The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1566 The warning of evil spirits

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It stands to reason that this news has attracted countless people, and there will always be some people with low cultivation among them who will follow others to try their luck. So under the attack of this rain of fire and stone, there will definitely be many people who fall. Why? Haven't even found one yet?

Could it be that they were all smashed into mud and burned to ashes by this formation...

Du Lin didn't quite believe it. After all, the bodies of these cultivators were extremely strong. Even if they died, as long as the time was not too long, they would still be basically intact.

He quickly searched the surrounding area, but did not find any broken bodies. Instead, he found a lot of fire crystals and some strange objects, which he picked up and checked.

When everyone saw that he had caught a lot of sparkling treasures in one go, their eyes lit up and they hurriedly came over to watch.

"Great Immortal, what is this?" Master Xianglu asked urgently, his little eyes were wide open and his saliva was almost flowing down.

"What? Huo Jing didn't even notice it?" Du Lin asked curiously.

"Fire Spirit? It doesn't look like it. It seems to be much more advanced than Fire Spirit!" Xian Lu Zhenren said suspiciously.

"Of course, I'm talking about the spiritual crystal, the fire crystal! This is a treasure equivalent to the alien fire level." Du Lin hummed.

He is an alchemist in the immortal world and often uses fire crystals, so he can be recognized at a glance.

"Fire crystal?!!!"

The master of the incense burner suddenly understood and became excited. He picked up a piece of fire crystal and looked at it carefully. He couldn't put it down.

Du Lin picked up another piece of black soil and looked at it again and again, with a look of hesitation on his face, obviously unable to determine what it was.

There were a lot of things rolled up. Du Lin looked at this and that, and found that he couldn't identify them. However, with his celestial sense, he was sure that these were treasures, and the level was not low, which made him feel confused. Somewhat excited.

I didn’t expect that the Wilderness Realm is really a treasure land. I can pick up so many treasures just by picking them up. If I look for them carefully, wouldn’t I be able to make a fortune?

Of course, this is also based on the fact that he is an immortal. Others who come to find it will definitely not be as efficient as him. Just like so many people came in before, there were only a few people who could pick up a few pieces of such treasures.

Lei Mo's mouth was already watering when he saw so many sparkling fire crystals.

Immediately he started searching with his consciousness, and after a while he found something. He fished out several fire crystals. It was like a pot was exploding inside the Dade ship. Xianglu Zhenren, Yanqu, Fuqing and others took action one after another. , looking everywhere.

Ji De couldn't be distracted when he wanted to control the Dade ship, but when he saw that all his slaves were looking for treasures, he was not so impatient and concentrated on driving the ship. After all, in such an environment, people like Yan Qu couldn't control it. As for this ship, it is better to control it yourself.

In order to cooperate with their treasure hunt, the speed of the Dade ship has also become slower, and it will stay in the rain of flint for a longer time. This will increase the difficulty of control, and it will require a master like Ji De to control it.

Seeing this scene, Kate from behind followed suit, controlling and hunting for treasures at the same time, playing this adventurous game of taking chestnuts from the fire...

Seeing all these people going to pick up treasures, Du Lin was embarrassed to take action anymore, otherwise all the treasures would be taken away by himself. Then in the eyes of everyone, he, the great immortal, would be too greedy.

But he felt a little worried about his previous guess. When something abnormal happened, there must be monsters. Where were those people?

Or did they all successfully pass through this terrifying flint rain belt and enter it?

With this question in mind, Du Lin's consciousness never relaxed for a moment, and he searched all the places he passed, but until the two flying boats passed through the flint rain belt, he still did not see a person from the dragon clan.


There was a burst of cheers in both boats!

After passing the terrifying area just now, and seeing the astonishing beautiful scenery presented in front of them, it was difficult for anyone to remain calm. Everyone was jumping for joy and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"So beautiful!"

"Yeah, the air is so fresh!"

"It's simply a paradise on earth..."

"I wonder if I am dreaming..."

"I'll pinch you and see if it hurts..."

"Oh, don't! Don't! It's true, it's true!"

"Haha, hahahahaha..." Everyone burst into laughter and felt extremely happy!

Du Lin's face was gloomy, and he turned a blind eye to everyone's teasing. His eyes were far away, and he seemed to have seen a very far away place. There was a terrible consciousness there, laughing at him. It was a kind of self-centeredness. The downward looking posture…

"Who? Who are you?!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…"

A burst of terrifying laughter shook Du Lin's consciousness to the point of losing consciousness. He had a severe headache and quickly withdrew.

"No, this person has targeted me!" Du Lin was shocked.

Obviously, this terrible evil spirit is just a small warning to myself. I don't want to get close to it. If I insist on going, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous!

Fortunately, this was just the edge of the Wilderness Realm. No matter how powerful this evil spirit was, it could not catch him, so Du Lin felt calm inside.

Lei Mo's spiritual sense was quite keen. At this time, he noticed that Du Lin's face was slightly pale and his expression was serious. He quickly asked: "Great Immortal, have you discovered something?"

"That's right! That evil spirit has targeted us, don't go deep!" Du Lin nodded.

"What?! Is it near us?!" Lei Mo was shocked.

"No, it should be in the center of the wilderness, very far away from here."

"Then how could it find us?" Lei Mo asked a little puzzled.

"Hmph, I have long discovered that this place is quite strange. Everyone who came in has disappeared. I am afraid that this evil spirit has already taken control of the entire wilderness world. It has just warned me that if I continue to move forward, maybe it will Let’s do it!”

"Oh my god!!!" Everyone was in an uproar.

Du Lin's words made their hair stand on end and they trembled. The excitement they felt when they first came in suddenly disappeared and was replaced by worry and fear.

"Great Immortal, what should we do now? We can't just turn around and go back as soon as we come in, right?" Xianglu Zhenren said with some reluctance.

"Yes, Great Immortal, let's just walk around here and pick up fire crystals or something. If we don't go too deep, we should be fine, right?" Ji De agreed.

Du Lin thought about it and felt that what they said was quite reasonable. He was a great immortal in the immortal world, so he wouldn't be scared into becoming a grandson, right?

If word spreads like this, all face will be lost!

He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, just within a radius of 100,000 miles. If you go beyond this range without permission, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Yes! Great Immortal!" Everyone responded with joy in their hearts.

They didn't know how powerful that evil aura was, and they couldn't sense it, but with the guarantee from the Great Immortal, everyone felt confident that as long as they acted within the scope he said, there should be no problem.

They quickly divided into three teams, led by Ji De, Xiang Lu Zhenren and Kate respectively, and explored in three directions...

Du Lin watched them set off with great interest, and sighed secretly in his heart. His consciousness separated into three strands and followed them closely. With his ability, after arriving in the spirit world, the area he could cover greatly increased, reaching a radius of four Fifty thousand miles is not a problem, but the closer to the outer ring, the blurrier the sensing becomes, so the range that can actually be clearly sensed is only within a radius of 10,000 miles.

And what he just said about a hundred thousand miles in radius is naturally self-exaggerating. The purpose is of course not to lose face. Otherwise, if a great immortal is not much better than a person in the spiritual world, it would be too embarrassing to say it. !

For a face-saving person like him, to be honest, if he knew the extent of Li Yun's current power of consciousness, he might feel so inferior that he would find a crack in the ground to get in, and then drink Xingyun Wine to himself. Some anesthesia...

Lei Mo was confident in his heart and was not in a hurry. He was about to set off alone when he suddenly felt something strange. He turned around and looked in the direction of the flint rain belt in the distance. He saw many escaping lights appearing from there. They were the people who had followed them in. , and there are more than a dozen dragons among them.

They saw Du Lin and Lei Mo parked at the top of a mountain. They thought they had found some treasure, so they all gathered around.

"Oh, isn't this Elder Lei Mo from the Thunder Dragon Clan?" Someone recognized Lei Mo and shouted loudly.

"Yes, it's me! You are..."

"This junior is Jin Zhongkui. Last time he and his father went to Tianlei Peak to buy wine!"

"Jin Zhongkui? Is your father...Jin Chaoyong?!" Lei Mo was startled.

Jin Chaoyong is the clan leader of the Xinlong Clan, and of course he knows him. Judging from his appearance, he is somewhat similar to him, so he guessed.

"Exactly! I didn't expect to see the elder here, how great it is!" Jin Zhongkui said with great joy.

Lei Mo snorted: "What's good? Why don't you retreat quickly?! It's too dangerous here! This is not where you came from!"

"What? It's so beautiful here, how can there be any danger? Besides, aren't you here, elder?" Jin Zhongkui asked curiously.

"Yes, we also followed the flying boat in front!"

"Yes, the road ahead is extremely dangerous, but it will be much better once you get here..."

"Elder, you don't want us to retreat. Why don't you pick up more treasures?"

"I think so. They picked up a lot before, so I couldn't even pick up a piece of treasure..."

The rest of the people talked a lot, and in the end they all accused Lei Mo, saying that he wanted to take the treasure for himself.

Lei Mo was so angry that he was shaking slightly and said angrily: "I asked you to go back quickly for your own good. If you want to die, just go hunting for treasures. If something happens, don't blame me for not warning you!"

When Jin Zhongkui heard this, he was a little convinced, and he also persuaded his companions: "We must believe what Elder Lei said, but don't lose your life for some treasure!"

"Young Master, we finally got in, how can we return without success?"

"Yeah, look at their two spaceships. So many people came in. Now there are only two people left here. It's obvious that everyone else went to hunt for treasure, so they advised us to go back..."

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