The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1240 Record-breaking (1)

"Why didn't this kid give him the immortal robe until now?" Xiaoxing was slightly startled.

"You still don't know the relationship between Xiaohou and Xingzun?"

"They have a good relationship, so the robes should be sent out early in the morning?"

"Think about it again."

Li Yun turned his attention to the formation. He could no longer be distracted. He directed the people in the city to build the formation. Finally, with the efforts of everyone, the installation of the last component of the ten main formations was completed. Declared completed!

Everyone looked at the ten towering formations in the city, reaching into the sky, with their tops already hidden in the spiritual mist. They screamed involuntarily, and their faces were full of happiness.

"Sir, is it really done?!" Ji Mo asked impatiently.

"Well, it's done! However, there are still formation spirits that need to be bonded before it can be considered complete!"

"Array spirit?!" Ji Mo shouted in disbelief.

What is the concept of a ten-level formation with an array spirit? Ji Mo never dared to have such a dream, but he didn't expect that the master would equip this formation with formation spirits!

"Just know this yourself and don't spread it to anyone else!" Li Yun warned.

He doesn't want the outside world to have a too clear understanding of his abilities, so it's always good to keep a few more trump cards.

"Yes! Don't worry, sir!" Ji Mo said excitedly.

Li Yun secretly used his spiritual power to move the formation spirit that Xiaoxing had built at Lingxian Peak into the formation. After a while, the formation spirit had fully taken over the formation in the city and directly turned on the formation to maintain its normal state.

There is no too amazing vision, just like the spring breeze turning into rain, moistening things silently, spiritual energy coming from all directions, the whole city is shrouded in a dense spiritual light, it is indescribably wonderful!

"Huh? I feel it!"

"Yes, our formation has been activated!"

"Yes! This kind of spiritual energy concentration is better than renting a cave to practice!"

"That's right, staying in the city, no matter how lazy you are, you can improve your cultivation!"

"Wow! It turns out that the tenth-level formation is comparable to the Great Immortal Sect. We are almost spiritual veins here!!!"

"Oh my god..."

The people in the city felt the magical effect brought about by the activation of the formation and couldn't believe it. However, after experiencing it personally, they immediately became excited, running around telling each other, and cheering...

When Ji Mo saw this scene, his fat body was shaking with excitement, while Kong Bin and Liu Cheng were filled with envy, wishing that Titian City and Baise City could also have such a grand array right away.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Xiao Mo, anyone who wants to enter the city in the future can charge an entry fee, because they can save the cost of renting a cave to practice."

"Your Majesty is right, this fee can subsidize those who practice cave building, but they will all be unemployed!" Ji Mo agreed.

"Sir... when will we be able to build a formation over there?" Kong Bin couldn't help but ask.

"It will take a while! You can go back to expand the territory first, prepare resources and manpower, and collect waste materials. When I come back from Chuanyun Temple, we can start work."

"Yes! Sir!" Kong Bin and Liu Cheng said quickly.

Ji Mo's consciousness swept away and he said anxiously: "Sir, everyone in the city has gathered to recognize the master, what should we do?"

"Follow the conventions of the spirit world. There are too many people and it is impossible to accept them all. I will try to accept as many people as possible and give gifts to others. In addition, you have to give them generous wages." Li Yun said.

"No problem!" Ji Mo responded.

The ceremony of collecting slaves soon began. Everyone who was favored by Li Yun was immediately moved into the Universiade Palace. Others were given gifts and sent to the City Lord's Mansion to receive their wages at an extremely fast speed.

After all, it is in the spirit world, and the talent pool is extremely rich. Li Yun can't stop collecting. He feels that many people have much better qualifications than the people in the palace. There are also many people with Taoism. There is no reason. Not accepted.

In fact, many people have the conditions to be accepted as slaves by powerful powers above the king, but these powerful powers themselves have limited resources, and it is impossible for each of their slaves to be excellently cultivated and developed. Therefore, Only they will select the best among the best, the best among the best,

Set the standards extremely high!

This has also led to the backlog of countless high-quality talents at the bottom of the spiritual world. Some people have not been recognized for their talents, and have died in depression.

Generally speaking, the stronger the financial resources a powerful person has, the more slaves he has under his sect. This is a normal phenomenon, but for Li Yun, the resources in Tianyun World are almost unlimited, and his ability to make money is extremely amazing. , Now there are countless spiritual crystals stored in the cabinet of Tianyun space, so he is not limited by money and resources at all. How much he wants to collect depends on his personal preference.

Moreover, Tianyun World is currently in need of popularity. It already has several continents and countless islands. Wouldn't it be a waste if it has no popularity?

Therefore, recruiting more slaves and maids is also preparation for this.

The higher the popularity, the stronger the power of the world created, and the greater the help to Li Yun.

Li Yun was very happy to accept the slave, and the people in the city below were dancing with excitement. Unexpectedly, Lord Yun's standards for accepting slaves were so low. It felt like being hit by a pie falling from the sky...

In the Tianji Palace, Fairy Xiuzhen and Hua Ju were sitting in the secret room, feeling very uneasy. They all knew what was happening outside, and they were at war in their minds and hearts.

In Mantuo City, the two of them are undoubtedly the most obsessed with Li Yun. Who has allowed them to have access to Li Yun's information the most and for the longest time?

Now, Li Yun actually held a ceremony to collect slaves in the city. Is this an opportunity for him? Or a trap?

From the bottom of their hearts, they found that they had fallen deeply in love with Li Yun and could not extricate themselves. However, in terms of career, they belonged to the power of Tianji Palace, and they had the high-ranking Xingzun in the spiritual world as their ancestor. If they recognized Li Yun as their master, they would definitely He will be expelled from the Tianji Palace as a traitor. The situation is somewhat similar to that of the teacher's house...

"Palace Master, what should we do?" Hua Ju asked weakly.

Xiuzhen grabbed her fist and said fiercely: "No! Others don't know, but we two know very well. We must not be so shameless. We are already old, how can we vote for a little Jindan who is in his thirties? , Besides, we can’t smear the face of Ancestor Xingzun, right?! Can’t we let Ancestor Xingzun be laughed at by others like that Zhiqing?!”


Hua Ju nodded feebly, knowing in her heart that what Fairy Xiu Zhen said was very reasonable. Although she, like Xiu Zhen, was just a disciple, if she abandoned Tianji Palace and turned to Li Yun's sect, the result would be similar to Shi She's betrayal of Zhi Qing. It will put the ancestor of Xingzun in a disadvantageous situation.

But Li Yun... Li Yun... is so charming. Just one look at him can make him happy for a long time. It would be great if he could become a maid and look at him every day...

The two of them went back and forth in the secret room, resentful, heartbroken, miserable...

"Sir, we have already collected hundreds of thousands of people, so let's pause!" Xiaoxing reminded.

"What? Hundreds of thousands of people?!" Li Yun was stunned.

"Not bad. That's about it. The remaining qualifications are average, and the training cost is too high to be worthwhile."

"Okay! I didn't expect that there are so many talents at the bottom of the spiritual world. Just one Mantu City is comparable to the entire lower world. It's really unexpected!"

"Sir, it is equivalent to about half of the entire lower realm!"

"Half? By the way, our Earth Spirit Tribe and Turing Tribe in the core world have also recruited hundreds of thousands of people!" Li Yun said suddenly.

"Exactly! Now we have taken in more than 100,000 people here, plus the hundreds of thousands of slaves originally in the spirit world, the total number is close to 500,000!" Xiaoxing said.

"Fifty million people... I'm afraid that's the largest number in the spiritual world, right?"

"Of course! However, for the Tianyun world, this is just the beginning. If these 500,000 people were placed on several continents, there would be almost no trace of them! Moreover, Tianyun may see more people in the future. If the continents and oceans are not popular enough, you might not even be able to see the stars in the sky, and that wouldn’t be fun!”

"Don't worry! There will be stars, it's just that the star field made up of our small space doesn't look good."

"So, you adults should recruit more slaves, not only to give more people opportunities, but also to increase your world power, the best of both worlds!"

"From what you said, I might as well accept them all! Why go to such trouble to choose?" Li Yun teased.

"Hey, it can't be like this. Today, my lord picked hundreds of thousands of people at one go, setting a historical record in the spiritual world. Such recruitment of slaves will definitely shock the spiritual world, so it's better to stop!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.


Li Yun suddenly woke up, feeling a little uneasy.

That's right! As Xiaoxing said, this is a historical record in the spirit world. No one has ever taken in hundreds of thousands of slaves in one day. This is almost equivalent to the number of people under the powerful disciple of a loose immortal!

But it took tens of thousands of years to slowly accept it...

When this news breaks out, it is no more than a heavy crystal cannon, which will set off a huge wave in the spiritual world and blind everyone's eyes!

In fact, the people from Tianji Palace who had been following this incident were already so shocked that their eyes almost dropped.

This news was quickly spread back to the palace!

After Fairy Xiuzhen received it, she was dumbfounded!

At a loss, with trembling delicate body, she touched the communicator on the wall, gritted her teeth and pressed it!

After a long time, the sound of "didi-didi" sounded, and a light screen popped up on the wall, and a monk appeared. He looked quite handsome and said, "Xiuzhen? Why are you looking for me?"

This person is the general manager in charge of Tianji Hall in Zen Domain, named Huan Xuan.

"Master Huanxuan, I have important information to convey to Patriarch Xingzun!" Xiuzhen said firmly.

"Oh? What kind of information should be reported to Ancestor Xingzun?!" Huan Xuan asked with interest.

Recently, the performance of Tianji Palace in Mantuo City, which Fairy Xiuzhen is responsible for, has skyrocketed. Huan Xuan is also quite polite to her, and he has already secretly guessed that this matter has something to do with Li Yun.

"The tenth level formation of Manduo City has been completed and put into use today!"

"What?! Is it really done?!!!" Huan Xuan said in great surprise.

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