The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1733: Rule by doing nothing

Regarding the Lightning Shuttle, Li Yun is still very optimistic about its prospects, especially for himself, who has long been familiar with the use of Shuchi method, and the operating principle of the Lightning Shuttle is similar to it, so once the research is successful, it can be Think of yourself as a lightning shuttle and travel through lightning!

Doesn’t this prospect seem extremely exciting?

Thinking of this, Li Yun couldn't help but have a knowing smile on his face...

"Yun Zun, why are you smiling so happily?" a sweet voice asked.

Li Yun didn't need to look back to know that Fairy Fanhui was back.

"Why do seniors come and go so quietly?"

"Gee, that only means that I have practiced my skills well! Don't call me senior or senior anymore, just call me Xiaohui."

"Xiao Hui? How can that be done? Don't you dare dare..."

"Oh, you are such a fool. You only called me that when we were together..."

"This... is still not good. Didn't the seniors realize that everyone here has very good ears?" Li Yun teased.

Fairy Fanhui was startled when she heard the words. She quickly checked her surroundings with her spiritual consciousness and found that all those people had strange expressions on their faces. They seemed to be trying desperately to hold back their laughter. Apparently, they all heard what she just said...

"Oh my god...not good..."

Fairy Fan Hui's heart was beating wildly. The fact that she was teasing Li Yun with words like this was actually seen and heard by so many people. Her face was almost lost to the ground...

Her face turned extremely pink, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she almost collapsed. Fortunately, she grabbed Li Yun's arm tightly and finally stood firm, but it also confirmed the fact that she was teasing and seducing, which made her Everyone present was stunned, with envy, jealousy and hatred written on their faces...

Li Yun did not dare to throw away her hands and body at this time, otherwise Fairy Fan Hui would be even more embarrassed, so he changed the subject and said: "Senior just went to check the earth veins, what do you think of the situation?"

Fairy Fan Hui suddenly woke up and responded quickly: "Oh, I read it carefully and discussed it with Xing Zun. I feel that Yun Zun's transformation idea is really good. It couldn't be better!!!"


"Of course! The influence of the glacier has been reduced to a minimum, and the harm has been turned into benefit, making the earth veins here extremely strong. There is no problem at all as a formation eye!" Fairy Fan Hui affirmed, and loosened her hand.

Finally returned to normal.

"Senior is so complimentary! In fact, this method of resolving glaciers is not a one-time solution. With the continuous changes in the environment and climate of the Ice Lin Realm, the scale of glaciers may become larger, smaller, or even disappear, so formation spirits are still needed. Make adjustments based on actual conditions," Li Yun said.

"This...if there were no glaciers cutting down now, there would be no process of ice turning into water to take away the geothermal heat. How would this situation be solved?" Fairy Fan Hui asked urgently.

"Senior, don't worry. After the formation is repaired, the underground rivers formed under the formation's eyes will be connected to form an intricate underground water system. The surplus will make up for the loss, and the deficit will lead to the surplus. This is something that the formation spirit can adjust. and…"

"And what?!"

"Senior, have you ever discovered that most of the ice caps of Baoguang Lake in Baoguang City have melted and turned into a hot spring lake?" Li Yun reminded.

"Hot spring lake?!"

Fairy Fan Hui opened her mouth in a circle and quickly looked around with her spiritual sense. She soon discovered that Baoguang Lake in Baoguang City was filled with smoke and had expanded a lot. The snowflakes falling from the sky melted as soon as they reached the surface of the lake. As water droplets, it turns into drizzle. The beauty of the scenery is really indescribable!

"Wow..." Many people who saw it exclaimed in amazement!

This is the beauty of Baoguang Lake that has not been seen for many years!

Everyone in the Binglin tribe knows that Baoguang Lake used to be a hot spring lake for many years, but later it gradually shrank. There were only a few rare days every year when the hot spring lake appeared, so every tribe member would regard these days as a hot spring lake. It is regarded as the best opportunity for bathing and has become a grand festival time in the clan.

But now, Baoguang Lake has turned into a hot spring lake. Will it always be like this in the future?

Fairy Fan Hui felt that she could no longer keep her guard up and almost jumped out. She quickly tried her best to suppress her heartbeat and asked urgently: "Master Yun, is Baoguang Lake becoming a hot spring lake long-term or short-term?"

"Of course it's long-term. It's just the beginning now. Over time, the lake area will expand and it may become a large lake. With these lakes added to the climate cycle system, the glaciers in the Ice Lin Realm will not dry up, so The phenomenon of no glacier that seniors were worried about just now will not happen." Li Yun said with a smile.

Fairy Fan Hui was stunned when she heard this. She didn't expect that the phenomena and problems she saw and thought about had actually been taken into account by Li Yundu, and he had come up with such a clever way to solve them. This was simply...

Xingzun was also extremely shocked when he heard this, and he was filled with emotions. He was so shameless for claiming to be the wisest man in the spiritual world. He was ashamed, he was ashamed!

Fortunately, I had already dumped this hat on Li Yun in front of the powerful people of all races, and now it seems that it is really wise.

He quickly stepped forward and asked: "Yun Zun, could it be that the underground water system brought all the geothermal heat to the area around Baoguang Lake?"

"Yes! In fact, the water system under the formation has also formed a complete formation. The operation of the formation is under the control of the formation spirit. Basically, all excess geothermal heat will be brought to the Baoguang Lake area by the formation, making Baoguang Lake gradually turns into a hot spring lake and joins the water cycle of the Ice Lin Realm. This will definitely make Baoguang City more vibrant..." Li Yun explained.

"I wonder if Yun Zun designed it this way early on? Or..."

"Of course, the problem of the Ice Lin Array is extremely complex. If we only repair the superficial problems, we may not be able to see them in the short term, but the disadvantages will appear over time. Therefore, we must consider everything and start from the fundamentals."

"What Master Yun said is absolutely true! But..."

"But what?"

"Baoguang Lake is not within the scope of the Ice Lin Formation. How did Yun Zun think of using it?" Xing Zun continued to argue in the spirit of asking the question.

"Senior is wrong!"

"Oh? I wonder what's wrong?"

"Actually, the seniors underestimated the ability of the seniors to correct their mistakes, and also underestimated the power of the twelve-level formation. With the environment and quality of the spiritual world, it is extremely difficult to create a twelve-level formation. If How could we possibly achieve this without putting all our efforts into it?”

Xingzun was extremely shocked when he heard this. Fairy Fanhui, Dechun, Bizhi and others next to him all had their eyes widened.

"Did Master Yun say... Senior Correction concentrated the power of the Ice Lin Realm to create this formation?" Fairy Fan Hui asked in surprise.

Li Yun nodded and said: "That's right! Before this formation was successfully created, the environment and climate in the Ice Lin Realm must have been different from now. The reason why it became what it is now was entirely affected by the operation of the formation."

"Oh my God..." Everyone screamed, speechless.

Li Yun sighed: "Actually, whether it is the Binglin Formation, the Miaolin Formation, the Yaolin Formation, the Fenglin Formation, the Xinlin Formation, or the Leilin Formation... each formation is one of the best in the world. If it were not like this, how could a large formation at the level of the Immortal Formation appear in the spiritual world? How could Senior Correction make it possible to ascend to the Immortal Realm with this? The consumption of these large formations is extremely astonishing, and must be Only by relying on the power of heaven and earth to circulate the supply can we be safe, otherwise it will become a big disaster!"

"So, Baoguang Lake is also a part of the formation?" Xingzun said suddenly.

"Yes. Baoguang Lake itself is a huge natural force. In the design of Senior Correction, it should provide assistance to one of the formation eyes of the formation. As a result, due to the continuous extraction of power by the formation, its popularity is also declining. It finally became a large lake covered with thick ice all year round. The ice melt only occurs during the hottest days of Baoguang City every year, and the scope is extremely small," Li Yun said.

"Wo... is this true?!" The people of the Binglin tribe suddenly realized.

It turns out that Baoguang Lake disappeared because its power was extracted by the Ice Lin Formation. If this continues, once the power of Baoguang Lake is exhausted, there will also be major loopholes in the Ice Lin Formation. What consequences will happen then is really unbelievable. Dare to imagine.

Fortunately, the arrival of Li Yun not only solved this problem in advance, but also brought Baoguang Lake back to life and turned it into a vast hot spring lake. It not only changed the monotonous scene of Baoguang City, but also brought benefits to the Binglin people. The best bathing enjoyment, you can enjoy the holidays every day in the future!

Li Yun continued: "Now my transformation is mainly based on guidance, relying on the circulation of the natural power of this world to achieve governance by doing nothing..."

"Rule by inaction?" Xingzun and Fairy Fanhui were both startled.

"This "governing by doing nothing" means that many things do not require forced intervention by humans, because nature itself has strong power, and the cycle of heaven is endless. We only need to do some boosting power in it, and the rest is Everything below can be left to nature. If we interfere too much, we may destroy the cycle of heaven, making it unable to exert its power for our use. In this way, the destroyer may be punished by heaven... "Li Yun explained.

"That's so well said! This circulatory system seems to be inactive, but in fact it is full of all kinds of ingenuity of Yun Zun. I am really convinced!" Xing Zun admired heartily.

"Senior, you've been rewarded..."

"You don't have to be modest, he was right to praise you!" A voice suddenly came from a distance.

Everyone was startled, and looked up one after another, and found that a figure appeared in the sky in the distance. He was tall and tall, with a dignified face, and was wearing a wind robe. He looked like a member of the Lin tribe, but he was a little different...

When Bizhi saw this person, he was stunned immediately!

He stared at this person closely, with a look of astonishment on his face...

Li Yun said to Xiao Xing in his heart: "He finally couldn't help but show up!"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "He endured it with great started to appear from the Yaolin Formation until now..."

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