The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1672 The Way of the Tea Sea

Du Lin was dumbfounded and almost stunned!

Unexpectedly, Li Yun had achieved such an achievement only in the art of formations. As far as he knew, Li Yun was a master of Taoism in many fields such as the art of alchemy, wine, calligraphy and painting, and the way of displaying robes. People can transcend!

Hearing Fairy Suzaku's words, he suddenly remembered something, that was the last incident in the Jing Pesticide Garden in Nongjia God's Domain where medicinal materials were picked. The process of picking medicinal materials during the incident was extremely shocking. In his opinion, it should have been... Only when a powerful person from the immortal world casts his immortal magic can he pick all the mature medicinal materials perfectly like a gust of wind.

The most likely approach is that this immortal method may involve the use of divine consciousness, that is, through countless rays of divine consciousness to operate accurately at the same time, the medicinal materials are collected!

Now, Du Lin heard from Fairy Suzaku that Li Yun had easily separated hundreds of thousands of strands of spiritual consciousness, and it only took more than an hour to read all the formation diagrams of the twelve-level formations. Such manipulation and Picking medicinal materials has the same effect but different approaches, so that must have been done by Li Yun!

He was convinced in his heart!

Because at that time, among the people who appeared nearby, he was the most suspicious, and he was almost the only one who could do this.

"Li's too scary..." Du Lin screamed in his heart.

He originally guessed that something happened to the ray of immortal consciousness he sent to the lower world, but now he is absolutely sure that the ray of immortal consciousness must have been imprisoned by Li Yun. If he wanted to get it back, of course he had to ask him for it.

Fairy Suzaku continued: "Li Yun was able to read the formation diagram so smoothly, which shows that he has a thorough understanding of the formation. Of course, he will lead people to repair it, but now he is dilly-dallying and wasting time..."

"I can understand this..." Dulin said.

"Oh? Tell me quickly."

"It took Xing Boy more than three months to read the formation diagram, and then he led people to repair the formation and made a mess. Now Li Yun has just read it for more than an hour. If the formation is completed quickly, then Xing Boy's Where should I put my face?"

"This...makes sense!" Fairy Suzaku praised.

"Li Yun's character seems gentle, easy-going and humble, unlike some powerful people who are arrogant and aggressive, so he will take into account all aspects of the problem. In my opinion, he is a person suitable for controlling big scenes!" Du Lin praised. .

"Uncle thinks so highly of him?" Fairy Suzaku asked in surprise.

“The wind is beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy it.

Hardness makes it easy to break, but softness can overcome it. I have seen too many people who are arrogant and fierce in dealing with things die prematurely, but many people are calm and calm, and slowly develop into superpowers! And Li Yun's character is simply a model of super power, I can almost see his future..." Du Lin sighed.

"Gee, uncle's vision must be right! It seems that I have to curry favor with Li Yun first. At least now I can buy a few more rice dumplings..." Fairy Suzaku laughed so hard...


Du Lin suddenly screamed and grabbed it, and a crystal light appeared on his hand!

"This is..." Fairy Zhuque was startled.

"Hmph, this is my immortal knowledge! Last time I sent him to the lower realm to find Li Yun, but he disappeared for no reason. Now he suddenly ran back. Why do you think it is?" Du Lin said excitedly.

"Giggle, he must have heard what the uncle said just now. When he felt happy, he returned this immortal knowledge to you." Fairy Suzaku said with a sweet smile.

"This...can't do it. My immortal consciousness has been wronged too much. I want to ask him for an explanation. At least buy a rice dumpling..."

Du Lin said and quickly came to the small space where Li Yun was.

When Xingzun saw him coming, he stopped shaking his fan and quickly stood up and saluted: "Great Immortal, please sit down!"

"Xingxiao...well, I'm here to see Li Yun." Du Lin originally wanted to call Xingzun "Xingxiaozi", but suddenly remembered the conversation he had just had with Fairy Suzaku, and of course he couldn't call him out, so he directly said the purpose of coming here. .

"The Immortal doesn't know something. Li Yun is currently reading the formation chart. It's best not to disturb him." Xingzun said.

"He's finished reading it a long time ago. It's okay."

"What? He has only watched it for less than a day, how can he finish it? Why don't you wait for me to ask him?"

"Why are you asking? This guy didn't come out because he was concerned about your face. Now he's doing other things inside!" Du Lin said straightforwardly.

When Xingzun heard this, he looked startled. After a while, his face turned red. Without saying a word, he immediately rushed into the small palace where Li Yun was, and Du Lin also followed.

Taking a closer look, I found that Li Yun was making tea, while De Chun was sitting opposite, staring blankly at the teacup...

"Xingzun! Great Immortal! Please sit down and have some tea!" Li Yun stood up and saluted, smiling.


When the two of them saw Li Yun's smiling face, they suddenly felt that all the anger in their stomachs had disappeared without a trace. They were speechless. However, they smelled the intoxicating fragrance of tea and felt refreshed!

Involuntarily, he came to the jade platform and sat down. He looked at the spiritual tea brewed by Li Yun, and his eyes were glazed over!

I saw the tea soup rippling slightly, rolling in the teacup, like the sea, with bursts of stormy waves, ocean currents circulating around, calm places, whirlpools and rapids, waves and flowers, seabirds flying high, and fish swimming shallowly. end…

The color of tea is rich and colorful, some are red, some are yellow, some are blue, some are green, some are blue, some are purple... The waves blooming in the sea of ​​tea are colorful, colorful and incomparably beautiful. One after another, one after another, it’s dizzying, and you want to see it again...

"It's over, it's over, it's over..." The two of them muttered in their hearts, and were quickly struck by the idea of ​​tea. Like De Chun, they were addicted to it, unaware of the passage of time...

Li Yun smiled at the sky and said, "Fairy is so tired standing up there, why not come down and have a drink?"

"Giggle, although I also really want to see the tea you made, I still don't want to!" Fairy Suzaku said with a sweet smile.

"But why?"

"I'm afraid I'll get tricked like them, and no one will come to save me then..."

"Fairy is of the Suzaku bloodline, why are you still afraid of my spiritual tea? Besides, I won't harm you, Fairy..."

"Knowing people but not their hearts is what my mother taught me. I can't forget it so quickly! Besides, you have been eavesdropping on our conversation. This is not what a good person should do..."

"The fairy's words are wrong."

"But why?"

"First of all, I didn't eavesdrop, but you spoke without any scruples. You spoke so loudly that it was hard not to hear you. If you were more cautious and had a little respect for the spirit world, you spoke quietly. A little bit, or simply communicating through voice, how can I possibly hear it?”

"This..." Fairy Zhuque was startled.

"Secondly, the fairy is from the Suzaku clan in the fairy world. He has extraordinary vision and profound knowledge. Don't you know that treating guests with tea and making friends with tea is the way for humans to entertain guests and friends? You also see that my tea ceremony is not bad. If I If I have evil intentions and low quality, can I understand such a tea ceremony? If I really use this tea to harm others, it is exactly contrary to the human race's way of treating guests with tea and making friends. It is impossible to get the essence of the tea ceremony..." Li Yun smiled.

"This..." Fairy Zhuque was startled again, speechless.

"Since Fairy's mother knows that our human race has a saying that knows people but not their hearts, she should also know that our human race has a saying: 'Isn't it a joy to have friends come from afar? Isn't it a gentleman to not be embarrassed if you don't know?'" ?”

"Well, my mother has never said this. I wonder what it means?"

" means, isn't it nice to have like-minded friends coming from afar? Isn't it also a sign of a gentleman if someone doesn't know this and doesn't get angry at him? So, I took the initiative to invite the fairy to come and taste tea. , is to express my welcome and friendship with the fairy, and I am not angry that the fairy does not understand this. This at least shows that I am an open-minded gentleman. Just imagine, how can a magnanimous gentleman do this? Do you have the intention to harm others?" Li Yun continued with a smile.

Fairy Suzaku's pretty face was bright red and radiant. She pondered for a moment and chuckled: "Okay, I admit that I was persuaded by you! Even if that cup of tea is really poisonous tea, I have to give it a try."

As soon as the figure flashed, he came to the seat and sat down. His eyes were focused, and a look of extreme shock appeared on his face, and he was stunned!

When she was talking to Du Lin and Li Yun in the air just now, she did not take a closer look at the tea Li Yun brewed. Moreover, she had already noticed that the expressions of De Chun, Du Lin and Xing Zun were wrong, so she judged that the cup of spiritual tea must have some Question, that's why he said that to Li Yun.

But after she was persuaded by Li Yun, her curiosity sharply arose, and she wanted to see what the cup of spiritual tea was like, but she was fooled at first glance!

You must know that Fairy Zhuque's cultivation of Taoism is not low, second only to Xingzun, but higher than Dechun and Du Lin. Therefore, she is extremely sensitive to Taoism. With Li Yun's cup of tea, among them The Taoism contained in it can be said to be endless. Even if they look at it for several years, they will never see a repeated wave or the same ocean current. Therefore, it is inevitable to indulge in it and deeply appreciate the wonder and splendor of the sea of ​​tea...

"It's finally quiet..." Li Yun smiled secretly.

"This girl is pretty good. Should we draw some of her blood for research?" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"No, as long as she doesn't cause trouble, why draw her blood? Besides, our bloodline research has reached a certain level, and there is no need to draw other bloodlines."

"Sir, the Suzaku bloodline is known as one of the pinnacle bloodlines in the immortal world. It would be a pity not to draw some... If you draw some, it will be of great help to our research." Xiaoxing said.

"Actually, through the Eye of Time, I can spy on the mystery of her bloodline without extracting her blood..." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, is this true?" Xiaoxing asked in surprise.

"Yes, I have been thinking about this issue recently, why different races have different bloodline levels, and even the bloodline level of each individual is different..."

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