The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1356 Huan Xuan is a little anxious

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Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen were amazed while instructing their men to record the scene from all angles. Such information was too precious, and even if it were missed, it would be a big loss.

At the scene, Li Yun had already designated a designated location for the people from the two palaces to burn. The advantage of this is that their burning tasks would not affect the creation of the formation, and it could also hide some important secrets of the formation, the most important of which The purpose is to hide the existence of the formation spirit from everyone's eyes and ears. If they learn this, it will probably cause a great shock, and there will definitely be trouble. Moreover, it is undoubtedly very important to reserve the biggest trump card for the formation. Sensible.

Everyone in the two halls has reserved seats. In comparison, the position obtained by Zenji Hall is much better than that of Tianji Hall. This is naturally due to Jin Chanzi's contribution.

Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen had already suspected this, but they didn't dare to complain, because the immortal robes they were wearing were sent by Jin Chanzi. He was the boss behind Zen Ji Palace and he was willing to let you get a share of the pie. That’s pretty good!

Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen were both puzzled as to why Jin Chanzi was mixed up in this team.

Logically speaking, a powerful Sanxian like Jin Chanzi, who is also the boss behind Zen Machine Hall, has no reason to rush to the front line to collect information for Zen Machine Hall...

This situation is as if Xingzun is also mixed here with them, which is absolutely impossible for Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen.

They had already guessed about this, but they had never been able to confirm it. Moreover, they did not dare to guess that Jin Chanzi would be Liufeng's slave. Instead, they thought that he was probably following Wen Yuxiang because he was a good friend. Come over, maybe when Wen Yuxiang's escort mission is completed, he will leave.

Later, they discovered that Li Yun's team didn't seem to be in such a hurry. There were delays along the way, and the combination became more and more complex, including Jin Chanzi, Wen Yuxiang, Kao Chaofan, Zhida, Jiuqu, There are six loose immortals like Situ Guang, as well as the rich and powerful Venerable Zhe Xidu, kings like Zhan Shan and Situ Heng, dozens of wandering slaves, and more than a hundred mercenaries...

This confused them, but it also made them more excited because it meant there would be more valuable information waiting for them.

With the expansion of the territory of Zhida and Jiuqu and the increase in the number of Zen troops, Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen finally realized that Liu Feng's trip had begun to change. They were not escorting Zhen Xidu to some Rongbaotang auction at all. Baby, you are helping Chuanyun Temple and Qushui Temple expand their territory!

Even with the rapid expansion of the power of the two temples, the business of Zen Ji Palace, Tianxiang Restaurant and Baobaozhai became more and more prosperous. Each city left them with prime locations to plan and develop their own power.

This made Huan Xuan and Xiuzhen so jealous that they almost burst into flames, especially when they saw that Zenji Hall had built five huge branch points along the way, while their own Tianji Hall was completely blank, which they simply couldn't accept.

"Xiuzhen, we must also build Tianji Hall in these cities, otherwise, it will be difficult to compete with Zen Ji Hall in the Zen realm!" Huan Xuan made up his mind.

"That's right! But the good areas in the five cities in front have been divided up by them. What should we do?" Xiuzhen sighed.

"Even if it's a bad location, it can't be blank! As for this Zhenzhi City, we must get a good location to build the Tianji Palace!" Huan Xuan said loudly.

"How do you want to fight for it?"

"This... I just observed it and found that the Zen Machine Palace seems to be under construction. It is a prime location. I don't believe that Jin Chanzi and Zhida will have such a good relationship. If we go to Zhida Zen Immortal to fight for it, , it should be possible to get a good location." Huan Xuan said.

"You mean... to find Zen Immortal Zhida?" Xiuzhen asked suspiciously.

"Isn't it true? This city is now under his control. The Zen troops here are all Zen practitioners from Chuanyun Temple. Only by looking for him can we get good territory."

"Although what you say makes sense, our relationship with Chuanyun Temple is not deep, and our relationship with Zhida is even shallower. If we go to him directly, we may be rejected." Xiuzhen said thoughtfully.

"What should we do?" Huan Xuan was startled.

"What I mean is that we go to Liufeng and talk to Zen Immortal Zhida. Liufeng has a close friendship with Zhida, and we also have a good relationship with Liufeng, so it is possible to get things done." Xiuzhen said.

In fact, she knew that Liufeng was Li Yun, and Li Yun and Zhida had known each other since they were in the lower world, and they had a deep friendship, so Zhida followed Li Yun all the way.

"Oh? Our friendship with Liu Feng seems to be average, right? If there is nothing to impress him, it will still be quite difficult." Huan Xuan said hesitantly.

Xiuzhen rolled her eyes at him and hummed: "I'm going to find Liu Feng, he will definitely pay for my debt! Besides, don't we still have some information that we can tell him..."

Huan Xuan's eyes lit up and he said, "You mean...that Qiu Hai?"

"That's right! It's the Qiu Hai who colluded with the two immortals of Yinshan to rob them! This kid has appeared in this city recently, and he is also with Zhu Xu, the original lord of Zhenzhi City. The two of them are sneaky..."

"Okay! Then I will continue to take charge of the burning task here. Please trouble me to find Liufeng, sister, and be sure to capture him!" Huan Xuan said loudly.

"Giggle, then I'll go..."

Xiuzhen's delicate body flashed out of sight, and no one was seen anymore.

"Qiu Hai and Zhu Xu?" Li Yun was slightly startled when he heard the conversation between Xiuzhen and Huan Xuan.

Qiu Hai had disappeared for a while, but he didn't expect to appear again in this city. He was busy building an array, but Xiaoxing actually ignored him.

"Sir, in fact, Xiaonu has discovered Qiu Hai a long time ago. This boy is much more cautious now. It must be because the two immortals of Yinshan were caught by us last time. Now he is hanging out with Zhu Xu, the former lord of Zhenzhi City. Zhu Xu only has king-level cultivation, so there is nothing to worry about, so I didn’t mention this matter to the adults," Xiaoxing said.

"I see. Are they really still coveting our cavalry?"

"Yes! However, it is mainly Qiu Hai, and Zhu Xu's purpose is to see if there is a chance to take back the city. However, now that he has seen the situation in the city, he has given up on this idea, so he hangs out with Qiu Hai. Together, we came up with the idea of ​​​​Xiao Zhen's wealth." Xiao Xing said with a smile.

"So, they still haven't discovered the strength of our cavalry?"

"Of course! Except for Xiao Xiang, other Sanxian slaves rarely appear in front of people, and when they appear, they are also wearing immortal robes. No one can see through their cultivation, so Qiu Hai and the others don't know. And you, sir, are just here It will only appear when the formation is being built. Although you have become famous and are regarded as the future Zen Master, after all, the cultivation level displayed on the outside is just a small golden elixir and your combat power is limited. They should not care. The cavalry team is currently mainly His combat power is Xiao Xiang, a loose immortal, and two kings, Zhan Shan and Situ Heng. As for Xiao Zhen, although he is a venerable, he has no combat power at all, which makes those who covet Xiao Zhen's treasure a target. My heart is always concerned about him and I try every means to rob him." Xiaoxing analyzed.

"It makes sense! However, with these two people alone, of course they would not dare to take action."

"Sir, the slave has intercepted the letter they sent. Can you guess who they are contacting this time?"

" I know him?"

"My lord, last time I searched for Fa Beng's soul, this person appeared once, and he was not from the Zhiqing group."

"Oh? This is a bit difficult. Fa Beng's memory is extremely vast, and there are so many people and things that appear in it. It is very challenging to find that person who has appeared once...wait, appeared once? This There is no doubt that the person must be a Zen Immortal, and it does not belong to Zhiqing's force. He must be a Zen Immortal from other forces in the Zen domain...and it only appeared once...could it be the Chenyan whom Zhiqing ordered his disciple Faguo to find last time? Huiyun Zen Immortal of Jieyan Gao Temple?! Zhiqing wants to form an alliance with him and let him attack Zhifeng's Taixuan Mountain forces from the side." Li Yun's brain flashed, and he finally found this person through Xiaoxing's prompts out.

"Wow... Your Excellency, you are so awesome! It was through Zhu Xu that Qiu Hai contacted Huiyun Zen Immortal. Zhu Xu was a lay disciple of Huiyun Zen Immortal. He found Hui Yun and wanted to see if there was any chance for him to help recapture it. Zhenzhi City, after all, he worked hard to start a business here, but was defeated by Fatu, and then fell into the hands of Zhida in the blink of an eye."

"Oh, where's the letter charm?"

"It has been sent out again by the slave!"

"It seems that you are afraid that the world will not be in chaos..."

"Hey, if Huiyun really comes, wouldn't you just be able to subdue him? It will save us from running to the Shurangama Realm." Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"You?! Haha, it depends on whether I like him. If he looks too anxious, forget it." Li Yun teased.

"How can you judge a person by his appearance? After all, he is a Zen Immortal. As long as his character is not too bad, that's fine."

"Not a bad character? If he really came, one of the important reasons was that he was attracted by Xiaozhen's treasure. Of course, it would be understandable if he just wanted to regain the foundation for his apprentice. I don't know what he did later. He didn’t go to attack Mount Taixuan, and Xiaofeng didn’t send a letter to inform him..." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Your Excellency, you can rest assured that Xiaofeng has his own way of doing things. If it is not urgent or cannot be solved, he will not come to you for help. Zhu Xu has already described the situation in this city in his letter. It’s very clear, especially when it comes to the tenth-level formation that you are building, which involves many details. I believe Huiyun will be shocked when he sees it.”

"Okay, then pay attention to monitoring them. If Huiyun really wants to come, you must remind me." Li Yun said.

"Yes! Sir!"

A figure flashed, and Li Yun knew without looking that it was Fairy Xiuzhen coming, and said with a smile: "Fairy doesn't burn information at the designated location, why are you here?"

"Isn't it okay for my sister to come see my brother?" Xiu Zhen said coquettishly, posing in a charming and seductive manner.

"My sister looks like a weasel giving New Year greetings to the black golden pheasant. My little brother is really scared..."

"You?! What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that my sister will eat you..."

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