The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1345 Is the war coming?

This world was infinitely better than the previous environment of the giant bears in the spirit world, and Situ Guang was reluctant to leave.

"Sir, the little slave is staying here!"

"Haha, no, of course you have to stay in the Universiade Palace. If the little guy here can transform, he will also go to the Universiade Palace."

"Then... can the little slave come and take a look often?"

"Of course, but this is a secret and only you know it."

"Xiao Nu understands!" Situ Guang said excitedly.

Such a secret was only told to him by the adults, which made him feel extremely satisfied and favored.

However, he quickly thought of a question and said: "Sir, you take care of our giant bear clan like this, and the slave has no power in the outside world and cannot repay you. What should we do?"

"I don't need you to repay me," Li Yun said.

"That won't work! After all, the little slave is a divine beast and a high-level loose immortal. How can he only receive favors from adults and achieve nothing by himself?"

"Well, if you want to do something, you can go to the palace to take over the task. Now the Xingyun No. 3 project is in full swing. You can participate. Of course, you can also go to the outside world to collect scraps. The more the merrier!"

"No problem! I know what to do, little slave!" Situ Guangda said loudly.

The two stayed here for a long time and visited almost every place before Li Yun moved Situ Guang to the Universiade Palace.

Soon I saw Situ Guang ordering all his clansmen to take on the mission. Those who couldn't get the mission went to the outside world to search for scraps. He himself joined the Xingyun No. 3 project and worked closely with Xuan Dongmu and others...

"Sir, that's what a mythical beast is! Once he recognizes his master, he is loyal and loyal to the end. If you treat him well one point, he will repay you two points or even more!" Xiaoxing praised.

"That's true. We are really lucky to have the giant bear family..."

"Hehe, this is mutual. The giant bears are lucky to meet adults!"

Li Yun thought of the arrival of the female Zen army and asked, "What's the situation outside?"

"Two female Zen immortals came to Miaoyin Temple. One is named Ming Xinxia, ​​who is Huiyu's master and the master of the nuns in Piaomiao Temple. The other is named Ming Xinlan, who is Ming Xinxia's junior sister. A total of 40,000 nuns were brought here, and they were very aggressive..."

"Haha, it seems they want to take back Piaomiao City."

"Indeed. In addition, the five hundred female nuns who escaped from Piaomiao Temple have returned. Their contract with Fa Beng's masters and maids has been cancelled, and they have regained their freedom. They are no longer traitors of Piaomiao Temple. Now they have been captured by Mingxin Xia joined the vanguard and took the lead in attacking Piaomiao City, intending to atone for her sins..."

"When will we attack the city?"

"Their plan is early tomorrow morning."

"This matter is a bit troublesome. It seems to have deviated from our original intention of forming an alliance with the Zen Tao forces along the way..." Li Yun thought.

When I set out from Chuanyun Temple, I was thinking of forming an alliance with the righteous forces of the Zen domain along the way to jointly fight against the dark forces and crush Shiyue's attempts. But now because of this Misty City, I am about to become the enemy of Miaoyin Temple.

"Sir, Miaoyin Temple cannot protect the people here well and was conquered by Fa Beng, but we can and help them take it back from Fa Beng. As long as it is good for the people here, no matter who is in charge of this place No problem." Xiaoxing said.

"This matter... the public is right, and the mother-in-law is right. For Miaoyin'an, this place was originally their sphere of influence, so naturally they are unwilling to lose it like this. However, now this place is Xiaoda's sphere of influence. , and also built a branch temple of Chuanyun Temple and a ten-level formation, so there is no reason to return it." Li Yun sighed slightly.

"Sir, Shi Yue is actually unable to fight against us now. It doesn't matter whether he wants to form an alliance with the righteous forces of the Zen domain. It won't be a problem even if we help Chuanyun Temple and Qushui Temple conquer those forces." Xiaoxing He said proudly.

"You mean... turn this trip into a journey of conquest?"

"Exactly! How interesting it is to have them all surrender to the adults..."

"No! If it's all about conquest,

So what is the difference between us and the Soul Master Tuke, the Time Realm Master Shi Yue, the Zen Immortal Zhiqing and others? Moreover, there has never been a force that can survive for a long time by conquest..." Li Yun said decisively.

"This... is indeed true! Judging from the long history, power gained through continuous conquest will eventually fall apart..." Xiaoxing said with shame.

"So, if we really turn this trip into a journey of conquest, we will be the ones who suffer in the end."

"Sir, what should we do?! We have invested a lot of money in Piaomiao City."

"Piao Miao City is an exception. Because our purpose of capturing it is not to conquer, but to protect the people here. If Fa Beng is allowed to continue to mess around here, I don't know what the current Piao Miao City will become. Look at the current situation in the city Everyone believes in Zhida, and the fact that they are willing to stay in the city is a clear proof. If they were given a choice, they would not choose to return to Miaoyin Temple," Li Yun said.

"Your Majesty is right! We might as well let the people of Piaomiao City make their own decision. If they are willing to return to Miaoyin Temple, we will give up everything to Miaoyin Temple, but if they choose Chuanyun Temple, we will continue to maintain this power. "

"Yes, this is a good suggestion! Of course, it will be more appropriate to use it in the final negotiations. Of course it is not necessary now. Moreover, we must let the people in Piaomiao City see the power of this formation, so that they will believe it more Chuanyun Temple!" Li Yun laughed.

While the two were discussing, Li Yun had returned to the inn in Piaomiao City.

"Sir!" Zhida is already waiting here.

"Xiao Da, how is the temple going?"

"The main body has been completed, now it's time to deal with the interior decoration and some details." Zhida responded.

"It's pretty fast."

"The formation has been built, and people have come to build the temple, and the people in Piaomiao City are really working hard!"

"That's why your charm is so powerful!"

"My little slave is blushing when you say that... Now the Zen army from Miaoyin Temple has arrived at Piaomiao Mountain. Those who come are not evil!" Zhida said.

"Don't worry, this is your power, there will be no problem." Li Yun smiled.

"Amitabha! With these words from the Lord, the slave will feel relieved!" Zhida was overjoyed.

"You only need to arrange the logistics supply, and leave the rest to the formation spirit."

"Array spirit?" Zhida was startled.

"That's right! This formation has an formation spirit, and it is responsible for all offense and defense. You only need to monitor it at the center of the main formation's eye."

"Wow... Sir, the formation spirit of the tenth-level formation is no small thing. With it, I'm afraid the power of this formation will be far beyond Xiaonu's imagination!" Zhida said in shock.

"Then let's see next." Li Yun said with a smile.

He took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhida. This was a detailed diagram of this formation, so that his clone could fully understand and use it in the future and have a clear understanding of it.

Zhida took it and quickly sensed it. He was soon confused. With his Sanxian spiritual consciousness and cultivation knowledge, it seemed that he had no way to understand this formation diagram. It seemed that it was impossible without losing some Taoist power. I understood it, so I gritted my teeth, activated my Haotian Dao power, and a few strands of fairy power from the lower level loose immortals, and started exploring with all my strength...

The night is dark, there are few stars in the sky, and even the moon is obscured by light dark clouds. There is a chilling atmosphere in the air, and occasionally there are a few "croaking" crow calls, which makes people get up. Goosebumps…

In Piaomiao Temple, Ming Xinxia and Ming Xinlan were sitting in the main seat. Disciples such as Hui Bing, Hui Yan, Hui Xue, and Hui Yun were lined up on both sides. A map of Piaomiao City was spread on a large table in the middle, and the nuns were sitting there. Exploring nervously.

The war is imminent, everyone's hearts are in their throats, and their spirits are high.

Ming Xinxia frowned and said, "Hui Bing, how is the current defense situation in Piaomiao City?"

"Master, according to the information previously provided by our spies, the city gates of Piao Miao City have been closed since yesterday, and no one is allowed in or out. There does not seem to be a single soldier on the city, and I am afraid it is still the case now," Hui Bing said.

"There's something wrong with this! There's no reason why Zhida didn't know we were coming and didn't send anyone to guard the city. Did he think we were here for a stroll?" Ming Xinxia wondered, feeling that something was not right in her heart.

"It would be nice if I could know their arrangements..." Ming Xinlan sighed.

Ming Xinxia was startled, then remembered something and asked, "Has Huiyu replied?"

"No! Junior Sister Huiyu seems to have disappeared." Hui Bing responded.

"What's going to happen to this little girl?" Ming Xinxia asked suspiciously.

She was not worried that Huiyu would rebel, but was worried that Huiyu might be in danger if she wandered around the city.

"Master, her secular husband is also from Chuanyun Temple after all. They shouldn't do anything to her. He must be imprisoned." Hui Bing guessed.

Ming Xinxia nodded slightly, with a heavy face. When she saw Huixue, she hummed: "Huixue, you have been serving as the nunnery master here, and you should know about the defense of Piaomiao City. Hurry up and talk to everyone. As long as you find out their weaknesses, , with our siege weapon, we are still afraid of its tenth-level formation!"

"Yes! Master!" Huixue responded quickly.

She stepped forward, pointed at the map, and told everything she knew. The crowd listened and discussed, and quickly determined the attack direction.

Seeing that it was almost time, Ming Xinxia ordered: "Hui Bing and Hui Yan listen to the order!"


"Immediately lead your subordinates to place the crystal cannon at the designated location and wait for the firing order!"


Hui Bing and Hui Yan hurried out, each led their men, and placed two crystal cannons on two hills on Piaomiao Mountain, aiming at Piaomiao City from a distance.

"Huixue and Huiyun obey orders!"


"Immediately lead your subordinates to hide in the designated location under the mountain. After the city is broken, rush in immediately! Note, you can only fight with the opponent's Zen army, and do not kill the people!"


Huixue and Huiyun also hurried out, and each led their troops to sneak down the mountain...

A large group of birds were alarmed by their actions, and flew up to the sky in a "flutter" and "straight" motion, adding a touch of tension to the expected battle...

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