The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1342 500 nuns escape

When Hui Xue heard this, her face turned pale. She knew all the things Hui Yun said. It was indeed impossible to live in Piaomiao An, and it was pointless to continue to stay here.

But the key problem is that my group is now in a dilemma. Master Fa Beng has not appeared for many days, and has not even responded to the call of his spiritual consciousness. He wants to move to another Miaoyin Temple, but how can he end up with this face?

Even if the secret of joining the Fa Beng sect is hidden from them, it will be exposed sooner or later, and this secret is very likely to have been exposed, because the last time junior sister Huiyu came, he actually persuaded her like a ghost. She also joined Fa Beng's disciples, but not only did she not succeed, but she revealed her secret.

At that time, he wanted to catch her, but Huiyu came with Zhida Zenxian, so he couldn't do anything. He could only watch her leave. With the character of this slut, she might have reported it to them. Master is enlightened.

In this way, the traitor's charge has been confirmed, and it is necessary to leave Miaoyin Temple. Where can I go and throw myself into a trap?

Thinking of this, Huixue gritted her teeth and said coldly: "Ignore you, sir, let's go! If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

"That's right! I don't believe that if we leave Miaoyin Temple, we can still have no food!" Huiyun said with a smile.

Soon, nearly five hundred female nuns from Piaomiao Temple, led by Hui Xue, quickly left and disappeared...

Xiaoxing quickly discovered this situation and said, "Sir, all the nuns in Piaomiao Temple have run away!"

"Run away? Where are you going?"

"They are still under the surveillance of our underground network and are on their way to the Qushui Realm."

"Qushui Realm...Don't they want to return to Miaoyin Temple?"

"Sir, they have all joined Fa Beng's sect. According to the rules of Miaoyin Temple, they have become traitors and it is impossible to go back."

"So that's it! It seems that they can only join the powerful disciples of their own nunnery."


"Seeing that they were also temporarily fascinated by Fa Beng, and they were not completely motivated by their true intentions, let's just give them a way to survive and let Fa Beng take the initiative to terminate the master-slave contract with them." Li Yun thought.

"Sir, this is a very good move!" Xiaoxing praised.

Li Yun quickly ordered Fa Beng to terminate the master-slave contract with Hui Xue and others. Fa Beng could only obey the order. He now knew that he was sealed by Li Yun. Li Yun didn't even need to move his fingers, just a thought in his mind. He has a low life, so he doesn't dare to disobey it.

Once these contracts were lifted, Hui Xue and the others would slowly react, but not so quickly. Therefore, these nuns were all running as fast as they could, heading towards the Qushui Realm.

Since Piaomiao Temple is not far from the junction of Miaoyin Realm and Qushui Realm, Huixue and others fled for several days, and finally arrived near the place where Li Yun stayed at the Five Colors Seaside that day, which is where the Giant Bear Clan is located.

"Master, I can't survive anymore. If I don't take a break, I'm going to die!" Huiyun gasped.

"Okay, let's spend the night here first, and then run away tomorrow." Huixue said helplessly, she was almost exhausted.

Nearly five hundred female nuns found a high ground on the beach and hid in the shade to meditate and rest. Some ate dry food and brought their own water, looking extremely miserable.

"Xiaoyun, it seems that someone stayed here not long ago, and there are traces of campfire racks and barbecues." Huixue looked around and discovered this.

"Yeah, how about we go hunt some prey and have a barbecue? Building a bonfire can also reduce the number of annoying bugs." Huiyun said.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be someone nearby!" Hui Xue suddenly said in shock.

"Is there someone? They're not here to arrest us, are they?" Huiyun's face also changed drastically. He didn't expect the people from Miaoyin'an to arrive so quickly.

"It's not from Miaoyin Temple, it's a man." Hui Xue said.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Huiyun breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"But I can't see through this person's cultivation at all. If he wants to attack us, I'm afraid we will..." Huixue said tremblingly.

"What? Oh my god... He's not a member of the devil's path, is he?"

"Humph, this is the Zen realm,

How come there are people from the devil's path? However, judging from his appearance, he looks like a foreigner..."

"It's tragic, it's tragic, nunnery master, why are we so unlucky? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have surrendered to Fa Ben, but now we have become traitors, and he doesn't know where he died?" Huiyun screamed.

"That's right, now I can't wait to kill Fa Beng for taking away our innocence, and finally dumping us like garbage!" Hui Xue said harshly.

"That's right! The two of us were the ones who were ravaged the most by him. The rest of the sisters are okay. They didn't gain favor or lose their virginity."

"I...I hate men the most right now. If this law collapses, I won't be able to eliminate the hatred in my heart unless I cut him into pieces!"

Huixue and Huiyun both cursed Fa Beng as they talked. They were completely unaware that if the master-slave contract had not been cancelled, they would not have hated Fa Beng, nor would they have wanted to kill him. His heart.

Suddenly, a figure flashed, and a man appeared in front of them and said coldly: "You hate men so much, why did you join that Fa Beng sect?"


Huixue and Huiyun were stunned, speechless, and their hearts were shaking wildly.

This man was the one Hui Xue had discovered just now. She was originally worried that this man might be harmful to her sisters, but her worries came true and now he actually came to her door.

The two of them felt regretful in their hearts. They had known that they would not curse, but just now they cursed out of nowhere and got into trouble.

"Hmph, I hate duplicitous people the most! You have already joined Fa Beng's sect, and now you want to kill him. You have done such a thing that goes against the law of heaven. It seems that I can't do anything without teaching you a lesson!" The man! said in a deep voice.

"Senior, wait a minute!" Huixue said urgently.

"What else can you say?"

"Senior...we were originally disciples of Miaoyin Piaomiao Temple. Not long ago, the traitor Fa Beng Zen Master from Chuanyun Temple suddenly occupied Piaomiao City with 30,000 Zen troops. And because he took a fancy to our beauty, he occupied Piaomiao City. An, and even tempted us to join him."

"Temptation? I'm afraid you fell in love with Fa Beng and fell in love, right?" the man said coldly.

Hui Xue's face turned pink and she muttered: "Senior, I don't know something. We have been virgins for so many years, so how do we understand the affairs of men and women? I hate that... Fa Beng... actually broke into my account in the middle of the night. He raped me... That's it. I wanted to resist, but then... I tasted the sweetness and became obsessed with it. Later, I muddleheadedly joined his disciples. When the other sisters in the nunnery saw me like this, they just Then we surrendered. Now, we have become the traitors of Miaoyin An. We will be hunted down by Miaoyin An throughout our lives. The situation is already extremely difficult..."

"What about Fa Beng? Since you have voted for him as master, he should naturally protect you."

"Fa Beng... I don't know why, but he suddenly disappeared these days! He can't even sense it, so we can't find him, so we have to escape first, otherwise we will be caught by Miaoyin Temple and we will die!" Hui Xue sighed.

"Impossible! How come you can't sense it when there is Heaven? You must be lying!" the man scolded.

"Senior, I really didn't lie. Since the day I lost my senses, we have been looking for Fa Beng everywhere, but we can't get into Piaomiao City because it has been occupied by the Zen army of Chuanyun Temple. They were originally Fa Beng's subordinates. But then we were transferred to Zen Immortal Zhida and we were not allowed to enter the city. And..."

"And what?"

"Right now, a branch of Chuanyun Temple is being built in the city, and a tenth-level formation is also being built. They want to get a share of the Miaoyin world, and they have made long-term plans." Huixue said.

"Oh? Tenth-level formation? Is there really such a powerful formation master in Chuanyun Temple?" The man was startled, his eyes flickering.

"We don't know very well, but according to the information, the person who presided over the creation of the formation is called Liufeng. This person has previously built a tenth-level formation in Mantuo City on the edge of the Zen Domain. It is extremely powerful. Now, Piao Miao City The people nearby were going crazy, and they all ran to the city to help with the construction. We originally wanted to sneak into the city, but we were still worried that we would be chased by Miaoyin Temple in the future, so we chose to escape."

"Liu Feng? Which Liu Feng is it? What does it look like?" The man's expression changed and he asked quickly.

"Junior, here is a jade slip with information about Zen Ji Palace. Senior, please take a look." Huixue handed over a jade slip.

The man took the sensor and looked slightly excited, saying to Huixue: "For the sake of the information you provided, I won't teach you a lesson this time!"

After saying that, the man quickly disappeared...

Huixue and Huiyun looked at each other and felt that their legs were weak and they collapsed on the ground. Their robes were almost soaked with sweat.

The pressure this man put on them was so great that they could hardly breathe. It was a miracle that they could persist until now.

"Huh? Is there a talisman?"

Huixue's eyes suddenly lit up and she found a letter of talisman stopped in front of her.

This letter talisman was not her own, so why did it come to her? This made her a little suspicious. However, seeing this situation, she had to sense it anyway, so she picked it up and looked at it. After a while, she screamed!

"Master of the nunnery...what's going on?!" Huiyun said in shock.


"What's wrong with us?!"

"We... broke away from the relationship with Fa Beng as master and maidservant!!!" Huixue shouted loudly.

"What?! How is this possible?!" Upon hearing this, all the nuns were shocked and looked at each other.

"Really! Really separated!!! The person in the letter said that Fa Beng had been sealed by him and asked him to take the initiative to terminate the relationship with our master and maidservant. Now we have regained our freedom!" Huixue said , already bursting into tears.

Among these people, she and Huiyun were the ones who paid the most. At this moment, they felt something in their hearts. They couldn't hold it back anymore. They were already crying to the ground...

Huiyun stood there blankly for a while, and finally burst into tears, causing the others to cry loudly. This force of misery was so powerful that it even made a pile of big rocks next to them fall down. , startled everyone, and then slowly stopped crying...

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