The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1379 Call someone to rob

Li Yun knew that Xiaoxing's suggestion was right. If he didn't pamper Xiaoxiang more, he might start playing with other people again soon. However, for now, he might as well dry him out first and let him taste it. How does it feel to lose your food partner...

So he ignored Xiao Xiang and followed the cavalry forward while appreciating the surrounding scenery with his mind.

Border areas usually have huge mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. Such terrain can easily become a natural dividing line between all walks of life, so the landscape is also rich and fascinating.

Just like the five-color sea that we passed through before, it is the separation point between the five interfaces: the Qushui Realm, the Wonderful Sound Realm, the True Water Realm, the Colorless Realm, and the Invisible Realm. Large cities such as Zhicheng and Lingzhi City are located near the Five Color Sea. Therefore, as the horse teams run on the road, they can faintly smell the slightly salty sea breeze. It blows slowly, fresh and moist, and carries with it the flowers, grass and soil along the way. The fragrant breath made everyone happy, excited, and fierce...

"Ta-ta-ta" "Ta-ta-ta" "Ta-ta-ta"

The dark cloud horse galloped briskly, like dark clouds floating in the air, raising dust all the way!

The horses are happy and the people are happy, the spring breeze is triumphant, everyone is enjoying the joy of speeding happily and does not want to stop...

"Xiaoxing, this road is quite quiet, with very few passers-by, not even a bandit..." Li Yunqi said.

"Sir, this place has just been raided by Huiyun's Zen army, so naturally there won't be any more bandits."

"I see. So the three cities occupied by Zhu Xu are not far from here?"

"It's indeed not far. This area is originally under the protection of Zhenzhi City. If anything happens, the defenders of Zhenzhi City will arrive soon."

"Well, it seems that Gaishi is helping Huiyun build the formation now. We should pay more attention to it."

"Sir, not so fast! Gaishi has just arrived there not long ago, and the area is still in chaos. For such a large formation, manpower and resources are all problems. It is incomparable to us. I'm afraid it will take a lot of time just to prepare resources and early planning. It will take several months, and I estimate that it will take at least several years to complete it. By then, I'm afraid we won't know how many large formations we have built."

"Yes, I guessed them based on our situation. Building a large formation in the spiritual world takes a long time. Even if you are a famous formation master in the world, you have to do it step by step. It is impossible to achieve what we have built. level."

Li Yun suddenly realized that he immediately lost interest in the Unparalleled Formation and told Xiao Xing to just keep paying attention.

Jin Chanzi also sent out a talisman, asking Chanyan to send people to watch the unparalleled formations. At the same time, together with Wen Yuxiang and Kao Chaofan, they all sent people to the area to develop branch points. There are unparalleled formations here, as well as Zhenzhi City. For protection, the territory should be extremely stable.

"What's going on with Qiu Hai and Fa Guo?" Li Yun remembered and asked.

"These two people previously followed Huiyun, and later followed Zhu Xu to occupy this triangle area. Now they are still together with Huiyun, Zhu Xu and Gaishi. There is no other movement for the time being. Xiaonu heard Huiyun say that let the magic fruit be temporarily Follow him and I will help him find Zhiqing in the future."

"So, Fa Guo followed Hui Yun, and Qiu Hai gave up the robbery plan?" Li Yun was startled.

"Faguo has broken away from the master-slave relationship with Zhiqing and is free. He may turn to Huiyun. Qiuhai was given a lesson by Huiyun, but given his nature as a robber, he probably won't be able to let go of Xiaozhen. Those treasures on his body. However, he probably knows now that the master is too powerful, so he has no choice until he finds a reliable helping hand." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"Yes, he should now understand that the root cause of his previous failures is me. And it is not easy to find a force that can suppress me. In his opinion, even Huiyun can't do anything. I am afraid he can only find people from the dark forces. In his face, I want to It’s unlikely to find help from the dark forces, right?”

"It's unlikely. Even if he does find it, I'm afraid it will be popular with others. The most he can do is get some leftovers from spicy food. He must be self-aware of this." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Yes, but if no one comes to rob, it will be boring. What can you do?"

"Hehe, if we want someone to rob us, we might as well reissue the Shi Yue's letter charms that we confiscated earlier." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

Li Yun's eyes lit up and he praised: "What a great idea! But does the content also need to be changed?"

"Of course, Shi Yue asked Master Lulu and Master Piao Piao to bring an army to support them, but we asked them to bring some masters to Lingzhi City to rob Xiao Zhen, and then set a trap to capture and seal them. The dark forces will definitely Two points weaker!" Xiaoxing said with a sinister smile.

"Wonderful! Just follow this plan!" Li Yun praised.

"Yes! Sir!"

Xiaoxing immediately arranged an action and sent out a letter to notify Master Lulu of Zhenlu Temple and Master Piao Piao of Xiangyuan Temple.

But he said that Ishide was attacked and after hiding in a small space, he saw that it was Shi Yue who was leading the ambush here, and then he realized that he was extremely happy and sad. Naturally, he did not dare to come out again. Instead, he controlled the small space and went away, while issuing a talisman notification. The water fell, making him wary of Shi Yue's actions.

Although Shi Yue was seriously injured, there are still three pounds of nails in the ruined ship. With the strength of his gang of slaves, he cannot take it lightly. What's more, Shi Yue's real threat lies in his way of time. If he is not careful, he may be controlled by him. At their mercy, as powerful as Zhiqing and Tongqing, they still ended up like this.

However, Ishide also guessed that Shi Yue was more worried about the items he carried. If they fell into the hands of adults, Shi Yue would be very miserable. Therefore, he must deliver them to adults as soon as possible.

Fortunately, with the protection of a small space, Ishide managed his own small space world while locking his eyes on the direction of Mashiba City.

After flying for a while, I heard the voice of an adult saying: "Xiao De, I have gone to Ganoderma City to build a formation. You can send it directly to Ganoderma City."

After that, he typed out the direction map of Lingzhi City.

"Okay! I wonder who captured Lingzhi City?" Ishide became excited when he heard the adult's voice and asked quickly.

"It's Xiaoqu! It belongs to the forces of your Qushui Temple!"

"Wow...that's great!" Ishide was overjoyed.

"Hehe, this is just the beginning. In the future, your Qushui Temple will be included in the entire border area of ​​the Zen Domain. I'm afraid your main temple must cultivate talents as soon as possible. Otherwise, no one will be able to rely on formations alone." Li Yunxiao road.

"Oh, sir! Don't worry, our Qushui Temple has now merged with Shangshan Temple, and our staff has almost doubled. We don't know how to arrange it!"

"But defending the city requires powerful men! A big city like Lingzhi City is not powerful enough without a king or above to guard it."

"This... is indeed the case. When it comes to the powerful people above the king, the number of people in this temple is still very scarce... plus the people from Shangzen Temple, there are only about a hundred people in total." Ishide felt a little worried.

This kind of strength is actually very powerful, that is, in the Zen realm, it is possible for a force to have so many powerful powers above the king, but if you want to expand to the entire Zen realm, this strength is still far from enough.

Li Yun pondered for a while and said: "To expand power, we must act according to our ability. If you are not strong enough, let Chuanyun Temple do it."

"Ah?! No, no!" Ishide said anxiously.

Although Qushui Temple and Chuanyun Temple now belong to the Universiade Palace, they are two relatively independent forces after all. Naturally, Ishide does not want Chuanyun Temple to dominate. It is necessary for him to gain more territory.

"Haha, what can you do?" Li Yun asked with a smile.

"This... Sir, can you allow me to discuss this with my senior brother?"

"Of course. Well, there is another way..."

"What can we do? Sir, please tell me!"

"Since Qushui Temple and Shangshan Temple have merged, didn't we capture the seven Zen immortals including Shangshan Temple Blueprint last time? Why not let them join the Universiade Palace and merge into the power of Qushui Temple. In this way, plus them It turns out that the talents under my sect can help Qushui Temple expand its territory."

Ishide was startled when he heard this and said suspiciously: "Sir, Lantu and others are extremely cunning and have bad character. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to join Qushui Temple, right?"

"Don't worry! Once they become my little slaves, I can educate them through the master-slave relationship. Even the most evil people can change. Moreover, the main reason why they are openly opposed to Qushui Temple is They were instigated and forced by Shi Yue, because their soul threads and blood are in Shi Yue's hands, and it is impossible not to help him expand his power."

After all, Ishide is a powerful Zen immortal. He quickly recognized what the Lord said and said: "What the Lord said makes sense! Just do what the Lord said."

"Okay! Now Shi Yue is preparing to intercept you halfway, but he is already far behind you, so you don't have to be so nervous. Just come here slowly."

"Haha, that's it, but I don't want to go slowly. I want to see the adults as soon as possible!"


"It's absolutely true! By the way, does the Star Luck Wine that the master gave to the slave really have a beauty effect? ​​Senior brother's appearance has changed a lot recently. He said it was because of drinking the Star Luck Wine." Ishide asked.

"Star Luck Wine...of course has some beauty functions, but it's still not enough to achieve the level of change like your senior brother."

"Oh? How did senior brother do it?" Shi Chuqi asked.

"'s because I rewarded him with a spiritual fusion, sir." Li Yun said helplessly.

Last time he only had sex with Shuiluo once, but he didn't let Ishide know about it. Now Ishide asked about it, if he didn't tell him again, he would be accused of being partial in the future.

"The fusion of spiritual consciousness? That is..." Shi Chu was stunned, with a dazed expression on his face.

Of course he knew that there was such a thing as the blending of divine consciousness, but this was only based on the blending of divine consciousness in his own cultivation knowledge. He never thought that the blending of divine consciousness could be used as a reward and could make Shuiluo change so much. What is going on?

"Wait a moment, sir, and wait until my spiritual body reaches your small space..."

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