The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1644 Carpet Manhunt

Lan Yu explained to Du Lin, and then said: "Looking at the skills performed by these two demons, it seems that their cultivation level has not dropped much, but has almost recovered. I suspect that they were hiding under the sea area before. They must have demonic veins to allow them to recover so quickly."

"Demon pulse?!" Everyone was startled, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Lan Yu's guess is very reasonable. Without the demonic veins, it would be impossible for the two big demons to hide there, and only the existence of the demonic veins can restore them almost to their original level!

Unexpectedly, there is actually a demonic vein in Linyu. This is indeed beyond everyone's expectation!

Dechun sighed: "We did ignore this before! Next, we must conduct a comprehensive inventory of all walks of life to prevent any escaped demons from hiding."

"What the Territory Lord said is right, but..." Lan Yu said thoughtfully.

"Just what?"

"How did these two demons escape from the formation? I remember they were still there during the last inspection. However, it was just a routine inspection at that time. It may be their clones left behind..." Lan Yu sighed.

"Hmph, didn't I tell you before? The last time Xingzun came to our Fire Lin Realm to find out the reason for Xiaolong's loss, he pointed out that there are major loopholes in our Ten Directions Demon Trap Array. If it is not repaired, Sooner or later, the loopholes will be exploited by the big demons inside. Now it seems that some of them have discovered the loopholes and escaped. Chui Zhu and Keba are the best examples. Of course, there is also Tie Mu. After the breeze, I still don’t know where these two people are hiding!" Dechun said.


When Lan Yu and others reacted, they realized that Tie Mu and Feng Hou hadn't been caught yet. Could it be that they had taken advantage of the chaos and escaped?

When everyone thought of this, they couldn't help but feel like a defeated rooster, unable to lift their heads.

Lan Yu said suspiciously: "The two of them should be extremely weak and cannot escape here like Chui Zhu and Keba. I guess they learned their method and hid in a certain demonic vein to recover?"

"It makes sense! Let's go! Meet up with the others, search everywhere in Miaolin Realm, and ask Xingzun to check your formation again!" Dechun said loudly.


The great powers quickly turned around and met up with Xing Zun and the others who were chasing after them...

Lan Yu was in a particularly bad mood. This time she wanted to take all the tribes in the spirit world to have fun in her own world.

I had a lot of face in front of them, but I didn't expect that the four big devils ruined everything. Now I have no face at all.

Just when he was upset, a talisman light flashed over. He took the induction and suddenly shouted, his face became extremely ugly!

"Brother Yu, what's wrong?" De Chun asked curiously.

" Lan He..."

"Lan He? What happened to your Lan He?"

Of course Dechun knew what Lan He meant to Lan Yu, so he asked urgently.

"It's's all over..." Lan Yu said with great sadness, her whole body was shaky.

"It's all over?! What happened?!"

Dechun snatched the letter talisman from Lan Yu's hand, quickly sensed it, and was speechless...

Unexpectedly, Lan Yu spent a lot of money and hired a peerless protective formation to be broken open, and the priceless blue lotus leaves inside were actually cut off, and even the lotus roots underneath were lost!

Such a thing happened today, which made Dechun quickly think of the two big demons Tie Mu and Fenghou who escaped earlier. This matter is probably related to them!

He gasped in his heart. He didn't expect that after being imprisoned for so long, these demons would actually come back to life. They could even break through the formations created by unparalleled immortals, and they could also intercept and block the pursuit of many powerful people. The fact that they escaped alive shows that they have a strong ability to survive. If they escape now, the trouble will only get worse in the future!

Moreover, I don’t know how many great demons and demons have escaped from other formations. If we don’t thoroughly investigate and imprison all the remaining people, I am afraid that the Lin Clan will soon become a joke in the spiritual world. !

"Brother Jade, immediately deploy manpower to search the whole world, paying special attention to the existence of demonic veins. In addition, Tie Mu and Feng Hou are most likely the culprits who destroyed your Lan He formation. It is estimated that after they steal Lan He, they will definitely They will escape from Crystal City, we must go there to check carefully and lock their escape route!" Dechun thought.

"Okay! Let's go!" Lan Yu said impatiently.

Not long after, the entire Miaolin world was in motion. Almost all the masters of the Miaolin tribe were dispatched to launch a carpet-like manhunt. Not only all land, but also all water bodies within the territory were spared, targeting possible escapees. Demon heads and demon veins…

Seeing the momentum of the Miaolin tribe, Li Yun and others couldn't sit still in Pinghu, a plateau outside Crystal City, because someone would definitely come to search here.

Li Yun looked at the green flame chessboard in the air and found that all the Miao Lin rice dumplings were ready, so he removed the strange fire and gave five to each of Chi Yan and others to taste, and put the others into the jade box, smiling. Said: "Dechun, Lan Yu and others will be here soon. We might as well go to Crystal City and wait."

He was about to move forward, but he noticed something was wrong. When he looked back, he found that Chi Yan and others were in a daze. Chi Yan was better, Huo Yan, Kun Zhi, Dechang and Xiao Fu, as well as several other former Kun Zhi's subordinates. , seemed to be still savoring the piece of Miaolin rice dumpling that had just fallen into their stomachs, with a dazed expression on their faces. After a while, they were all shaking violently, with tears filling their eyes, and tears rolling down...

After a while, these people transformed one after another. Fortunately, except for Chi Yan and Huo Yan, the others were in a state of complete selflessness and did not know that they were transforming...

Huo Yan knew that he was transforming, his face turned extremely red, and he shouted: "Sir, move me away quickly!"

When Li Yun saw this situation, he couldn't help but move away, so he moved them all into their own small spaces. Only Chi Yan was still beside him. However, something was not quite right with him. After adjusting for a while, he finally recovered. come over.

"Senior, how are you? Is the Miaolin rice dumpling delicious?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Xiao Yun, you actually gave them such Taoist delicacies?!" Chi Yan shouted.

"Oh, I didn't pay attention for a moment, how could I have thought they were so careless?"

"Oh my god! Even Xiaoyan, the immortal lin, can't bear such Taoist food, let alone the others. From now on, it can only be eaten by me!" Chi Yan said carelessly.

"Are you sure how many you can eat at one time?" Li Yun asked suspiciously.

"This...can't eat much, I guess five at most!"

"It seems that so many rice dumplings can be used for a long time." Li Yun said with a smile.

Chi Yan secretly swallowed his saliva after hearing this, but was too embarrassed to ask Li Yunduo for it. After all, he still had to take care of the people in the Universiade Palace.

"Here! Let's go." Li Yun threw ten more rice dumplings to him and said.

"Thank you for your luck!" Chi Yan took it and said sincerely.

The value of such Taoist dishes is inestimable, because five at a time can transform a superpower like Chiyan. The vitality and Taoist meaning contained in them have reached an incredible level. No wonder Chiyan was surprised. Li Yun actually gave this delicacy to boys like Kunzhi, Dechang and Xiaofu casually.

These people can also be said to be the first to get the moon near the water. Following Li Yun closely, the benefits are always indispensable. The ten Miaolin rice dumplings they got this time are already incomprehensible.

Li Yun has long discovered that he can benefit everyone around him, even Tianji Palace. Due to their constant tracking and promotion of him, they are like raising a big fat pig, making a lot of money from him. …

It seems that as he becomes stronger and better, his radiating influence is also becoming greater. This should be related to the light of merit he has accumulated over a long period of time. In addition to making himself more attractive, merit In addition, it can also radiate and influence other people, allowing them to purify their minds and bodies under the light of their own merits. Following this, their luck has also changed, and they can obtain the results without even realizing it. Many benefits…

This sounds a bit mysterious, but it is actually happening. Li Yun constantly feels the penetration of heaven in all aspects, which is indeed extremely magical...

"Why are you so polite? If you want to eat, just take it from me." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, what I have eaten and drank recently has far exceeded what I have eaten in the past hundreds of thousands of years!" Chi Yan laughed.

"Oh? Senior, haven't you eaten for so many years?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Hey, I haven't eaten anything since the world inside my body began to collapse. As for me, I became confused later, and it was even less possible to eat and drink..." Chi Yan sighed.

"Now that the inner world of the senior has been rebuilt and is recovering, he can taste food again. After all, this is a very effective way to absorb life."

"That's right! As soon as I smelled the dishes you made, like Xing Lun Baozi, Xing Lun Dumplings, Xing Lun Wine... I was aroused, and I was busy eating and drinking along the way. Just now I smelled Miao Lin. Just the smell of rice dumplings makes my stomach growl, but I didn't know how powerful it was until I ate it!" Chi Yan exclaimed.

"Awesome? Senior said it was like poison, I'm embarrassed..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, for some people, it is really poison! Look at Xiaoyan and those people, after eating Miaolin rice dumplings, they can only be at your mercy. Isn't that poison?!" Chi Yan laughed. .

"That's right. We should pay attention to this issue in the future!" Li Yun agreed.

As the two of them talked, they headed towards the direction of Crystal City. Along the way, their images were quietly changing. The most important thing was that a faint Lin seal appeared on their foreheads, which made people know it at a glance. He is a member of the Lin clan.

This is because the Lin Territory is extremely closed and very few outsiders appear. If they are found to be outsiders, they will inevitably be questioned by the Lin tribe. Li Yun has already experienced this during his previous travels, so he simply turned into one. The name "Lin Clan" comes more conveniently...

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