The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1461 Robe Display Team (2)

Li Yun exclaimed softly, he didn't expect that Xiaoxing could achieve such perfection. If every robe is unique, the appeal will be great, but the cost is very high.

He couldn't help but wonder: "Will I lose money if I do this?"

"Don't worry, sir! Although each robe is said to be unique, it is actually just a slightly different pattern and wave base. It still belongs to the same series, and the raw materials and craftsmanship are similar. And these decorative designs are simply the same to the little slave. There are endless options, any combination will make a great new version!”

"I see. Did you make these robes yourself, or did Miheng and the others make them?"

"It's them. Xiaonu has trained a hundred bootmakers for Shi Fu and a hundred robe makers for Miheng. These people have a certain foundation. Under Xiaonu's training, their skills have improved by leaps and bounds. They have made Top-notch robes from the outside world are not a problem.”

"Great! This is teaching people how to fish, rather than teaching people how to fish. They can develop on their own in the future." Li Yun praised.

"Indeed. However, they are only producers, not designers. The real creativity and added value actually lies in designers, and there are very few people who can become designers. So far, there is only Fairy Feifei." Xing sighed.

"Oh, Feifei?"

"Yes! Her Taoism has developed well, she is clever and creative, and can become a designer. Of course, she is also a spiritual crystal level displayer." Xiaoxing praised.

"Feifei is really not that simple!" Li Yun laughed.

Fairy Feifei really impressed Li Yun. This beauty has made rapid progress in exploring Taoism. She also advances in singing, dancing and music. Taoism is broader than Xianxian. Now she has developed her own Taoism in the design and display of robes. Yi can be said to be extremely talented and extremely smart.

Xiaoxing continued: "There are still a few people who have the potential to become designers, such as Zhou Guinian, Fairy Andai and Fairy Bingpo."

"These three people... have indeed made great progress in their Taoism!" Li Yun thought about it and observed it for a moment.

"Yes. Only people with profound Taoism can design robes with personal characteristics. It can be said that robes carry the designer's Taoism and creativity and best reflect their personal temperament."

"Well said! From this point of view, although our immortal robes unified the attire, they lacked a kind of personal characteristics. It is better to let go of the attire from now on and see what kind of robes the people in the palace can make." Li Yun thought.

"grown ups,

The fairy robe is the iconic costume of everyone in the Universiade Palace. Wearing it means that they belong to the same force. If they are completely let go, it will inevitably cause chaos and be difficult to manage. However, in some informal occasions, the fairy robes can be hidden, and the slaves can wear robes with their own personal characteristics to highlight their personal temperament, so that it will not be too monotonous. In addition, when they go to the outside world to perform tasks, they can also wear their clothes. Another advantage of this is that it is not easy for outsiders to discover that they belong to the same force. "Xiao Xing suggested.

"Yes! Immortal robes are only worn on formal occasions. They can wear their favorite robes on other informal occasions." Li Yun nodded.

"Hey, the market for the robes made by this little slave is huge. Just the two million slaves and tens of millions of soul warriors in the palace is a huge market." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Soul warriors? Yes, but they must wear military uniforms when on duty or fighting."

"Of course, after all, combat positions are also formal occasions." Xiaoxing agreed.


After the two discussed it, Xiaoxing started to implement the order, which immediately brought a new fashion to the Universiade Palace. Everyone does not have to wear fairy robes all the time, but can wear their favorite personalized robes and feel connected. Breathing feels so much freer!

There are not many formal occasions in the Universiade Palace, and even the Universiade Feast has been changed to once every hundred years, so people basically let their personalities show off.

Many people dug out their old robes and wore them, making the people wandering around the city more colorful, with different styles and richer attractions.

However, people soon discovered that their robes were not just a little bit worse than the immortal robes, but had dropped significantly by an unknown number of levels. Looking at the mirror, they found that even their personal temperament had been affected, and they couldn't help but sigh. A considerable part of the temperament that was improved previously should be attributed to the fairy robe. Now that you are free to wear it, if you cannot achieve the effect of the fairy robe, you might as well still wear the fairy robe.

Fortunately, a consensus has been reached in a short period of time about not wearing immortal robes, and everyone's temperament is affected in the same way, so everyone does not pay too much attention to it. In addition, the robe display team project hosted by Ling Daozi quickly attracted everyone's attention. It is because of the development of this project that clothing can be liberalized. Have adults already found a solution for everyone?

The answer is yes.

Soon, a message was printed in the mission hall: Ling Daozi's "Spring Blossoms" series of robe exhibition will be held tonight, welcome to watch! welcome to order!


Ling Daozi!

Just the name alone can arouse the interest of countless people. You must go to watch the robe exhibition tonight. Maybe you can find the robe you like and order it.

Sensing the fierce enthusiasm in the palace, Xiaoxing said proudly: "Sir, it seems that Xiaonu has been chosen as the chief robe designer of the Universiade Palace!"

"It's better to wait until your robes are sold out."

"Hey, it's definitely going to be a big sale. What I'm worried about is that they are short of money and can't afford it."

"That's a problem! Therefore, the robes you design need to be divided into upper, middle and lower grades to suit their purchasing power, otherwise you can only make a profit!"

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! This is relatively simple. It only needs to be different in the selection of raw materials. Other techniques and styles do not need to be changed too much."

"That's right! It's very beneficial to hold the robe exhibition in our palace first. We can accumulate experience, find problems and solve them. It should be smooth when we go to participate in the Tianshang Realm exhibition." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"We at the Universiade Palace will definitely put on the best performance at the Tianshang Realm Robes Exhibition."

"Even so, we should also learn from the wonderful performances in past exhibitions!"

"Don't worry, sir. I have already seen the information. Compared with our display, it is on two levels. It can be said that the winner has been determined from a conceptual point of view!"

"Oh, why do you say that?"

"In fact, many of the performances by many forces have nothing to do with the robes and related products they want to sell. They are basically just joining in the fun. After the performance, you still don't know what products they are selling. Some forces are better and will target their products. They performed on-site demonstrations and explanations on their characteristics, but because their performance was not exciting enough, they were quickly kicked out by the people present. Some individuals did well by relying on powerful handsome men and beauties to dominate the scene, such as Fairy Tianshang. She would go out in person and perform in the robes that she focused on selling, which attracted a lot of attention. In addition, a song and dance team was organized to dance with her."

"Is it that simple? How do they sell products?"

"There are many exhibition venues around the site. Each force uses the exhibition venues to negotiate with people from major business alliances and sign orders."

"So, their so-called performance is actually just an event to gather popularity?" Li Yunqi said.

"Indeed! That's why the little slave said that their ideas are completely different from ours. Our performance is a real display, conveying the Taoism and style contained in each robe through the presenter, so that everyone can The audience can experience the designer's creative ideas, which arouses their enthusiasm for purchasing, which is much higher than simply looking at the goods and discussing the price."

"This...I'm afraid that after this exhibition, the name of designer Ling Daozi will be resounding in the spiritual world!" Li Yunchang sighed.

"Hey, your prophecy will definitely come true!" Xiaoxing said without changing his expression.

After the "Spring Blossoms" series of robes were successfully held in the Universiade Palace, Xiaoxing then held the "Summer Passion" series, the "Autumn Breeze Brings Refreshing" series, and the "Winter Warm Sun" series...

As Li Yun said, after holding multiple series of robe exhibitions in the Universiade Palace, the performances of the Universiade Palace robe display team have become increasingly mature, setting off a wave of popularity in the palace.

Every presenter in the display team has his own fans, and every performance can arouse enthusiastic screams and cheers. Feifei Fairy, Xiao Yingying, Fenfen, Yan Zheng, Xiang Yi, Wu Ju... all of them have become Celebrities in the palace.

Being able to become famous in the Universiade Palace in such a short period of time is a bit unexpected for them. You must know that although these people are considered the number one in the lower world or the spiritual world, they are basically at the bottom after entering the Universiade Palace. They are all slaves in red or blue robes. How easy is it to stand out among two million slaves?

But after joining the robe display team, things turned around for them, and they soon became high-level demonstrators with their own conditions and hard work. After many performances, they finally became famous!

Of course, this reputation is only limited to the Universiade Palace. In the spiritual world, there is no such top-notch robe display team that exists.

In the eyes of everyone in the palace, it is only a matter of time before the Universiade Palace robe display team becomes famous in the spiritual world. They can't wait to see the wonderful performance of the display team in the heavenly world.

In the Immortal Thunder Realm of Tianyun World, Li Yun was bathing in the baptism of true thunder. Xiaoxing reminded: "Sir, the time is almost up. The raw materials, production engineers, and display team are all ready, and we are ready to go!"

"Okay, has our underground network covered the Tianshang Realm?"

"It's been covered. It's really lively there now, with many powerful people appearing!" Xiaoxing said.

"Oh, anyone?"

"Fairy Yimei from the Fox Territory, Fairy Wanru from the Bird Territory, Xiao Bai from the Tiger Territory, Gui Wu from the Martial Territory, Zhenrong from the Wu Territory, Luo Li from the Tianyin Divine Territory, Fairy Youmeng from the Tianwu Divine Territory, Huang Yimiao , Dunan...Of course, they should all be clones..."

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