The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1234 Jinding Lectures on Zen

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"Really?" A voice suddenly sounded in Fairy Xiuzhen's ears.


Fairy Xiuzhen was startled and felt that she was hearing something. She couldn't help but look around suspiciously.

"It's me, Li Yun!"

"What?! Li Yun?! Where are you?!"

"Don't you know exactly where I am?"

"Ah? you want to see me for?!"

"What do you think?"

"Giggles, are you talking about the information I sold? Well, this is the way our Tianji Palace does things. As long as the information is confirmed through investigation, it can be sold." Fairy Xiuzhen said with a sweet smile, in her heart Of course I know what Li Yun wants to say.

Previously, Li Yun had sent so many paparazzi to follow and report, but Li Yun didn't say anything. But after he broke out of the teacher's residence, Li Yun finally couldn't hold back and came to visit.

"You think what you are selling is confirmed information, but I think what you are selling is just information based on your own conjecture!" Li Yun said.

"Oh? Which one are you talking about specifically?"

"Huh, of course it's about the teacher's residence."

"So it's this one! This one has been confirmed by our Tianji Palace's investigation! Can you deny it?" Fairy Xiuzhen smiled proudly.

"Of course I can deny it! Even if he is really Shisha, as long as he doesn't admit it, you can't be sure about it. Therefore, your approach is not only incompetent, but also disrespectful to Shisha, and it will even hurt people. Him! You have to know how difficult it is for a person to make the decision to change the owner, and how much pressure he needs to bear..." Li Yun said.

As Fairy Xiuzhen listened, she suddenly stopped laughing and secretly regretted it in her heart!

In recent days, she has been in a state of excitement. She just wants to make the fire of her career burn brighter and hotter, preferably with the momentum of continuous fire. Therefore, when considering things, she basically looks at money. As long as she has money Earn anything, you can sell it, use it to make money, how can you care about what Li Yun said?

Now when she heard what Li Yun said, she suddenly realized that she had indeed gone too far regarding the teacher's residence!

Don't say that the change of masters and betrayal happened to a Sanxian.

Even if you are a king or a venerable, it will cause a disturbance within a certain range, because in the spiritual world, the culture of master, slave, master and maidservant is the mainstream, emphasizing loyalty and love. In order to show loyalty, some people even go as far as the whole family. They all joined the disciples of an adult, and even their descendants will continue to join the disciples of the adults.

Therefore, no matter what the reason is, the person who changes his master will be despised by the world, and the spit alone can drown him!

Now, Fairy Xiuzhen is exaggerating the change of owner of the master's house with great fanfare, which will certainly attract great attention from people.

But the person who suffered the greatest harm in this incident was Shi She himself!

Li Yun and Xiao Xing were also preoccupied with building the tenth-level formation and did not think about Shisha in detail. They should not have allowed him to appear in front of others. However, due to the previous decline in Shishe's cultivation level and his appearance, The child was also constantly changing. They thought no one would recognize him, but they didn't expect that Tianji Hall was really full of talents and that Hua Ju actually recognized him.

They didn't even expect that Fairy Xiuzhen, in order to make money, would just speculate on the matter as a confirmed matter before the matter was confirmed, and publicize the sale of jade slips.

The consequences of this incident were extremely serious. Firstly, it hurt Shishe himself, and secondly, it caused Li Yun and Zhiqing to become enemies.

However, Li Yun doesn't care at all about becoming enemies with Zhi Qing, because the feud between the two has already been settled. Just by helping Ji Mo and others, he has already offended Zhi Qing, so it doesn't matter if there is one more thing. What he really cared about was how this matter affected the teacher's home.

Now, he has moved his master's residence directly into the Universiade Palace, so that he can live happily in the palace without seeing or hearing, but he still has to find Xiuzhen to eliminate the influence of the outside world.

"Li Yun, this matter... I did indeed do something wrong! I apologize!!!" Fairy Xiuzhen said with a bite of her silver teeth.

It is not easy for a beautiful woman like Xiuzhen Fairy to apologize.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"This... I will take this message off the shelves!"

"What about the ones that were sent out earlier?"

"There is nothing we can do about that. After all, the Zen Machine Hall has also posted this message..." Fairy Xiuzhen sighed.

Li Yun thought for a while, the project was done, and no matter what he did, it seemed to be of no avail. He simply said: "In this case, I won't stop you from selling this message! However, you can send another one Supplementary information, please state that this information is only suspected information and has not been finally confirmed!”

"No problem!" Fairy Xiuzhen was secretly happy.

Doing so will not only not affect the normal sales of this information, but also drive supplementary information, which is simply killing two birds with one stone!



Li Yun withdrew his consciousness and ignored the matter. Instead, he focused on the creation of the formation. Regarding the Tianji Palace, he had long known how shameless they were. It was normal for such things to happen. Just get used to it...

The Chuanyun Temple in Weituo Mountain is becoming more and more famous in the Nalanda world for no other reason than that this is the temple where the famous Zen Immortal Zhiqing lives. With the reputation of Zen Immortal Zhiqing and his attainments in Zen Taoism, coupled with his mastery of With such huge power, Chuanyun Temple in Wei Tuo Mountain is almost considered to be the location of the main temple of Chuanyun Temple by those who don’t know the details. It has attracted a large number of faithful men and women, and the incense is prosperous!

Today is the annual opening day of Zen Zen Immortal Zhiqing’s lecture. The venue is the Golden Summit Qingtan Altar in Wei Tuo Mountain. The space here is huge, but there are so many people that it can’t hold it. It is overcrowded every year, and this year is no exception. Pilgrims from all walks of life have flocked in early to occupy their seats under the altar, and from time to time there will be small conflicts over competition for space.

The opening time of the forum is approaching quietly, but there is still no sign of Zhiqing Zenxian, which makes the fans below wait until the flowers are almost withered...

In a secret room in the back hall of Chuanyun Temple, a figure is sitting upright, wearing a yellow and red cassock with exquisite patterns of dragons and stars embroidered on it. He has a thin face, long eyebrows, and a high bridge of nose. His thin lips and occasionally gleaming eyes make people intimidated by his powerful aura.

This person is none other than Zen Immortal Zhiqing, and below him stands his disciple Fa Yan, with a round, fair face, a chubby figure, a bulging belly, and the appearance of a broad-minded and fat body.

On the jade table to the left of Zhiqing, there is a letter that has just been received. This is a fresh message from the Zen Machine Hall. It was sent as quickly as possible and placed in front of Zhiqing as quickly as possible!

However, as soon as Zhiqing felt something, he felt bad, just like when he was drinking a pot of good soup, he suddenly discovered that there was a dying spirit insect inside...

He had already prepared to give a Zen lecture, but now his mood was so bad that the good attitude he had maintained for many years was affected!

"Sir, it's time to open the forum for Zen lectures. Please come to the altar!"

This letter talisman was sent by someone else. Fa Yan didn't know what the letter talisman was about, but it actually made the Lord feel bad. But the most important thing now is to teach the Lord Zen, so he reminded him cautiously.

"Improve the formation of Jinding Qingtan to intercept all incoming talismans!" Zhiqing finally said.

"Yes! Sir! I'll do it immediately, little slave!" Fa Yan responded quickly, turned around and exited.

He felt a little strange in his heart. In previous years, Zhiqing would never give such instructions when giving lectures on Zen. What happened this time that no one was allowed to receive the talisman? !

Zhiqing's face was gloomy and he muttered fiercely: "Teacher's house...Teacher's house...Liu Feng!!!"

It turns out that what Xinfu said was that his horse betrayed him and fell into the sect of a little Jindan Liufeng!

Unexpectedly, such a humiliating change of ownership would happen to him. No wonder Zhiqing's heart was severely hit, and it took him a long time to recover.

In addition, the letter also mentioned that some of the disciples stationed in Mantuo City were caught by Liufeng's people and paraded through the streets in cages. This was an event that had rarely happened in countless years. It was a slap in the face!

Zhiqing felt waves of frustration coming over him. As a hero, frustration is not a good thing. It will seriously affect his self-confidence!

He quickly mobilized his spiritual power, slowly running it, and finally drove out all these bad emotions, and made the decision not to let anyone accept the talisman. This was of course to avoid interference and ensure the normal progress of the Zen lecture.

When he stepped out and landed on the golden-domed altar, he had completely returned to normal. With a wave of his hand, a Bodhi tree sprouted from the ground beside him, growing slowly, spreading its branches and leaves, facing the sun. The rain, dew and wind grew taller and taller, growing into a towering tree at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Next to the big tree, a huge stone tablet appeared at some point. It was sparkling with crystal light, and some extremely mysterious Zen words slowly flowed in it, exuding a mysterious atmosphere that was unforgettable!

Under the bodhi tree, next to the Zen sutra monument, a Zen immortal taught earnestly and taught the world the secrets of Zen sutras. This scene happens on the same day every year, but in different places.

This is so touching and something that people look forward to!

Many people have been preparing for this day for a whole year!

As long as I can appear under the platform, everything is worth it!

As Zhiqing Zen Immortal explained, passages of scriptures that sparkled with wisdom transformed into pieces of aura, seeping into the bodies of the audience, making them feel like rain, and their whole bodies seemed to have been cleansed by spiritual liquid, making them extremely comfortable. .

Wisps of light also appeared under the altar, converging into streams of light of faith, rushing into Zhiqing's body, making him even more charming, and the lofty appearance of an enlightened monk has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Fa Yan stood outside the venue, looking at the scene in the altar, and his heart couldn't help but feel boundless respect and love for the adults.

"Eh? Why are there so many talisman lights?!" Fa Yan was suddenly stunned.

More and more talisman lights gathered, and one of them was his own. Fa Yan picked up the induction and was suddenly confused...

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