The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1103: Zen Confrontation on the Lotus Platform (1)

Zhida seemed to be wrapped in spiritual light, looking extremely holy. He spoke slowly: "I have a bright pearl, which has been locked up by dust for a long time..."

Li Yun continued: "Today, when all the dust is gone, light shines through thousands of mountains and rivers..."

The two seemed to be singing, but they connected perfectly. As the words of greeting came out, a small sun slowly rose here. Under the sunlight, the rivers and mountains were magnificent, the sky was full of colorful clouds, and the lotus platform shone in the light. , everyone seems to be bathing in a Zen wonderland, and their mood is extremely peaceful...

Zhida's expression changed, he pondered for a moment, and said: "All love encounters are impermanent and rare; there are many fears in this life, and one's life is endangered by the morning dew..."

Li Yun continued: "From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear..."

Such a Zen dialogue is like asking and answering questions, and it is also like solving a problem. Both of them are referring to the vast world and the constant cycle of the universe. When they chant the dialogue, the sound of the great road seems to be faintly heard, and everyone who is listening is deafened. It seemed that he suddenly woke up in an instant, like an enlightenment, and his whole state was much improved than before. Looking at the two people facing Zen on the lotus platform, their faces couldn't help but have a look of great admiration, and they listened more intently...

Zhida nodded slightly, and then said: "You bear my life, and I will repay your debt. Due to this reason, through hundreds of thousands of kalpas, it will always be in life and death..."

Li Yun then said: "You love my heart, and I pity your color. Because of this cause and condition, after hundreds of thousands of kalpas, it will always be entangled..."

The two of them spoke in harmony, and in this Zen realm, it seemed that countless human tribulations were being performed. You sang and I appeared on the stage. The king's flag changed on the city wall, life and death, love and hatred, the richness and cruelty of the tribulations. Everyone was stunned to see it, unable to see it all. They were all involuntarily immersed in this boundless Zen state, and even almost became one of the protagonists.

Fortunately, these people are all powerful and can still control themselves under such power. They quickly tightened their minds and protected their brains tightly, allowing only their ears to listen...

Zhida's spiritual light flashed slightly and he asked: "Who was I before I was born? Who was I when I was born?"

Li Yun thought for a while and then continued: "There is no life, no death, no self and no other. All life and death are like bubbles in dreams, like dew and lightning, and we should view them like this..."

This pair of Zen questions can be said to be an extremely classic Zen question. Many Zen masters have been immersed in such questions throughout their lives and cannot extricate themselves. In the end, they can only hold grudges and die.

However, when faced with such a difficult problem, Li Yun was dealt with it in an understatement. The Zen state contained in it can be difficult to fully comprehend even after a lifetime of study.

Zhida's expression was slightly shaken, and his spiritual light flashed across his body. He was silent for a while, and then said: "The day has passed, and my life has also been shortened. I am like a fish in water, so what fun is there?"

Zhida's problem makes people sad, because life is constantly heading towards death from the time you are born. Every day that passes, your life span will be reduced by one day. If there is no fun, it is simply better not to come to this world.

When many people hear Zhida's words, they feel infinite sadness in their hearts. They feel that life is too short and have too little fun, and their mood inevitably becomes depressed.

However, Li Yun would naturally not be affected by it, and continued: "The impermanence of all actions is the law of birth and death. The birth and death has ceased, and silence is the joy."

His answer is absolutely shocking. From a popular point of view, people should not think too much about the growth and development of life. The operation of heaven has its own rules, so why bother endlessly? Look at it, it's better to break the jar and smash it, you can live a good life and take pleasure in being destroyed. When heaven wants to destroy you, it will be useless no matter how much you struggle, but... everything in this world has buts, What happens after Nirvana? Maybe you are completely destroyed, maybe you are reborn in Nirvana, and you are still uncertain about getting a better version of yourself.

In fact, this view is more like the best explanation for cultivators to achieve the state of nirvana. If a person does not have the courage to destroy himself and reshape his body, how can he be reborn from the ashes? !

Many Phoenix elites present were above Phoenix King in cultivation. They understood Li Yun's words more deeply because they had all experienced Phoenix Nirvana and experienced nine deaths in the process of destruction and rebirth.

Only then did he finally become a noble Phoenix King and a better version of himself.

These people looked at Li Yun and felt from the bottom of their hearts that Li Yun simply spoke what was in their hearts...

As the meditation continued, Zhida's state continued to improve, and he said: "How can a person experience pain when he comes to this world?"

It means that when people come to this world, why do they have to experience all kinds of pain?

You know, almost no one comes into this world with a smile, but falls to the ground, which means that since his birth, another person has come to the world to endure hardships.

This kind of question is also a big topic that many people think about. Likewise, it is also something that countless Zen masters cannot answer accurately. When everyone heard it, they immediately looked at Li Yun to see how he would deal with it this time.

Li Yun's expression did not change and he continued: "Life in this world is like being surrounded by thorns. If the heart is not moved, people will not move rashly. If they don't move, they will not be hurt. If the heart is moved, people will move rashly, which will hurt their bodies and bones. Therefore, they have experienced all kinds of pain in the world. …”


Everyone couldn't help but fall into deep thinking. According to Li Yun, life is divided into the human heart and the human body. Is the human heart dominating life or the human body dominates life? His point of view is of course the human heart. You will experience all kinds of pain and be scarred.

Therefore, cultivating the mind is more important than cultivating the body. The heart is the main one, the body is the assistant, and the body follows the heart. Only then can we avoid the thorns and all kinds of difficulties and obstacles on the road of life, and go further and further until we reach the other end of the road. !


Everyone applauded Li Yun's answer and gained a deeper understanding of the meaning of life...

Even the Zen state seemed to be inspired by it, interpreting a bright avenue in the sky, going around like a white light belt, going around...

Zhida looked at the light strip in the sky and was stunned for a while, then said: "How can people indulge in love and desire in this world?"

This question is opposite to the previous one. It is also a big question in life. There is no specific answer. It can be said that everyone will have their own understanding and experience of this.

Of course, what Zen practitioners want is concrete answers, and many of them even pursue this throughout their lives...

Li Yun replied: "Man is the spirit of heaven and earth. Heaven and earth have great love without saying a word. Heaven and earth have love, and people also have love. People who love lust are like holding torches, walking against the wind, and they will surely burn their hands. Love A person of desire lives and dies alone, goes and comes alone, takes his own joys and sorrows, and has no replacement..."

What he means is that everyone has desires and desires, which is natural.

Love makes people intoxicated, but people who indulge in love are also very dangerous, just like a person holding a candle and walking against the wind. In this case, the flame will inevitably burn his own hand, and this But only you have to bear the consequences.

Love can make people live, and love can also make people die. Therefore, regardless of loving or being loved, people who fall in love need to be careful and cherish each other, otherwise, disaster is not far away...

The Zen state was also in violent turmoil at this time, interpreting countless love stories in the world. Some can be sweet for a lifetime, but some have problems after the beginning or in the middle. All kinds of love stories, love sorrows, and love stories. Li... is simply overwhelming and shocking!

Among these stories, there are so few stories that can finally achieve perfect love, so that people are deeply in awe of the river of love!

Everyone was no longer calm, their hearts were shaking wildly, their emotions were so deep that some could not help but shed tears...

Zhida was deeply silent for a while, and his aura became even brighter, and he loudly said: "Where is the self-nature?! When is the self-nature?! Where is the self-nature?! When is the self-nature?! When is the self-nature?" !”

This is the lion's roar of Zen. Zhida must use the power of Zen at this time to get rid of the deep fear brought to him by the river of love and restore his mind.

It can be seen that Li Yun's Zen power has surpassed him, making him almost sink into the questions he raised and unable to extricate himself!

Li Yun smiled secretly in his heart and replied: "It is inherently pure, it is not born or destroyed, it is self-sufficient, it is unshakable, it can give birth to all things..."

This question tests human nature. In the past, there have been many debates about human nature. Some think that human nature is evil, some think that human nature is good, and some think that it is somewhere in between. Between them, in short, they can list countless reasons to prove their point of view.

For example, a newborn child knows how to use crying to attract the attention of its parents and get what it needs, regardless of whether the parents are tired or poor at the time. This seems to be proof of the inherent evil in nature.

For another example, many children lie to get more benefits or to get rid of the blame of their parents and teachers. This behavior is definitely not taught to them by others, but an ability they develop themselves.

Of course, there are some children who are pure in nature, well-behaved and cute, but in general, the number of such children is very small. Therefore, many people tend to believe that human nature is inherently evil.

However, this view is contrary to people's good expectations, and it is certain that it will be opposed by everyone.

However, Li Yun very cleverly avoided this highly controversial issue, but approached it from another angle. In terms of the importance of nature, as long as the nature is pure, one is not afraid of birth and death, is self-sufficient, and will not Shake, and on this basis, endless possibilities can naturally be derived...

When Zhida heard this, his face changed slightly, and he looked quite shocked. He kept turning the Zen beads. After a while, the light on his body became stronger. Apparently, he had begun to activate his own Zen power. He said, "All sentient beings are all. The Zen ancestors had wisdom and virtue, but due to delusion and persistence, they could not attain it.”

This is a classic saying of Zen Taoism, which refers to the fact that everyone has the potential to become a figure like the Zen Patriarch, but due to various reasons, they are unable to achieve such a great achievement.

The main reason is that you are too delusional and too persistent. From the perspective of Zen, it means being attached to the image. If you are too entangled in the image, you cannot be freed from it and look at the problem from a higher perspective...

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