The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1536 The Temptation of Fire Crystal


When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized!

It turned out that the condensed cloud line that led hundreds of thousands of people to the wild world was actually the masterpiece of Xingyun No. 1.

Your Excellency must have gone to the Wilderness Realm before coming back, otherwise it would be impossible for you to understand its changes so well!

"Xingyun No. 1 is really amazing!" Jing Mi praised.

"Of course!" Xiaoxing answered.

Jing Bi was startled, not knowing where the sound came from. He looked around suspiciously and said, "Who said this?"

"Ling Daozi," Xiao Xiang said with a smile.

"I wonder where this Brother Ling is?"

"Just leave him alone, Ling Daozi is everywhere."

"That's it! Sir, let's put it this way, aren't we going to enter the wild world now?" Jing Bi turned to Li Yun and asked.

Li Yun nodded and said with a smile: "No rush, let's wait until Xiaoyu and the others arrive. Shui Sirou and the others are under my surveillance, and they can't escape."

"Great! Then I can rest assured, little slave." Jing Bi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As the news spread, the excitement in the Wild World caused quite a stir in the Dragon Realm. Although the cloud line that triggered the incident had long since disappeared, and more than 100,000 people had returned to the Treasure God Realm, many dragon interfaces had just begun. They just got the news, so there was an endless stream of people coming from all walks of life to watch the excitement. Many people came with a try their luck attitude.

Scenes like this have happened before, and many people waited outside to receive the treasure from the sky, but later on, such things became less and less common.

After there was a precedent, people from all walks of life in the Dragon Clan speculated that the wilderness world had entered a period of throwing away treasures again. At this time, the chance of obtaining treasures greatly increased, so they set out one after another.

You know, most of the Dragon Clan are so poor now that they almost have no money to buy evil pills from Huang Yimiao. Therefore, as soon as they hear about such an opportunity, they must seize it.

Even some powerful clones began to move out and came to the wild world. In addition to Lei Xiao and Yu Ji who appeared at the northeast entrance before, Li Yun found more powerful clones at the southern entrance. Most of them were Cultivation level above Dragon Lord.

Anyone who can condense the Dragon Lord's cultivation avatar is undoubtedly a powerful person with great power, otherwise it is impossible to have such strength and resources. Therefore, most of these people have the right to speak among all races. After coming here, It was natural for them to gather all the people of their own clan and form small dragon clan groups.

These small groups are still growing, their strength is increasing, and their confidence is also increasing. They are not satisfied with just waiting for the treasure to appear on the periphery, but want to go in and search to avoid others getting there first.

"Hey, this old boy is here too?!" Xiao Xiang suddenly shouted.

When everyone looked at it, many people screamed: "Lei Chenao?!"

The powerful man who had just arrived turned out to be Xiaoxiang's father Lei Chenao, and he came in his true form, which shocked many of the dragon slaves.

They didn't know the father-son relationship between Lei Chenao and Xiaoxiang Xiaodong, so they didn't pay too much attention to the meaning of Xiaoxiang's words.

Although Lei Chenao is only a Dragon Lord, with the strength and status of his Big Thunder Dragon, he is comparable to Ao Changtian, the Lord of the Sanxian Domain in the Dragon Domain. In addition, he has cured the disaster of Dragon Keto and can use his true body. Going out, he is simply the first person in the Dragon Territory at this time!

Of course, this is just a superficial phenomenon. What the Dragon Clan people don’t know is that the current Thunder Dragon Clan is led by Lei Qian and Lei Mo. Their strength has already surpassed Lei Chenao and they will not take him seriously. .

Moreover, the plague in Lei Qian and Lei Mo's bodies had already been cured by Li Yun, and the cultivation of the immortal body was far ahead. Lei Chen'ao looked at it with envy and regret in his heart. If he had known this, he should have run to recognize it early in the morning. Li Yun, the master, cultivates the immortal body. Now, not only have he not reaped these benefits, but the disaster of the plague has been hanging over his head like a dark cloud. It has also affected the slaves under his sect, making them in the Thunder Dragon Clan. Neijun has extremely low self-esteem and is ostracized by other tribesmen.

Even he himself can't find a name in the clan now, and he feels extremely depressed. This time he heard about the incident in the wilderness world, so he simply went out to relax and see what unexpected gains he would get.

When the people from the Thunder Dragon Clan at the scene saw Lei Chenao, they immediately became energetic and gathered around him, making him feel more honored and his mood turned from gloomy to sunny.

After quickly asking about what happened, I couldn't help but hum: "You guys really disappoint me. You waited here for so long in vain and didn't dare to go in and see what's going on?!"

"Oh, ancestor, that fire and stone rain formation is too terrifying!"

"Yes, the younger one also tried it, and even his scales were smashed."

"It's almost impossible to move inside, there are terrible flints falling from the sky everywhere..."

"However, we have gained a little bit..." someone said.

Lei Chenao's eyes lit up and he asked, "What's the harvest?"

"Ancestor, let's see what this is?" Someone handed over a shiny stone.

Lei Chenao took it, looked at it carefully, and said suspiciously: "This is... the fire spirit?!"

"Ancestor, it looks like a fire spirit to us, but it seems to be quite different from the fire spirits we usually see, so we are not sure."

"Hmph, of course this is a fire spirit! And it's not an ordinary fire spirit, but a crystal-like fire spirit, so it should be called a fire crystal!" Lei Chenao said with certainty.

"Fire crystal?! Isn't that more valuable than the fire essence?"

"Of course, the two are not at the same level at all. The fire of the fire crystal has reached the level of strange fire. A fire crystal like this is pure yellow, and the level of strange fire contained in it is already at level three. In other words, it is equivalent to A third-level strange fire is still in the shape of a crystal. It is much tamer than a simple third-level strange fire. It can also be used by ordinary cultivators, and its value is much higher!"

Lei Chenao was indeed well-informed, and he immediately judged the extraordinary nature of this stone.


When everyone heard this, there was an uproar. Unexpectedly, a stone picked up in the flint rain formation turned out to be a third-level strange fire, and its value was even higher than the third-level strange fire!

"It's been done!"

"I seem to see there are quite a few more inside!"

"Oh my god, why don't you go in and get it quickly?"

"Yeah, hurry up!"

"However, I only got it by a narrow margin just now. I was almost hit by a large firestone..."


Everyone in the Thunder Dragon Clan was excited and hesitant, and they all looked at Lei Chenao.

"Haha, where did you see this? Take me in quickly and take a look!" Lei Chenao laughed.

"Yes, ancestor!" The tribesman who picked up the fire crystal said quickly.

Lei Chenao picked him up and rushed forward!

Others who felt confident also rushed in. Only those with low cultivation levels were jealous and did not dare to follow, so they had to wait outside.

The unusual movements of the Thunder Dragon Clan quickly attracted the attention of other Dragon Clan. In fact, their conversation had been heard by powerful people from other Dragon Clan. Now almost every Dragon Clan team knew about the Fire Crystal.

"Let's go! Go in and pick up the fire crystals!!!"

The powerful Mu Gaofei of the Senlong Clan shouted and rushed in with some strong men from the clan.

It was like a floodgate had been opened. Great masters such as Tujide of the Yaolong Clan, Bing Juntuo of the Ice Dragon Clan, and Jin Chaoxing of the Xinlong Clan all rushed into the wild world with their strong men...

Li Yun and others were stunned. They didn't expect that Lei Chen'ao's arrival would cause such a huge change. It seemed that it was impossible for him to just wait and see.

"Hey, isn't that Xiao Jue?"

Li Yun soon discovered that there was one more person on the Yanlong clan, and it was Huo Qingjue. Judging from his cultivation, it seemed that he was about to reach Dragon Master, and his progress was really fast!

Huo Qingjue had just arrived here. Before he could ask clearly, he saw the chaotic scene and was a little confused.

As soon as the Yanlong clan members saw him, they immediately surrounded him and briefly explained the situation as if they were seeing their backbone.

"What? Fire crystal? This is a big treasure!" When Huo Qingjue heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he shouted.

"Young Master, should we go in and pick it up too?"

"Yes, if you don't go in, I'm afraid it will be picked up by others."

"With how sensitive our Flame Dragon Clan is to fire crystals, we can definitely pick up the most fire crystals!"

"That's right..."

When Huo Qingjue heard what everyone said, he could no longer remain calm. Just as he was about to lead someone in, a voice came from his ear: "Xiao Jue, don't go in!"

"Sir?!" Huo Qingjue was startled and said suspiciously.

"That's right! I'm right here. It's extremely chaotic inside now. Everyone who goes in is led by powerful people above the Dragon Master. If you don't have enough strength, don't go in and join in the fun!" Li Yun said.

"Wow, where are you now, sir? I miss you so much, little slave!" When Huo Qingjue heard that Li Yun was here, he was so happy that he didn't care about picking up treasures.

"Please calm down the clan members first, and then come back to Xingyun No. 1." Li Yun warned.

"Yes, sir, don't worry!" Huo Qingjue responded quickly.

He immediately said to the Yanlong tribe: "Although the fire crystal is good, life is more important! There are several Dragon Lords inside now, Lei Chenao or the main body is coming, who can defeat it? Everyone is still picking up and throwing things around the outside of the fire stone formation. Just the baby that comes out will be fine!”

"Young Master, except for Lei Chenao, the other Dragon Lords are actually clones, but you are the original body, and your cultivation level is close to that of the Dragon Lord. There is no need to be afraid of them!" a tribesman below encouraged.

"Yes, young master, we support you!"

"Young Master, are you afraid that you will be hit by flint and lose your beauty?"

"With our Yanlong abilities, we would be more advantageous in such an environment..."

"The treasure is right in front of us. It would be a pity not to go in and pick it up..."

The people of the Yanlong clan were so easy to fool, and every one of them was either instigating or provoking, making Huo Qingjue a little unable to resist.

Li Yun's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Xiao Jue, you go in, I'll let Xiao Yan watch for you..."

Huo Qingjue felt happy and asked, "Sir, who is Xiao Yan?"

"You can see the great power in the palace when you look back."

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