The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1458 Boots and Underwear

When Xiao Xiang heard this, his eyes widened and he said loudly: "Great! There will definitely be many handsome men and beauties performing there, right?"

"Of course! Displaying robes definitely requires people with good looks and figures. Many beauties want to make a splash at the exhibition and be taken away by the powerful!" Miheng said affirmatively.

"Wow... Sir, you can't miss such a grand event!" Xiao Xiang said flatteringly.

Li Yunben was a little hesitant, but after hearing from Xiaoxing that going to Tianshang Realm was basically just a side trip, it would only take a small detour and only delay him for a few days, so he nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look."

"Sir, that's great!" Xiao Xiang was so excited that he danced and slumped over Li Yun like a baby.

Huo Yan, Mi Heng, Shi Fu and others were dumbfounded by this coquettish look, their saliva was watering, and some kind of impulse quickly surged in their bodies...

Li Yun shook his head secretly in his heart. The rugged and powerful elite disciple of the Thunder Dragon Tribe had completely disappeared, and there was now a peerless beauty in the world. This change was so strong that he was filled with emotion!

It can be said that Xiao Xiang's every move, every frown, and every smile has natural charm power, which is much more powerful than Yimei, the ancestor of the Nine-tailed Fox Clan. Therefore, he has already mastered the art of charm. Consciously walked far, far away...

He is now a predominantly male version of a vixen!

Li Yun's words contained spiritual power and asked, "I wonder how long it will take for Fairy Tianshang's robe exhibition to start?"

Mi Heng suddenly woke up and said: "Spring has just begun, and the Qingliang Summer Robe Exhibition is scheduled for the end of spring, so there are still about two months left. However, famous manufacturers from all walks of life will come to the Tianshang World in advance to do their work. Prepare to hold some small exhibitions. Of course, the highlight of this exhibition is to see the exhibition of Fairy Tianshang's works. There will definitely be a gathering of celebrities, beautiful cars, beautiful women, and gorgeous clothes..."

"I didn't expect Fairy Tianshang to have such appeal, which is a bit surprising." Li Yun said with a smile.

"What you don't know, adults, is that a robe exhibition like this is actually just a high-end exhibition of works. The purpose is to attract powerful people from all walks of life to come and appreciate it, and the major business alliances that follow these powerful people will go there. Talent is the key, any order from these people can be huge, and the business opportunities they bring are huge!" Mi Heng explained.

Shi Fu interjected: "That's true. All the big and small forces in our Tianshang Divine Realm are counting on this quadrennial robe exhibition. As long as we can get one or two big orders, it will be enough for us to last for several years. !”

"Oh, I wonder if you have any products that can be sold at the exhibition?" Li Yun asked with interest.

Shi Fu took out a few pairs of boots and said: "My force mainly makes these soft leather boots, which are warm and comfortable to wear. They can also be transformed into skis, suitable for walking and sliding on the snow, and are very suitable for areas with severe cold weather. "

"Huh? It's still deerskin!" Xiao Xiang's eyes lit up, he took it over and looked at it carefully, he couldn't put it down.

"The deerskin boots in my hands are our best products. They are in very small quantities. Most of them are made of rough leather such as cowhide and pigskin." Shi Fu said with a smile.

"That's it! The skis you're talking about should be hidden in the space of the boot soles, right?" Xiao Xiang asked.

"Yes, you can sense it after putting it on, and you can call it out at any time."

"Haha, the design is good!" Xiaoxiang praised.

Li Yun also took a pair and looked at it, and said: "The design of the skis is indeed very good, but..."

"But what?"

"Snowboards alone cannot adapt to the use of various terrains, especially when going uphill or uphill, the skis must be stowed away, but the soles of the leather boots are too slippery and small, and are not suitable for walking on the snow." Li Yun analyzed .

" indeed the case." Shi Fu said with a slightly red face.

"It would be better to install a gripping device underneath to increase the range of snow contact. When going uphill, the heel of the boot should be increased appropriately, and when going downhill, the forefoot of the boot should be appropriately increased, so that walking will be much smoother. Of course, if you can combine each If both devices are automatically adjusted, this pair of boots can be turned into a pair of all-terrain boots, capable of climbing and wading, walking through snow and sand, and even flying in the air... Then it will be difficult to sell these boots! "Li Yun thought.

"Wow..." Everyone was dumbfounded and their faces turned red with excitement.

"Sir... I'm afraid it's quite difficult to design such all-terrain boots, and the production cost is probably extremely high. Not many people can afford them!" Shi Fu said hesitantly.

"It doesn't matter whether anyone can afford it. The key is to make good products! I believe that as long as all-terrain boots like this are released, there will be no problem in sales."

"Your Majesty is absolutely right! It seems that this is the next direction of Xiaonu's efforts. We must make all-terrain boots!" Shi Fu said loudly.

In fact, he had no idea at all, but the prospect Li Yun described was really tempting, so he had no choice but to be brave for himself first.

Li Yun smiled, turned to Mi Heng and asked, "What products do you have?"

Mi Heng's heart skipped a beat. Shi Fu's boots could be said to have been criticized by an adult. He was feeling a little uneasy. But when an adult asked, he had no choice but to take out a set of underwear and said, "My lord, this is mine." The key product of this force is the underwear worn under the robe."

Xiaoxiang grabbed it and shook it open again, and praised: "It's good, it's made of silk, it's light, soft and bright, and the pattern is beautiful. Hey, no, no, no, this hem is difficult to open. You have to dig out it." It’s very inconvenient to use the whip to urinate or squat to take out the tuba!”

"Puff!" "Puff!" "Puff!"

Several people laughed so much at Xiao Xiang's words that their tea spilled out.

Huo Yan couldn't help laughing, and laughed: "Do you think about these things all day long? Those above the Golden Core level are basically not affected by these problems, unless they don't eat grains, always eat and drink, and don't restrain their appetites. "

Xiaoxiang also realized that he seemed a little too vulgar, and said with a blushing face: "Eating and drinking are important things in life, and cultivators are no exception. Besides, isn't this what this underwear is about? If the hem is too tight, it won't be able to be opened at the critical moment. , wouldn’t it be bad?!”

Mi Heng said quickly: "Brother is right! We also pay great attention to this issue during design and production. In fact, our hem is easier to open than similar products on the market, and its practicality is quite good. Quite popular!”


"Oh brother, we received several orders at the robe exhibition four years ago, and we still can't finish them!"

"Wow, wouldn't that make you rich?!" Xiao Xiang said in surprise.

"Everywhere, we adhere to the principle of small profits but quick turnover. Although the number of orders is large, the profit is very small. In addition, the price of silk has risen rapidly in the past few years. By last year, we were basically losing money." Miheng sighed.

"Are you still doing it at a loss?"

"There's no way! The agreement has been signed, and it won't work until it's completed. Only now have I realized that those people in the Merchant Alliance are really powerful and smart. They can keep us busy just by throwing out an order. In the end, There’s not much money left!” Mi Heng sighed.

Shi Fu also felt the same way and said loudly: "Those people are really perfect in cultivation! Last time Yuanfangzhai ordered one million pairs of deerskin boots from me, and we have to deliver 250,000 pairs every year. As a result, in the past few years, The price of deerskin continues to rise, so I’ve lost a lot of money, otherwise I wouldn’t have used it to grab the big purchasing rights in Gesang Valley!”


Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't expect that these two people were put together by the Great Merchant Alliance and came here to compete.

Li Yun secretly laughed when he heard this. He had already learned how powerful business alliances like Yuanfangzhai were. One Feng Qingyuan was enough to make the two of them bankrupt. If he didn't have absolute control over the product, how could he dare to compete with them? Do they do business? This is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

There are a large number of similar products in the market, such as Shifu's boots and Miheng's underwear. They have no special characteristics. If you want to do business with the Great Merchant Alliance, you will definitely have to rely on price wars to significantly reduce your profit margins. Signing an agreement, but in this way, the ability of these products to withstand risks is greatly weakened.

The DCA may not be sure that the raw material prices for these products will rise so much in the past four years, but they have already completely controlled the price risks, so they can boldly place large orders in order to keep the prices down. Lower, squeeze more profits.

But Shi Fu and Mi Heng couldn't see through the mystery at all, thinking that the bigger the number, the better, and the results were self-evident.

Li Yun has rich experience in making robes, but he will not sell the fairy robes he makes.

Although the immortal robe is an outer robe, there is actually no need for an inner robe, because it has risen to the status of an immortal weapon. It can be concealed in whole or in part as you like. It can also regulate coolness and heat, integrating offense and defense. It is extremely valuable, so It cannot be bought and worn by ordinary cultivators.

But for ordinary cultivators and all mortals, undergarments are indeed needed inside the robes, otherwise it will be extremely unsightly and uncomfortable, and personal hygiene will definitely be a problem.

Li Yun has carefully studied the robes of ordinary cultivators and knows why these robes are designed with a hem. In fact, not only the inner robe has a hem, but the outer robe also has a hem, and the inner robe is empty.

This kind of design is in line with the living habits of ordinary cultivators in the Xuanling world, especially in terms of going to the toilet, because there are no toilet tools like in the previous universe, and you cannot sit, but squat or stand. In addition, there is no design that allows leggings to be taken out and changed separately. They cannot be changed out in time for cleaning and drying, so it is extremely inconvenient for people to go to the toilet. You can't just change them all in one go to the toilet, right? In order to avoid this inconvenience, the design of the hem of the robe came into being. When people use the toilet, they only need to open the hem to defecate, but they do not need to change and wash frequently.

Some people are so lazy that they don't even wear underwear, which makes it easier to relieve themselves. Of course, this usually happens to some vulgar people...

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