The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1421 Shi Yue’s plan

"Not good!!!" Shi Yue shouted.

With a wave of spiritual power in his hand, he quickly took Guidong into the boat. With a thought, the time boat burst out into a huge ball of light and shadow, accelerated suddenly, and actually got rid of the lock of the four crystal cannons, and flew away with a "hoo" sound. Find the peak where Xianghui Temple is located!

I saw figures flashing, and the figures of Xin Hui and Xin Huang appeared on the top of the mountain. Looking at the time boat going away, there was a look of great regret on their faces!

If the ship of time had been attacked immediately when it arrived, Shi Yue might have been captured by now. However, just to observe the performance of Shi Yue and Guidong to determine whether Liu Feng's words were true and reliable, the two of them had not yet made up their minds. Finally, the best opportunity to strike was lost!

"Great Elder, are we still chasing him?!" Zen Immortal Jianxing asked urgently.

"This... at the speed of the time boat, our temple's flying boat can't catch up... What a pity!" Xin Hui sighed.


All the monks looked at each other, regretting it endlessly!

In the end, Xin Hui, Xin Huang and others were still cautious and cautious under the accumulated power of Shi Yue's way of time, and did not dare to act rashly until they were absolutely sure.

Xin Hui and Xin Huang were observing carefully just now, and there were several phenomena that gradually made them certain. First, Shi Yue did not go out on the boat himself, but only sent one person from Guidong. This was very different from the past; second, Guidong's performance was quite domineering at first, but gradually he showed a lack of confidence. He was obviously fierce and lustful. Third, they also had soul cards in their hands, and there was a trace of Shi Yue's soul on that soul card. and his own soul thread and bloodline, but he has never been able to sense the soul thread and bloodline he left with Shi Yue from the soul card. It can be seen that Shi Yue has indeed lost the soul card that controls his own destiny!

After both of them confirmed this, they were about to take strike action, but Shi Yue saw that the situation was not good and recalled Guidong.

If Shi Yue escapes this time, it will be difficult for him to seek revenge!

The two felt extremely regretful, but this time it was finally confirmed that they had escaped Shi Yue's control. They felt like they had been reborn, and their mood quickly turned to ecstasy. They immediately asked the presiding disciple Jianxing Zenxian to arrange a large-scale celebration. , chanting sutras, praying for blessings, consecrating and giving gifts to many good men and women!

The activities of Xianghui Terazawa's followers immediately plunged the entire Wuxiang Realm people into a carnival...

A ray of light and shadow swept across the sky and stopped suddenly at the border of the phaseless realm. It was the ship of time!

After escaping from Xianghui Temple, I was as panic-stricken as a lost dog. I finally got here and found that there were no pursuers behind me. I was finally able to stop and take a breath.

Shi Yue's face was as heavy as water, and his heart was bleeding. He didn't expect that Xianghui Temple was out of his control. If he hadn't been more vigilant, the consequences would have been even more serious!

With the cultivation level of Xin Hui and Xin Huang, he is absolutely unable to resist it. Just like Zhi Qing and Tong Qing before, although they are both stronger than themselves, they can rely on the power of the Tao of Time to hold on. Firmly control these powerful forces.

But now the situation has been completely reversed. I have lost the soul cards of my subordinates, and I have also lost the opportunity to enter their time channel. In turn, when those people know this, they will definitely retaliate against me severely!

Especially powerful people like Xin Hui, Xin Huang, Zhi Qing and Tong Qing, who is willing to be controlled and ordered by others? Unless you are extremely charming and can make them join as slaves, this is not easy. You can only think about it. It can be said that it is impossible.

Once these powerful powers are lifted from the ban, the intensity of their counterattacks and retaliation will probably increase exponentially, which will cause big trouble!

When Shi Yue thought of this, he felt his whole head hurt and was on the verge of fainting.

"My lord! My lord! Are you okay?!" Guidong said in shock, and quickly stepped forward to help him.

"'s okay! By the way, why haven't Zhiqing and Tongqing replied yet?" Shi Yue said weakly.

"This...according to Xiaonu's estimation, these two people must have had an accident!" Guidong sighed.

"An accident?"

"That's right. They either died from the poison, or they had an accident during the battle with Miaoyin'an!"

When Shi Yue heard this,

He muttered: "Death due to poisonous attacks... It should not be possible. The last time they left the Sky Poison God's Domain, they had improved greatly. It is impossible for them to deteriorate to the point where even Qing cannot be cured. On the other hand, the battle with Miaoyin'an... Two It is very possible that people rushed to Zhenzhi City to suppress the battle..."

"Yes. Zhenzhi City was originally occupied by Zhiqing's slave Fatu, and Miaoyin's Ming Xinyin went there with great fanfare to suppress the bandits. In fact, he went to destroy Fatu. Therefore, if Zhiqing learns the news , will definitely bring Tongqing and two people there to help. However, we did not see detailed information about the process of this battle, but the result was that Ming Xinyin led the female Zen army to withdraw, and Zhenzhi City was occupied by Zhida from Chuanyun Temple. . In addition, Liufeng also built a ten-level formation there and took in more than 200,000 slaves! Such a strange result shows that Mingda and Liufeng are the final winners, and Zhiqing and Tongqing must be there. Something went wrong during the war!" Guidong analyzed.

Shi Yue was dazed for a while and sighed: "What you said makes sense! If they can escape unharmed, they will definitely receive our talisman. But now there is no news. It shows that these two people were not captured by Ming Xinyin. They were captured by Liu Feng and Zhida. According to my estimation, they are more likely to be captured by Liu Feng!"

"Sir, do you really think so?!" Guidong said in shock.

"Hmph, although Na Ming Xinyin has a high level of cultivation, he is simple-minded and lacks intelligence. He is no match for Zhiqing and Tongqing. This is also an important reason why they failed to suppress the bandits in the end and instead retreated. And the final winner But it's Chuanyun Temple, and Zhida has long proven that he is no match for Zhiqing. The reason why he finally got Zhenzhi City must have Liufeng's guidance behind him!" Shi Yue said harshly.

"Sir, at such a young age, Liufeng cannot be more sophisticated than Zhiqing and Tongqing, right?"

"Liu can no longer use your age to tell things! Everything this person has done since he became famous is jaw-dropping. It seems that nothing is impossible! Even my thousands of years of layout are in front of him. If everything falls apart, it won't be a big deal to defeat Zhiqing and Tongqing!" Shi Yue gritted his teeth.

Guidong was stunned when he heard this, his heart was pounding, and he asked suspiciously: "Sir, if it is true as you expected, how did he do it? Even if he started practicing from his mother's womb, he would not be able to reach such a high level? "

"Hmph, this matter sounds incredible, but maybe the truth is very simple. I suspect that he is the reincarnation of an immortal from the upper world and has awakened at this time!" Shi Yue said solemnly.


Guidong screamed, thinking that he was actually going against a reincarnated immortal. He felt that his whole body was limp and he almost fell down.

The two were speechless for a while, and Guidong asked: "Sir, what should we do now?"

Shi Yue thought: "It is indeed unwise to be an enemy of Liufeng. However, my main purpose is to seize the Bodhi Realm Fruit twenty years later. Therefore, the current failure is not a real failure. We must endure it." Come down, implement the new plan, and develop all the forces that can be developed in order to capture more world fruits in that battle!"

"What you say makes sense!" Guidong said sincerely.

"Now it seems that after Liufeng got my information, he already knew about our dark forces. Maybe Xin Hui and Xin Huang got this information after receiving his notification. Therefore, others may also get it at the same time. We must as soon as possible Investigate them, and capture those who can regain control first, and those who cannot be controlled must give up decisively, and then develop other new forces!"

"New forces? It seems that the forces in the Zen domain have almost developed..." Guidong said suspiciously.

"Then develop forces outside the Zen domain! Liufeng seems to be active in the Zen domain now. Our development of peripheral forces will not be affected by him, but can expand rapidly!"

"Wow, your Excellency is so right! There are a lot of forces outside the Zen Domain. With your abilities, if you want to develop them, can't you easily capture them? Haha!" Guidong said happily.

"Of course! There are very few people who understand the way of time, and the only one who understands the way of time and can surpass me is probably Liufeng. The others don't take my eyes at all!" Shi Yue said with confidence! .

After the two agreed, the time boat immediately flew in one direction and quickly disappeared into the sky...

The news that Xianghui Si Ze was killed by the general public soon spread to Lingzhi City, and Xiaoxing immediately reported it to Li Yun.

"Sir, it seems that Xin Hui and Xin Huang already know how to escape from Shi Yue's control!" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, judging from the time point, they are almost the same. The two of them should have had the opportunity to meet Shi Yue. And Xianghui Temple's such big move can only prove that the two of them have confirmed that they have escaped from Shi Yue, and they are so happy..." Li Yun agreed.

"Hey, Shi Yue will probably vomit blood if he loses the help of a powerful force like Xianghui Temple, right?" Xiao Xing said happily.

"Even if you don't vomit blood, your vitality will be greatly damaged! But do you think there was any fight between them?"

"This... the information didn't say anything. If there was a fight, it must have been a collision at the Sanxian level, which was extremely attractive. It is impossible for Tianji Palace to miss such information, so there should be no fight." Xiaoxing judged.

"Well, it seems that Shi Yue escaped! What will he do next?"

"Sir, he should check the situation of other controlled subordinates, but these people have been notified by us to come to Lingzhi City to rob, so he can't find them." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It makes sense, so what will he do next?"

"Next... Shi Yue, this boy, will probably not be willing to fail, and the focus of his plan is to seize the Bodhi Realm Fruit and practice the way of time and space. Therefore, he will definitely plan to make a comeback and give it a try!" Xiaoxing judged.

"Okay! Then we'll wait and see what other tricks he has up his sleeve."

"Hehe, the more tricks he has, the better, so we won't be too lonely... Hey, I found Ben Ying!"

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