The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1181 Yin Sheng’s amazing transformation

Xiaoxing laughed and said: "Sir, what Xiaoxiang and Xiaohou do is definitely child's play. You can also learn some of Cuixianglou's tricks, which are quite interesting! Especially the kind of tying hands and feet, or riding a horse The scene of people being whipped is quite attractive..."


"After research, Xiaonu found that this hitting technique can instantly increase the excitement level in a person's body by 300 to 500 points. Even people with some functional impairments can use this method to Miraculously recover within a short period of time. Of course, there are also some people who cannot bear this level of ups and downs, and unfortunately perish in the process!"

"Oh? So, they can be regarded as dying under peonies, and they are also romantic as ghosts?" Li Yun teased.

"For perverts like them, it's better to die among the flowers than to lie in a hospital bed and suffer from the pain..."

Li Yun shook his head helplessly. It seemed that even Xiaoxing was about to be assimilated by Cuixianglou's tricks...

Yin Shengqi asked: "Sir, what are you thinking about?"

"Um...Xiao Sheng, how do you usually solve your own problems..." Li Yun asked this question a bit out of nowhere.

"Solve your own problem? What problem?!" Yin Sheng was a little confused.

"That's the problem!" Li Yun mouthed to Cuixianglou.

"Oh... Sir, you are asking this..."

Yin Sheng suddenly lost his composure and his face turned red.

"That's right. Although you are still a young girl and have never had sex with a woman, but you haven't solved it yourself, right?" Li Yun asked directly.

"Um... can't you, adults, sense what happened to me in the past?" Yin Sheng replied with a blushing face.

"Haha, you are so naive, so shy! Why should I go and sense your past when I have nothing to do?" Li Yun joked.

"Small slave... I'm just waiting for you to let me transform and serve you again!" Yin Sheng said sarcastically.

"You really think so?!"

"Really! Xiaonu, for some reason, has been thinking about this issue recently and has already thought about it."

"Oh? What if I can transform you right now?"

"How is this possible?! Even if the master has profound spiritual power, the little slave is just a transformation god and has not reached the level of cultivation that can transform him. I heard that... you have to reach the nirvana state or above to transform!" Yin Sheng said curiously.

"Who said that? In our Universiade Palace, even if it is a golden elixir, I can transform it! And it is a perfect transformation!"

"Really...really?!!!" Yin Sheng said in shock.



Yin Sheng felt bad all over.

Li Yun looked at him with a smile. Yin Sheng's face was full of fever and his strong body was shaking. He lowered his head involuntarily and muttered: "Sir... if this is the case... then this little slave... just..."

"Okay, I know what you are going to say. Let's walk around here for a while, then I will take you somewhere..."

Li Yun and Li Yun had a great time eating, drinking and having fun here. Except for Cuixiang Tower, they went to almost all other interesting places. They were extremely happy!

"Sir, didn't you say that you want to take this little slave to a place?" Yin Sheng said without hesitation, with peach blossom eyes on his face.

"Did I say that?"

"My lord, hurry up!"


Li Yun moved Yin Sheng to Lingxian Peak and fed him a corner of ice skin sesame cake...

The next afternoon, the two returned to the kitchen of Cuixiang Palace. Since the grand banquet would be held in the evening, the atmosphere here was extremely tense, just like sharpening their guns before the war. Everyone was working hard, Wind it up and keep busy!

Only Li Yun and Yin Sheng were walking around like nothing happened, and they felt a little embarrassed looking at these busy figures.

Li Yun simply turned to the kitchen full of them, making tea and eating snacks while watching Wu Chen and the others working.

"Brother Liu, you are so free!" Baoman said enviously while preparing ingredients for others.

"A leisurely bird,

I've been busy! "Li Yun hummed.

"Eh? Brother Yin, why do you seem to have changed?!!! You can hardly recognize me!!!" Baoman suddenly widened his eyes and shouted in surprise.

Yin Sheng was slightly startled, but seemed to have thought of something, and said with a guilty conscience: "Why have I changed? Am I still the same as before?"

"You...take a look! Has Brother Yin changed?!!!" Baoman shouted.

Wu Chen, Wang Yong, Li Song and Xiao Qian took the time to turn around and look at Yin Sheng. They suddenly lost their composure. The movements of their hands stopped and their mouths opened in a circle! ! !

I saw that Yin Sheng's whole body seemed to be fished out of the spiritual liquid. His face was radiant and shining. His face seemed not so dark anymore, showing a charming bronze color. His facial features were smoother than before, and even Even the body shape has been corrected, not as fat as a bear like before...

" didn't take some beauty pills, did you?" Xiaoqian said in shock.

"Yes! But even if you take the beauty pill, you can't change so much, right?" Li Song asked suspiciously.

"That's right! It will take at least some time for the effects of the Beauty Pill to be felt!" Wang Yong agreed.

"Brother Yin, what did you say was the reason?!" Wu Chen asked directly.

"I..." Yin Sheng felt guilty and didn't know how to answer.

Li Yun snorted: "I remind you not to be distracted! Otherwise, the dishes will be spoiled and you will be responsible for the consequences!"

When Wu Chen and others heard this, they came to their senses and quickly turned their attention to the dishes they were responsible for, but their hearts were already in a state of confusion!

This Yin Sheng was still looking like a rough, fat and reckless man in the morning, so why did he undergo such an astonishing transformation in the afternoon? ! ! !

Based on their experience, they can basically judge that it is not due to taking beauty pills. If this is not the reason, what could be the reason?

Bao Man took the time to circle around Yin Sheng, touching him on the left and right, and teasing him a few more times, which made Yin Sheng's face turn red and his whole body tremble...

"Hey, we brothers Yin are also shy, right? The sun really comes out from the west!" Baoman joked.

"Nonsense! How could you touch someone's hands like this? Who wouldn't be shy if I were touched like this?!" Yin Sheng said angrily.

"Haha, Brother Yin, you look better when you are angry like this!" Bao Man teased.

"You?! You are disrespectful!"

"Aha, I'm not old, I'm just higher in cultivation than you!" Baoman laughed.

"Oh? I wonder if you are noble this year?"

"Brother Yin can actually speak in such a formal manner, which really surprises me! I am over nine hundred and fifty years old this year, and my cultivation is in the early stage of the out-of-body realm. What do you think? I'm better than you, right?"

"Of course!" Yin Sheng said with a blushing face.

"Haha, you're not bad either, otherwise Brother Liufeng wouldn't have taken a fancy to you! He even chased you!" Bao Manying said with a smile.

"What...caught me?!" Yin Sheng muttered.

"By the way...Brother Yin, Brother Wei just touched you, but he touched some places that he shouldn't have touched, so Brother Wei understands something, what do you think?" Baoman said mysteriously.

"You?! Since you touched something you shouldn't have touched, don't tell me anymore, otherwise..."

"What else?!"

"Otherwise...I will ask the adults to take you in too!!!" Yin Sheng said harshly.


Bao Man was stunned for a moment, his eyes moved toward Liu Feng, and he was suddenly speechless!

Just now he touched six pairs of catkins on Yin Sheng's body. This fact completely confirmed his suspicion that Yin Sheng's amazing changes were due to his transformation.

Moreover, only with a perfect transformation can there be six pairs of catkins that match Yin Sheng's cultivation level, as well as such an astonishing change in appearance!

All of this, of course, was brought about by Liufeng!

"Oh my God! Liufeng can actually make a god transform into a perfect transformation. This can break the inherent thinking of the cultivation world for many years!" Baoman exclaimed in his heart.

If Liufeng can already transform a small god into a perfect transformation, then it will be even easier to transform an out-of-body realm like Bao Man!

Thinking of this, how could Baoman still be able to calm down? !

At this time, the look in Liufeng's eyes was no longer one of surprise, but one of Chi Guoguo's seduction!

Yes, it is seduction without restraint! ! !

However, the look in his face from this tall and fat man made Li Yun a little frightened, his heart trembled, and he had goosebumps all over his body...

Baoman roared in his heart: "Liu are mine!!!"

"Young Master, you got the wrong ingredients!" Wu Chen snorted.


Bao Man was shocked, and when he came to his senses, he realized that he had given Wu Chen the ingredients that were supposed to be given to Wang Yong.

He quickly changed over, his face burning red...

Li Yun touched his chin and watched this scene with interest...

However, his consciousness was focusing on a large banquet being held in Cuixiang Palace at this moment!

In the Cuixiang Palace, it is splendid, with colorful silks fluttering, flowers clustered in clusters, fragrant and gorgeous, and a huge crowd of people. A large banquet is being held grandly!

The owner is the famous Fairy Cuixiang of the Cuixiang Divine Realm, and there are many prominent figures in this divine realm, such as the Baiqiao Fairy in the Baiqiao Realm, the Peach Blossom Fairy in the Peach Blossom Realm, the Yunshang Fairy in the Yunshang Realm, and the Embroidery Fairy in the Embroidery Realm. , the Yinzhi Fairy of the Yinzhi Realm... is really a cloud of beauties, surrounded by fat and thin birds, all showing off their beauty!

Specially invited celebrities include Tianjiu Taoist, Sword God Wugui, painter Chen Daozi, calligrapher Dong Qichang, singer Fuyun...

Of course, there are also many slaves and maids in Cuixiang Palace. Those who can sit here are the powerful pet slaves and maids in the palace. People like Eighth Master who are in the out-of-body state can only stand aside.

The distinguished guests these people are going to receive are Zhiqing Zen Immortal and his party from the Zen realm of Nalanda. In addition to Zhiqing Zen Immortal himself, there are also many famous people in Nalanda world, such as Xiangchan Zun Fayan. , the fruit of Zen dharma, the collapse of Zen dharma, the picture of Zen dharma...

Although the Zen Realm and the Cuixiang Divine Realm are both divine realms, the difference between them is huge!

Just one of them, Nalanda Realm, is not comparable to Cuixiang Divine Realm. It can be said that the status of Nalanda Realm is far above Cuixiang Divine Realm!

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