The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1386 Shi Yue’s spiritual sense

"Yes, if these two people weren't so bold, something might have happened!" Shi Yue exclaimed.

Guidong nodded and said: "In Xiaonu's opinion, the possibility of something happening to them is extremely high!"

"Oh my god!!!" Shi Yue's expression changed drastically.

If something really happened to these two people, they would almost lose their right and left arms. In addition, they would lose their soul cards and bloodline, and it would be impossible to control the entire dark force.

"Sir, now that we have lost the soul cards and bloodline of those hall masters, our intimidation and control over them have been greatly reduced. We must find a way to make up for it." Guidong reminded.

Shi Yue sighed: "Now that the Soul Disturbing Bell and Soul Capturing Banner have been lost, it will be more difficult to collect their soul threads and bloodline. In the past, we relied on Zhiqing and Tongqing to collect them. Now if something happens to these two people, , even I have to hide for a while..."

"Why do you say this, sir?" Gui Dong asked curiously.

"Hmph, can't you understand the hearts of those hall masters? What would they do if they knew that I could no longer enter their time passage?"

"This...maybe they will be gathered together to deal with the adults..." Guidong suddenly realized.

"That's right! These people have been suppressed by me with the method of time, and they must have complaints in their hearts. Now that they are relieved, they will definitely vent their resentment. Therefore, of course, I can no longer face the anger of so many people... "

Guidong's face turned pale after hearing this. He didn't expect that the situation would take a turn for the worse, and people from the dark forces might rebel. He said anxiously: "Sir, they don't know yet. We can find a way to secretly obtain their soul threads and bloodline, or maybe... When the natal magic weapon is available, won’t it be possible to control them again?”

"Of course this is a way. However, these people have been under my control because they lost their soul threads and bloodline before. They all learned a lesson and protected their soul threads and bloodline extremely tightly. Even their natal magic weapons They are rarely used anymore, so if you want to control them again, it will be twice as difficult!"

"Sir, what should I do?"

"For today's plan, we first need to find a way to retrieve the items from Shichu or Liufeng, and secondly plan a new operation to obtain the soul silk bloodline or natal magic weapon of those hall masters. Thirdly, if we do both the first two steps If not, I have no choice but to return to the Realm of Time and see the situation before making a decision." Shi Yue thought.

"Your Majesty, what you said makes sense! According to Xiaonu, how about we go directly to Zhenzhi City now to take a look?"


Shi Yue gathered all his disciples, returned to the Time Boat, and headed towards Zhenzhi City...

He didn't know that Li Yun had actually gone to Lingzhi City, because most of the information had been blocked by Xiaoxing, and only the sporadic fish that slipped through the net, or the information that Li Yun deliberately wanted Shi Yue to know, would reach him.

This is of course very fatal. It can be said that Shi Yue wanted to cause trouble for Li Yun, but he was completely defeated in the first step of the information war!

Now Shi Yue is not very clear about the changes in the situation in the border areas of Zen Domain. However, as the Lord of the dark forces, after flying for a while, he quickly realized that he felt that the information he had received recently was too little and something was not right. , so he ordered his capable slaves Yi Dong and Qiu Qian to go to Zenji Hall and Tianji Hall respectively to collect information.

The two set off quickly after receiving the order.

Watching the two people leave, Guidong said: "Sir, we notified Master Lulu and Master Piao Piao last time. Many days have passed, but there has been no news from the two of them until now. They don't even follow the rules. understood!"

"Well, these two women probably didn't dare to be unruly. If they didn't reply, maybe there was an accident..." Shi Yue pondered.

Almost everything has been going wrong recently. Shi Yue has already felt something bad. It seems that there is an invisible net around him shrinking towards him. He seems to be caught by this net, and it becomes harder and harder to move his hands and feet. The more difficult it looks.

Yes, that’s what it feels like!

Shi Yue can enter the way of time, and his spiritual sense is extremely sensitive to changes in the way of heaven. Especially regarding his own destiny, he can react faster than others.

Right now, he felt that his destiny seemed to have encountered an obstacle, as if something was choking his throat, and it became increasingly difficult to breathe...

"not good!!!"

Shi Yue's expression changed drastically, and with a thought, he stopped the flying boat.

"Sir, what's the problem?!" Guidong was stunned and asked urgently.

"This trip is not going well, let's go elsewhere first!" Shi Yue said slowly.

"Did the adults feel it?!"

"Yes. It seems that my future is sending me a message. If I go to Zhenzhi City, there may be a big disaster!"

"This... Your Majesty's spiritual sense is extremely efficacious, so we won't go there. We might as well go to the Formless Realm, where we have Xianghui Temple, which is a relatively powerful force." Guidong said.

"Xianghui Temple? Yes, the power of Xianghui Temple cannot be lost anymore, otherwise it will really hurt our muscles and bones..."

Shi Yue felt it for a while and felt that it was a good idea to go to Xianghui Temple, so the time boat changed its direction and headed northwest.

"Tell Yi Dong and Qiu Qian to sneak into Zhenzhi City, find out the news about Liu Feng and Shi Chu, and report back as soon as possible." Shi Yue said.

"Yes! Sir!"

Guidong quickly carved out the letter talisman and inspired his spiritual power.

Shi Yue's face was extremely gloomy. Looking in the direction of Zhenzhi City, he felt like there was a beast there, opening its mouth wide and waiting for him to jump in. This made his heart tighten and his whole body tremble.

This situation means that there must be his nemesis there, and he now knows very well that this nemesis is Liu Feng, and he must avoid Liu Feng in order to feel safe.

"Liu Feng... Who are you? You can actually suppress my way of time? Based on this alone, I'm afraid there will be another great immortal in the spiritual world in the future..." Shi Yue thought silently in his heart.

Sighing, he controlled the airship to speed up... and escape...

Xiaoxing discovered the abnormal behavior of the Time Boat and immediately reported it to Li Yun.

"Shi Yue turned halfway to the direction of the Phaseless Realm? Could it be that he had discovered something?" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, maybe he thinks that Ishide has handed over those items to you, so that you have his soul thread and bloodline. Isn't he looking for death when he comes here?" Xiaoxing analyzed.

"I have his soul thread and bloodline. Even if he doesn't come over, he will just wait to die." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Yes, sir, you can completely destroy him now!" Xiaoxing said suddenly.

The way of time is so magical that it is almost not affected by distance. As long as you can enter its time channel, you can do small things in it. Therefore, Li Yun now actually controls Shi Yue's life.

"Well, he must have sensed the danger, so he automatically avoided this direction. However, I would not do such an unnatural act unless it was absolutely necessary." Li Yun said.

"Of course!" Xiaoxing agreed.

They all understand that entering the time channel to modify other people's fate is harmful to the world. Doing this kind of thing too much will definitely have an impact on their own destiny.

Just like Shi Yue bumped into Li Yun's hand like this, he will always encounter ghosts if he walks too much at night!

In fact, Shi Yue himself understands this truth, so his time method is more often used as a deterrent weapon rather than a conventional weapon, and will not be used until critical moments.

But he had been in the Way of Time for a long time. He didn't realize this at first, so he used it frequently. Later, in order to expand the dark forces, he had to use it frequently to frighten his subordinates. Over a long period of time, the number of uses has reached the limit. It’s so terrifying that it’s hard to think of any questions!

Li Yun is extremely sensitive to the way of heaven. Many of his thoughts are great ways and he can touch the movement of the way of heaven. Therefore, he knows very well that no matter what he does, he must comply with the way of heaven, so that his luck will become more and more prosperous. Therefore, anything that goes against heaven must not be done unless it is necessary.

"Sir, if Shi Yue goes to the Phaseless Realm, then he is most likely going to find Xin Hui from Xianghui Temple. Should we do something? Because he will soon leave the scope of our network and want to control him It would be impossible to exchange information..." Xiaoxing asked.

"No need! Things in the Formless Realm are still a little far away from us, so let's forget about them for now! We just need to spread the ground network over the entire Zen Domain as soon as possible, and then we can naturally find Shiyue and the others again."

"Hey, our underground network is expanding faster and faster, and it shouldn't take long to cover the entire Zen Domain." Xiaoxing said proudly.

"Okay! Now let's inform Xiaoda and capture Shi Yue's two disciples, Yi Dong and Qiu Qian." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Of course! These two people actually want to sneak into Zhenzhi City. They are simply throwing themselves into a trap!"

Xiaoxing was about to tell Zhida this information when he suddenly heard a "Hey" sound.

"What's wrong?" Li Yun asked.

"Xiao Da and Xiao Chi are together."

"What's so strange about them being together?" Li Yunqi asked.

"It's not strange that they are together, but the key is that they are playing against each other now." Xiaoxing said with a smile.


“Absolutely lively…”

Xiaoxing played the scene of Xiaoda and Xiaochi playing each other to Li Yun, and he was stunned!

He found that the two of them were very engaged in playing, and there was half a bottle of middle-grade Xingyun wine next to them. He couldn't help but smile: "It seems that the middle-grade Xingyun wine that was awarded to Xiaoda last time was used by him. "

"Yes. Without the medium-grade Xingyun Wine, Xiaoda would not be able to transform Xiaochi at all, and vice versa." Xiaoxing said happily.

"Then let's wait until they are done having fun before notifying Xiaoda to arrest them." Li Yun said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. Yi Dong and Qiu Qian are still on the way. It may take a few days to reach Zhenzhi City."

While Li Yun was admiring the confrontation between the two, he was doing the final work on the formation of Ganoderma City. This place had entered the final stage, with only the last main formation eye left.

Suddenly, he felt something in his mind and said: "The ditty is over and I have an epiphany!"

His consciousness looked at where Jiuqu was and found that he had slowly opened his eyes, so he put away the small formation that enveloped him.

I saw that Jiuqu was in good condition, with a bright spiritual light and full of Taoist intention. It was obvious that he had taken a step further in the cultivation of Taoist intention!

"Congratulations Xiaoqu!" Li Yun smiled.

"Thank you, sir!" Jiuqu said sincerely.

"I wonder what Taoist meaning you have realized?"

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