The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1273 The truth

As the smell of Tianxiang wine became stronger and stronger, the mood of the diners in the building became more and more passionate, almost boiling over...

Fairy Xiangxiang and the sisters in the building felt this terrible atmosphere, and they all retreated...

Li Yun looked extremely calm, added water, heated, evaporated and filtered the liquid in the bucket between various utensils. In the end, he made five large barrels of Tianxiang wine! And it’s the highest level one!

This kind of wine-making process makes everyone dumbfounded, but it is this unique wine-making method that makes people believe that this is the secret of Tianxiang Restaurant's wine-making, and others cannot learn it at all. Therefore, Liufeng showed There is no doubt that it is Tianxiang Restaurant's wine-making method that has been used for thousands of years, but it was revealed by him today.

Worri! ! !

Everyone screamed!

Tianxiang Restaurant is too dark today! One bucket of horse urine can actually make five large buckets of the highest grade Tianxiang wine. You can imagine the huge profits!

At this moment, even Zen Yan, Fa Cai, and Niu Mang from Zen Ji Palace, as well as Xiuzhen, Huan Xuan, Hua Ju and others from Tian Ji Palace were dumbfounded, and their hearts filled with incomparable indignation!

"Everyone, facts speak louder than words! Can you now prove that what the big brother just said is true?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Brother Liufeng is so right! This Tianxiang Restaurant is so evil!"

"That's right! It has been deceiving for thousands of years. If it weren't for Brother Liufeng, everyone would still be kept in the dark!"

"Reveal this matter immediately, and everyone must boycott Tianxiang Restaurant!"

"Damn it, you smashed its sign today!!! What's Tianxiang Restaurant? It's just like Tianshou Restaurant!!!"

"Yes, brother supports you!"

"Do it now!"

The diners were furious and started smashing things inside the building. Some rushed outside and smashed the Tianxiang Restaurant sign to pieces. The commotion became louder and louder, attracting the Zen guards from the Shifang Realm...

Upon seeing this, Li Yun quickly put away the utensils and Tianxiang wine, took Yin Sheng, Wei Rong and others to leave in the chaos...

Fairy Xiangxiang defended the sisters in the building and retreated with a very frightened look on her face. Now even she felt that Tianxiang Restaurant was extremely shameful. They actually mixed horse urine into wine and sold it, and she drank a lot of it!

Thinking about this makes me vomit...

This group of fairies vomited while running away, their faces all pale, like a group of frightened rabbits, trembling...

However, after seeing the Zen Guards coming, they finally felt relieved. Safety was no problem, but the business was completely ruined. What should they do in the future? !

"Liu Feng...Liu Feng! I'm not done with you anymore!!!" Fairy Xiangxiang reacted and said through gritted teeth.

Here, Li Yun and everyone had quietly returned to the inn and hid in the guest room. It was finally quiet.

"Sir, today is so exciting!" Wei Rong shouted excitedly.

"Haha, if it weren't for adults, I wouldn't be able to reveal the secret of Tianxiang Restaurant's fraud!"

"It's terrible!" Yin Sheng shouted with a bitter look on his face.

"What's wrong?!"

"I drank a lot of Tianxiang wine today, and I didn't expect that I was drinking horse urine. If adults hadn't asked us to come back, I would have smashed its sign first!" Yin Sheng said fiercely.

"That's right, I can't stand it now even thinking about it!" Kuang Zheng agreed with a frown.

The other dozen or so people also shook their heads and sighed, feeling disgusted.

"Don't worry, Tianxiang wine is not fake, so you didn't drink horse urine." Li Yun said.

"What? Didn't your Excellency already verify it on the spot?" Kuang Zheng asked in a daze.

"Haha, that's just to help Xiao Rong get out of embarrassment. Besides, how can I let Xiao Rong be teased by that Xiangxiang fairy? She must suffer." Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir... what happened just now?" Kuang Zheng asked curiously.

"Horse urine is still horse urine. After everyone smelled the smell, I secretly put it into a small space and then added water.

Adding various medicinal materials is making a distilled wine, and then adjusting the color and aroma of the wine to be the same as Tianxiang wine. How about you try this wine? "

Li Yun took out the distilled wine that he had just put away. Sure enough, the color and smell of the wine were exactly the same as the Tianxiang wine that Yin Sheng and the others drank.


Everyone looked at each other in shock, because no one saw how the Lord had changed things in front of everyone. However, of course, what the Lord said was absolutely credible, and there was no need to doubt it.

So everyone tasted this wine and found that not only was it similar to Tianxiang wine, but it was also sweeter, clearer and more delicious, and it contained a rich vitality. It was many times better to drink than Tianxiang wine!

"Haha, it tastes so good!"

"Exactly! This is wine brewed by your own hands!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that we can make such delicious wine like this. If we sell your wine, it will definitely be much easier to sell than Tianxiang Restaurant!"

"That's right..."

Everyone praised it sincerely, but they didn't know that Li Yun was secretly happy because the wine did contain horse urine, and what Li Yun said about cheating did not actually exist.

At that time, there were so many powerful people watching closely, and any small loophole would be spotted. What's more, the people in Zenji Hall and Tianji Hall are not vegetarians. They are all taking videos. They will still pay close attention after returning. After studying every detail, if the verification process is proven to be fake, Liufeng’s reputation will be greatly damaged!

Therefore, horse urine is indeed in wine, but this horse urine is not the other horse urine, because it has been truly transformed by the ingredients of various medicinal materials.

In Li Yun's view, horse urine is also composed of various ingredients, including various ingredients from nature, as well as ingredients secreted by Wuyun Horse itself.

This is actually not much different from various wine-making materials, because those materials are also transformed from various natural fertilizers, but are re-transformed by winemakers using various means during the wine-making process.

In short, all kinds of substances in nature are born in cycles, just like the poison of the Tianxin Cone. As long as its poisonous patterns are destroyed, the remaining parts will be excellent waste, even fairy-level substances, which are extremely valuable. high.

Horse urine is decomposed by drugs and converted into other pure substances, which are then transformed by other drugs and become part of wine. At this time, it can be said that the real horse urine is no longer available.

The ingredients, color and aroma of Tianxiang wine have been thoroughly researched by Xiaoxing. All it takes is to adjust the distilled wine to the color and aroma of Tianxiang wine. This step is the simplest.

This is the whole process from horse urine to Tianxiang wine, and it is also the truth of the matter.

Li Yun himself is very aware of this material transformation process, and of course he will not worry about whether a horse urinates or not. He changes cups and drinks like the slaves, and even asks the inn waiter to bring all the meat and vegetables to the house. Come here to eat, everyone is shouting and eating and drinking very happily!

"Come and see! Tianxiang Restaurant is suspected of fraud!"

"Horse urine is turned into wine. Tianxiang Restaurant owes everyone an explanation!!!"

"Liu Feng exposed Tianxiang Restaurant's thousand-year scam!!!"

“The bloody reality tells us that the better the business, the more likely it is that there will be fraud!!!”

"Breaking news..."

The news about Tianxiang Restaurant spread quickly, and almost everyone in the world knew about it. People were selling information in the streets and alleys, and the business of Zen Ji Palace and Tian Ji Palace was extremely booming.

In particular, some live clips broadcast on the light screen attracted people to rush to buy them.

When Fairy Xiuzhen and Huan Xuan saw this, they sighed in their hearts. As long as Liufeng appears, great things will happen and business will come to their door. This seems to be almost a theorem!

Just because of his carelessness, Li Yun and his men escaped. It would be difficult to find them in the ten directions of Nuo Da.

"Brother Xuan, what should we do now?!" Xiuzhen asked.

"Don't worry, Shifang Realm is my territory, and I can find them no matter what. Moreover, we must keep an eye on Chan Yan and the others first. Maybe they can find Li Yun faster than us!" Huan Xuan said.

"Huh? That makes sense! How about we divide the troops into two groups? You will be responsible for searching the whole world, and I will be responsible for tracking Zen Yan?"

"no problem!"

After the two people discussed it, they quickly acted separately.

Business at Zenji Hall is extremely booming at this time. Recently, there have been rumors about Zhifeng and Xiaocui, the strange phenomenon in the back of Chuanyun Temple, the unusual fluctuations in immortal power that occurred not long ago, and the on-site wine inspection at Tianxiang Restaurant. This incident has attracted the attention of countless people. No wonder the market has been rising.

Especially the last incident, Zen Jidian really benefited from it, and Zen Yan was so excited that his face turned red. He immediately summoned several key members to discuss, and soon made a plan, divided the troops, and wanted to Digging deeply into the intrinsic value of these things, he himself focused on tracking the subsequent development of Tianxiang Restaurant and Liufeng.

At the same time, all the eyes of Zen Ji Palace in the Shifang Realm were activated, looking for Liu Feng and his men, and they must drain the value of this money tree to the last piece.

Zen Yan had actually figured it out a long time ago. Fairy Xiuzhen was originally in Mantuo City, but she followed Liu Feng all the way here. It can be seen that Liu Feng's news value is extremely high, and Zen Ji Palace had already sent Liu Feng to this place. He is designated as a Zen-level figure, so now that Liufeng has come to his territory, if he does not squeeze out his value, then he will not be called Zenyan.

He and Facai led a team of men, prepared enough tools and resources, and soon arrived near Tianxiang Restaurant. They found that Tianxiang Restaurant had closed down, the door and signboard were broken, and the usual diners who used to come and go had long disappeared. trace.

"Isn't it right? Tianxiang Restaurant was hit so hard?!" Chan Yan teased.

"Boss, who made them so evil? They actually mixed horse urine into good wine and sold it. I don't know how much evil money they made!" Fa Cai shouted angrily.

"Um... do you really think that the fragrant wine that day was blended with horse urine?" Zen Yan thought.

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