The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1154 Selling goods

Who is the boss behind the Black Prison Hall has always been a mystery to the outside world. Even those who were interviewed by him had their relevant memories erased afterwards. Therefore, almost no one knows the real answer.

Such a mysterious boss has of course triggered countless people's speculations, not only the guys in the Black Prison Hall, but also the hunting teams and various customers, and even people in the entire Fengyuan City. This topic has become a hot topic for everyone to talk about after dinner. Have fun doing it.

Lao Daozi was also imagining his boss in his mind. Who could he be?

Have you known him for a long time? Is it just hiding by his side but never revealing his true identity? Could it be a woman? Could it be in Cuixiang Tower? Even...the famous Fairy Cuixiang? !

Lao Daozi admires his own imagination. Not to mention, if the boss of Black Prison Hall is really Fairy Cuixiang, then many things can be explained.

For example, if you build Fengyuan City next to the extremely dangerous Black Prison Forest and carry out acquisition business, you are not afraid of retaliation and harassment by the beasts in the forest, and the defense in the city is not particularly powerful; this time, a The special promotion for purchasing Black Wind Mink is obviously to form a music and dance team to perform a dance for Fairy Cuixiang on her birthday; every time after meeting people in the hall, the relevant memories must be erased. If there is no special reason for this kind of thing, , it seems that only women can do it, they are shy...

Lao Daozi is already looking forward to meeting the boss behind the scenes!

When I was thinking long and hard, I suddenly saw the old monk from the first floor running up in a hurry again, shouting: "Master! Chief! It's not good! There is a commotion at the door!"

Lao Daozi was startled and snorted: "It's none of our business to make trouble at the door?! Just ask someone to drive them away!"

"No! Someone wants to come in to sell goods, but didn't you just say you can only go out but not in? The people at the door can't stop them!"

"You're here to sell goods? What goods are you selling?"

"Black Wind Mink!"

"What?! You...don't make sense?! Why don't you let people in quickly?!"

Lao Daozi jumped up from his leather chair and hurried downstairs.

There has been no goods for so many days. Finally, someone comes to sell goods, and it is black wind mink fur. How can you turn them away?

The old knife wanted to give the old monk a good beating on his broken head.

He quickly came to the door and saw that Guan Jiu's team was surrounding him, arguing with the waiter at the door.

"Didn't you say that the acquisition of Heifeng Mink is valid for three years? Why are you regretting it now after only ten days?!" Guan Jiu yelled angrily.

"You guys go back and come back tomorrow. The boss said, today we can only go out but not come in!"

"Impossible! If you don't buy it today, we won't leave!"

"Why are you arguing? This is the Black Prison Hall, not a place for you to run wild!!!"

"What's wrong with the Black Prison Hall? You're just a businessman. Do you want to do tyrannical business?!"

"You, a small Yin-Yang realm, dare to be rude to our Black Prison Hall, be careful to cut off your own financial path!!!"


Guan Jiu became angry, her face turned extremely red, and she wanted to step forward to take action, but was stopped by Lu Xun and others.

There will be no good results if you want to go against the Black Prison Hall. A good man will not suffer the immediate consequences. The most realistic thing is that the strength of the bearded man standing at the door is obviously higher. Judging from the realm, he should be in the out-of-body realm, at least the peak of Yin and Yang realm. Absolutely. It's not something people like me can fight against.

"Brother Shan, let them in! Those who come to sell goods can come in!" Lao Daozi said loudly.

The bearded man's name was Shan Changfu. When he heard what Lao Daozi said, he felt a little angry. You were the one who stopped people, and you were the one who let people in. You were the one who made the red face. Didn't you become the bad face for nothing?

However, Lao Daozi had just gained power recently, and Shan Changfu didn't want to offend him, so he snorted angrily and turned around to leave.

Lao Daozi sneered, knowing that he had offended Shan Changfu today. This was not the result he wanted. He could kill himself with one finger and couldn't afford to offend him.

It's just that today's situation is special and I can't help it. I ignore it for now and quickly call Guan Jiu and others to come in.

The dispute at the door has long attracted the attention of countless people. Those who were waiting for news were almost shocked when they saw that someone was selling black wind mink skins!

People like me are doing nothing here, and they even fight back the Black Wind Mink. What is going on? This is a bit evil!

Everyone immediately gathered around and saw Guan Jiu proudly taking out five black wind mink skins. They were in excellent condition and almost undamaged. They could all be sold as top-grade fourth-grade goods.

Lao Daozi had a keen eye and quickly determined the purchase price with Guan Jiu. One piece was worth ten top-grade spiritual stones, and five pieces was worth fifty top-grade spiritual stones. He successfully accepted the goods and felt slightly relaxed.

It would be great to have the first batch!

Although the number of this batch is small, it is a signal that the forest has quieted down and it is time to hunt. You people should not wait here blindly!

Sure enough, after some communication with Guan Jiu and others, the teams waiting in the hall left the Black Prison Hall one after another and began to prepare for hunting in the woods.

The problem was solved, and Lao Daozi was extremely grateful to Guan Jiu and others!

He ordered the waiter to bring each of them a cup of spiritual tea, and then asked carefully about the situation in the forest.

Seeing that there was no one around, Guan Jiu leaned close to Lao Daozi's ear and said, "Sir, I still have a lot of black wind mink skins to sell, but I can't let anyone see them to avoid risks."

When Lao Daozi heard this, his heart brightened, and he quickly called Guan Jiu to the second floor, where he entered the protective formation to trade, and soon purchased nearly 180 black wind mink skins!

"Wow! I've made it! I've made it big!!"

Guan Jiu screamed excitedly in her heart, feeling her heart beating violently. She took out fifteen top-quality spiritual stones and stuffed them into Lao Daozi's hand, and said: "Master, please accept this little thought!"

"Haha, my wise nephew is quite capable!"

Lao Daozi was not polite and immediately pocketed it. This was the hush money he deserved. If Guan Jiu didn't even mean this, he might leak the news at some point.

"It should! It should!"

With a huge amount of money in his arms, Guan Jiu carefully went downstairs, met up with Lu Xun and others, walked around the Black Prison Hall, purchased some small items, and then left quietly.

"Captain, is it time to celebrate?" Lu Xun said with a smile.

"Haha, go to Fengyuan Restaurant for a drink!" Guan Jiu laughed.

The group of people arrived at Fengyuan Restaurant and entered a private room. Protected by a miniature formation, they could finally relax.

Soon, the table was filled with sumptuous food and wine, and people were feasting and laughing.

Harvest is gained with life, and of course the lost vitality must be replenished, and these food and wine are the best tonics.

People who hunt in the jungle are always optimistic. Life is exciting because of adventure and happy because of harvest. This road is difficult and dangerous, but it is also exciting, powerful and happy!

Although Yin Sheng was not here, everyone knew that he had been rescued by Liu Feng, so they were not too worried.

Guan Jiu distributed the spirit stones according to everyone's performance in this hunting operation. It was of course impossible to be completely fair, but the captain's authority was reflected at this time. Everyone believed that the captain's distribution plan was the fairest, so , everyone will put away their assigned spiritual stones, there will be no complaints, only happiness and sweetness.

Yin Sheng's share was the largest, but Guan Jiu took it away first and sighed: "I wonder how brother Yin is doing now? Where is Liu Feng?"

Everyone fell silent for a moment. Regarding Yin Sheng, everyone had only two words in their hearts: "Thank you!"

If he hadn't tried his best to lure away the Black Wind Wolf, maybe everyone here would have been buried in the wolf's belly.

However, everyone had vague doubts about Liu Feng rescuing Yin Sheng. How could a little golden elixir be able to deal with the Black Wind Wolf?

Even if everyone later suspected that Liu Feng's elders had done this, could they still deal with those vicious black wind wolves?

When everyone was worried and silent, Guan Jiu noticed that Lu Xun's expression was extremely calm, and even had a faint smile. She couldn't help but wonder: "Brother Lu, are you not worried at all?"

"Haha, of course I'm not worried!" Lu Xun picked up a glass of wine and drank it in one gulp.

"Oh? Could it be..." Guan Jiu stared at Lu Xun suspiciously.

Lu Xun savored the aroma of the wine, exhaled the smell of wine, touched his fat cheeks, touched the wisp of black hair under his chin, and touched his slightly protruding belly, looking like he was full of wine and food. Satisfied appearance.

"Brother Lu... if you have anything to say, please tell me! Don't hang on to the tiger's tail!" Guan Jiu couldn't stand it anymore and said loudly.

Everyone was also staring at Lu Xun closely. From the looks of it, this boy must have a secret.

"Don't be anxious, just listen to me slowly."

"We are all so anxious, why do you still say it slowly?!" Xiaoyu spat.

"That's right!" Wei Rong, Tang Jing and others agreed.

"Okay, okay! Brother Yin, of course he was saved by Liu Feng, and Liu Feng is now on his way to the palace of the boss in the forest..." Lu Xun said in shock.

"What?!" Guan Jiu and others exclaimed.

"Liu Feng is looking for the boss in the forest? Isn't that looking for death?" Xiaoyu asked anxiously.

"Don't worry! He was invited by the boss in the forest!" Lu Xun said.

"Isn't this possible?"

"How can this be?!"

"How did you find out?!"

Everyone said something to each other, leaving Lu Xun in a daze.

"Forget it, this letter was sent by my friend Kuang Zheng. It talks about too many things and involves some secrets, but we are all friends. I believe you won't talk nonsense. Just read it for yourself."

Lu Xun took out a letter of talisman and placed it on the table.

Guan Jiu looked at the letter talisman, then looked at Lu Xun's bird-like appearance, and snorted: "Just look at it, am I still afraid of you?!"

He picked up the letter talisman and felt it, and soon his face changed slightly, and his heart was surging. After a while, he silently put down the letter talisman without saying a word.

"What's going on?" Xiaoyu grabbed it and started to look at it.

After a while, Guan Jiu's reaction was similar, his eyes seemed to be red...

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