The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1446 The reason for the disaster of dragon ketone

In fact, Li Yun didn't have a clear understanding of the Tao body. In his subconscious, he didn't even take the Tao body seriously. Instead, he believed that the most powerful body was the immortal body. After all, immortals are people of great power. He can move mountains and seas and fly sand and rocks with just a wave of his hand, so he has to work hard to hone his immortal body.

He did not realize at all that he had inadvertently developed the most powerful Taoist body in the Xuanling world, and this Taoist body was still being continuously strengthened and upgraded.

Due to the lack of data support for Li Yun's Dao body, Xiaoxing did not have a clear concept of this, so he did not grasp this problem accurately for the time being. However, after studying the power of chaos for a period of time, he made a major discovery!

"Sir, Xiaonu has discovered that if you practice the power of chaos, it is possible to hone the body of chaos. This body should be much more powerful than the immortal body!" Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Body of Chaos? You mean using the energy of Chaos to practice?" Li Yun was startled.

"That's right! In fact, the energy of chaos contains huge amounts of energy, including various star powers, which is very useful for tempering the body!"

"This sounds quite reasonable. Refining the body is actually similar to refining a weapon. When I was in the mortal world, I practiced Xuan Qi and tempered the body of a mysterious person. Later, I cultivated Spiritual Qi and tempered the spiritual body, and transformed the Heavenly Thunder The body and the body of Tianfeng have been refined to the extreme, making the body as tough as a magic weapon. Now when cultivating immortal energy, what is tempered is the immortal body. If successful, the body can become like an immortal weapon, and the level will naturally be greatly improved. . If we continue to practice the Qi of Chaos as you said, what we will hone by then will be the body of Chaos..." Li Yun thought.

"That's right! If you refine the body of chaos, you may become a chaotic treasure like Tianyun or Chaos Palace, swallowing all things, so close to the end of the world, and turning into a big world inside your body... Wow!" Xiaoxing said! I can hardly speak anymore.

Li Yun's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. In his opinion, the vision described by Xiaoxing was actually not outrageous. On the contrary, it was extremely reliable, because he had already tasted the benefits of it when he was cultivating his spiritual body. If he could If you cultivate like a Chaos Treasure, you can naturally do what a Chaos Treasure can do!

It’s even more than that!

This is of course a long-term vision and the direction of my future struggle. However, Xiaoxing's words reminded me that because the Scarlet Flame Pearl is a treasure of chaos, it naturally has a body of chaos, which is much more advanced than the immortal body. Therefore, no matter whether I How to train the immortal body, you are at a disadvantage against the Red Flame Pearl, so you can only outsmart it. When the situation is not good, it is better to hide in Tianyun.

"The body of chaos still needs to be studied and cultivated. I wonder if our immortal robe can withstand the power of the body of chaos?" Li Yun asked.

"grown ups,

The tests on the Immortal Robe are all about spiritual power and fairy power. There is very little test data on the power of chaos, and it is impossible to give a definite answer yet. According to Xiaonu's estimate, it would be difficult for the immortal robe to withstand the power of chaos, so adults must pay attention! "Xiao Xing said.

"Understood! No wonder Yuan Yi said that the merit of saving the Red Flame Pearl can allow people to directly enter the immortal world. The power of this chaotic treasure is too powerful. Once it goes crazy, the damage it causes will be extremely fatal." Li Yun sighed.

"The Scarlet Flame Pearl has caused great damage now! Judging from the information from Tianji Palace, the scope of the Wilderness Realm has expanded several times in the past thousands of years, and it has an accelerating trend, gradually threatening the surrounding areas. Some dragon clans were eroded and had to move away..."

"Oh? What dragons are there?"

"Mainly the three dragon clans, the Miaolong clan, the Yaolong clan and the Senlong clan. They happen to be the closest to the wilderness world and have suffered greatly from it."

"Hey, isn't that the dragon clan where Shui Siyu and Tu Zhaode belong?" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"Exactly. Shui Siyu is from the Miaolong clan, and Tu Zhaode is from the Yaolong clan. These two people should be in their clans now."

"I wonder what happened to Xiao Yu after she went back last time? What about Xiao Zhao?"

"Xiao Yu hasn't received any information yet, so Xiao Zhao went to Master Yun Yi to purchase another batch of pill pills. The disaster of dragon ketone in his clan has been controlled to a certain extent." Xiao Xing said.

"Where's the plague?"

"The plague is a bit troublesome, and it spreads widely among the clan."

"Didn't we give Xiao Zhao some new demon-suppressing pills last time?" Li Yunqi said.

"My lord, you don't know. Xiao Zhao's father, Sanxian Tuyide, was bought by Lei Chenao!"

"Is that so?"

"Hey, after Lei Chenao got the special evil-proof elixir for the first time, he used the elixir in his hand to buy himself. The three people he coveted most were the three people from the three nearby dragon realms, namely Shui Sirou from the Miaolong clan, and Shui Sirou from the Yaolong clan. Tu Yide and Mu Hanfei of the Senlong Tribe approached them and negotiated a deal with them. Naturally, they succeeded in the end. However, what these three people didn't know was that although the new evil-proofing pill allowed them to use their own bodies, Chunfeng At one time, they were also infected with the plague carried by Lei Chenao, and then they infected their own disciples, and gradually infected more people... This actually saved the Soul Machine Palace a lot of trouble." Xiaoxing said with a smile. .

"It's indeed interesting. By the way, that Mu Hanfei should be the Sanxian who was used as an alchemy experiment by the sloppy beard, right?"

"It was him! However, that person was just one of his clones, and the disaster of dragon ketone on his body was not eliminated, because we did not give Lei Chenao that special evil-proof pill later. In addition, Shui Sirou and Mu Han Fei's body cannot come out now and must be locked up again, because the special elixir can only cure it for a period of time. Without us providing the elixir again, or Xiaonu taking action, it is impossible to cure it. Only Tu Yide will benefit. I am completely relieved of my relationship with us!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Yes, it seems that Xiaoyu may defeat Shui Sirou this time when he goes back!" Li Yun quickly realized this.

"Yes! Shui Sirou's body had to be locked up after jumping around for a while. The situation now is exactly the opposite from hundreds of thousands of years ago. In the past, Xiaoyu would go crazy, but Shui Sirou was fine, but now she has to be locked up, and Xiao Yu has been freed, so if we go over this time, we might be able to see that Xiao Yu has taken charge of the Miaolong clan!" Xiaoxing agreed.

"This is extremely possible!"

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Sir, after we rescue the Scarlet Flame Pearl, how about we take a tour of the Dragon Domain?"

"No problem, I originally planned to travel there, but now I'd better consider how to rescue the Scarlet Flame Pearl."

"Sir, the news about the Scarlet Flame Pearl has made Xiaonu realize one thing! Xiaonu suspects that the dragon clan's Dragon Ketone disaster may be caused by the abnormality of the Scarlet Flame Pearl!" Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"What? Do you really think so?" Li Yun was startled.

"Yes. At that time, Xiaonu suspected that there was such a high-energy object in the dragon domain. It was the high-energy rays radiated by this object that greatly increased the level of ronone in the entire dragon family. Now it seems that this The high-energy object is the red flame bead hidden in the wild world!"

"This...your analysis makes perfect sense! If something goes wrong with Tianyun now, with the powerful energy he contains, it can certainly affect countless people and suffer disaster! However, why does the Red Flame Pearl appear in the Dragon Realm? , is it still a world of its own?”

"Sir, these chaos treasures may appear anywhere in this universe, just like the Chaos Palace. He can go wherever he wants, and others can't control him at all."

"Having said that, the Chaos Treasure itself is an extremely intelligent life, so why did he come to the Dragon Realm? Did he go there by himself or was he taken there? Was he awake at the time, or was there something wrong? Does he know that his state is very likely to cause a catastrophe? If such a catastrophe really happens, then who will be responsible for the evil karma caused by it?" The question that Li Yun thought of for a moment was one Then another.

"Sir, these issues are all waiting for us to investigate. As for the bad karma caused by his madness, Xiaonu thinks there are two situations. One is that the madness of Scarlet Flame Bead is beyond his control. As Xiao Yan said, it is Because the lonely sun does not last long and the body collapses, then the evil karma can be said to have nothing to do with himself. The other kind is intentional, which will naturally be blamed on him, but this situation is unlikely. , Chaos treasure can’t be so shameless as to specifically harm the Dragon Clan, right?” Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense. In this way, Chi Yanzhu's madness should belong to the first situation, which means that he came to the Dragon Realm for some reason and then suddenly went mad." Li Yun agreed.

"Yes. In terms of time, the formation of the Wild World was about 200,000 years ago, but the dragon clan suffered the disaster of dragon ketone more than 100,000 years ago. Since the two events are nearly 100,000 years apart, , so even Tianji Palace has not linked these two events together for analysis. If it is indeed because of the madness of the Scarlet Flame Pearl that the level of dragon ketone in the entire dragon clan's body changes, then the Scarlet Flame Pearl should be Something suddenly went wrong at some point about 100,000 years after arriving in the Dragon Realm!" Xiaoxing continued his analysis.

"Well said! Let's not talk about the situation after the mutation of the Red Flame Pearl. Before his mutation, he had stayed in the Dragon Realm for at least nearly a hundred thousand years. With his great power, there must be some purpose for him to be here. After staying there for so long, you know, Xiao Yan said that Chi Yanzhu has the same personality as him, he is an extremely manic person, and it is impossible to stay there for so long if there is nothing wrong!" Li Yun continued .

"Hey, did Red Flame Pearl find any benefit there? Or..."

"then what?!"

"Perhaps he wanted to find a Taoist treasure that would allow him to transform, or a person with Taoism. With his wisdom, he should also know that his situation at that time was extremely dangerous and he needed to transform as soon as possible, so he deliberately threw some Treasures to attract some powerful people for him to choose from." Xiaoxing guessed.

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