The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1532 Fragile Elders

Ao Changtian said: "The dragon spell I mentioned just now is just one of the reasons, there is another reason."

"Clan leader, speak quickly!" everyone urged.

"Have you forgotten the plague?" Ao Changtian teased.

"Yes! The plague has become quite serious in the clan now. I wonder if the clan leader has any good ideas?" Ao Changyue said suddenly.

Ao Changyang, the third child, interjected: "Clan leader, after Huang Yimiao came here last time, didn't he go to the Thunder Dragon Realm? I heard that there is an alchemist from the Immortal Realm making alchemy there. I wonder if this news is true?"

"Of course it's true. My clone came from the Thunder Dragon Realm. The immortal alchemist has been making alchemy for a long time, but he still hasn't made a pill that can truly restrain the plague!" Ao Changtian nodded. Head said.

Everyone was startled, and their hearts sank. Even the alchemists in the immortal world were unable to refine the medicine, which meant that no one in the spiritual world could do it. This news made everyone present feel like they were going to collapse.

"Haha, you don't have to worry. In fact, Li Yun has already overcome this problem and refined a new type of demon-suppressing elixir a few years ago. It has been successful in the Purple Golden Phoenix Realm and cured many people of the Phoenix Cricket problem! "Ao Changtian laughed.

"The disaster of Phoenix Cricket?"

"This phoenix cricket disaster is actually a plague. It is a conspiracy implemented by Tuke, the great soul of the soul world, to spread the plague through the phoenix clan, and finally use the plague to control the great powers of the spiritual world and dominate the Xuanling. .”

Ao Changtian told these people Tuke's conspiracy, and they were suddenly startled into a cold sweat!

"Clan Chief, you said that Tuke spread the plague through the Phoenix Clan, but our Dragon Clan didn't take in the Phoenix Clan's slaves, how could it be spread as well?!" Ao Changyang said in surprise.

"The Soul Machine Palace under Tuke is accelerating the spread. Recently, they have placed communicators among all tribes. We, the Wind Dragon Clan, must also have such people. They wantonly hook up with people of their own tribe to spread the word. Through cross-spread , will eventually spread to us. Therefore, we must find out who are the communicators and control or kill them to completely eliminate the hidden danger!"

"Oh my god!" Ao Changyue's pretty face changed color upon hearing this, and she covered her mouth with her delicate hands.

"I see!"

The second child, Ao Changkun, who had not spoken for a long time, shouted loudly and stood up to go out.

"Wait a minute, dick!"

"Clan leader,

I will go back immediately to find out who spread the news. I will never get rid of my hatred until I hang him up in public! "Ao Changkun said harshly. He was tortured to death by the plague. He didn't know how big the evil in his chest was. He couldn't bear it if he didn't vent it out.

"How do you check?"

"This..." Ao Changkun was stunned.

"It's useless for you to investigate with such a big fanfare. It must be done secretly. Li Yun already has a way to investigate."

Ao Changtian took out a test ball and said: "As long as this ball is close to a person, if the person has the plague, it will turn black and needs to take the new demon-suppressing pill to treat it. As for the communicator, it must be someone who has acted recently Abnormally, a person who wantonly hooks up with the tribe and spreads bodily fluids. This person or persons may still be in the tribe, or they may have left. Therefore, it is best to investigate in secret and wait for the opportunity to arrest."

He distributed several such test balls to everyone here, and said: "This matter must be implemented immediately to prevent the plague from continuing to expand!"

"Yes! Clan leader!" Everyone responded in unison.

Ao Changtian took out another bottle of elixir and said: "This is the new demon-suppressing elixir that Li Chuanyuan and you gave. It is very effective. After I and Lao Wu took it, the symptoms of the plague have disappeared. You can take it with confidence." As for other tribesmen, as long as they are willing to vote under Li Yun’s sect, they can get pills for free, and those who are unwilling to vote must buy them like everyone else.”

"I wonder how much this pill is?" Ao Changkun asked.

"This is a special pill. For Dragon Lord, three pills are basically effective, so the price is five pieces of high-grade spiritual crystals for one pill. As for others, they can only provide ordinary demon-suppressing pills, and the effect is not so obvious. But if you take it for a long time, you can slowly get better, and the price is five pieces of top-quality spiritual stones."


Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect the price of the pills to cure diseases to be so terrifying. No wonder alchemists are a very popular profession, and Huang Yimiao achieved great wealth and power just by relying on pills!

As soon as Ao Changkun got the test ball in his hand, he found that it turned black instantly. He was shocked because the ball was normal when it was handed over from the clan leader's hand, but it changed color when it came to his own hand, which showed that he Sick of the plague.

The same goes for everyone else. When they got the ball, they found it turned black, and their mood suddenly became extremely heavy.

Ao Changtian threw the elixir in his hand to Ao Changkun and said: "Second brother, don't worry, take this elixir and it will be effective soon."


"After I and my fifth brother took this pill, they were all well in about a month!"

"Oh my God! Your Excellency is truly a god!" Ao Changkun exclaimed, even changing his title unknowingly.

"Of course!"

Ao Changtian gave pills to everyone present, and finally completed all the tasks.

After the clan meeting ended, these elders immediately went to Xingyun No. 1, which was invisible in the sky. When they saw Li Yun, they called themselves "sir" and all joined the Universiade Palace.

Li Yun watched the whole meeting of the Wind Dragon Clan and was quite surprised that Ao Changtian captured these people so smoothly. He did not expect that these Dragon Clan elders were so easy to talk to and decided to join the Universiade Palace without even thinking twice. , don’t they really mind being slaves? !

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Sir, of course things are not as simple as they appear on the surface! It is caused by the combination of multiple factors!"

"Oh? You might as well tell me."

"Actually, the biggest factor is not some dragon spell, but that these people have been tortured by the disaster of dragon ketone and plague. Their bodies are gone, their cultivation is gone, and their money is all gone. In the end, even Zun Zun Their will has also been exhausted! Even though they are all Dragon Lords, in fact they do not have the combat power of the Dragon Lord at this time, nor do they have the divine consciousness and will of the Dragon Lord. What is left is just a little bit of the Dragon Lord. It's just self-esteem." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! They indeed only have the appearance of Dragon Lord now, but not the reality of Dragon Lord." Li Yun praised.

"So, their willpower is simply unable to resist the temptation of these elixirs. It can be said that after hearing that you have such life-saving elixirs, they are already ecstatic, and they can't wait to find you quickly and get them for free. , and the reason why I am still arguing with Changtian is naturally because the remaining self-confidence of Dragon Lord is causing trouble, and I always feel that I can’t let go.”

"Yes. But after they confirm that Changtian and Changxuan have joined the Universiade Palace, they will actually no longer feel that joining my disciple is a shameful thing." Li Yun complimented.

"That's right. In addition, the so-called person who fulfilled the dragon's spell vaguely points to you, which allows them to find another high-sounding reason to convince themselves to invest in the Universiade Palace."

"So, do you think the same is true for Changtian and Changxuan?"

"They are inseparable. Their willpower is already very fragile. How can they resist the temptation of this strong vitality in the adults? With these people in a state of near madness, as long as there are new evil-proof pills and evil-suppressing pills, plus No one of the longevity elixirs, star luck wine, Taoist delicacies and Taoist fruits can hold up, and they will all quickly surrender and throw themselves into the Universiade Palace!" Xiao Xing said happily.

"It seems that cleaning up the mess in Dragon Domain is not as difficult as imagined. I can rest assured." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course. Now the Thunder Dragon Realm, Yanlong Realm, Yaolong Realm, Miaolong Realm and Fenglong Realm can all be included in the sphere of influence of our Universiade Palace. The territory is actually extremely huge, because these five dragon clans are all dragons. With the powerful interface in the domain, the remaining dragons don’t need to worry too much." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Then where are we going next?"

"Of course it's the Miaolong clan!"

"But why?"

"Shui Siyu has basically taken control of the Miaolong clan after returning, but Shui Sirou is on the run, and there is a group of people following her, waiting for an opportunity to counterattack, so the situation there should be relatively chaotic. The water war fronter I saw last time in the Treasure God Realm It's a sign. This person must be on Shui Sirou's side. He would go crazy without taking our elixir, and he would go to the human world to cause incest. If we hadn't used the medicinal mist, he would have been killed by Ning Rui." Xiaoxing said.

"Indeed, it seems we need to visit the Miaolong Clan as soon as possible."

While Li Yun was discussing with Xiaoxing, he was having a good time drinking and chatting with the powerful people of the Fenglong clan.

After these people saw Xingyun No. 1, they were all amazed and envious. They wished they could stay here because they could also enjoy the legendary Taoist banquet. They were like starving ghosts. Open to eat...

Xiao Xiang and Huo Yan looked at these foodies with some disdain and didn't even bother to say anything.

Li Yun naturally responded to their requests, satisfied the appetites of these people, and then sent them back, leaving only Ao Changtian and Lao Wu Ao Changxuan.

"Sir, why don't you go and sit in Xiaonu's fairy palace?" Ao Changtian asked.

"No, we are going to the Miaolong clan now. Shui Siyu has just returned, and the situation there may be a bit more chaotic than yours."

"This... sir, let me go and take a look, too. It will be better if I come forward."

Li Yun smiled and said: "That's exactly what I'm thinking about! However, you also have a lot of things to do here. How about giving you a few more days to deal with it?"

"Don't worry, sir, three more days will be enough!"


Sure enough, Ao Changtian spent three days to basically arrange the affairs of the Wind Dragon Clan. The second child, Ao Changkun, temporarily took over the position of clan leader. He, the third child, Changyang, the fourth child, Changyue and the fifth child, Changxuan. People came to Xingyun No. 1.

"Xiao Tianguo is a trustworthy person! Then let's set off!" Li Yun praised.

Xingyun No. 1 started suddenly, leaving a long line of condensed clouds in the sky, heading into the distance...

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