Tiande City was singing and dancing to celebrate the completion of the Huolin Formation!

These people also want to join in the fun, but the reality of course does not allow it, because they still have to endure the torture of the plague, and the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow will hit them from time to time, making them miserable...

Li Yun found that he seemed to have ignored the scene of the Vulcan Tower before, and felt a little strange, because if he had discovered it first, he would have chosen to save them first.

"Sir, the Vulcan Platform was originally protected by formations and covered with holy fire, which avoided the induction of thunder demon ants, but it was visible after the holy fire left. Your Excellency was already directing the restoration project at that time, and the little slave was also I didn’t show the adults what was going on there,” Xiaoxing explained.

"I see. Why would the Lin tribe put these plague patients on the Vulcan platform?" Li Yunqi said.

"It is said that the Lin people believe that their holy fire is omnipotent. Under the illumination of the holy fire, all monsters and monsters will be revealed in their true form and killed or expelled. Therefore, they carried these plague patients to the Vulcan Platform. The holy fire comes to shine. Of course, this is only a part of the population, and other patients are mainly waiting for Zhu Heng’s treatment in their clan temples,” Xiaoxing said.

"This is really strange. The Lin people actually believe that a flame can help them get rid of the plague..."

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