The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1414 Spiral Immortal Power

Li Yun thought: "If the star power is too complicated, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome to practice. Just like when we humans cultivate spiritual power, we have corresponding spiritual roots and spiritual veins in our bodies, and when we cultivate immortal power, we have corresponding immortal veins. But if you want to practice star power, there are no corresponding star veins in the body..."

"Hehe, from Xiaonu's point of view, the immortal veins on your body are actually star veins!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh?!" Li Yun's eyes lit up.

"As your Excellency has felt, the star power of Ziwei Star is similar to the immortal power, so it can definitely be channeled into the immortal veins for cultivation. Some weaker star powers can even be channeled into the spiritual veins for cultivation, and..."

"And what?" Li Yun asked urgently.

"Hasn't your Excellency already comprehended the Spiral Spiritual Power? After practicing the Spiral Spiritual Power, the intensity of your spiritual veins has been greatly improved, almost equal to that of the Immortal Vein, and it can circulate massive amounts of spiritual power. If you practice the Spiral Immortal Power again, , then the strength of your immortal veins will be greatly improved, and you will not only be able to cultivate the star power of the Ziwei Star, but you can even cultivate the true Yang power of the sun in the sky, and you will be awesome!!!"


Li Yun yelled, feeling like his mind was open, as if a window had been opened, and he suddenly became enlightened!

When I was cultivating the Tianfeng Spirit Body, I had already understood the principle of spiral compression of spiritual power. I used the power of wind spirit as a medium to bind the other eight kinds of spiritual power of different natures and compress them into the spiritual veins.

Of course, this process is extremely painful, because the spiritual power after compression is extremely powerful. Theoretically speaking, the maximum value of nine compressed spiritual powers can be increased 256 times compared to one original ordinary spiritual power. In this way, Compressed spiritual power is like an extremely sharp wind blade destroying the spiritual veins in the body. If he didn't have the huge Tianyun World as his backing, I'm afraid he would be killed by it before he could develop two compressed spiritual powers!

While practicing at that time, the spiritual veins were destroyed while growing with the continuous replenishment of resources, and finally reached the level of Tianfeng Spiritual Body.

It can be said that the strength of his spiritual veins is not weaker than the immortal veins, and is even slightly stronger. This is also the reason why he has made rapid progress in the cultivation of immortal power, because both his spiritual veins and immortal veins can cultivate immortal power, which is equal to that of the immortal veins. Others have doubled their immortal power reserves, which is an extremely huge advantage.

If he follows Xiaoxing's suggestion in the future and compresses and practices his spiritual veins and immortal veins again, I'm afraid he will finally be able to reach the level of cultivating the power of the true sun. Then will he be able to enter the stars? ! ! !

This idea is extremely exciting just thinking about it!

Xiaoxing said: "Sir, theoretically speaking, it is not impossible to enter a star. It is just hotter than a volcano. Of course, in addition to the high temperature, what is even more terrifying is its huge suction and electromagnetic force. , it’s easy to get in, but it’s hard to get out, so you can only try it when your strength reaches a certain level.”

"Yes! But I believe that under the rules of this universe, the sun must be spiritual. In addition to the high temperature and high magnetism on its surface caused by its own rules, it is also to prevent outsiders from easily entering, just like the earth in the lower world. The inner world is the same, it is difficult for people outside to enter, and it is also difficult for people inside to come out." Li Yun thought.

"Your Majesty's guess is quite reasonable. If it is true that there is a huge space inside the sun as your Majesty said, then there is actually a way to enter the sun's interior..." Xiaoxing said in surprise.

"What?! Do you really have another solution?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Hehe, all the solutions have been figured out! Just like we want to go to the inner earth world in the lower world, in fact, there is no need to go all the way like before..." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Li Yun suddenly realized it and said loudly: "I understand!"

"Sir, have you really thought of it?"

"That's right! We now know the coordinates of the inner earth world, so as long as we locate the coordinates, we can directly teleport in through the super teleportation array. Since the power used by the teleportation array is the power of space,

Its dimensions are different from the three-dimensional world of this world, so it will not be affected by the hardness of the shell of the inner earth world. "Li Yun said excitedly.

"That's it! The same goes for entering the inner space of the sun, except that we can't determine its coordinates now. If you want to get in there, you not only need a super powerful teleportation array, but you must also calculate the coordinates, otherwise you will accidentally It might be teleported to a high-temperature layer, which would be troublesome." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"More than just trouble? It's like the rhythm of putting meat on the grill! It would be great if we could meet life forms from the sun. They must know the coordinates of the inner space of the sun."

"This is a possibility. The life form from the sun must be very special, and maybe we will encounter it in the future." Xiaoxing said hopefully.

"I hope so. But we seem to have gone too far. Let's go back to the issue of star power cultivation. In the future, my training plan must add new content, which is the practice of compressed immortal power!" Li Yun said ambitiously.

"Sir, do you really want to practice?"

"Of course, only by enduring hardship can you become a master! Only by being kind to yourself can you achieve success!"

"This...don't be too anxious, adults, just take your time..." Xiaoxing advised.

The practice of compressing immortal power is by no means a simple matter and cannot be achieved overnight. If the practice is too intense, it may be counterproductive. Both of them know this truth.

"Well, what you said makes sense, I will do it step by step..." Li Yun agreed.

He soon started experimenting.

Nowadays, there are conditions for practicing compressed immortal power. In addition to Lingxian Realm where Xiao Kong is located near Lingxian Peak, there are also many small fairyland, which Xiaokong named "Xianpeach Realm", "Xianmei Realm" and "Xianxian Realm" respectively. "Lotus Realm", "Fairy Tea Realm", "Fairy Chrysanthemum Realm"... Since these small fairyland were newly built not long ago, the fairy power in them is very weak and the fairy pressure is very small, which is very suitable for Li Yun's current practice, so Li Yun ducked out Enter the fairyland and start practicing.

"Huh? What are you doing here, sir?" Xiaokong was startled.

He soon came to the Immortal Peach Realm and found that Li Yun had entered a state of cultivation, so he quietly exited, but his spiritual consciousness was still staring closely...

Li Yun has experience in compressing spiritual power, so when trying to compress the fairy power, the first thing to compress is the wind attribute fairy power. In the Immortal Peach Realm, fairy powers of various attributes are available, but they are extremely weak, so the pressure is not great. Under his conscious guidance, a small wind whirlpool began to form around him, slowly rotating...

"Well, are you cultivating the wind fairy power?" Xiaokong murmured to himself.

He knew that Li Yun was now a veritable little immortal, and that the Nine Spiritual Roots were slowly transforming into Nine Immortal Roots, so cultivating the power of the Wind Immortal was not a big problem. When he thought of this, Xiaokong felt relieved. , began to deliciously taste the fairy fruits in Lingxianjing...

A day in the outside world means a hundred years in the Immortal Peach Realm. After Li Yun had practiced for about five hundred years, he was suddenly awakened by Xiaoxing: "Sir, Dexian and Dezhang are about to arrive at Ganoderma City!"

Li Yun slowly opened his eyes, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, which was sharp and real.

I feel that the immortal power in my body is extremely abundant, and it is rotating and flowing. It is the wind immortal power!

Under its coils, other immortal powers seemed to be moving along with the trend, but they were still loose and not completely tied up.

But it is enough to reach this level. As long as the wind immortal power can be spiraled first, an excellent foundation has been laid, and future cultivation only needs to be done step by step.

Although I have not officially started to practice star power, to a certain extent, the practice of fairy power is also practicing star power, because the fairy world is also a star in the universe, but as a little fairy, I have a better foundation for practicing fairy power. , because it has the corresponding immortal veins, it can naturally attract immortal energy.

Li Yun confidently flashed to Lingxian Peak and found that he had almost become a hairy man. He quickly adjusted his mind.

This situation shows that the quality of his Tianfeng spirit body is extremely high and he is not afraid of this level of fairy wind power. Otherwise, the hair on his body would have been shaved off by the fairy wind long ago and he would become a hairless person.

"Fortunately, it didn't become like Ming Kongzi's practice of Tianfeng Spirit Body, otherwise he wouldn't dare to go out to meet people!" Li Yun laughed.

"Hehe, as long as you practice step by step, you won't have this problem, because the quality of your hair has long been tempered by the real thunder!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Yes, with the foundation of Tianlei Spirit Body, everything you practice now can be done with twice the result with half the effort. It's great!" Li Yun said with emotion.

From the beginning to the present, Li Yun has suffered the most while cultivating the Tianlei Spirit Body, but now that he thinks about it, it is also the most worthwhile. No wonder he has a deep understanding of this aspect.

After practicing for five hundred years in one breath, Li Yun felt that it was time to adjust, so after a slight adjustment on Lingxian Peak, he returned to the back hall of Qushui Temple.

"Eh... Dechang is still in the process of enlightenment?" Li Yun said in surprise.

It seems that this kid is also very talented. An epiphany lasts for five days, which is considered a long time.

"Where's Xiaofu?"

"Sir, he and Ling Daozi have had a great time these days!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

He cast a light curtain and saw that the scene was quite lively. It seemed that a group of nuns were gathering together to eat vegetarian food in a vegetarian hall. Xiaofu and Ling Daozi were among them, and Lu Lu was sitting next to them. Master Lu and Master Piao Piao, as well as female disciples such as Jingxin, Jingyue, Jingyuan, Jingqi, etc., had plenty of food, and everyone ate happily and laughed happily...

"Hey, why did they get together? Wasn't there a storm in the city a few days ago?" Li Yunqi said.

"Didn't Dechang fight Chongmingniao last time? The scene of his conversation with the adults and Xiaofu should have fallen in the eyes of the group of nuns next to him. Although the sound was isolated, Xiaofu and the adults had a close relationship. It’s hard to see, but with Lulu and Piaopiao’s IQs, they should be able to realize this..."

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