The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1164 There is chaos in the Zen realm

After enjoying Xiao Tian's Black Prison Forest Farm Banquet, everyone took a walk in the forest under his leadership, breathing in the unique air that was different from other places in the spirit world, and felt extremely refreshed.

Except for Li Yun, Wang Yi and Xiong Bing, the others are actually people from the spirit world, especially Fang Zijing, Ku Cheng, Le Fei, Kang Jian, Bian Qing and Bian He, who feel the atmosphere here , I feel a little excited!

Since they fell directly into the lower world in Jingtian Realm and returned to the spiritual world, these six people can be said to have experienced a cycle of life and death. Now that they have returned, they have put aside all their grudges and turned enemies into friends. At the same time, they have all invested in Thinking about being a disciple of the Universiade Palace and becoming a favored slave in the palace feels like a dream.

"Sir, we want to go back to Jingtian Realm to have a look..." Xiao Jing said respectfully.

"Okay! Be careful!" Li Yun agreed.

"Thank you, sir!"

"Haha, remember that through your own small space, you can sense the location of the Universiade Palace, and you can also send information, so you don't have to worry about losing contact!"

"Wow! This is really great!" Xiao Jing, Xiao Fei and others exclaimed.

Leaving the adults, they really had this worry in their hearts, but now it seems that this worry is a bit unnecessary.

"Well, in the future, you can also use the small space to connect with other people in the palace to play games, make online video calls, etc. No matter how far away you are from the Universiade Palace, you will not feel lonely!" Li Yun said with a smile.

Several people were a little excited, but also a little confused, and looked at each other.

Xiao Jing asked: "Sir, what is online gaming? Online video calling?"

Li Yun took out a jade slip and said with a smile: "This is an explanation about the Internet. As for the game, you will be able to sense it through the small space after it is launched, and it will be clear by then. Simply put, the small space is the great fortune Through an entrance to the palace game project, through your respective small spaces, you can connect to the game and entertainment project launched by the Universiade Palace. You can do many things on it. Of course, doing all of these requires money, so you need more Complete tasks and make more money, and then you can have more fun!”

"That's it! Don't worry, adults, even if there are no games, we will do more tasks and make more money!" Xiao Jing said suddenly.

"Okay! Don't do anything too risky here. If you can't, just hide in a small space and send me a message through it as soon as possible."

"Yes! Sir!"

Xiao Jing, Xiao Fei and others all responded, then turned and left with some reluctance...

It was the first time that Li Yun was separated from them. At this time, there was a trace of sadness in his heart. He stared blankly at their retreating figures, feeling a little melancholy.

Xiaoxiang and others felt the same and were silent.

After a long time, Li Yun came back to his senses and sighed: "Let's go. It's not a separation of life and death anyway. There will be many more such things in the future."

"Sir, if I were a slave, I wouldn't go to the heaven-respecting realm to show off my feelings!" Xiao Xiang snorted angrily.

"Haha, don't be so harsh! Now you are looking forward to going to the Thunder Dragon Realm. Comparing your feelings, they are also reluctant to leave their hometown, let alone someone who has died once! It is precisely with this in mind that I am so happy. Let them go."

"This...I wonder when you are going to the Thunder Dragon Realm?" Xiao Xiang asked quickly.

"There's no rush. I'll have to go to the Zen Domain for an appointment with Zen Master Zhida in a little while. Now, let's go visit the border city first..."

"Border city? Is it Fengyuan City?"

"There are more than a hundred border cities, and there is more than just Fengyuan City. However, they should be similar, right?" Li Yun asked Xiao Tiandao.

"Sir, it is indeed true! The construction and personnel composition of these border cities are similar to Fengyuan City, and Fengyuan City is one of the largest among the border cities." Xiao Tian nodded.

"What about the border between the Black Hell Forest and the Zen Domain?"

"That side is the naturally formed boundary. The city belongs to the Zen realm and has nothing to do with the Black Prison Forest. Since people in the Zen realm don't kill much, they mainly focus on defense to resist the harassment of low-level beasts."

"It seems that you have not had much contact with the Zen realm.

"Li Yun said.

"Your Majesty is right. Those bald donkeys in the Zen Domain are very aloof. They chant sutras and meditate all day long and ignore worldly affairs. They ask for alms whenever they see people. They are annoying to death! But..."

"But what?"

"Well, someone has contacted me recently and asked me to cooperate with them." Xiao Tian said.

"Cooperation?" Li Yunqi asked.

It is indeed a bit strange for people from the Zen realm to come to Xiao Tian for cooperation. Not to mention Li Yun and others, even Xiao Tian himself feels very strange.

"Yes, just a few days ago, a Lion Lord came to me and said that he wanted to cooperate with Xiao Nu. He put forward some conditions and asked Xiao Nu to help Zen Immortal Zhiqing deal with Zen Immortal Zhifeng. Xiao Nu thought about it , this matter involves Zen Immortal, how can Xiaonu and a little Tianzun be able to handle it? So he refused, and the two started fighting after they disagreed, causing Xiaonu to lose a tail feather, and that The guy was also torn open several times by the slave..."

Li Yun's face changed slightly when he heard this. He didn't expect that the battle between Zhiqing and Zhifeng would involve the surrounding Black Prison Forest. He didn't know what the situation was like at Chuanyun Temple in Nalanda Realm.

"Are you talking about the two-winged flying lion?" Li Yun asked.

"Hey, did the adults see it too?"

"I did see it. You two were fighting fiercely. The red-faced man has a very high level of cultivation. It seems that you are not his opponent, right?"

"This... Xiaonu's strength is indeed slightly inferior. However, I haven't used my housekeeping skills yet. Even if he is stronger, he cannot be saved under my native power." Xiao Tian was confident. Said Manman.

"Haha, no wonder that guy left immediately afterward!" Li Yun laughed.

"He knew that there would be no results if he kept fighting with me, so he left naturally. But before leaving, he told me that as long as I agreed to cooperate, the matter could be ignored."

"Oh? What kind of cooperation is it specifically?"

"He didn't explain it clearly. He just made a lot of conditions and asked me to follow Zen Immortal Zhiqing to do things. He also said that if I don't agree, when Zen Immortal Zhiqing comes over, I won't be able to escape from the Black Prison Forest, and I will definitely be killed by him. Subdue it. Xiaonu has been a little scared since that incident. He thought that if Immortal Zhiqing Chan really comes, he will be invincible, so what should he do?...Fortunately, the adults appeared in time to save Xiaonu. In water and fire!”

"I'm not here to save you, I just happened to be traveling here. However, it's a bit of a coincidence!"

"No matter what, I really don't want to devote myself to Zen. Thinking that they even have to take care of their food, drink, toilet, and sleep, how can I bear it?"

"Haha! Hahaha!!!"

Xiao Tian's words made everyone laugh.

Li Yun thought that this matter was really suspenseful. Maybe that guy Zhiqing would come and take Xiao Tian away sometime, and the Black Prison Forest would now fall under his sphere of influence.

It seemed that the battle between Zhiqing and Zhifeng had reached a fever pitch and began to spread to the periphery, and by taking Xiao Tian as his slave, he indirectly helped Zhifeng.

Calculating the time, more than a month has passed since the battle between Xiao Tian and the two-winged flying lion. I think Lai Zhiqing has already received the news. If he really wants to conquer Xiao Tian, ​​the time is almost over.

"Sir, let's dodge first! It's not appropriate for us to appear under Zhiqing's eyes now, otherwise he will definitely become suspicious." Xiaoxing suggested.

"That's right. Even if we want to help Zhifeng, it's best to do it in secret and don't let anyone know."

"That's right. Anyway, there are still more than four months before the agreement with Zhida. You can just focus on your own travels. Then Zhifeng and Zhida won't be able to endure these few months, right?" Xiaoxing said with a smile. .

"Of course! Thousands of years have passed, why do you care about these few months?"

Li Yun and Xiao Xing were chatting and laughing, and basically decided on the strategy of avoiding people first.

"Xiaotian, we'd better leave here first. You'd better enter the Universiade Palace to avoid being discovered by Zhiqing."

"Yes, sir!"

Everyone returned to the Universiade Palace, and Li Yun began to visit the border cities...

Not every city would be visited, because they were all similar, so Li Yun only went to the largest cities, and finally came to Fengyuan City.

Of course, the ones that impressed him most were Cuixiang Tower and Black Prison Hall, and the other ones were the big restaurants.

According to Xiao Tian, ​​the big restaurant is not the property of Fairy Cuixiang and him, but someone else. This person saw business opportunities in these border cities and built a big restaurant, and the business was extremely prosperous.

For Fairy Cuixiang and Xiao Tian, ​​although the starting point for their cooperation is their own interests, they cannot monopolize all the interests. They always have to let others get a share of the pie.

They have built a platform, and each has taken the biggest piece of the cake. The rest is left to a certain extent, and they just collect some money from the land sale or rent.

As for the boss behind the big restaurant, he is also quite mysterious. Even Xiao Tian and Fairy Cuixiang are not very clear about it. They only know that he is from the Tian Yao Divine Realm.

As far as Li Yun knows, the domain master of the Tianyao God Realm is Dunan, the cooking immortal of the Big Belly World. However, in addition to his powerful force, there are many other famous chefs in the Tianyao God Realm. Special skill.

If you look carefully at these big restaurants, they are all named after the cities where they are located. They are not the "big-bellied" restaurants of the Dunan series, but they are almost the same in terms of decoration, service, and dishes. Therefore, the boss behind them should be It's the same person, but not Dunant.

This person can keenly sense the business opportunities here and invest in building such a large-scale restaurant. He is indeed a talent, and Li Yun admires him very much.

In order to understand the cooking skills of the spiritual world, Li Yun stayed in most of these large restaurants for a period of time, tasted all the dishes, and also observed the chefs through the underground network, recording all the processes of making dishes. , quite rewarding.

And there was an unexpected gain, that is, from the secret conversations among the people inside the restaurant, they learned that their boss behind the scenes was a chef named "Bao Ding".

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