The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1453 Confrontation

"These are the Giant Bear Boat and Starling Boat, both built by the forces of the Treasure God Realm." Huo Yan said while looking at them.

"I see. So, these two warships are not unique to the two forces, but were purchased from the Treasure God Realm?"

"That should be the case. The Treasure God Realm is far away from here." Huo Yan nodded.

Li Yun looked at the map Xiaoxing printed on the light screen and found that this place was located at the junction of three divine realms. These three divine realms were the Zen realm, the Cuixiang divine realm and the Tianshang divine realm.

It turns out that I am almost out of the Zen realm!

To the south of the Zen Domain is the Cuixiang Divine Domain that he first arrived at. There is a Black Prison Forest in the middle. The trees extending from the forest are still vaguely visible, and further forward is the Tianshang Divine Domain.

This divine realm is a small realm like the Cuixiang divine realm, almost equivalent to an interface in the Zen realm. Despite this, its territory is still extremely vast and has many unique interfaces.

It is famous for making high-quality robes. People from other domains come to customize it, and there are also homemade robes for sale. It is closely related to the surrounding domains and attracts much attention.

The domain owner is Fairy Tianshang. Sitting in Tianshang Realm, it is the largest interface in this domain and has strong strength.

However, at the junction of these three divine realms, it is a no-nonsense zone, and it is normal for such conflicts to occur.

What's strange is that the two sides in the conflict are so powerful that they look like regular armies. How could they come to this remote place to start a war?

"Perhaps they met on a narrow road?" Li Yun secretly speculated.


A shocking and violent sound resounded through the sky, and a starling boat whined and fell down!

"Wow, that's great!!!"

The Giant Bear Boat Team let out deafening cheers, and everyone was obviously very excited.

The Starling Boat Fleet was missing an auxiliary ship, and a gap suddenly appeared in the formation. The lead ship felt threatened and immediately mobilized a nearby auxiliary ship to make up for it. At the same time, the attack method changed, and the beaks of each ship Fire dragons spurted out from everywhere and pounced towards the giant bear boat!


Li Yun's eyes lit up.

Charizard is indeed a very good offensive weapon, and it is not too difficult to make, so it is not a problem for Xiaoxing to study it.

"Sir, the fire dragon is indeed good. You can also use the water dragon to counterattack. However, the tactics of these two fleets are too stupid. They don't move at all. They just stand there and attack each other. This kind of tactics is useless even if they have the best weapons. It’s all in vain!” Xiaoxing said scornfully.

"There should be a reason for them to do this." Li Yun thought.

"Oh, what could be the reason?" Xiao Xing asked curiously.

"Do you think all warships are like our Starship? If these warships are not controlled by ship spirits, it will be difficult to achieve accurate strikes while moving quickly with human control alone. In this case, the air battle between the two sides will not be possible at all. "

" indeed true! Did they agree to conduct air combat like this?" Xiaoxing asked suspiciously.

"It's very possible! So, what the two sides are fighting now is to be able to shoot down the other's warship first before their own warship is shot down, to see whose spear is sharper and whose shield is stronger."

"Well, now it seems that the shield of the giant bear boat is stronger, while the spear of the starling boat is sharper." Xiaoxing judged.

"It makes sense! So, the starling boat lost one boat first, but the giant bear boat also had more scars." Li Yun agreed.

"Sir, do we want to take action?"

"We don't even know the reason why they started the war, how can we intervene? However, if one of the starling boats falls, it will be our trophy." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes!" Xiaoxing's eyes lit up.

"Don't worry, there should be some survivors in the boat. We'll collect them after they run away."

Xiao Xiang was particularly excited here. He had rarely seen this kind of human aerial combat, and he was yelling.

"Xiao Xiang, please stop screaming! This kind of scene is nothing, and you are making such a fuss." Huo Yan snorted.

"Oh Brother Yan, is it nothing to fight so fiercely? You're not pretending on purpose, are you?"

"You, little dragon, have seen too little of the world! If I had dragged you into an interface battle, you would probably have fallen into submission!"

"This..." Xiao Xiang was suddenly speechless, and his face turned extremely red.

Huo Yan definitely has the qualifications to criticize him, because Huo Yan is the previous Ziwei Star Master. He has personally experienced and led the interface war. He is a peerless power who came out of the blood shadow of Daoshan. At this moment, he is just restraining himself. It's just this layer of murderous aura. If it were released outside, I'm afraid Xiaoxiang would be dead!

"Haha, are you scared?" Huo Yan said proudly.

"Oh Brother Yan, please stop talking about me. I'm still far away from the interface war! Besides, as long as you and Sir are here, I won't have anything to do in this interface war. I just need to serve you two well!" Xiao Xiang said coquettishly.

"What you said is not unreasonable. Then serve the Lord now, and then serve me." Huo Yan said with saliva on his face.

"You... wait until the fun is over..." Xiao Xiangmei smiled and hid next to Li Yun, wiping away the oil and water.

After the Starling Boat changed its tactics, its attack power increased significantly, and the damage suffered by the Giant Bear Boat increased sharply. Some of the ships' shells had begun to show obvious cracks, and fragments kept falling down!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the leading ship of the Giant Bear immediately issued an order to connect more than a dozen ships through giant chains to form a long snake formation. In this way, the blow suffered by a warship can be borne by the entire formation. The protective power is indeed greatly improved!

"This..." Li Yun was stunned!

Huo Yan praised: "Haha, I didn't expect that the giant bear boat could do this. It seems that the starling boat is about to be defeated!"

Regarding Huo Yan's comments, Li Yun could only choose to be speechless.

In his opinion, a strategy like the Giant Bear Boat would be tantamount to seeking death if faced with a starship, because all the warships would appear to be integrated and their protection would be increased several times if they were connected in series, but in this way However, the battleship loses more important flexibility, and if there are problems with multiple battleships, it will inevitably affect other battleships, and everyone will suffer!

However, on the current battlefield, the two sides set up a battle formation to attack each other. This seems to be a good choice for the Giant Bear Boat. If the Starling Boat's offensive cannot be upgraded, they will only be beaten in the future.

The Starling Boat's fire dragon sprayed for a while and then stopped on its own. Apparently its fire dragon weapons were limited in number, and its lethality was not as powerful as expected. It was blocked by the giant bear boat's long snake formation.

The pressure on the giant bear boat suddenly decreased, and it immediately turned from defense to offense. Spears, cannonballs and fire dragons came out one after another, sinking several more starling auxiliary ships at once!

Cheers came and went, reflecting the extreme loneliness of the Starling Boat Team.

Suddenly, a light curtain appeared on the leading ship of the Starling Team, which read "Stop fighting! Admit defeat!!"

The artillery fire suddenly stopped, and a figure appeared on the ship leading the giant bear. This man was extremely tall and mighty, with a black face and a curly beard. He shouted: "Mi Heng, since you have given up, please get out of the situation quickly." Go to Sanggu!”

A middle-aged man in white robes appeared on the ship led by Starling. He was quite elegant, with a fair face and a black mustache. His face was gloomy, and he was obviously in a bad mood. He said, "Brother Shi Fu, can you please be more lenient?" Days? Now many disciples have been seriously injured and are in urgent need of treatment. How about evacuating the middle area after their injuries have stabilized? "

"How can this work? How can there be no one on both sides who is not injured? We also have people on our side who are in urgent need of medical treatment. I don't know how long it will take to wait for their injuries to stabilize. If I miss the mulberry leaf harvest this season, won't I lose a lot of money? ! You must all withdraw from Gesang Valley immediately!" Shi Fu said loudly.

"You?! Even if I admit defeat, the Gesang Valley can't be all yours. We agreed before the match that each of us would have one-third, and the one-third we were competing against would be the middle third, so we still have one-third. One!" Mi Heng shouted loudly.

"Haha, hahahaha!" Shi Fu looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" Miheng snorted.

"Mi Heng, with your current strength, do you still want to fight me? It would be great if I could leave you a way to survive. You actually want to occupy one-third of the Gesang Valley. It is simply a dream!" Shi Fu laughed. road.

"Shi Fu, you actually want to break the contract?!" Mi Heng exclaimed.

"Breach of contract? Of course I didn't breach the contract. The agreement was for the middle third. Whoever wins will get it. But the agreement does not restrict me from attacking your third third. You have to understand this. If we start a fight now, your entire army will be wiped out!" Shi Fu said coldly.

"" Mi Heng's face turned red with excitement, but he was speechless.

He knew in his heart that Shi Fu was right. If the fight started again now, it would be impossible for his side to compete with him. The outcome was not difficult to imagine. It seemed that the only way to retreat first was to preserve our strength.

The green hills are still there, so you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood, but this season’s silkworm harvest is all over, and the losses are extremely heavy!

"Hmph, I'll give you three more days. If I see you again in the Gesang Valley in three days, don't blame me for not remembering our old friendship!" After Shi Fu finished speaking, he led the giant bear fleet away from the battlefield.

Mi Heng was dazed for a while, sighed heavily, and quickly ordered his disciples to quickly rescue the fallen flying boat. He then gathered up the flying boat under his command and began to inspect it.

Soon, everyone who had fallen into the airship came up, including those who were seriously injured.

A disciple asked: "Sir, what should I do with the three battleships down there?"

Mi Heng's spiritual consciousness took a look and sighed: "They are all seriously damaged. It is better to buy them again than repair them. No matter what, go back first!"


The starling fleet quickly reorganized and headed into the distance.

Li Yun felt quite emotional when he saw this scene. This kind of scene is probably very common in border areas. Whoever has the fist will own the territory. There is no reason to say, or the fist is the reason.

Xingyun No. 1 quickly arrived at low altitude and found that the three starling boats were almost falling apart, and the ground was badly damaged...

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