The Legend of Immortal Yun

Chapter 1056 The Sky and the Tao (5)

Ling Daozi passed through all the way and entered the top ten without a single blow. This has never happened before in the history of the Qingwu camp. No wonder Fairy An Dai's pretty face turned pink when she saw it, and she was so excited in her heart. It was so exciting. Indescribable!

The chess masters from the three camps of Piaoxue, Feiyan and Runyu all wanted to stop Ling Daozi. Unfortunately, as soon as they encountered Ling Daozi, he was wiped out and fell into the sand, killing Shen Youxi, Qinghong, Yan Ruoxu, Zhou Guinian and others. It was jaw-dropping!

Xia Kurong, Qi Zhenzi, Feng Qingyuan...all were easily defeated by Ling Daozi. In the final, a chess master named Wang Hua was the first person in the previous Tianqiong Lundao chess competition. It can be said that he is the best The number one person in Zhou Qi Dao comes from the Piaoxue camp.

However, Wang Hua's momentum along the way cannot be compared with Ling Daozi. Instead, he went through hard battles and racked his brains to enter the finals. Speaking of which, it was actually extremely lucky for him to enter this finals, because, let alone with Ling Daozi was playing chess. Even if he met Feng Qingyuan first, he would definitely not be able to win. However, Feng Qingyuan was unlucky and drew Ling Daozi first, and he ended up surrendering within a hundred moves.

After watching Ling Daozi's game, Wang Hua knew that his chess skills were far inferior to Ling Daozi's. At this moment, when he was facing off against Ling Daozi, his momentum was weaker by several levels. Not long after the start, Wang Hua landed a piece very simply. In the corner of the chessboard, just admit defeat!


The whole audience was stunned and screamed.

However, if you think about it carefully, Wang Hua's move is definitely a smart move. Instead of being carried out bloody, it would be better to admit defeat in advance. It is not a shameful thing now!

"Ling Daozi! Ling Daozi!! Ling Daozi!!!"

Everyone in the Qingwu camp screamed wildly, extremely excited!

Ling Daozi became famous in one battle and easily earned a lot of points for the Qingwu camp, which made Fairy Andai and others feel confident and their expectations soared.

With Ling Daozi's astonishing Taoist attainments in chess, it is not an extravagant wish to earn more points for the Qingwu camp in the following competitions, but is very possible.

People from the Qingwu camp were not the only ones to understand this. Countless spectators at the scene were completely impressed by Ling Daozi and gave their screams and admiration.

Xiaoxing could already see that many light points of faith were flying everywhere, flying towards Ling Daozi one after another, making him look more attractive.

In the Qingwu camp, there are many handsome men and beautiful women, because Qingwu Academy does not have the comprehensive strength like the other three universities and reserves talents in various projects. Instead, it mainly focuses on dance and music. People in the academy usually mainly focus on dancing and music. He mainly practices dance, music, singing, spiritual flowers and other sports, and his appearance and figure are quite outstanding. However, after Ling Daozi appeared, he immediately attracted the attention of the camp to himself and became the focus. Lian An Fairy Dai pales in comparison and feels ashamed!

The young lady is as skinny as a star teller, the beauties are like Ming Kongzi, Xiong Bing and Wang Yi, the monsters are like Boqiu, and the beauties are like Fairy Andai and Fairy Xiangyun. When they see Ling Daozi at this moment, their faces are full of shame. Unexpectedly There is such a perfect person in the world, who can almost be compared with Li Yun!

However, Li Yun's charm lies more in the rich and substantial light of Dao Yun and Immortal Yun in him. In terms of appearance alone, he is probably far less beautiful than Ling Daozi!

"Hehe, sir, it seems that the image of the little slave is not bad. It has fascinated these people almost to death!" said.

"Haha, if your image doesn't achieve the effect, that would be weird! You know, this is your final image that combines the advantages of nearly ten billion faces and figures. It can no longer be called the best of the best, but excellence. No matter how outstanding you are, the best of the best, it is unlikely that there will be anyone more beautiful than you on the Xuanling Continent!" Li Yun said with a smile.

"This... Sir, are you saying that there might be someone more beautiful than Xiaonu outside Xuanling Continent?" Xiaoxing was startled.

"Of course! There are no absolutes in the world. The universe outside the Xuanling Continent is vast, and it is impossible to imagine what kind of life forms there are. Besides, if you can fuse tens of billions of faces and figures, then others can also fuse hundreds of billions of faces and figures. Even trillions of faces and bodies…”

"What you said makes sense! It seems that Ling Daozi still has huge room for improvement. Xiaonu will not give up on reforming him!" Xiaoxing said in a deep voice.

Li Yun was startled and said in shock: "You... there is no need. Ling Daozi's charm is enough to charm a large number of people. Aren't you satisfied?"

"Hehe, everyone has a love for beauty! In the previous universe, those handsome men and beautiful women did not hesitate to spend huge amounts of money in order to become more beautiful, even cutting off their bones and skin. Compared with them, the slave wants to It’s much easier to become more beautiful, just spend more time and collect more information!”

Xiaoxing's words reminded Li Yun of the huge beauty transformation industry in the previous universe, and he quite agreed with it. Because the cost of Xiaoxing's desire to become beautiful was too small, there was no need to restrict him.

He pondered: "What you said makes sense. If the beauty transformation industry in the former universe was placed in Xuanling Continent, there might be a huge market."

"Sir, if people in Xuanling Continent want to beautify themselves, they rely more on beauty pills and the improvement of Taoist power and cultivation. The cost will be greater than in the previous universe. If you want to develop this market, you only need to study Just take some elixirs such as the Beauty Pill and the Beauty Pill." said.

"Beauty Pills and Beauty Pills...yes, there is indeed a broad market for this type of pills. In fact, the life-extending pills I refined also have the same effect and are even more valuable. It seems that we need to collect more pills. Let’s open up the elixir market." Li Yun agreed.

"Of course! Huang Yimiao has created a miracle of wealth with a few elixirs. If we can have more and better elixirs, the wealth will definitely come rolling in."

"Well, if you want to have more and better elixirs, you not only need elixir prescriptions, but also the supply of medicinal materials and refining capabilities. This matter needs to be planned early!" Li Yun thought.

"Sir, we have basically controlled this world. We have countless large formations, large spiritual fields, and the continent in the Chaotic Sea for development and utilization. Why not plan to use them all to plant medicinal herbs and spiritual flowers and make them ours? Medicinal material base!”

When Li Yun heard this, his eyes lit up and he said happily: "Okay! That's it!"

Xiaoxing's suggestion makes people excited just thinking about it. Just on the continent of Chaotic Sea, as long as a large array is built and spiritual energy is gathered, countless medicinal materials can be cultivated. Although its level is definitely not as good as Tianyun World, but The advantage is that it has a huge area and a huge output. It is a good supplementary base for the output of Tianyun World!

Soon, the Universiade Palace issued this mission to find a suitable place in the chaotic sea to establish an array, develop spiritual fields, and plant medicinal herbs.

This plan does not conflict with the original cultivation of demon shells, because the demon shells are cultivated in a scattered manner, and can be continued to be cultivated in the formation, at the same time as the planting of medicinal herbs, and the utilization rate of the chaotic sea area will undoubtedly be greatly improved!

The slaves in the palace discovered this task and came to take it one after another. Especially those who had previously taken over the task of cultivating demon shells in the chaotic sea were even more excited, because this was a task that killed two birds with one stone and could speed up their points acquisition.

During this time, Li Yun was paying attention to the progress of Tianqiong Lundao while practicing at Lingxian Peak. Three hundred years had passed and he felt that his cultivation was about to break through again. In order to avoid the hidden dangers caused by too rapid growth, he simply came to the Universiade Palace. Turn around.

Xiaoxiang and Xiaodong quickly joined him and played with him in the palace.

After not coming for a long time, Li Yun found that there were not many people in the palace, most of them were performing tasks outside, so the market seemed a bit deserted. However, the musical instrument shop in Jitan, as well as Chun Yuzi, Xia Huizi, Qiu Shuozi and The dance hall opened by the Ice Tribe's great masters is still doing very well, and almost all the slaves here go there to practice every day.

"By the way, Ji Tan is said to be Ji Yan's ancestor, and Ji Yan is currently in the Tianqionglun Taoist Stand. Why not let Ji Tan watch this competition with him."

Li Yun thought of this, confirmed the matter with Ji Tan in his mind, and found that Ji Tan was really Ji Yan's ancestor, and he was also a direct descendant, but Ji Tan later came to the garden of the spirit world and paid less attention to the affairs of this world.

Ji Tan quickly closed the musical instrument store and started shopping with Li Yun.

Thinking that Tianqionglun Dao was currently holding a dance competition, Li Yun simply called Chun Yuzi and others, as well as all the slaves here, to the Universiade Palace and held a banquet. dance path.

The master's impromptu decision made these slaves overjoyed and burst into laughter.

The pas de deux of a pair of contestants from the Qingwu camp was playing on the light screen. The man was handsome and the woman was beautiful. Their costumes were extremely gorgeous and they danced gracefully, like two butterflies dancing in the air!

Said: "This is a two-person dance competition. It must be a man and a woman, but as long as one party has the power, they can participate. Dance is the advantage of the Qingwu camp. The male of this pair of contestants is Qing Doudou and the female is An Liping. , the power of dance is extraordinary!"

Everyone watched carefully and found that not only did the two people match each other in appearance, but they were also very compatible in terms of Taoism. The water rippled and the fire burned fiercely during the dance, which turned out to be a dance of water and fire!

An Liping, dressed in a lake blue water robe, and Qing Doudou, dressed in a red fire robe, cooperated tacitly in the air, with them as the center, dancing to create a beautiful scene of fire making water and water making fire. People can't help but admire this rare sight. The beauty of dance!

Everyone in the audience was mesmerized and could not take their eyes away.

Chun Yuzi and others were masters of the expedition dance, but when they saw the human race dancing like this, they were greatly impressed and praised it.

In comparison, the dances of the human race are more beautiful, while the dances of the wind and ice tribes are more rough. The two sides have almost completely opposite styles. If the expedition dances of the wind and ice tribes appear in the Tianqiong Dao Arena, The collision between the two sides will be extremely fierce!

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