The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1207 Bao Ding’s shock

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Most of the people like Fang Yun had cultivation levels above the Yin-Yang realm. After all, they were all carefully selected by Bao Ding. The quality was quite high, which made Li Yun quite satisfied.

After the banquet, they were moved into the Universiade Palace and went through the formalities for entering the palace.

During this period, Li Yun took in slaves one after another, making Xiao Xiang very busy and enjoying the addiction of being a master...

When all these people had completed the formalities, Li Yun's smile appeared in his mind: "Xiao Xiang, let's teach Xiao Man how to cook Taoism. You must take it seriously and don't harass him."

"Don't worry, sir! Of course Xiaonu will not harass him... No, no, Xiaonu will never harass other brothers and sisters!" Xiaoxiang said in a panic.

"Haha, you don't even blush when you say this? I saw you playing a little too much before. Is it because I haven't been in the palace during this period, and you are too empty and bored?!"

"Oh my Lord! You traveled in the spirit world and forgot to come back. I've been alone in my empty house all these years, so it's strange that I'm not lonely! That anger... is getting higher and higher. It's really hard to find a way to vent it..."

"Oh? Is it really uncomfortable?!"


Xiao Xiang put on a very resentful expression, which could easily captivate the world...

"Okay, let the adults take a good look at your performance... you have to collect the juice..."

"Wow! Sir, you finally remembered! Xiaonu will go back to Leicha Corner to perform for the adults right away..."

Xiao Xiang couldn't wait to return to Lei Tea Corner, transformed into Xiao Xiangxiang, and gave Li Yun a wonderful solo dance performance...

With her current charm and temperament, this performance will definitely captivate the world and captivate countless people...

Li Yun was quite moved by what he saw, and wanted to rush into Lei Cha Corner to favor this little Xiang Xiang, but he still held back to avoid letting this kid get high.

Now just let him vent his anger. There is no need to provoke him again.

Bao Ding saw Li Yun's expression and asked curiously: "Sir, have you thought of anything happy?"

"Of course, can I not be happy to receive such a noble slave like you?"

"Thank you, sir! In fact, the one who should be really happy is Xiaonu himself.

If it weren't for an adult, I'm afraid the little slave would never be able to taste the perfect transformation again in this life! Bao Ding said with emotion, two red clouds appeared on his fat white face, and he actually looked shy in front of the adults, which made Bao Man stunned.

In his impression, his father is like a mountain, a sea, and a high-altitude nebula in front of him, allowing him to rely on, swim, and soar far away...

But now Bao Ding's shy demeanor shattered the previous strong, tolerant and broad-minded impressions in Bao Man's mind. He suddenly began to doubt his Electra complex, and his eyes turned to Li Yun involuntarily. Your Excellency is so handsome, so calm, and so far-sighted. This is what he truly relies on...

However, the master is not his master alone. The number of slaves and maids under him now has reached more than 300,000, which is an extremely huge force. The thought of sleeping with the master in his arms every night can only be thought of. It was already Amitabha's chance to get the chance to sleep with him. Baoman sighed secretly in his heart. The competition was too great. It seemed that his father's embrace could not be abandoned easily...

"Sir, my father came here this time for the Taoist chicken you roasted, but he didn't expect that he would fall under your charm. You are so awesome!" Baoman teased.

"It can only be said that we are destined!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"You brat, won't I kill you if I say a few words? By the way, sir, when it comes to that Taoist chicken, I was really surprised, so I decided to come over in person to see who roasted it. I don't know, sir. Can you teach me how to make roast chicken?" Bao Ding asked.

"Father, you have actually taught me and Uncle Chen how to make it. However, the ingredients are too high-end and the cost is too high, so we have almost no way to make them." Baoman said.

"Oh?" Bao Ding was startled.

A flash of light flashed in Li Yun's hand, and several black gold eggs appeared, and he said, "I baked these at Cuixiang Palace. You can try them again."

Bao Ding's eyes lit up and he quickly cracked open a black gold egg, a look of intoxication suddenly appeared on his face!

I saw that the roasted chicken inside was roasted to a golden color and slightly charred, but it was charred just right, with an alluring fat sheen, which strongly seduce the glutton in my stomach!

The fragrance penetrated into the mouth and nose uncontrollably, and I couldn't hold back my saliva. It flowed straight to the robe...


Bao Ding exclaimed softly. This Taoist chicken was even more advanced than the one last time. It could already reach the level of top-grade Taoist cuisine. However, as a master chef, he could not make such a level of Taoist cuisine. The best he could do was to make it. Middle-class dishes!

Li Yun naturally knew what Bao Ding was thinking, and said with a smile: "If you have my ingredients, plus my processing methods, blending methods and roasting methods, given time, you can make this top-quality Taoist chicken. For you For me, the biggest difficulty is not only the preparation method, but also the collection of ingredients."

"Sir, I think the first step of making this Taoist chicken is extremely difficult. Just looking at the way Master handles this chicken, I feel a little incredible! Look, there is not a trace of feathers on this chicken, not even the roots. The skin is intact, but the chicken skin is intact and integrated. This technique is so gentle to the extreme, I wonder how you do it?" Bao Ding really has a unique vision, and he can see the extraordinary at a glance.

"This... I actually use my spiritual consciousness to deal with it." Li Yun said.

"Spiritual consciousness?!" Bao Ding was stunned.

"Not bad! I caught a thousand black golden pheasants last time, and I was the only one who roasted them. Of course I had to use my spiritual consciousness, so I processed and roasted them all at once. Xiaoman also saw them."

"This... Sir, you can use only the power of your spiritual consciousness to treat a thousand chickens like this?!" Bao Ding asked incredulously.

"Father, at that time, you roasted this chicken with a thousand first-level strange fires, which attracted everyone to watch, and caused many problems in the kitchen of Cuixiang Palace! Haha!" Baoman laughed.

Bao Ding was dumbfounded...

"Without the power of divine consciousness, can it really be handled by means? Then I won't be too busy? You know there were only three days at that time, and I still have a lot of things to do. Of course, I need to use the power of divine consciousness to complete it efficiently. . However, I do have conditions in this regard, because my spiritual power is very strong!" Li Yun said confidently.

"Xiao Nu has read your information and knows that your spiritual power is extraordinary, but I really didn't expect it to reach such an extent!!!" Bao Ding praised.

"Oh? This is just a small test, okay?" Li Yun hummed showily.

"Wow... Sir, I wonder how far your spiritual power can reach?!" Bao Ding asked in surprise.

"That's what I want. In the spirit world, my consciousness can currently reach a distance of one hundred thousand miles..."

"Ten...thousands of miles?!!! Oh my God!!!" Bao Ding screamed again.

Baoman on the side was also shocked!

"What? Don't believe it?"

"Believe...of course I believe it! My lord, you are really amazing! You must know that the ordinary immortals' spiritual consciousness can reach 10,000 to 20,000 miles, but yours is five to ten times that of them! And I, a respected person, have spiritual consciousness as well. It’s about three thousand miles away!” Bao Ding said loudly.

"Three thousand miles? That's not bad. I found that the space in the spiritual world is extremely solid. It is indeed quite difficult to reach three thousand miles. If it is in the lower world, it can reach about ten thousand miles!" Li Yun nodded.

"Small slave...compared to an adult, this ability is like a shining fire and a bright moon. I don't dare to mention it in the future!" Bao Ding said with a red face.

"You don't have to belittle yourself. You are already a venerable person. You are the leader of a force in the spiritual world. Who dares to look down on you?"

"This... Xiaonu's power is just a drop in the bucket of adults. In front of adults, Xiaonu is just a little minion. Sir, please stop giving me a high hat!" Bao Ding really felt a little humble.

The Bao Ding world that I finally worked hard for is not as good as the small space that the adults rewarded the little slave. My spiritual consciousness, Tao power, and vitality are like child's play in front of the adults. I am still under the little ball of light of the adults' vitality. Involuntarily transforming into a charming woman to please the adults... Thinking of this, Bao Ding felt that he should be a slave of the adults, forever!

What he doesn't know is that the rules recognized by Heaven's Dao have unknowingly penetrated deeper into the world. Especially for a person like him who has the will of Dao, it has penetrated even deeper into his bones and made it difficult to extricate himself!

Li Yun smiled and said: "I am telling the truth! Your Baoding Realm is almost equivalent to a quarter of the lower realm where I am. Such a vast territory will be so rich! And you are the master of that territory. Being supported by countless people, such a status is certainly extraordinary, and there are relatively few people who can achieve it!"

"What the adults said made the little slave blush! However, the little slave will belong to the adults from now on. As long as the adults say a word, the little slave's life will be fine!" Bao Ding said categorically.

"You?! How could I kill you?! Don't talk nonsense like this anymore. You have worked hard to build the industry in the Baoding world. Naturally, it is up to you to run and manage it. I will also help you. For example, this Taoist chicken I can provide you with the raw materials, or you can grow them yourself. Even if you can't grow top-quality ingredients, you can still grow mid-to-high-quality ones, and the level of the Taoist chicken produced by this will not be low."

"Sir..." Bao Ding was stunned, his eyes already red.

"Well, in fact, I have given the seeds or seedlings of the ingredients to Xiaoman, and they are also available in your small space. Just take good care of them after you go back. There will be no problem in their growth in a small space."

"Thank you sir!!!"

"By the way, there is another question. You all have soul worms in your body. This is a trick of the great soul master Tuke of the soul clan. By spreading the soul worms, you can achieve control in the spirit world in the future."

"What?! Soul worm?!" Bao Ding was shocked.

Li Yun told Bao Ding all about Tuke's conspiracy and methods, scaring him into a cold sweat.

Unexpectedly, Baodingjie had been infected without knowing it, and he had also been infected with soul worms, but the number was not large and it had not yet reached the edge of an outbreak...

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