The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 15 The Xuanmi Case

"Haier, let's get rid of some of the complicated and useless moves and just simplify them." Li Yun said.

"Did you know that this sword may have reached the power of a high-level Xuan-level sword?" Li Wei stared at Li Yun and said in disbelief.

"I... really don't know."

"My father's 'Flower Picking Hand' is a low-level Mysterious Skill. With my skills at the late stage of the sixth level of the Mysterious Sea Realm, I was actually injured when I took your sword. It can be seen that this sword has reached the middle level of the Mysterious Level. Only then can I do it for you." My mysterious power has increased to such an extent. Moreover, my father failed to discover the flaw in it, and finally had to rely on my own power to save the siege, which is really scary. Based on this analysis, this sword may have reached the top grade of the mysterious level!"

Li Wei sighed, suddenly startled, and said in surprise: "Hey, what's wrong with you?!"

"It's okay, the kid is just a little exhausted."

Li Yun was a little dizzy and his face turned slightly pale. The sword just now had almost drained all his strength.

Li Wei quickly took him back to the house and let him have a good rest.

"Father, can I have a look at your 'Flower Picking Hand' book?"

"Of course. However, the original books are stored on the fourth floor of the family book room. I have a manuscript here. You need to return it after reading it, because it will be bad for you if it is placed on you."

As Li Wei spoke, he took out a pamphlet from his arms, placed it on Li Yun's bedside, and turned to leave.

Li Yun managed to get up, took out two low-grade black stones, and began to meditate to absorb them. After about half an hour, he finally fully recovered.

"It's still not strong enough. This kind of Xuan-level mysterious skill can only be used at full strength about three times." Li Yun sighed.

"Master, don't worry, it will be improved soon. However, now we finally know the approximate level of the skills after condensing them." Xiaoxing said.

"Yes, according to my father's description, the Ogihua Sword has not only reached the top grade, but has also exceeded the yellow level, and is probably in the upper-middle level of the Xuan level. This shows that the effect of your analysis and refinement is indeed good."

"Hehe, this is because the Ogihua Sword Technique itself is too inferior, and the level that can be improved is limited. If it is a mysterious level skill like 'Flower Picking Hand', I am afraid it can be upgraded to the earth level, right?"

"Earth level?! Do you know who in the Tianlong Empire possesses earth level mystical skills? Only a big family like the Li family can possess an earth level mystical skill. I guess it is on the fifth floor of the classics room." Li Yun smiled.

"There is a mysterious level skill here right now. Why don't you give it a try? Master, maybe you will soon have an earth-level mysterious skill!" Xiaoxing's words were full of temptation.

Li Yun immediately picked up the "Flower Picking Hand" and quickly browsed page by page. In less than a moment, he finished turning the last page and put it in his arms.

"Master, I estimate that the low-grade black stone is not enough. It is better to absorb the middle-grade black stone directly."

"That makes sense."

Li Yun carefully took out a crystal-clear middle-grade black stone, rubbed it for a moment, and began to absorb it.

"Gugu, gugu"

The middle-grade black stone is indeed magical, with pure and abundant energy. It flows into Li Yun's body like water, washing away all the impurities in his skin and muscles.

Li Yun felt as if he had soaked in a hot spring, extremely comfortable.

"It's better to have money. Even practicing is enjoyable." Li Yun sighed.

Li Yun absorbed this middle-grade black stone for a whole day, and finally absorbed it all at night.

"Master, it's done!" Xiaoxing shouted excitedly.


"Yes, there are a total of forty-eight moves, condensed into one move. However, the energy has just been exhausted, and it seems that it is still a little far away from the earth-level mysterious skills."

"It's really blood-sucking, a middle-grade mysterious stone! It seems that earth-level mysterious skills are not so easy to obtain." Li Yun was really a little distressed.

"Master, if you exchange a middle-grade mysterious stone for a high-grade mysterious skill, we will make a big profit!" Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Of course. A high-grade Xuan-level mysterious skill is probably priceless in Tingchao City.

No amount of black stones can be bought. It is estimated that no one will take it out and sell it, but regard it as a family heirloom and the foundation of the family. "Li Yun agreed.

"Hehe, Master already has this foundation. I believe it won't be long before he can take me to travel across the continent. This is the most interesting thing." Xiaoxing looked forward to it.

"I hope this day will come soon!"

Li Wei sat on the chair in the study and looked at Li Yun blankly.

I saw Li Yunzheng reading those files, turning over page by page. He quickly finished one, and then continued to flip through the next one.

In less than half an hour, all the files over one meter high were completed!

Li Yun closed his eyes and took a short break.

"Yun'er, have you finished reading?" Li Wei asked cautiously.

"It's over."

"How about it?"

"Among these one hundred cases, there are thirty-six relatively independent cases, and sixty-four are related to each other, which is a major case. Let me first talk about these thirty-six independent cases. Among them, the In one case, the murderer should be the cousin of the deceased Wang’s wife.”

Li Wei was startled. He had read these cases carefully in the past few days, but looking at Li Yun, it seemed that he had already analyzed them in just a moment.

He quickly took out the first case file, looked through it, and found that it was indeed an accidental death case. It was about the accidental death of a wealthy Wang Yuanwai at home one night.

"After listening to Chaocheng Fuchu's judgment, Wang Yuanwai may have died of a sudden illness." Li Wei said.

"No, he was killed by his wife's cousin."

"However, my cousin had an alibi that night. He was gambling with three other friends at the time. These three friends did not have a good relationship with him and it was impossible for him to give false testimony." Li Wei analyzed.

"My cousin got these three friends drunk while he was gambling. At the same time, he bribed the watchman to knock the third watch in advance, so that the three people mistook the time. In this way, he had enough time to commit the crime. As long as the interrogation of the Just watchman."

"This... However, the symptoms of Wang Yuanwai's death show that he did not have any wounds on his body when he died. It does not seem like a homicide, but a sudden death from an illness."

"That's because my cousin and his wife drove a long nail into his yang orifice. The long nail was submerged into his lower abdomen, and Kizuo didn't notice it. This is also the reason why Wang Yuanwai's expression was not so painful when he died. This kind of murder The method can make the deceased die unconsciously." Li Yun explained.

"Is this so?! Then as long as the skeleton of the king is examined and the spike is found in his lower abdomen, the trial can be started?!" Li Wei asked in shock.

"Yes, that's right! The second case..."

"Wait a minute, Yun'er, have you remembered everything?"

"Yeah, what's so hard about it?"

"Okay... okay, then I'll take a pen and write it down for you."

It didn't take long for Li Yun to analyze the facts of these thirty-six independent cases. Some of them can be directly analyzed to the results, and some put forward the key points of the case investigation. As long as they follow these key points, they will definitely be able to There are good harvests.

Li Wei was trembling in his heart while recording quickly.

Because, Li Yun was sitting there without looking at the files, but he was analyzing one thing after another without any confusion. Every case is almost to the point, and there are no twists and turns!

"Okay, next are the sixty-four major related cases." Li Yun watched Li Wei finish recording and said with a smile.

"Yun'er, I have seen all the remaining cases. However, some cases have similar circumstances and some are not related at all. How do you say they are related to each other?"

"This is a complex and major case, and it has lasted for a long time. However, the perpetrators were cautious and used amazing methods to hide it from the public. They have not yet been discovered," Li Yun said.

"So, you think the capsizing of these large ships is not an accident?!"

"Absolutely not."

"Why do you see that? You know, these large ships are carrying black rice imported from the South Vietnamese Empire. The sea is very windy and the waves are high. It is normal for a few ships to be capsized every year."

"Father, the rice imported by the Tianlong Empire from the South Vietnam Empire is all official rice. Tianlong prohibits all merchants from smuggling rice directly from the South Vietnam Empire. The South Vietnam Empire has a monopoly market and never sells official rice to Tianlong merchants. So, Where does the private rice being sold in Tingchao City come from?”

"'s really strange to say that the quality of the private rice sold is the same as the official rice. Do you think these private rice are the official rice from the overturned official ship?" Li Wei seemed to have realized something. .


"But haven't these official rice disappeared into the vast sea with the sunken ship?"

"The rice sank, but was fished up again, and then resold to Tingchao City." Li Yun said in surprise.

"How is this possible? The wind and waves on the sea are so strong, and Xuanmi is an item that is afraid of getting wet. It is extremely heavy. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to salvage it at sea. I am afraid that only people in the innate stage above the ninth level of Xuan Gong can do it. Here we are! However, this kind of character has never been seen before, and he probably doesn’t even bother to do such a thing." Li Wei said in surprise.

"Indeed, it is difficult for ordinary people to accomplish such a big thing. However, if someone can accurately judge the direction of the ocean currents, and with the cooperation of the insider, it is possible to achieve this goal."

"Ocean current?"

"Yes, it is the ocean currents of the sea. On the ocean, the ocean currents are not static, but change with the seasons."

"But what does the ocean current have to do with this case?" Li Wei asked suspiciously.

"After the perpetrator takes control of the ship, he seals the rice and puts it into a container that can float on the sea. Then he capsizes the ship, uses the flow of ocean currents to transport the container, and delivers the rice to a certain place, maybe an island, maybe a... At a certain secret port, the rice is taken out and transported to Tingchao City for sale." Li Yun analyzed.

"It's terrible!" Li Wei was dumbfounded, and a chill went up his back.

"Judging from these sixty-four cases, there have been more than a hundred large ships and countless small and medium-sized ships that have capsized over the years. The perpetrators have taken an astonishing amount of rice from them. And the murders, family exterminations, corruption and bribery, market It is astonishing that the perpetrators can turn these cases into unsolved cases and temporarily seal them up. I even suspect that these are just the tip of the iceberg. Perhaps a considerable number of them have been sealed or destroyed as ironclad cases by the government. Their ability He is so big, I'm afraid his position is not low, and his ambition is not small." Li Yun sighed.

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