The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1177 1000 Chickens

Li Yun originally didn't want Yin Sheng to know about the Universiade Palace, but wanted to keep traveling as a young monk in the spiritual world and practice slowly, so he never let him report to the palace.

But now that he had spilled the beans, if he wanted to lie, he would have to come up with more lies to cover it up. With Li Yun's mind, he naturally knew that this was definitely not worth the gain.

So he chuckled and said, "Xiao Sheng... did you hear what I just said?"

"My lord said... I have wiped the bodies of many drunk slaves..." Yin Sheng murmured.

"That's...yes, you heard me clearly. Sir, I have indeed wiped the bodies of many drunk slaves, including you just now!"

"Ah? Sir, am I not your first slave?" Yin Sheng said in shock.

No matter which force you are in, being the first slave or maidservant is extremely honorable. What's more, Yin Sheng thought that he joined the Liufeng sect as a late-stage god. In any case, he felt a little wronged. But now it seems that How could he feel that this honor did not even belong to him?

"Um...Xiao Sheng, you are indeed not my first slave. My first slave was a dragon commander named Lei Xiang. When he joined my sect, he was a dragon commander, and I was just a newly built warrior. Ji's little monk." Li Yun said.

"Wow?!!!" Yin Sheng was stunned.

"Are you... okay?" Li Yun asked carefully.

"'s okay! Sir, are you saying that your first slave is a dragon?! Or a dragon general?! And now he is a dragon commander?!!!"

"That's right! Xiaoxiang is now the eldest brother of Universiade Palace, helping me manage the affairs of the palace."

"Universiade that the name of your power? Is this Brother Lei really a Dragon Clan? I heard that the Dragon Clan will not join a foreign race as a slave, let alone a human race!" Yin Sheng was surprised! Said extremely.

"Well, sir, my real name is actually Li Yun, and Universiade Palace is the name of the force I created. Xiaoxiang is from the Thunder Dragon Clan. Since I helped him get rid of the dragon ketone disaster, according to the requirements of the Dragon Clan's spell, he Of course, many dragon clans also joined me in the Universiade Palace. Now, there are nearly ten thousand dragon clans in the palace alone."


Yin Sheng's legs trembled and became weak...

"Haha, the total number of slaves and maids in our Universiade Palace is almost 300,000. There are people from almost all races, from foundation-building elixirs to immortals, and all kinds of cultivation. Therefore, it should be said that it has developed very well. Not bad!" Li Yun smiled.

"Oh my god..."

Yin Sheng felt like he was about to faint...

Li Yun ignored him and started to get busy. The first thing was to deal with the tender chickens. This step was still very important and should not be sloppy.

The kitchen is large enough to lay out a thousand tender chickens, and the scene is quite spectacular.

Li Yun's spiritual consciousness was like a knife, dividing a thousand strands, each strand dealt with a chicken, plucking out all the chicken feathers without leaving a trace, and keeping the chicken skin from being damaged at all.

Then the chicken is disemboweled, the blood is drained and the chicken is kept, the internal organs are cleaned, the intestines are cleaned, and the chicken body is cleaned...

After a while, the thousand black golden pheasants on the ground all turned into white and tender broiler chickens.

The chicken blood is reintegrated into the chicken body, and then the other ingredients are filled in. First mix them with seasonings, and then slowly stuff them into the chicken belly. Rice, nuts, fruits, ingredients, fats... Soon, these broilers will be ready. Each one becomes plump, as if it is inflated, and is shiny and highly ornamental...

Taking out the black soil from the Black Prison Forest, Li Yun thought about it and felt that the black shell was not in good condition and would not be suitable for a banquet, so he added a layer of golden color to it so that the black shell would be better when baked. The effect of gold stars appears in the product, and the quality will be improved a lot!

"Hehe, the idea is good, you can get extra points!"

Li Yun enjoyed himself and began to coat these broilers with black gold mud. This step was actually faster. Before long, a thousand broilers turned into a thousand black gold eggs, oval in shape, which was quite pleasing!

Yin Sheng seemed to have come to his senses, watching Li Yun deal with these black golden pheasants,

Everyone was stunned, their mouths opened wide enough to fit a black gold egg in!

Before he could finish being surprised, he saw red flames appearing from nowhere in the sky, falling on the black gold eggs, wrapping them tightly. At a glance, he could see lights in the sky, red flames fluttering, and it was mesmerizing. Got it!

"Haha, with such careful preparation, it should be even more delicious than before..." Li Yun said to himself.

"Sir...these red flames are all first-level strange fires, right?!" Yin Sheng said in shock.

"That's right! Only the strange fire can force out the essence of the ingredients and integrate them into one. The level of this black golden pheasant is not high. The first level of strange fire is enough. If it is other higher-level ingredients, it needs the second or third level. It’s a super strange fire.”

"Sir, this level of strange fire is so precious. It's a blessing to have one. Sir, there are as many as a thousand?!"

"This... a thousand flowers is nothing. Sir, I still have an eighth-level strange fire!" Li Yun said.

"Level 8?!"

"Well, haven't you ever been on a starship? It can't be refined without eighth-level strange fire!"

Yin Sheng felt like he was about to faint again, but fortunately he was already a little numb now, so he wouldn't really faint.

"grown ups…"


"Although this little slave is not your first slave, nor is he a mythical beast, bird or immortal, but he joined your disciples with his late-stage cultivation as a god without knowing it. Xiaonu hopes that …”

"Hope for what?"

"I hope... the adults can pamper this little slave more..." Yin Sheng said with a blushing face.

"Haha, don't even think about it. There are 300,000 people in the palace now. What kind of people are not there? But who is here to accompany me? Aren't you satisfied?" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, sir!!!" Yin Sheng suddenly figured it out and shouted excitedly.

"Yes, you finally understand! In fact, sir, I treat every slave and slave equally, and I will not favor one against another. However, if a force wants to operate smoothly, it naturally needs to have its rules. Everyone, Including me, everyone must abide by it, so as long as you work hard, you will naturally get more grace, and all kinds of cultivation resources can be said to be obtained by your own efforts."

"Don't worry, sir! I will definitely work hard, little slave!"

"I trust you!"

When Yin Sheng heard this, he suddenly felt a little excited again, and was about to shed tears again. He couldn't help but wonder, his personality is not like this, why did he become so sensitive and sentimental after meeting an adult?

A word of praise, a word of encouragement, or a smile from an adult makes me extremely concerned and moved...

In fact, this is exactly the result of the rules of heaven gradually affecting him deeply after he recognized his master. Moreover, Li Yun's Taoism has been very deep and he can touch the rules of heaven. Therefore, the influence of heaven on his little slaves and maids It's even more profound, it goes deep into the bone marrow.

Unlike Fairy Cuixiang, her own power of Tao Yun is incomparable to Li Yun, so the influence of the rules of heaven on her servants is quite limited, which is why there are so many unruly things. occur.

It can be seen that the rules of heaven vary from person to person and are not the same. In the spiritual world, it has also happened that the slaves of a certain powerful person were seduced by other powerful people. And it is not an isolated case. It happens from time to time.

Once this happens, the first victim will of course be the slave himself, because if he voluntarily breaks away from the master-slave relationship, he will be punished by heaven, which can range from a sharp decline in cultivation to a serious loss of life.

However, if the master-slave relationship between him and his master is not very deep in the first place, the punishment he will receive will be reduced accordingly. For example, if they are also slaves, if Ba Ye leaves Fairy Cuixiang and Yin Sheng leaves Li Yun, The punishments the two of them will receive will be vastly different. Ba Ye may suddenly drop from his current state of being out of body to the level of a god, but Yin Sheng's end may be to die without even a scum left!

In addition, if a slave betrays his master, this is an extremely bad thing in the spiritual world, and his reputation will definitely be damaged.

However, this can be divided into different situations, mainly active and passive. For example, some slaves are seduced, imprisoned, forced, or threatened by other powerful people, and finally have to break away from the master-slave relationship with their original master and change their relationship. When joining other powerful disciples, the punishment suffered by slaves will be lighter in these cases, because they are passive and cannot help themselves.

In fact, many people can understand this passive change of ownership, so the loss to reputation will not be particularly great.

Therefore, there is a price for changing masters, but as long as there is a price, some people will calculate the pros and cons. For example, it is unlikely that a person will meet a lifelong master at the beginning. Maybe the master he recognized at the beginning is really the master. Adou, who cannot hold up a wall, makes no progress no matter how hard his slaves try, and he even keeps trying to find ways to extract value from these slaves and make them work for their lives...

At this time, if there are other powerful people who can't stand it and agree to accept their slaves and let them change their sects, then these slaves may be temporarily harmed by heaven, but they will soon be protected by the new powerful people. And with his help, I can make up for all the lost cultivation, and I can continue to make progress, and my life is much better than under the original powerful disciple.

In this sense, it is actually a very cost-effective thing for the Eighth Master to leave Fairy Cuixiang and join Li Yun's sect. Even if his cultivation level drops directly to that of Transformation God at the beginning, this is only temporary. Li Yun is nourished by the charm of Taoist Immortal and has the excellent environment of Universiade Palace. He can recover quickly. Moreover, Li Yun's conditions are much better than Fairy Cuixiang. Not to mention anything else, his reputation alone is better. Much more, because Fairy Cuixiang started her career in the human flesh business. Later, she continued to improve in this area, and she even directly cultivated to the point of being a loose immortal. She was able to establish her own power. However, the reputation of the human flesh business was not very good...

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