The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1141 Mink Hunting

At dusk, the Black Prison Forest is like a black mountain range, lying between the Cuixiang Divine Realm and the Zen Realm, announcing its existence.

In the edge area, the trees are not too dense, and the moonlight is falling down bit by bit, like pearls falling from the sky, which is lovely.

The deeper you go, the dimmer the light becomes. However, it is not completely dark in the forest. Some plants and trees can emit light on their own, exuding temptation!

There are also some stones that are sparkling, adding a touch of mystery to the forest.

Li Yun studied carefully and found that the purpose of most vegetation emitting light is to attract insects. When the insects are attracted by them, they will fall into the traps created by the vegetation and die!

Some of these traps are a small puddle, some are a prickly leaf, some are a poisonous vine or sap, and some are a deadly electric current... Danger is everywhere, even in the smallest area. The weak eat the strong, and the winner survives, which is extremely emotional.

As for those luminous stones, they actually emit luminous light after absorbing sunlight during the day, moonlight at night, or absorbing geothermal heat. However, not all luminous stones are treasures. Without this heat, they would It won't shine.

With the deepening of research, Li Yun has begun to adapt to this forest. His spiritual consciousness gradually spreads, covering an increasingly larger area and speeding up...

In the forest, there are not dense forests everywhere. In some places, there are pools and even large lakes. On some rocky mountains, the trees are extremely sparse and appear bare.

At this time, in a swampy area on the edge of a large lake, a black shadow was seen flying from a distance like lightning. With a "swish", it got into a hole and disappeared.

After a while, this black shadow appeared in an underground cave and transformed into a dark-looking woman.

"Huh? It's Xiaoxiang who's back!" A woman in the cave shouted in surprise.

"Xiao Zhu, it's me. Where is the mistress?" Xiao Xiang nodded.

"It's inside! How's it going? How's your inquiring?"

"Well, I have some news."

"Good news or bad news?"

"There are joys and sorrows."

"Then go in quickly, the mistress is waiting impatiently!"


Xiaoxiang responded, quickly walked into the cave, and said softly: "Mother, I'm back!"

The cave is very large, and the decoration is extremely luxurious. The sparkling light makes Xiaoxiang's pretty face blush, which is very moving.

At this time, a woman in colorful clothes was pacing back and forth, her eyebrows slightly furrowed and her face full of sadness.

Hearing Xiaoxiang's voice, he said in surprise: "Xiaoxiang, no one has discovered it, right?"

"No! I'm careful!"

"Okay! Did you get any news?" the woman in gorgeous clothes asked anxiously.

"Mother, the mission issued by the Black Prison Hall this time is for our Black Wind Marten clan. It is valid for three years and the reward is extremely heavy. I am afraid that many humans will be tempted, and I am afraid that we will not be able to stay here." Xiaoxiang lamented. road.

"What?! Is this really true?! Damn it! Damn it!!!" the woman in gorgeous clothes screamed.

"I secretly inquired and got a message that this mission was because a big benefactor spent money and asked the Black Prison Hall to help him acquire it. This person should be a big shot in the Cuixiang Divine Realm. It is said that he wants to organize a music and dance team. Let’s perform a dance for Fairy Cuixiang’s birthday party in three years’ time!” Xiaoxiang said.

"Isn't that reasonable?! Let's just dance. It's really hateful that we, the Black Wind Mink Clan, must be used as backers!"

"Mother, I am a swordsman and I am a fish. Now is not the time to get angry. I'm afraid those human hunting teams are coming. We'd better pack up and run away." Xiaoxiang reminded.

"This... what you said makes sense! Oh my God, I don't know if it was too late. If I had known, I would have asked the tribe to prepare first..." The woman in gorgeous clothes suddenly understood and said anxiously.

"Hehe, don't worry, mistress, it should still be in time! Wasn't there a fierce fight in Black Rock Ridge before? I heard that the boss in the forest was fighting with another powerful man.

After the human race learned about it, they were all worried about drastic changes in the forest. Now they are hiding in Fengyuan City and dare not come out. They don't know how long it will take before they dare to catch us! "Xiaoxiang smiled.

"Really?! That's great!" The woman in gorgeous clothes turned her worries into joy.

"It's absolutely true! I didn't even see a single person all the way here. It went very smoothly."

"Okay! However, we still need to hurry up. You and Xiaozhu quickly let the clan members clean up and move as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Mistress!"

Xiaoxiang responded, turned around and retreated, then called Xiaozhu at the door, and the two of them walked out.

The woman in gorgeous clothes looked a little gloomy and shouted fiercely: "Human race... Fairy Cuixiang... I'm going to kill you!!!"

However, she suddenly thought that this possibility was too small. She shivered and quickly packed up the treasures in the cave and put them into the spiritual ring one by one.

As a spiritual beast, the bloodline of the Black Wind Marten is much stronger than that of the ordinary Demon Marten, and its combat power at the same level is definitely better than that of the Demon Marten. However, the fur that is much better than that of the Demon Marten also makes them suffer a lot, and they often become The human race is the target of hunting, so their life is not as good as that of the demon mink.

The woman in gorgeous clothes is the mistress of the Black Wind Marten in this nest. Her branch is the weakest in the Black Prison Forest. She often has to move to avoid other natural enemies and human beings. It was thought that this place had to be moved less than ten years after it was built. When she left, she felt extremely sad.

"Mistress! Mistress!! It's not good!!!" A little maid broke in, panicking.

The woman was startled and asked quickly: "What's going on?!"

"We just counted the number of people and found that there are twenty-three people missing!" the maid said.

"What?! Where have they gone?! Recruit them quickly, we are moving away!" the woman screamed.

" seems they have all been captured by the human race!"

"Ah?! Impossible! Just now Xiaoxiang said that the humans are all in Fengyuan City now and have not come out to capture us!" the woman said in surprise.

"It was... someone who was in the same lair as them said it. Everyone else had escaped back, but they were all captured!"

"Oh my God! Quick, call the rest of the people immediately and run away with me!"

The woman screamed, not caring about packing up the treasure anymore, and immediately took her maid with her and rushed out of the cave. Unexpectedly, just a few steps out of the cave, she was dizzy by the aroma blown by the wind. Her head was confused for a while, and soon... Falling softly...


A burst of triumphant laughter came from the entrance of the cave, and several figures flashed out. It was Guan Jiu, Wei Rong, Tang Jing, Lu Xun and Yin Sheng.

Several people held many storage bags in their hands, which looked bulging.

Looking at this unconscious woman in gorgeous clothes, everyone couldn't help but have a cruel smile on their face... Surviving on the edge of this forest is so cruel. Either you die or I live. Everyone has the possibility to become a hunter, and everyone has the possibility of becoming a hunter. May become prey.

Maybe you are the one laughing now, but next time it will be your prey.

Attacking in advance this time, Guan Jiu and the others had enough time to arrange various capture methods. As early as when Black Wind Marten's spy Xiaoxiang came back, they had already arranged it and deliberately let Xiaoxiang go back. , the purpose is to let them gather on their own so that they can be caught in one fell swoop!

You must know that although the black wind marten is not strong in combat, it is extremely cunning. It can be said that the cunning mink has three burrows. Once frightened, it often cannot hide and it is difficult to capture in large numbers.

And now, the result is just as the planner Lu Xun expected, a complete victory!

It can be said that this operation is the most brilliant achievement of Guan Jiu's team in so many years. After all, no resources or combat power have been lost, but the gains are huge, because the Black Wind Marten is now much more valuable than before, and it is more valuable than before. It would be more cost-effective to hunt those dangerous high-level beasts.

"Captain, we have captured almost all the Black Wind Ferrets in this nest. What should we do with them?" Lu Xun asked with a smile.

"We should still follow the previous method, catch the big ones and release the small ones, and don't catch all the swamps!" Guan Jiu said.


Lu Xun quickly followed Guan Jiu's words and put all the young minks back, leaving only some adult minks as trophies.

"Captain, there's a situation!" Tang Jing, the spectator, said suddenly.


"There seems to be a hunting team approaching thirty miles to the southwest, and a group of black wind wolves fifty miles to the north..."

"Hidden immediately!" Guan Jiu's face changed slightly and he shouted in a deep voice.


The few people left quickly, met up with Xiaoyu and other team members, and found a secret corner to hide. Guan Jiu was not at ease, so he added a hidden formation purchased from Fengyuan City. Everyone held their breath. Keep an eye on this land of lakes and swamps...

For the human hunting team, it is relatively safe in Fengyuan City, but when they come to the Black Prison Forest, they will face dangers not only from wild beasts, but also from other hunting teams. Everyone knows this, because Such incidents of cannibalism and adding insult to injury have long been common. Sometimes, the threat from other hunting teams is far greater than that of wild beasts. This seems sad, but it is reality!

"It's strange. I wonder which hunting team came here before us? The aura of the Black Wind Marten here is extremely weak. Could it be that they all captured it?!"

Ono, the observer in the Jinfeng team, lay on the ground to observe the situation for a long time, and finally said suspiciously.

Jin Feng, Kuang Zheng, Lu Bin and others looked at each other, a little shocked. They didn't expect that someone was thinking ahead of him, and it seemed that they had succeeded.

Kuang Zheng pondered for a moment and said: "It may not be that there are other hunting teams, it is also possible that the black wind ferrets here heard the news and moved ahead of time!"

Jin Feng nodded and said: "Yes, both possibilities exist. But should we continue to trace the whereabouts of this Black Wind Marten tribe, or should we move to other lairs?"

"I don't quite believe that someone is taking action in front of us. Why don't we go there and investigate carefully, maybe there will be some unexpected gains." Kuang Zheng said with some reluctance.

"Not good!!!" Ono suddenly shouted.

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