The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1377 The feeling of quitting being crazy

Zhida said: "Sir, I wonder what kind of formations Gaishi will create for those three cities..."

"I'm also very curious and will pay attention to the whole process." Li Yun said with a smile.

"I don't think it can surpass our Zhenzhi City!"

"Of course! How could that be possible with that unparalleled kid?" Kao Chaofan appeared out of nowhere and hummed.

Jin Chanzi also appeared, laughing and saying: "Even so, it is still a big deal. Our Zenji Palace will send someone to record it."

"Aren't you still going to build an array for Ganoderma City? In my opinion, it will be great if you can build one of his arrays once your master is ready!" Wen Yuxiang interjected.

"Yes!" Everyone suddenly realized that the adults still have this mission.

"Sir, you won't go there so soon, will you?" Zhida asked quickly.

Li Yun pondered for a while and said: "It's better to go as soon as possible. Shi Yue is still waiting to intercept Xiaode on the way, and will not come here so soon. I will follow his actions closely, and if there are any changes, I will immediately notify you to activate the formation. .”

"Sir, you are saying...Shi Yue is coming to Zhenzhi City?" Zhida was startled.

Jin Chanzi and others also looked at each other, a little uneasy.

"That's right. He already knew that I was in Mashiba City, and Koide was bringing the loot captured from him, so he planned to intercept him halfway."

"I see."

"Don't worry, Shi Yue has now lost the soul-disturbing bell and soul-absorbing flag. As long as he doesn't get the soul thread, bloodline and natal magic weapon, you can fight him freely. Moreover, his men have now been cut off from me. His connections, so he is basically alone now..."


Everyone was extremely surprised and a little unbelievable.

Li Yun briefly told everyone about Shi Yue's actions in Qushui Temple, and he talked about the highlights, which made everyone feel ups and downs, excited, and their imaginations were wide open. They didn't expect that they would miss such a wonderful contest!

"Sir, I didn't expect that you were here to exchange formations with Gaishi and Huiyun, and secretly helped Xiaoluo and Xiaochu to achieve this great victory remotely. I really can't imagine how you did it?" Jin Chanzi exclaimed. road.

"Yes, sir, haven't you been in the room the whole time?" Zhida asked curiously.

"The way I use time is not restricted by time and space. I'm afraid you are not proficient in the way of time and space. It will be difficult for you to understand this..." Li Yun said with a smile.


Everyone was stunned. Thinking about it, this is also true. If adults had not mentioned it, they would have never heard of it, let alone mastered it.

"Sir, how did you cut off the connection between Shi Yue and his men?" Jin Chanzi asked urgently.

"The soul card used by Shi Yue to communicate with the souls of his men has fallen into the hands of Qushui Temple and is on its way, so he cannot contact them through this channel. In addition, the talisman between him and his men, Because it is completely covered by my spiritual consciousness, I will intercept the letter talisman when it is sent out, so naturally I will not be able to direct my men to take action." Li Yun explained briefly.


The admiration and reverence in everyone's hearts for Sir is like a surging river, endless...

Zhida suddenly woke up and said: "Sir, the banquet has just begun. Now that Gai Shi has left, it is all members of our force. Everyone, please take your seats quickly!"


Everyone took their seats again and enjoyed the fasting banquet at Chuanyun Temple...

During the dinner, Zhida remembered that he had not seen Jie Chi for a long time. He felt a little strange and secretly ordered people to look for him, but he couldn't find him.

Li Yun noticed it and smiled: "Xiao Da, Xiao Chi is in the Universiade Palace."

"I see. Your Excellency, why don't you invite him to come out to the banquet." Zhida said.

"alright, please wait!"

After a while, Jie Chi appeared. After seeing Zhida, his expression was slightly unnatural, but he went to sit next to Fa Yin, Fa Chen and Fa Liao.

When Zhida saw Jie Chi, his eyes lit up, but he didn't say much and continued to host the banquet.

Xiaoxing smiled and said: "Sir, Jie Chi is sleeping with Xiao Xiang in the Universiade Palace, eating together and living together.

It’s been decades…”

"Is our Universiade Palace still one day outside and one year inside?"


"Haha, Zhida's losses are a bit heavy!" Li Yun snickered.

"Hehe, this kid doesn't know it yet!"

"Does anyone else in the palace know?"

"Sir, everything in the palace is very secretive. Xiao Xiang and Jie Chi naturally don't dare to let others know. Now only Xiao Dong knows."

"Oh? What do Xiao Dong think of this?"

"He is quite opposed to Xiao Xiang playing with food. Every time he sees him, he scolds him and leaves with a sullen face."

"You can still control your dragon nature..." Li Yun sighed.

"That's true. The two brothers' personalities are really very different." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Just because of this, I have to pamper you more..."

"Then he has to thank Xiaonuha..." Xiaoxing said happily.

During this period of time in the Universiade Palace, Jie Chi can be said to have enjoyed all kinds of benefits. He had soup and food every day, and was accompanied by beauties. Moreover, the spiritual environment in Lei Cha Corner was very good, and he could cultivate to great heights without practicing. Jin, now has reached the peak of the general level, and still has traces of thunder attributes. Her whole temperament has been greatly improved than before, and she has become a veritable beauty.

Zhida saw it in his eyes and felt beautiful in his heart. He felt that this kid Jie Chi was really good. He was talented, worked hard enough, and made rapid progress. He was worthy of the love he had for nurturing him.

But, why do you feel that he doesn't have the same sticky energy towards me as before?

In the past, he would definitely come close to her, but now he is crowded together with Fine and others, and they don't even seem to look at him...

The Zen Immortal's celestial sense is very sensitive. When Zhida realized this, he saw more problems.

"This kid Jie Chi must be hiding something from me..." Zhida thought to himself.

Having been with Jie Chi for so long, it was almost obvious at a glance whether he was thoughtful or not.

"Last time this kid came to ask me about the transformation characteristics, I didn't tell him in detail. Could it be that he had a problem with me because of this..." Zhida thought secretly.

In fact, based on his relationship with Jie Chi, it is not a problem at all to talk to him, and even to show it is a trivial matter. Thinking of this, Zhida secretly regretted it. He had known that Jie Chi valued this very much, and he didn't do it last time. Let him have a good time, it's not worth it to make things like this now...

Zhida took a moment and called Jie Chi to a room in the back hall, where he set up a formation. Jie Chi looked at him in shock, not knowing what the master was going to do.

"Chi'er, why did you go to the Universiade Palace alone?" Zhida asked.

"This... disciple... was moved in by the adults..." Jie Chi muttered, his eyes twinkling.

"I see. How did you survive being in there for so long?"

"Disciple... I have been living there in a daze for several years. I just came out after being called by the adults."

"Confused? Are you being too modest? You see that your cultivation level has greatly improved and you are full of Taoism. You have reached the peak of the general level. With your solid spiritual power, you are probably as powerful as a Zen commander. It is really gratifying. Congratulations!" Zhida praised.

Jie Chi sweated profusely and his face turned red. Because there was something wrong in his heart, the more Zhida praised him, the more his heart trembled, and he almost couldn't bear it anymore.

"Haha, why do I see you so shy? Did something happen in the Universiade Palace?"

"Ah?! fact, he didn't practice much, he just ate some more Taoist food..." As soon as Jie Chi's words came out, he felt something in his heart, feeling that he had let something slip.

Zhida was startled and asked curiously: "Daoyi food? Isn't that cheap? Even if the prices in our Universiade Palace are not high, you don't have enough money to buy it, right?"

"I...of course don't have the money to buy it, eldest brother sometimes gives me more to eat when he sees me alone." Jie Chi said, feeling like his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

"Oh? You mean Brother Xiaoxiang?"

"Yes... that's him!" Jie Chi gritted his teeth.

"Haha, it seems that he also likes you very much. This means that you have good spirituality, wisdom, hard work, decent person, and good appearance. People like this kind of person will be liked wherever they go! However, Brother Xiaoxiang is not very Are you busy? Why are you so nice to me? Speaking of those Taoist foods, I only eat very little as a teacher..."

"This..." Jie Chi was speechless, his face turned red and his whole body was shaking slightly.

If he was asked to make up a lie to fool his master, he really couldn't do it, but if he was asked to tell the truth, how could he say it out loud?

You can’t say that you and your eldest brother are living a life of playing each other, right?

Just before I came out, I was sleeping on the same couch with my elder brother. I was woken up by the adults in a daze. The adults must have seen that scene. Jie Chi was very panicked. I didn't know what I would do if the adults asked me.

He felt that he had really degenerated over the years in the palace, and he and his eldest brother were so close to each other, so romantic, and so ups and downs...

Zhida felt really strange when he saw Jie Chi's expression. He knew that he must have wanted to hide it, but it was difficult to force him to say it. However, no matter how he thought in his heart, he could not have imagined that Jie Chi would do something right. There is no such thing as eating, so he thought in his heart that Jie Chi would be wronged in some way in the Universiade Palace, right?

In order to comfort his "injured" heart, Zhida smiled and said: "Chi'er, the last time you asked me about the characteristics of transformation, I was presiding over the training of the Zen army. How could I agree to you on that occasion? ? Those with strong spiritual consciousness can hear our conversation. In fact, the relationship between our master and disciple is so deep. No matter what you ask for, the master will agree to you. You haven't transformed yet, so it's normal to be curious about this. Master, I will let you clearly see the transformation characteristics of my body now, so that you will not be laughed at when you go out in the future. Wouldn’t that mean you lose face?”

After saying that, Zhida unexpectedly made a thought and concealed his immortal robe, allowing Jie Chi to watch at a glance...


When Jie Chi saw this scene, he screamed, a warm current surged up in his heart, and tears suddenly rolled down uncontrollably...

With a "plop", Jie Chi knelt down in front of Zhida and cried: "Master, disciple... I'm sorry for you..."

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