The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1623 It must be him!

This situation is so similar to what I encountered before!

It's so ridiculous!

Du Lin remembered that there were many times when he wanted to buy medicinal materials, but the stall owners always said that someone had just purchased a large batch, and the rest were either sold at a higher price, or sold off at a reduced price like this banshee. In short, the situation was The similarities are exactly the same.

How could it be such a coincidence? !

It would be reasonable to say once or twice, but it would be weird if it happened more than three times, let alone multiple times.

"No, who came to buy your herbs just now?" Du Lin asked.

"Is there nothing wrong? The man just now was pretty good-looking, I..." The banshee's face suddenly turned red.

"Are you attracted to him?" Du Lin teased.

"Oh, sir, you are really good at joking. What can I do if a sheep demon like me falls in love with him? He doesn't even look at me, so I even gave him a 50% discount to please him..." The banshee said harshly.

"Oh? That's it...haha, hahahaha..." Du Lin laughed unkindly.

"You?! Huh, I'm out of stock here, why don't you get out?!" the banshee yelled.

"Who said it's out of stock?" Du Lin said with a smile.

"Oh? Where is the goods?" The banshee was startled.

"You are the goods!"

With a gentle grab, Du Lin lifted the banshee up. She was unable to even struggle and could not move.

"Senior, why are you arresting her?" Huang Yimiao asked curiously.

"Look for someone! Let's see who bought the medicinal materials before us. I suspect that someone must be targeting us, otherwise it would be impossible for someone to just buy them in large quantities every time!" Dulin said.

"This..." Huang Yimiao's eyes lit up.

What Du Lin said did remind him that with his wisdom he should have figured it out, but subconsciously he couldn't believe that someone would dare to do something small in front of these two immortals.

However, he still had doubts, so he quickly asked Zuo Guang and other slaves about their situation, and found that they reported similar situations. They all said that someone had made a large purchase not long ago.

There are not many medicinal materials left!

"Senior, it seems that someone really bought the medicine before us, but this time we went directly to the city to buy it. No one in the fleet should be faster than us!" Huang Yimiao said suspiciously.

"Are you sure? The fleet is now extremely large, and we have no idea what powerful people are hidden in it!" Dulin thought.

"This...if there is, there can't be so many people! Judging from the feedback from Xiaoguang and the others, there should be many different people coming to purchase. With so many people rushing to buy medicines ahead of us, it is impossible for us to be without them. Discover!"

"That's right..." Du Lin was convinced.

The two of them were full of doubts and scanned their consciousness wildly, hoping to find suspicious people. They thought that since these people came to buy medicinal materials in bulk, they would definitely stay for a while. Even if they went back, they would leave some clues. With his great power, it is not a problem to discover these doubts.

The trading market is extremely busy with people coming and going. Although the goods at many stalls have been purchased in large quantities, there are still many people lingering here, and there are still supplies of goods being shipped from all directions...

The two quickly identified some suspicious people and interrogated them one by one. They found that they were not the people they were looking for, so the scope of their search continued to expand. They almost checked all the buyers in the entire trading market, but did not find anyone who was suspected of buying in large quantities in the past. People of medicinal herbs.

Because, I learned from the stall owners that those people have a very similar characteristic, that is, they are either handsome men or beautiful women, and their cultivation level seems to be extremely high, so that no stall owner dares to fool them, and the transactions are all It was completed in a very short period of time, and those people obviously had space treasures. No matter how large the amount of medicinal materials, they were all swept away!

It would have been easy to find such characteristics. However, after searching for a while, Du Lin and Huang Yimiao found none. This is definitely abnormal.

"What's going on? It's impossible for those people to escape so quickly, right?" Du Lin asked suspiciously.

He had already thrown away the female demon from the Blue Sheep Tribe, because she seemed to be too frightened and fainted, which was of no use at all.

"Impossible! It must still be nearby... By the way, could it be that it went outside the city?" Huang Yimiao's eyes suddenly lit up and he said.

"Outside the city? They don't want to buy medicine?" Du Linqi asked.

"Senior, do you think there is any medicine in the city now? Since they want to buy medicinal materials in large quantities, they will continue to buy. Aren't there a lot of medicinal materials coming in from outside the city? Maybe they have already intercepted them!"

"It makes sense!" Du Lin patted his head and suddenly realized.

No wonder, after wandering around the city just now, those people actually ran out of the city!

Huang Yimiao immediately asked Zuo Guang and others to chase him in different directions, while he followed Du Lin closely and chased to the south of the city. This direction was the largest source of medicinal materials.

The two of them flew all the way and searched quickly, and found that many of the carriages and horses carrying medicinal materials were empty, and some had even turned around and not entered the city!

"Why are there no medicines?!" Du Lin grabbed a medicine farmer and asked what happened.

"They're all sold out!" the drug farmer said excitedly.

"Who bought it?" Du Lin asked anxiously.

"Who are you? Why do you ask this?" the drug farmer said warily.

"This..." Du Lin was startled.

Huang Yimiao said quickly: "We also wanted to buy medicine. Now there is no medicine in the city, so we ran out to buy it. Unexpectedly, your medicine was also bought by others, so we had to buy it from the person who bought the medicine! "

"What? How can there be no medicinal materials in the city? In such a big market, the medicinal materials are piled up like mountains, and they can't be sold out in a year!" The medicine farmer said in surprise.

His eyes were suddenly dazzled. When he took a closer look, he found that the two people who had just asked him were gone. He couldn't help but froze on the spot!

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the city to see if there was really no medicine left...

What he didn't know was that in just a blink of an eye, he had been soul-searched by Huang Yimiao, and he finally saw the person buying the medicine!

"Senior, he is a member of the Dragon Clan!" Huang Yimiao shouted.

"Dragon clan?! How can this be true?!" Du Lin was startled and said angrily.

There are many dragons in the Dade ship, such as Ao Changtian, Ao Changyang, Lei Chenao... and even Lei Mo who has always been with Du Lin. They all respect Du Lin and wish to treat him as their father. But he didn't expect that the Dragon Clan was actually competing with him for medicinal materials behind his back? !

When Du Lin thought of this, his anger boiled up!

"Senior, I happen to recognize that person!" Huang Yimiao said again.

"Oh? Who is it?!" Du Lin asked urgently.

"His name is Ao Yunduan, and he is Ao Changtian's youngest son."

"What?! His youngest son? Is he also in the fleet?" Du Lin was startled and seemed to have no impression of Aoyunduan.

"No! Among the people from the dragon clan who came from the wild world to join us, there is no Aoyunduan." Huang Yimiao thought.

As a senior Sanxian with a photographic memory, Huang Yimiao could confirm that he had never seen Ao Yunduan at that time.

"Then it was an accident that he appeared here. How could he come here to buy medicine? It's really strange..." Du Lin was confused about this.

Huang Yimiao was stunned for a while, then suddenly came to his senses and said: "Senior, let's search the souls of a few more people to see who else is purchasing medicinal materials!"


The two of them quickly wandered around, searching all the drug farmers in all directions who had sold out their medicines. Finally, they stopped and looked at each other with shock on their faces.

"Dragon clan! Why are they all dragon clan?!!!" Du Lin said loudly.

"Seniors, they are indeed dragons! And..."

"And what?"

"Everyone from the Dragon Clan has it! What's going on?" Huang Yimiao was also confused.

Things are too weird to explain or guess.

Because these people were not in the fleet, their whereabouts after buying the medicinal materials became a problem. The two of them wasted a lot of time because they were searching for the souls of the medicinal farmers. Now they are going to chase these dragon people. Totally impossible.

"What's going on? Even you can't explain it clearly. Then you have to ask Ao Changtian." Du Lin said.


"What did you think of?" Du Lin asked anxiously.

"Why are these dragon clan people so rich?" Huang Yimiao thought.

"Although it costs a lot of money to buy these medicines, it won't be a problem for the Dragon Clan, right?" Du Linqi said.

"Senior, I don't know. The Dragon Clan has spent almost all their money on treating the Dragon Keto disaster over the past tens of thousands of years. The only few spiritual crystals they have are kept to buy evil-proof pills from me. However, they just took them out to buy them. They are all full of spiritual crystals, and they are so refreshing, without blinking an eye, they seem to be richer than me, how can they still be from the Dragon Clan?!" Huang Yimiao analyzed.

When Du Lin heard this, he nodded slightly. From the scene he saw just now, those dragon clan members seemed to be very rich indeed. Wherever they went, they swept away the designated medicinal materials and threw them away. The spirit crystal leaves immediately, and the whole process is extremely short!

Du Lin was also doubtful about such a transaction scene, because it was more like a well-prepared purchase. After identifying the goods, he stepped forward to specify the purchase. If he was not very familiar with medicinal materials, it would be difficult to do it. At this point, especially for the Dragon Clan, their medical attainments are extremely low. How can they achieve this?

He communicated his thoughts with Huang Yimiao, and both of them suddenly became suspicious of the origins of these dragon people!

"Senior, there must be someone behind them, and he is someone who has a deep understanding of medicine!" Huang Yimiao judged.

"That's good! I think so too! Then, who can direct this group of dragon people to come here to purchase medicinal materials?" Du Lin asked.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed across Huang Yimiao's mind, and he was almost in a daze!

"Senior...I thought of..."

"who is it?!"

"Li Yun! Oh, it's Liu Feng! He has a very deep research on medicine, and there are many people from the dragon clan under his sect. It must be him, it must be him..."

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