The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 164 New Situation

"Junior brother, I was just about to tell you this!" Yu Xin said with a sweet smile.

"Oh? Senior sister, you might as well tell me in detail!"

"Okay! During this time, there are really a lot of big things happening in the sect. Since you went to the Qiulong Mountains to perform the mission, the third and fourth generations of disciples in the sect have been out in order to compete for the points ranking in the third ranking list. Some of them went to hunt beasts. , some go to hunt bandits, some go to hunt monsters...the rankings on the list are constantly changing, and the ups and downs are very serious." Yuxin said.

Li Yun nodded slightly. This situation is actually not difficult to understand. Whether it is hunting beasts, bandits or monsters, if you succeed, your points will increase greatly, and if you fail, you may even lose your life.

Just like Fang Hao, I believe he will have a lot of points, but he fell into the Yehu Ridge. If he hadn't rescued him, he might have disappeared from then on!

"I heard that our Qingyuan Sect's super genius Fang Hao, was it your junior brother who rescued him?" Yu Xin asked with a smile.

"It's just a coincidence."

"Hehe, junior brother, he really doesn't take any action, but when he does, he is generous. Senior sister, I really admire you!"

"This...senior sister deserves a prize!"

Qiao Xiaodie said from the side: "Junior brother, the craze for competing for the third list is in the ascendant. The major agents in the city are also taking advantage of this momentum to attack forcefully and launch many new products to compete for this huge market."


Li Yun's eyes flashed, and his mind couldn't help but flash through the long queue he saw when he left the sect last time.

"Since hunting beasts, bandits and demons all require armed equipment, the sect's talismans, formations, magic weapons, spiritual weapons, elixirs, auxiliary beasts, etc. are all starting to sell like hotcakes. The agents of these products are making a lot of money. It's a big deal, especially for the Maple Leaf Gang and Hundred Flowers Club. However, because Liushui Village fell into the hands of Wuyou Peak last time, its vitality was severely damaged and it has not recovered yet." Qiao Xiaodie continued.

"How is the sect's business?" Li Yun asked.

"The sect...under the strong impact of the major agents, it seems that business is not very good. I saw that Uncle Wuchaizi was also very anxious..." Yuxin said.

"Hmm..." Li Yun muttered.

"Junior brother, the sect has indeed encountered a big problem recently!" Qiao Xiaodie said.

"Sister, please elaborate."

"First, the traces of the devil appeared, and the whole sect was under martial law. Entry and exit must be strictly inspected, and a large number of guards patrolled around the clock; second, the monks team strengthened their training, and a large amount of money and items were consumed every day. These are the sect's income. Support; thirdly, two major events happened in Qinghui Volcano two days ago. More than forty crimson fruits were lost, and the heat of Qinghui Volcano dropped sharply. Only half of the training room was left, and the income dropped by more than half... "

"It seems that the life of the uncle who has no wealth is not easy..." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course! However, I find that he seems to be getting fatter and fatter!" Yuxin said with a smile.

"This is a bit strange..." Li Yun was slightly startled.

"Hehe, you don't know. I heard that when he is in a bad mood, he eats more, and naturally he eats more and gets fatter!"

"That's it!" The four of them laughed.

"After talking about others, let's talk about our Xingyun Wine." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, our Xingyun Wine is naturally of high status and unparalleled! Now the reservation time has been pushed to two years later, and we count the money every day until we are weak..." Ren Yu said proudly.

Qiao Xiaodie and Yuxin also looked happy and nodded repeatedly.

"If Master Wu Caizi knew that we also had a spiritual version of Xingyun Wine, he would probably eat even more fat..." Li Yun said.

The four of them laughed again.

Li Yun continued: "It seems that we have established a firm foothold in the high-end wine market, but this is just the beginning for us at Wuyou Peak..."

"What?!" When Ren Yu and the other three heard this, they were all startled.

For them, owning the current market

With such a huge income every day, they are extremely satisfied and have no thoughts at all.

"Junior mean now is just the beginning?" Ren Yu asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Are you just satisfied with this small income?" Li Yunqi said.

"Small income?!" The three of them were stunned and speechless.

"Hehe, have you forgotten what I said before? The Xuanqi version of Xingyun Wine is just our investment certificate to enter the market. Only after we build a reputation can we get real profits!"


The three of them stood up unknowingly and gathered around Li Yun, too excited to speak.

"Junior brother...what do you need us to do? Just say it!" Ren Yu said loudly.

"Yes, junior brother, just tell me, we will all obey!" Qiao Xiaodie and Yuxin looked at Li Yun with adoration with little stars in their eyes.

"Okay, I have some new ideas recently. Why don't we invite Master and all the brothers and sisters to come over and discuss it together." Li Yun nodded and said.


Ren Yu immediately flicked his fingers, and the letter talismans kept flying out, notifying everyone.

Soon, the original members of Wuyou Peak gathered in the meeting hall. Everyone seemed to have not only grown in cultivation, but also seemed more calm and confident than before. It seems that money is indeed Can change a person.

"This is the power of money!" Li Yun had another realization about the way of money.

In this meeting hall, there is the fourth-level low-grade spiritual formation of Worry-Free Peak outside, and there is an isolation formation inside, so everyone no longer has to worry about leaking secrets when discussing matters here.

Even the spiritual consciousness of the three golden elixir ancestors cannot invade the fourth-level spiritual formation. However, Li Yun knew that there was one person who could definitely do it, and that was Ming Kongzi, but he wouldn't be so idle, would he?

"Yun'er, why did you go to Yehu Ridge this time when you went to the Qiulong Mountains? Did you meet the demon fox that blocked your way last time?" Wuyouzi asked. Since he had just come out of cultivation, he was not yet aware of this matter. learn.

Everyone looked at Li Yun, curious about this.


Li Yun hesitated for a moment and told the story again with half truth and half falsehood, which shocked everyone into a cold sweat!

Unexpectedly, the demon rumored wildly in the sect is actually real, and it appears in the Qingyuan Sect area!

Coupled with the news that the sect lost the Jiangguo and the Qinghui Volcano was invalidated in the past two days, everyone was a little uneasy.

"Master, will everything be okay with our Qingyuan Sect?" Yuxin asked worriedly.

"This... don't worry! Our mountain-protecting formation is the Liuhe Lotus Formation, a fifth-level mid-level spiritual formation that can withstand Nascent Soul-level attacks. No matter how powerful that demon is, it is only equivalent to the cultivation level of our golden elixir. , Why are you afraid of him?" Wuyouzi said loudly and fiercely.

However, anyone could hear that there was a tremor in his voice, and speaking so loudly seemed more like he was cheering himself up.

Seeing that everyone's faces were a little pale, Li Yun smiled and said: "Master, brothers and sisters, don't worry, the devil is not scary."

"Oh? Why did Yun'er say that?" Wuyouzi was startled.

"Hehe, the sky is falling because of someone tall! The news of the devil's appearance has probably been known to the Xia Yang Sect by now. As the overlord of Da Xia, it will definitely notify all the sects in Da Xia to take strict precautions. Maybe we will report it to Da Shang or Da Zhou and invite cultivation pickets to capture the devil. Therefore, this matter is not within our consideration and there is no need for us to worry." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Haha, junior brother is right!" Ren Yu praised.

"That's right! If the cultivation picket team really comes, even if the demon has the cultivation level of our Nascent Soul, he will still be unable to escape!" Zhu Rui said loudly.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and Wuyouzi smiled and said: "Okay! This matter can be said to have nothing to do with our Wuyou Peak. Why don't you tell Yun'er what your next plan is?"

"Junior brother, tell me quickly!" Ren Yu, Zhu Rui and others urged.

Li Yun nodded and said: "The situation within the sect has indeed been quite changeable recently. Therefore, for us at Wuyou Peak, we must not only do our own things well, but also pay attention to the development of the situation. Only in this way can we Grasp the rhythm and let the market changes develop in a direction that is beneficial to us!"

His words immediately made everyone nod their heads.

Vision determines behavior. Only when you stand higher can you see farther. The same principle applies to doing business. If you don't have a far-sighted vision and just rush forward blindly, you will end up in a dead end.

These people may not all understand this truth, but everyone can smell something from it. This is the truth that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

After uniting around Li Yun, as time went by, everyone could feel that their progress had increased, even Wuyouzi, who felt deeply at this time.

Li Yun continued: "Judging from market information feedback, the current sect's business has been eroded by major agents, and military expenditures have increased. In addition, the important resource of Qinghui Volcano and a batch of crimson fruits have also been lost... It can be seen that , Wucaifeng must be under great pressure now! This is an opportunity for us!"

"Opportunity?!" Everyone was startled.

Although, as Li Yun said, the sect is under great pressure, the sect is a sect after all and has an extremely strong foundation. It is impossible for Wuyou Peak to compete with the sect.

If Wuyou Peak can take advantage of the sect's weakness now, it will be able to defeat him, but it will only be temporary. In turn, the sect will hate him, and the gains may outweigh the losses!

Countless thoughts suddenly popped up in everyone's mind, but they couldn't speak out because it was Li Yun who said this, not someone else.

So, everyone just listened.

"Hehe, you may think that the opportunity I am talking about is to defeat the sect and replace it. However, on the contrary, the opportunity I am talking about is an opportunity for our Wuyou Peak to cooperate with the sect." Li Yun said with a smile.

"That's it." Everyone felt relieved.

"Yun'er, we have already cooperated with the sect on Xingyun Wine. I wonder what you mean by cooperation now?" Wuyouzi asked.

"Master, from the cooperation between our Xingyun Wine and the sect, has the sect ever made great profits?" Li Yun asked back.

"This...of course not! The advertising fee income of 500 yuan a year for medium-grade spiritual stones is not enough to make up a fraction of our daily income..."

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