The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1100 Little Rose (1)

Li Yun can be said to have read countless people now. This comment made Xiao Xiang nod his head repeatedly.

It seems that beauties are born every generation, and their appearance not only ages easily, but also faces cruel competition...

Even if there are treasures such as the Beauty Pill and the Beauty Pill, you must continue to make progress in the cultivation of Taoism in order to have the beauty of temperament and Taoism from the inside out, and this is the most critical point.

Otherwise, even if you have a proud appearance, it will be empty inside, just like a vase, which is neither vivid and expressive, but also fragile and easily broken...

The empress of this great beauty empire has an astonishing appearance. Her words, deeds, and smiles are all elegant and generous, while still being naughty and cute as a little girl. These two temperaments are perfectly integrated into one person, and she can kill both men and women, old and young. .

No wonder everyone in the palace was respectful and fond of the Queen, chatting and laughing, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

"Your Majesty, the messenger has news!" A man who looked like a minister hurriedly came to the front of the palace and said respectfully.

"Oh? Which aspect?" The Queen's phoenix voice was also very beautiful.

"Your Majesty, I have two pieces of news. One is that the Da'ang Empire has sent a letter of credence, intending to make peace. They are willing to cede territory and pay compensation in order to get both sides to stop fighting. The second is about that Li Yun." The minister replied.

"Huh? If you have any news about Li Yun, please bring it to us quickly!" The Queen's eyes lit up and she said quickly.

The minister was slightly startled. Unexpectedly, the Queen ignored the Da Yang Empire's request for peace. Instead, she asked about Li Yun first, which showed how much she valued Li Yun.

So he quickly raised the jade slip in his hand high and said, "Your Majesty, this is the news from Tianji Palace sent by the messenger!"


The queen took the jade slip into her hand with a single move of her delicate hands and began to read it carefully.

Naturally, Li Yun also saw this jade slip. It mentioned that he had recently appeared in the spirit flower space between Da Qin and Da Zhou. It seems that this news must have been put up for sale by Fairy Tianya and Xing Suanzi after they returned. , otherwise it wouldn’t be so fresh.

"Not good! Tianji Palace in this world sold this information. I'm afraid that other Tianji Palaces will also sell the same information. Then those Phoenix Clan elites who were deceived by me before to transform the 105th Realm may come back to find me. ..." Li Yun's face changed slightly, and he became a little worried.

"Sir, don't be too anxious! Those people are influenced by your Taoism and come to find you to flirt with. Generally speaking, they don't mess around. The Phoenix Clan elites who have appeared in the lower world in recent times all act alone and do not It did not disturb the normal order of the interface operation," Xiaoxing said.

"Fortunately, they are different from demons and monsters after all, otherwise we would be in big trouble!"

The two chatted while continuing to watch the Queen's movements.

The queen showed excitement on her face, put away the jade slip, and said, "I'm going out for a trip recently, you can figure it out yourself."

"What?!" the minister exclaimed, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Well, the time of my return cannot be determined. As for national affairs, you are the main decision-maker, and you must refer to other people's opinions." The Queen continued.

"Your Majesty... you can't leave! This is the critical period for conquering the Da Yang Empire. If you leave, this war will start..." the minister said quickly.

After hearing the Queen's decision, the officials below also stepped forward to obstruct her and urged her to stay and lead the army in the war.

"You guys? Why are you still fighting? Didn't the Great Yang Empire come to sue for peace? Just agree to them. Now they only have so little space left to linger. It's not worth sacrificing the precious lives of the soldiers to fight. Let them fend for themselves. ." The Queen hummed.

"Yes! I respect your Majesty's order!"

"Okay! Keep going, I'm leaving!"

After the queen finished speaking, she disappeared.

A group of courtiers were left looking at each other with helpless expressions on their faces...

"Haha, this little Feng girl is really straightforward and leaves as soon as she says it. She's so cute!" Xiao Xiang laughed loudly.

"That's right! This colorful world is not in her eyes at all.

Just for fun. "Li Yun agreed.

"In her eyes, how can a colorful world be as attractive as an adult? You see, as soon as she sees news about an adult, she immediately goes to look for it."

"Halo... That's good. We don't have to go to Da Yang Empire. Why don't we just follow her and have a look..."

The Xingyun flagship changed direction and stopped Feng Nu from a distance.

Feng Nu was unaware of this and spread out her body skills to fly gracefully. The colorful clothes on her body were extremely eye-catching.

"Eh? Is this Jiucaiyi?!" Xiao Xiang exclaimed in surprise.

"Nine-colored clothes?! They are indeed much more beautiful than Tianfeng and Xuanfeng's seven-colored clothes!" Li Yun nodded.

"Sir, this nine-colored clothing is a rare treasure in the Feng Realm. Only a few Feng Realm can possess it, and..."

"And what?!"

"These Phoenix Realms all have loose immortals, and they are extremely powerful!" Xiao Xiang said.


Li Yun was startled and quickly thought of the three Fengyu Sanxian Mu Qing, Bai Dan and Guanghui he saw during his last trip to Fengyu.

Xiaoxing said: "Sir, have you noticed that the appearance of this Phoenix girl is somewhat similar to that of Mu Qing?"

"Hmm, not bad...if you look closely, she looks very similar. Even her temperament is similar. Isn't this girl a descendant of Mu Qing?"

"It's very possible! A large number of Phoenix elites in the Purple Gold Phoenix Palace shed Phoenix tears, including three loose immortals. This information should have spread throughout the spiritual world long ago. As a descendant of the loose immortals, there is no reason not to know. Maybe she is the same as the loose immortals. Like Xuan Feng last time, I want to come and see what the adults look like... I'm afraid this kind of story will happen again and again..." Xiao Xing said happily.

"Haha, don't put all your gold in my face, maybe she hates me so much that she wants to avenge her elders!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"How is that possible?! Looking at her like this, she's not here to seek revenge at all." Xiaoxing said.

Li Yun looked over and found that this phoenix girl's pretty face was shining, her expression was urgent but also filled with yearning. She was fanning her nine-colored clothes and flying rapidly in the air, like a fluttering butterfly, incomparably beautiful!

It is indeed impossible to seek revenge. The situation is almost the same as the appearance of Xuan Feng, except that she couldn't find herself after coming to this world, so she started playing alone, and actually created a human world in Dazhou. The empire almost destroyed the Da Yang Empire created by Tu Zhaode!

"Sir, it seems that many people from the Phoenix Clan are heading towards the Spirit Flower Space, and this Phoenix Girl is just one of them." Xiaoxing said.

"Oh? It seems that this news has spread in this world..."

"Yes, I'm afraid they will spread this information to Fengyu, and there will definitely be more people coming by then."

"This is really troublesome!"

Li Yun lamented in his heart. It can be said that this situation has been doomed for a long time. Now he can only take it one step at a time. Fortunately, the Feng people have good nature and are unlikely to cause any major harm to this world. Otherwise, they would not She will be the first choice for many great powers in the spiritual world to recruit slaves and maidservants.

"Xiao Qiang! Why are you here?!"

Suddenly there was a voice in the distance, and a figure rushed over.

"Uncle Jun?!!!" Feng Nu was startled, looked up, and screamed.

I saw that the person who came was extremely handsome and elegant, with a green moustache that grew casually, which further showed his leisurely nature.

She is also wearing a nine-color dress, but the color is slightly different from Xiaoqiang's.

The handsome uncle hummed: "My ancestors were all worried about you, but I didn't expect you to come to the lower world!"

"Gee, my ancestors are sighing all day long. Why are they worried about me? I'm afraid they are worried about Li Yun, right?" Xiao Qiang said with a smile.

"You?! Don't talk nonsense! You can't run around now, you still have to return to Tongmu Realm with me as soon as possible." Uncle Jun said.

"Oh, I'm not going back! I finally had a great time in Dazhou, but I'll be bored to death when I go back!"

"No! If something goes wrong with you, no one will be able to bear the consequences of our ancestors' punishment! Find someone with me first, and then go back with me..."

Uncle Jun said, his spiritual power restrained Xiao Qiang, and they flew forward together...

"Uncle Jun, where are you going? Who are you looking for?" Little Qianghu asked.

"There is a spiritual flower space in front. Let's go there and have a look." Uncle Jun said.

"Linghua Space? Uncle're not here to see Li Yun, are you?" Xiao Qiang said with an ambiguous expression.

"What... Li Yun? I'm just here to find out the information and report it back to my ancestors."

"Hmph, what else are you looking for? I've seen all the information from Tianji Palace. Li Yun is near the Spirit Flower Space. Even if he's not there, he must be in this lower realm. If our ancestors really want to find him, come here. , with his Sanxian spiritual consciousness, he is still afraid that he will not be able to find Li Yun?!"

"This... Having said that, we have to confirm first. The information from Tianji Palace is not inaccurate once or twice."

"Gee, Uncle Jun, please stop hiding it! You followed your ancestors to the Purple-Gold Phoenix Realm that day. With your level of Dao power, you must have been seduced by Li Yun's calligraphy and paintings to tears. Now, I must have come to have a chat with him, right?!" Xiao Qiang smiled, with a small look of pride on her face.

"You?! You're the only one who talks so much! You care so much about Li Yun and even come to this lower realm. Do you think you can hide your thoughts from me?" Uncle Jun said without any sign of weakness.

"I... I'm just a little bit curious..." Xiao Qiang pouted, with a blush on her face.

"You are too young, so don't let your curiosity get you wrong. Don't look at Li Yun's calligraphy and paintings, otherwise..."

"Why don't you look? He is much younger than me!"

"If you don't listen to Lao Feng's words, you will suffer the consequences! If you practice for thousands more years, you still won't be able to catch up to half of Li Yun's current level!" Uncle Jun snorted.

"Impossible! How far can he cultivate in this lower realm? He just has some talent in calligraphy and painting, right?"

"Talent? Can you reach his level with talent alone? You know, even the book fairy Wang Huaixu and the elixir fairy Huang Yimiao were so seduced by his calligraphy and painting that they cried loudly. Can you compare with them?"

"This..." Xiao Qiang couldn't help being stunned.

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