The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1746 Listen to Chi Yan tell his story

"He is a human, about forty-five years old." Chi Yan said.

"What?!" The young Immortal Emperor was stunned, so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth!

Xiao Yi was dumbfounded when he heard this, not knowing what was going on.

"Okay, now that you know it, please come back! If there is anything I can do to help you in the future, just call me!"

Chi Yan sighed slightly and threw out three immortal talismans, his face looking quite melancholy...

For him, this is undoubtedly an extremely difficult decision. After all, the Immortal Emperor once occupied an extremely important position in his mind, and Li Yun is so young and a human being. He cannot see the future clearly. , so the decision he is making now can actually be said to be a gamble. It’s okay if the bet is right, but the loss will be huge if the bet loses!

However, as a powerful person at the level of chaos, his actions are more based on his own will. If Li Yun's image had not suppressed the Immortal Emperor just now, then Chi Yan would most likely recognize the Immortal Emperor as his master on the spot. Because this was a desire in his heart many years ago.

If Li Yun hadn't appeared and had such an unforgettable experience with him, it would have been difficult to overcome the desire in his heart...

"Wait a minute!" the young Immortal Emperor said flatly.

"I wonder what else the Immortal Emperor has to say?"

"Do you think the bloodline, talent, cultivation, merit, power, wealth, treasures... of a small human being can compare with mine?"

"Of course they can't be compared." Chi Yan said.

"These are incomparable. Could it be that he is so outstanding that he can't even compare to me?"

"In terms of appearance and temperament, you two are pretty much the same."

"Oh? Since they are almost the same, why did you choose him whose other conditions are not as good as mine?"

"Just because of one thing!"

"Can you reveal it?"

"Does the Immortal Emperor want me to tell the truth or lie?" Chi Yan asked.

"Of course it's the truth!"

"The truth sometimes doesn't sound good..."

"It doesn't matter! Why haven't I experienced any storms? Are you still afraid of hearing a few words of truth?" the Immortal Emperor teased.

Upon hearing this, Chi Yan pondered for a moment and sighed: "Okay, then I'll tell the truth..."

"Appreciate further details."

"I remember that hundreds of thousands of years ago, I met you several times in the Immortal Courtyard. At that time, I was very fascinated by you. I thought that if I could join you and become your little slave, I could interact with you every day. It would be great to have you together..."

"Really?!" The Immortal Emperor was slightly startled.

"This is my truth and what is in my heart."


"At that time, I was really ugly and had a bad temper. I had no friends at all in the fairy world. I always lived alone. In such a situation, it was impossible to get close to you because you were always so aloof. As long as you appeared, , you are the focus of the audience, how could I have the chance to get close to you?" Chi Yan said.

"Not bad." The Immortal Emperor agreed.

"So, I plan to join the Immortal Court first, become a member of the Immortal Court, and then make some military exploits. Then I should have a chance to get close to you, right?"

"Well, this is a good idea, but..." The young Immortal Emperor pondered.

"Just what? It's just because I'm extremely ugly, have a bad temper, can't grow up alone, and the world inside me is in danger of collapsing at any time..."

"This..." The Immortal Emperor was speechless for a moment, and his face looked a little ugly.

"Although I went to the Immortal Courtyard to request to join and begged hard, I was flatly rejected by the people of the Immortal Courtyard, and..."

"And what?!"

"The words they said were extremely unpleasant. They meant that how could a smelly, hard and stubborn person like me join the Immortal Court? They were ashamed to associate with me, and they laughed at me that I would be finished soon. If I didn't hurry up and find someone, Let people treat it..."

"Who?! Who said that?!" the Immortal Emperor asked loudly.

"It doesn't matter who said it, because everyone knows your criteria for selecting slaves and the criteria for people who are allowed to join the Immortal Court. If you are not the kind of person who has reached the level of beauty, or has the balance of yin and yang in your body, it is impossible to join the Immortal Court. Court, so when they said that, they were actually just acting as a sounding board for you..." Chi Yan sighed.

The Immortal Emperor's face turned red and white, speechless!

He knew in his heart that those were indeed the basic standards for selecting his slaves and those who would join the Immortal Army. Although the implementation of this standard was not particularly harsh and sometimes it was very loose, it was extremely ugly like Chi Yan's at that time. Although he is very capable, he has no chance of entering the Immortal Court, let alone joining his own sect.

However, the Immortal Emperor also felt a little unfair in his heart, because no matter which great power, almost all of them were implemented according to this standard. As the master of the Immortal Court and the master of the fairy world, could he have a higher standard than those great powers? Is there something wrong?

Of course, it's very appropriate. Even now, he still thinks so. The problem lies only with Chiyan himself. If he could achieve the appearance he has now, he would naturally be accepted by the Immortal Court. Even with his level of power, he would have to It is not difficult to become one of your own little slaves.

"After I tried several times, I realized that this was not going to work, and I felt a little unwilling to do so. But I had no choice but to feel extremely bad. As a result, I had several big quarrels with several powerful men in the fairy world over a few trivial matters. , was finally besieged by them, was seriously injured, and had to choose to escape far away, and later lived in seclusion here..." Chi Yan sighed.

"Is this happening?!" the Immortal Emperor said in surprise.

"You are a high-ranking Immortal Emperor. For a little person like me, no matter how violent the fight is, it won't reach your ears..." Chi Yan teased.

"This..." The Immortal Emperor was speechless again.

"Later, I was seriously injured. Due to the lack of immortal grass, elixir, and elixir, and I had few friends in all walks of life, I could not ask for help. As a result, the injury became more and more serious, so that the world inside my body really began to collapse as the people of the Immortal Court said. , and fell into endless pain from then on..."

The Immortal Emperor was filled with emotion when he heard this.

Even Xiao Yi on the side felt sad and speechless...

This kind of situation happens almost all the time in the fairy world. The population base of the fairy world is too large, and there will always be people who will completely collapse overnight. Once this happens, it is almost impossible to reverse it. I have not heard of anyone who can do it. He was rescued under such circumstances, let alone restored to his original condition!

They didn't expect that the Chi Yan in front of them was fine, but it had happened before that the world inside his body collapsed. This was a bit strange. How did he recover?

However, both of them knew in their hearts that since Chi Yan had said it, he would continue to say it, so they both remained silent...

Sure enough, Chi Yan continued: "The wild world you are standing in is actually the external world of the world inside my body. It was previously a barren, harsh environment, and lifeless. It is not what you see now!"

"I see! No wonder I faintly smelled your smelly and hard smell as soon as I arrived outside the wild world..." Xiao Yi teased.

"Haha, I didn't expect that someone still remembers my smell. I'm really flattered!"

"Hmph, as long as the smell is remembered by me, I will never forget it! Why can your world return to what it is now?" Xiao Yi said proudly.

Chi Yan glared at him and said: "After the world inside my body collapsed, I struggled to support myself and continued to radiate the chaotic power inside my body to the outside world, eventually forming this wild world, and I was finally about to run out of fuel. Passed out!"

"What?! How long has this been going on? How can you return to your current situation?" Xiao Yi asked in shock.

"After supporting it for hundreds of thousands of years, it completely fell into a coma about tens of thousands of years ago. It was only supported by instinct."

"Oh my god..." The young Immortal Emperor and Xiao Yi couldn't suppress the shock in their hearts and shouted!

This situation is simply a tragedy in the fairy world, and only a powerful person like Chi Yan can sustain it for so long. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to sustain it for long before they are finished.

Of course, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that. At least you don't have to suffer so much, and it's all over!

The most tragic thing in the world is to support Chi Yan half-dead like this. Not only does he have no dignity, but he seems to be waiting for death.

In the fairy world, in addition to people whose inner world has collapsed, there are also those decadent immortals who are in a similar situation, basically waiting for death.

"Tens of thousands of years ago... So, your recovery time is not very long..." the Immortal Emperor pondered.

In his opinion, after being so seriously injured and the world inside his body collapsed, it took tens of thousands of years to recover to Chi Yan's current state. Judging from his condition, it seemed that he was already at his previous level, and he had become more beautiful.

"You are wrong! In fact, my recovery time is only a few years!" Chi Yan said in shock.

"How many years?! How is this possible?!" The Immortal Emperor was stunned.

"Indeed, it was a few years! Because just a few years ago, Li Yun came to the wilderness world to treat me. Later, I followed him and received his continuous treatment, and I recovered to what I am now." Chi Yan said lightly.

However, what he said was easy, but it was like the sound of bells and cauldrons in the ears of the young Immortal Emperor and Xiao Yi, making them feel a little dazed...

"Healing? It only took him such a short time to heal you like this?! How did he do it?!" the young Immortal Emperor asked urgently.

This kind of thing cannot be done in the immortal world. Unexpectedly, Li Yun actually succeeded, and it only took such a short time. For the immortal, this is almost the time of a meal, which made the Immortal Emperor and Xiao Yi I can't believe this fact!

"Oh, if you ask me, I don't know, because I was unconscious during the treatment process. It wasn't until I woke up that I discovered that many changes had taken place in me..."

"What changes?" the Immortal Emperor asked urgently.

"Does this need to be said? Didn't you see at a glance that I had transformed?" Chi Yan said with a blush on his face.

"It turns out that it was Li Yun who made you transform..." The Immortal Emperor suddenly realized.


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