The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1361 Shi Yue and Guidong

Li Yun tried the method of time for a while and found that even such a small attempt would consume a lot of spiritual energy. If he hadn't reached the Hinayana realm and had abundant spiritual energy reserves, it would be really difficult for ordinary people to cope with it. No wonder Shi Yue needs to sacrifice longevity to enter other people's time channel to perform small actions.

The reason why the way of time requires so much spiritual power to control is that it not only changes the situation of the person involved, but also changes all the people and things around it related to it. Many things are actually unclear and no one can truly explain them. Understand exactly how time works, only that it requires a lot of spiritual power!

Li Yun and Xiaoxing had actually done an analysis of the "principle of entropy increase" on this world and this universe before.

This principle describes the evolution direction of an isolated thermodynamic system. If the gravity of interstellar planets is not considered, under adiabatic conditions, the entropy value will not decrease, but will only increase or remain unchanged! Therefore, this system will not develop towards a low-entropy state, that is, it will not become orderly, but will develop in an increasingly disordered direction! Finally, this isolated system will reach a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, and at this point it will enter a state of eternal destruction, which is called 'heat death'!

Therefore, in a closed world, without the intervention of external forces, the entropy value will continue to increase, the world will become more and more complex, more and more chaotic, and finally lead to the road of self-destruction.

Under such circumstances, a world must be open, and with the intervention of external forces, it is possible to achieve entropy reduction and make the world simple and orderly, so as not to cause heat death.

However, the force required to achieve a decrease in entropy is much greater than an increase in entropy. Here is an example. If you break a cup, all you need is to throw it to the ground, and it will become countless pieces. From one cup to countless fragments, this is an increase in entropy. However, if you want to restore all the fragments to a cup to achieve a decrease in entropy, it will take a lot of work. Not only must you find all the fragments and powders, but also They need to be spliced ​​together one by one, which is very difficult. In the end, it may not be possible to complete this task perfectly.

It is said that it is difficult to recover when it is covered with water, and it is difficult to make a round mirror when it is broken. The same principle applies.

It can be seen that to achieve entropy reduction, it takes much more time, effort and energy than to achieve entropy increase!

During the operation of the Way of Time just now, although Li Yun only went to Kaoba's past and said some words, he spent a lot of spiritual power. In fact, these spiritual powers were external intervention forces at the time of the incident. , it not only wanted to change Kao Ba's thoughts, but also changed the thoughts and behaviors of Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen. At the same time, there were other diners present, and they might have heard the conversation between the three of them, and it was not even ruled out that someone had already This is recorded, sent, someone has received it, etc...

It can be said that this is something that affects the whole body. Time not only changes the behavior of people at that time, but also all the rules of the world around it at that time. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that it requires a lot of spiritual power or even immortal power!

Li Yun is fully aware of this. He has gone very far in the way of time, and has even combined with the way of space to create the way of time and space. This is something Shi Yue cannot even imagine.

At this time, Shi Yue had already traveled a lot in the southern part of the Cuixiang Divine Realm. He had visited countless cultivation sects, cultivation families, and many casual cultivators, but he still could not find Liu Feng's origin. He slowly came to his senses and felt like this. Going down was not the solution. Maybe Liufeng was not born in Cuixiang Divine Realm at all, but came from other places.

Now it seems that it is difficult to find it by himself and his disciples alone. He must let the forces under his control come together to find him. When Shi Yue thought of this, he decisively gave up his actions and turned to the Zen Domain.

He already knew about the great changes in the Qushui Realm. He was furious when Shangshan Hall was annexed by the Qushui Temple. If it wasn't for the purpose of tracing Liu Feng's origin, he would have rushed over to see what happened. Now, he has given up the pursuit. The flowing wind naturally immediately headed towards the Qushui Realm...

What he doesn't know is,

His actions are completely controlled by Li Yun, because the ground network has been laid all the way from Cuixiang Divine Realm, Xiaoxing will continue to monitor him, including how he traces Liu Feng's origin. .

Seeing the change in Shi Yue's actions, Xiaoxing immediately informed Li Yun of the situation.

"So...he is most likely going to the Qushui Realm now?" Li Yun asked.

"This is how it looks."

"Remind Xiaoluo and Xiaochu to prepare in advance and be sure to take precautions against soul-catching flags and soul-disturbing bells!"

"Yes! Sir!" Xiaoxing said.

Xiaoxing immediately informed the two elders Shuiluo and Ishide of Qushui Temple about this information, and also told them that he would remind them at any time...

Shi Yue took his time boat and brought a large group of disciples with him. While rushing on the road, he checked the information collected in recent times, some of which attracted his great attention!

"The Zen realm is not peaceful!!!"

This was Shi Yue's main feeling after watching it, and the more he watched, the less calm he became.

In addition to the previous turmoil at Chuanyun Temple and Qushui Temple in the Shifang Realm, there was also turmoil in the border areas of the Miaoyin Realm. The five major cities of Piaomiao City, Wuliang City, Suzhen City, Moyan City and Zhenzhi City all changed hands. !

There was also a fierce battle outside Zhenzhi City, and the aftermath of the explosion affected an extremely wide area. It is said that one of the parties was the female Zen army of Miaoyin Temple...

However, because the message was ominous, attributing the cause of the unrest to the violent conflicts that had always existed in the border areas, Shi Yue was unable to determine what was hidden in it.

"Xiaodong, why is there no news about Zhiqing and Tongqing?" Shi Yue said to a slave sitting next to him.

This person's name is Guidong. He has the cultivation of a venerable person. He has a fair complexion, wears a Confucian hat, has a goatee, and is shaking a folding fan in his hand. He looks a bit elegant, and he belongs to the forces in the time and space world. A conspirator heard the master ask him and responded calmly: "Sir, aren't they staying in the Sky Poison God's Domain to recuperate from their injuries? If they recover from their injuries, there will definitely be information to report, but they have not received it so far. Their information suggests that their injuries have not fully recovered, right?”

"This... is impossible. Last time we left the Sky Poison God's Domain and went to the Netherworld Palace, most of their injuries had healed. After such a long time, they should have fully recovered!" Shi Yue said curiously.

"Sir, the poison of the 'Heaven's Heart Cone' is not a trivial matter. Xiaonu saw that Tongqing's body had no flesh and skin, and even his internal organs were somewhat rotten. It must take a very long time to fully recover from such an injury!" Guidong! said.

"Well, what you said makes some sense, but I still need to ask them and ask them to come out quickly. The situation in the Zen Domain is quite complicated now, and even I feel a little out of control!" Shi Yue mused.

"Sir... if you want them to come out right away, it would be faster if you call them out." Guidong reminded.

"This place is too far away from the Sky Poison God's Domain. Even if they have my soul tag on them, it's basically impossible to sense it. I'd better send a message talisman."

"That's it. The slave will make arrangements immediately."

Guidong quickly ordered someone to carve the letter charm and send it out.

However, Shi Yue quickly thought that if Zhiqing and Tongqing had recovered from their injuries, then the distance between them and him would most likely be within the sensing range of the soul card, so he took out a soul card, which contained A wisp of soul thread from himself and Zhiqing activated his spiritual consciousness and began to call...

Unfortunately, after a long time, there was no movement at all from the soul card, so I had to put it away, and took out another soul card, which was of the same clear quality. After the call, there was also no movement, so I gave up.

"Sir, it seems that they should still be recuperating in the Sky Poison God Realm." Guidong sighed.

Shi Yue nodded in agreement. From his point of view, it was indeed impossible that anything would happen to these two people. The reason why they could not be contacted now could only be because they were recovering from injuries.

"Xiaodong, have you studied the chaos at the boundary of Miaoyin Realm?" Shi Yue asked.

Guidong nodded and said: "Sir, the border area has always been extremely chaotic. Some unconventional forces are fighting for each other. They are close in strength and use every possible means. The king's flag often changes at the top of the city. I haven't seen it for a while. It is possible that the owner has changed. But..."

"But what?"

"The situation this time is really abnormal!"

"Oh? Where is it mainly reflected?"

"Piaomiao City, Wuliang City, Suzhen City, Moyan City and Zhenzhi City are all big cities. Each city has millions of fixed population and millions of floating population. Generally speaking, big cities The forces are relatively strong and have deep foundations. They often have the background of big forces, which is relatively solid. For example, Zhu Xu, the lord of Zhenzhi City, is a lay disciple of Huiyun Chanxian of Yangao Temple in Surangama Realm. , with the cultivation of a king, has been entrenched in Zhenzhi City for hundreds of years, but now it has changed its owners, which is really unexpected! Moreover, the change of owners of these five big cities has been concentrated in the recent period, which shows that The competition has reached a fever pitch, and Xiaonu thought of..."

"What did you remember?" Shi Yue asked anxiously.

"Sir, after the civil strife in Chuanyun Temple last time, didn't Zhiqing say that he had taken the initiative to terminate the master-slave agreement with his subordinates Fa Yan, Fatu, Fa Beng, Fa Gang, Fa Guo... etc., for the purpose The purpose is to allow them to free up their hands and feet to recruit slaves, develop their own power, occupy more territory, cultivate more talents, and accumulate strength for counterattack. Now it seems that it is very likely that his subordinates have good strength. Start launching an offensive and siege the city!" Guidong analyzed.

"Huh? It's really possible when you say that!" Shi Yue's eyes lit up after hearing this.

If things are really as Guidong said, doesn't it mean that Zhiqing's men already own these five big cities, which is equivalent to owning these five big cities?

Thinking of this great possibility, Shi Yue's mood suddenly improved a lot!

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