The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1111 Core Space (2)

Xiaoxing immediately took action and slowly unfolded the three-dimensional map into a flat surface. Sure enough, the distorted map turned into a large chess game with 499 ways, and the spiritual mist at the center also revealed its true appearance. Showing a charming golden color.

"That's it!"

Li Yun immediately controlled Tianyun and moved forward quickly. It didn't take long before he arrived at the periphery of the golden spiritual mist.

I saw the mist here, the golden light shining, like a vast sea of ​​golden fog, so magnificent that it makes people mesmerizing!

In terms of scale, this piece of golden spiritual mist is no different from other spiritual mist groups, and is even smaller. If Li Yun and Xiaoxing hadn't worked together, it would not have been possible to judge it so easily.

However, although the main formation eye has been found now, how to crack it is still a problem. Moreover, once someone cracks this formation, then the world protected by this formation will definitely find something. What will be the result then? It is difficult to predict.

Li Yun thought for a while and felt that with Tianyun and Xiaokong here, even if the life inside was discovered, there was no need to worry, because Tianyun and this world were not in the same dimension, but in a higher dimension. Flying, the other party is unlikely to detect you.

"It seems that we should crack it first before talking about it."

Li Yun stared at this golden spiritual mist, his thoughts racing.

"Sir, if you want to crack the main formation eye of this spirit mist formation, you can use strange fire to suppress it!" Xiaoxing suggested.

His proposal is of course very feasible. Among the five elements, fire defeats metal, and the strange fire possessed by Li Yun is extremely powerful. It will not be a problem to defeat this huge golden spirit mist.

"Although... alien fire restraint is feasible, such a forced cracking method is not the best option. Firstly, the movement is loud and easy to be discovered. Secondly, it will cause greater damage to the space here. Thirdly..." Li Yun said thoughtfully.

"Sir, do you have any more questions?"

"Since this is the main formation eye, once it is attacked, other small formation eyes will definitely try their best to rescue it. The situation will be very chaotic and not conducive for us to crack it. For us, we only need to let this If there is a slight flaw, Tianyun can get in without having to completely crack it."

"What you say makes sense! In this case, why don't you try to use the method of channeling to quietly absorb the golden spirit mist here..."

"Not bad! This is indeed more secretive than using strange fire..." Li Yun praised.

He reached out with his spiritual consciousness, felt the spiritual mist, and found that the metallic spiritual energy in it was extremely concentrated and of extremely high quality. If he could absorb it, it would undoubtedly be of benefit to him.

After trying to absorb it for a while, I found that these spiritual mist seemed to be drifting, but they seemed to be affected by some force. It was quite difficult to absorb them and use them for my own use.

Moreover, such high-concentration and high-quality spiritual energy is extremely stressful. If an ordinary cultivator is exposed to such spiritual mist, the pressure he or she will experience may not be able to withstand it due to his or her body and spiritual veins.

If you are not a person who is accomplished in body training and has a very high level of cultivation, you will simply not be able to withstand such spiritual mist.

It can be said that the pressure of the spiritual mist in this space has exceeded the endurance range of the most powerful god-forming power in this world, and it is also protected by the grand chess game formation, so there is no need to worry about anyone coming here to steal the spiritual mist.

However, to Li Yun, such pressure is nothing more than trivial matter. In Tianyun, there are spiritual pressures dozens of times more powerful than it, and he spends almost every day under such pressure.

With a "swipe", Tianyun was controlled to enter the golden spiritual mist. With a thought, the golden spiritual energy in the spiritual mist flowed into Tianyun like the Yangtze River...

The scope of this spiritual mist is so huge and wide that it is almost equivalent to an ocean. Being absorbed by Li Yun seems like a drop in the bucket and will not be affected at all.

But Li Yun naturally knew that if absorbed like this for a long time, it would be very impressive, so while absorbing it, he observed the reaction of this formation.

At first, there was no change at all. The spiritual mist rolled and rolled, seemingly endlessly and continuously...

"Hehe, sir, these spiritual mists are simply a great supplement. If we stay here,

After absorbing every spiritual mist, I am afraid that Tianyun World will be upgraded again! "Xiao Xing said happily.

"What a wonderful idea you have! I'm afraid if I continue to suck it like this, the formation will react soon!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"Sir, why don't we pause the action here first and go to other places to absorb the spiritual mist, so that we can absorb more spiritual mist before the formation reacts!" Xiaoxing said.

"You?! Why are you even more obsessed with money now?! Our time is limited, and the three-year appointment with Zhida will soon come up. We are just here to take a look first, so that we can have a good idea. We are not here to rob. …”

"This... Your Majesty is right! I just saw so many treasures here, and I was very moved. Hehe..."

"Okay! Sure enough, there is a reaction here. There seems to be a vortex in the center of the spiritual mist... Could it be a passage?!"

Li Yun's power of consciousness was now extremely powerful, and he quickly locked onto the abnormal movement of the eye of the formation. He was about to control Tianyun to rush in, when he suddenly stopped and concentrated on sensing, with a strange look on his face.

"Xiaoxing, someone comes out!"

"Hazy, how could this happen?!" Xiaoxing was a little confused.

I didn't expect that there was actually someone here. It seemed that they noticed something strange in the formation eye and came out to check it out.

After a while, with a "swipe", a figure emerged from the whirlpool. I saw that this person had a ruddy face, hair like clouds, a slight mustache and a long beard. His eyes were like lightning, and he was very slender. He looked like a A middle-aged man in his forties with a unique face, wearing a white robe, black boots, and holding a feather fan...

"Eh? What's going on? Something's wrong with my eyes today..." The middle-aged man murmured, looking around.

Seeing this man checking the formation, Li Yun also observed him carefully and found that although he was in human form, he was probably not a human race. He was somewhat different from the known races in this world. It could be said that he belonged to a new race. .

However, it is a bit surprising to see his cultivation level. He has reached the middle stage of Yin-Yang Realm. If he goes to the surface world, he will definitely be invincible in the world...

The appearance of such a character is not surprising to Li Yun, because he has the ability to set up such a large chess game formation, but it would be a bit abnormal for a character without such cultivation.

He had stopped absorbing the spirit mist long ago, so the middle-aged man naturally couldn't find anything. After a while, he returned along the passage he just came out of, and Li Yun naturally followed him and slipped in.

There is actually another world behind the spiritual mist, and a palace appears. If you look carefully, you can see that this palace is floating in the sky. It is very large. There are many middle-aged people inside, who are obviously warriors of this clan.

This man quickly entered the palace, and the soldiers along the way saluted him respectfully. It was obvious that he was a general here.

Li Yun also followed him in and saw a few general-looking people in the palace. When he saw the middle-aged man coming in, one of the pink-robed fairies asked: "Duonu, what did you find?"

"Strange, nothing unusual!" Donu said.

"Impossible! There was abnormal disturbance in the spiritual mist in the formation eye just now, otherwise, this sensor bead would not have warned!" the pink-robed fairy said curiously.

"Well, there is indeed something strange in the spiritual mist. However, I checked carefully just now and there is no sign of any foreign invasion. It should be related to the formation changing on its own." Donu said.

"No, no!" another general interrupted.

"Long Ke, what did you find?" the pink-robed fairy asked urgently.

"The sensor bead shows that the amount of peripheral spiritual mist has decreased by about one ten thousandth out of thin air!" Long Ke said.

"What?!" Several people screamed.

Unexpectedly, the small disturbance just now caused the loss of one ten thousandth of Jin Lingwu. Is this still a big deal?

These spiritual mists are extremely useful. They can not only conceal, confuse, and warn, but also have many other wonderful uses in the operation of formations. They exert great power in actual combat. However, if they are lost in vain, there will not be even a trace of the enemy. If you can't find it, the problem is huge!

"Long Ke, immediately notify other halls to strengthen their vigilance and search for possible intruders!" the pink-robed fairy ordered.

"Yes! Lord Minzun!" Long Ke responded, turned and left.

"Duonu, lead the team of soldiers guarding the spirits to search carefully again. The intruder has already succeeded once, and it is very likely that he will attack again. If found, we must capture it!"

"Yes! Lord Minzun!" Duonu responded loudly, and soon led a group of tribesmen warriors to rush out of the hall and search outside.

The pink-robed fairy, known as Lord Minzun, watched them leave with a rather serious look on his face, and said to the others: "The Turing Tribe is evil-minded and has been coveting the spirit mist of our Earth Spirit Tribe for a long time, and they also want to invade. In our earthly and spiritual world, everyone must be more vigilant and not relax at all!"

"Yes! Lord Minzun!"

Everyone quickly dispersed and took their places, all on alert...

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart. His small move actually made this Earthling tribe feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

However, the pink-robed fairy's words just now were quite nutritious, and Li Yun's understanding of the core space skyrocketed!

It seems that this core space is called the "Earth Spirit World", and the people living here are the Earth Spirit Tribe.

But there seems to be another race, called the Turing Tribe, which is a sworn enemy of the Earth Spirit Tribe. They often come to steal the Earth Spirit Tribe’s spiritual mist, and even want to invade the Earth Spirit World.

It can be seen that the main defense of the 499-way grand chess formation on the outside is the Turing clan.

"Xiaoxing, it seems that there should be a place in this core space that we have not been to. Otherwise, where would the Turing tribe live?" Li Yun thought.

"Yes. In order to explore this formation, we just passed through places where there is spiritual mist. And the places on the outside where there is no spiritual mist are probably the territory of the Turing tribe." Xiaoxing agreed.

"Haha, it seems that the Turing Tribe occupies the golden treasure land in the core space and protects it with formations. No wonder the Turing Tribe is unwilling to accept it and naturally wants to get a share of the pie."

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