The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1067 Yin Yang Pill

Refining elixirs did not last long. On Lingxian Peak, Li Yun was concentrating on refining elixirs. He almost turned into a hairy man, but his whole body was shining with light, full of charming charm.

There are countless alchemy furnaces around, and medicinal mud is rolling in each furnace, emitting a unique medicinal fragrance...

In the cabinet in the space, various kinds of pills are piled up. There are countless pills, including Yunling Pill, Shaping Pulse Pill, Foundation Establishing Pill, Ningdan Yin, Guiyuan Pill, Golden Vein Pill, Chengying Pill, Transformation Pill, Meishen Pill, etc. Yan Dan, Zhuan Dan, Body Refining Pill, Hidden Spirit Pill, Transformation Pill, Evil-Repelling Pill, Demon-Suppressing Pill, Life-Extension Pill...

This time, Li Yun settled down to make alchemy. He started from scratch, going from easy to difficult, slowly honing his alchemy skills, and gradually achieved amazing results.

Many low-level elixirs can be refined with multiple pills in one furnace or multiple furnaces. It can be said to be refined in batches.

High-level elixirs, such as foundation-building elixirs and above, can also be refined with multiple elixirs in one furnace.

There are also some special elixirs, such as the Beauty Pill, the Beauty Pill, the Body Refining Pill, the Transformation Pill, etc., and the refining methods have finally been figured out.

If you look closely, you can find that the worst of these pills can reach the high-grade level, and most of them are top-grade pills, even much higher than the so-called top-grade pills.

Of course, those waste elixirs and inferior ones that appeared during the trial have been recovered by the swallowing mouth.

At this time, what is being refined in the main furnace in front of you is a pill that Li Yunzheng tried. This is an pill that is extremely important to Yin-Yang monks. It is called "Yin-Yang Pill". From the appearance of this pill, Half of it is black, half of it is white, connected head to tail, quite like a Bagua pattern of two fish, one black and one white, spinning in circles.

The Yin-Yang Pill plays an important role in helping the monks to attack the Yin-Yang realm. With its assistance, once the impact is successful, the monk's physical and spiritual power will have a great breakthrough. At the same time, the hidden factors in the body can be stimulated to a certain extent, so that The internal environment is relatively balanced. For example, the female factors in male monks can be stimulated, and vice versa.

With the relative balance of the internal environment, one's own bloodline level can also be improved, laying the foundation for future impact on the out-of-body realm, Nirvana realm, and Mahayana realm, and even preparing for the construction of the internal space world.

This is the pill pill that Li Yun got from some slaves. After Xiao Xing's analysis and research, he worked out the pill recipe and refined it.

The raw materials of medicinal materials are naturally available in the Tianyun world, and there are more than 10,000 varieties. Each one requires research on how to refine it, as well as the sequence.

With the previous accumulation, Li Yun now takes his time when refining. He has great experience in which items to refine first, which items to refine together, and finally how to prevent spiritual explosions.

The spiritual consciousness is divided into countless fine strands, and each strand accurately grasps the medicine and refines the medicinal mud in the corresponding alchemy furnace.

There is a strange fire under each alchemy furnace. The levels of strange fires vary from level one to level five, with different colors. At a glance, Lingxian Peak is dotted with colorful stars. It is simply another strange place. starry sky.

The medicinal mud is rolling in the furnace, emitting different medicinal smells. By distinguishing the color and medicinal smell of the medicinal mud, you can basically judge the degree of refining. All kinds of information are pouring in!

Li Yun closed his eyes and used his consciousness to grab the medicinal mud from each sub-furnace and put it into the main alchemy furnace in front of him. He continued to fuse it. The ball of medicinal mud rolled bigger and bigger, became more and more fragrant, and became hotter and hotter. , some spiritual explosions appear from time to time, causing waves of spiritual power...

These spiritual explosions are all within controllable range, otherwise the furnace would have exploded long ago.

Finally, the mud ball rolled into a ball, slowly taking on black and white colors, spinning constantly, and exuding an unprecedented fragrance...

"smell good!"

Li Yun couldn't help but scream, smelling such a charming fragrance,

It’s hard not to think about it.

"Congratulations, sir! The Yin-Yang Pill has finally been made!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"It's not easy! How long has it been?" Li Yun asked.

"It takes one year to refine this elixir!"

"One year?!" Li Yun exclaimed.

I didn't expect time to be so fragile. It took a year to refine one pill.

"Sir, what you have made is the best Yin-Yang Pill. It only takes a year. It is not that long. There are records that if a God Transformer wants to ask an alchemist to refine the Yin-Yang Pill, it will take nearly a hundred years to prepare the medicinal materials alone. Hundreds of years! As for the alchemist's time to refine this elixir, it will take as little as three to five years and as much as more than ten years. However, the grade of the elixir obtained may be extremely low, or even if the elixir fails, all of it will be lost. It turns into nothing, which is also the main reason why 'it is easy to transform into a god, but it is difficult to achieve Yin and Yang'!" Xiaoxing said.

"Well, that's right. Transformation into a god can be achieved by relying on one's own talent, but it is almost impossible to advance to the Yin-Yang realm without huge financial support! The Yin-Yang Pill is extremely important for the transformation into a god to advance to the Yin-Yang realm. It can be said to be a must-have. This elixir is worth a lot of money, and it probably takes a year to refine it. In the future, as you become more proficient, the time required will definitely be shortened a lot." Li Yun mused.

"Of course! For adults, as long as the first elixir is refined, it means that the most difficult level has been overcome. The success rate in the future will definitely increase greatly, and even reach a 100% success rate, just like It’s the same as the evil-proofing pill, the evil-suppressing pill, and the life-extending pill.”

"Haha, I'm quite confident about this!" Li Yun said, finally showing a rare smile on his face.

"Eh?! There's a spirit?!"

The two shouted almost simultaneously.

I saw this newly refined Yin-Yang Pill suddenly rushing out of the furnace and escaping to the sky!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Li Yun laughed wildly.

It seems that this Yin-Yang Pill is not only a top-quality pill, but also a treasure that contains the spirit of the pill. Its value is inestimable!

With a thought in his mind, the Yin-Yang Pill that had escaped to nowhere returned to the palm of Li Yun's hand, spinning rapidly, black and white, like two flying fish spinning in circles, it was extremely beautiful!

"Sir, if this pill were swallowed by a slave who transformed into a god, it would be difficult for him to become a Yin-Yang monk!" Xiaoxing said happily.

"Yes, as long as you reach the late stage of spiritual transformation and swallow this spiritual Yin-Yang Pill, you can easily advance to the Yin-Yang realm, let alone become a peak spiritual transformation monk!" Li Yun agreed.

He put away the first Yin-Yang Pill and was about to continue refining it when Xiaoxing said: "Sir, why don't you take a rest and recuperate before refining the elixir. Moreover, it has been nearly five hundred years since this elixir was refining. The palace is turning around!”

"Five hundred years?!" Li Yun was shocked.

"Hehe, the outside world is only fifty days! However, the Universiade Palace is now set one day and one year. It has been fifty years. The slaves are eager to see the adults!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"That's it! It's's okay. I didn't expect that after refining alchemy for five hundred years, my cultivation level...gosh! I'm already at the peak of the seventh level of Yin-Yang Realm!"

"Hehe, sir, you have been promoted to three levels in a row, you should celebrate it!" Xiaoxing teased.

"Halo... why are you celebrating? I'm worried that the price will rise too fast!" Li Yun sighed.

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much about your cultivation. It's just that the silk of Daoyun on your body has increased dramatically. There are already 120,000! Among them, the silk of vitality has reached nearly 90,000! If it weren't for the little slave who upgraded the immortal robe Three times, I’m afraid you won’t be able to walk the mysterious spirit anymore!”

Li Yun was speechless for a long time and was in a daze for a while. Then he suddenly woke up and asked urgently: "Where is the silk of fairy charm?"

"Your Majesty's Immortal Yun Silk and Dao Yun Silk have grown simultaneously, with an increase of more than ten times. The current Immortal Yun Silk is more than two hundred!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Oh my god!!!" Li Yun screamed.

Unexpectedly, he had grown to such an extent without knowing it. This kind of Taoism was enough to easily convince a loose immortal. Even an ordinary immortal would probably not be much better.

It can be said that as long as he is willing, he can put away the sloppy beard of the immortal who is still refining alchemy in the Thunder Dragon Realm, because he only has a dozen or so immortal charms on his body, and to him now, he is completely an ordinary immortal.

Thinking of this, Li Yun quickly asked Xiaoxing.

"Sir, Lei Mo just came to the Universiade Palace a few days ago to purchase goods. He said that the sloppy beard was still refining elixirs in the Thunder Dragon Realm. Mu Hanfei from the Senlong Clan was his test subject and was tortured to death, as well as the loose immortals from the Yaolong Clan. Tu Yide, Miaolong Clan Sanxian Shui Sirou, and Dragon Domain Lord Ao Changtian were also captured by him for experiments, and now they are all living in dire straits!" Xiaoxing said with a smile.

"Haha! This is so interesting! I wonder how effective the elixir he made is?" Li Yunle said.

"It seemed to be effective at first, but later it was proved that his elixir could not kill the plague, but only temporarily suppressed it! Moreover, those soul insects seemed to have developed antibodies after adapting to the power of his medicine, and now they are not afraid of his elixir at all. ”

"Is that so?!" Li Yun was startled.

"Sir, there is a shadow stone as proof!"

Xiaoxing took out all the photo stones that Lei Mo brought over. There were quite a few, and they were piled into a small pile.

Li Yun browsed quickly, looked at it for a while, and finally couldn't help laughing.

The slovenly bearded man had so many strange ways of treating people. The four dragon immortals turned into four little bugs in his hands, trampling them at will, cutting off pulses, bleeding, searching for souls, catching insects, testing elixirs, roasting with fire, immersing in water, and blowing in the wind. ,freezing…

Even though the four of them were extremely powerful loose immortals of the Dragon Clan, under the combined use of these internal and external methods, these four of them were already dying, groaning, and no longer as energetic as before!

This also opened Li Yun's eyes. Sloppy Beard's medical skills were really good. If the soul worms were not too special, he could easily cure even the most severe diseases, let alone ordinary plagues.

Moreover, his alchemy techniques are also rich and diverse. Although the image stone can only record the external techniques, which are still vague, but under Xiaoxing's decomposition and analysis, most of them can still be clearly restored and displayed.

This was of great benefit to Li Yun in improving his alchemy skills, which made him overjoyed!

I'm afraid Sloppy Beard didn't expect that these techniques of his could be analyzed by others. Otherwise, he wouldn't have left those shadow stones there...

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